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Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-253 |
Evaluation the durable resistance of soybean varieties toward leaf rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Fitya Anggraeni.R (a), A. Dinda Namirah Sarilla (a), Baharuddin patendjengi (a*), Hamdayanty Hamdayanty (a)
a) Plant pest and Disease Departemet, Agriculture Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
The main disease of soybean plants is leaf rust caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi which can cause a decrease in the yield of up to 60% and has the potential to reduce seed quality. The use of resistant varieties is the main component of rust disease control. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of resistance of several soybean varieties to rust disease caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi and its effect on the production of each variety. This study used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatment varieties and 3 replications which were analyzed using variance (ANOVA). To evaluate the resistance reaction of soybean varieties to rust disease, the IWGSR system was used, as the intensity level of the disease and its effect on the production of each tested soybean variety. The results showed that the Detap 1 variety counted the lowest disease intensity of 22.84% with a susceptible disease reaction and had high productivity, followed by the Agromulyo, Anjasmoro, and Devon 1 varieties which categorised a mildly susceptible disease reaction with a disease intensity of 25.34%, 27.46% and 28.70% respectively. The Derap 1 and Edamame varieties had a high disease intensity of 35.18% and 29.31% with susceptible disease reactions. The production of the highest number of pods was the Agromulyo variety. The highest production of seed weight per plant and 100 seed weight was in Detap 1 varieties.
Keywords: variety resistance, soybean, leaf rust, production, Edamame
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| Corresponding Author (Fitya Anggraeni.R)
272 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-254 |
Morpho-Physiological Characterization of Bacterial Grain Rot in Rice Seed from Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Andi Alfian Darmawan (a), Tutik Kuswinanti (a*), Asman Asman (a)
a) Plant Pest and Disease Department, Agriculture Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bacterial Grain Rot caused by Burkholderia glumae is an important disease on rice. In South Sulawesi, this seed-borne pathogen has been detected in several places. There were some reports from the farmers regarding rice yield loss due to this disease. This study aimed to isolate and characterize morpho-physiologically bacterium causing grain rot of rice in the main rice-producing areas of Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. Samples were obtained from 10 districts. Several grains of rice were isolated and grown in King^s B medium. Morphological characteristics were determined by the color, form, edge, and elevation of colonies. KOH solubility, catalase test, anaerobic growth, toxoflavin production assay, production of fluorescent pigment, and colony color on YDC medium were performed to determine physiological characteristics. One isolate from each area was found which have similar morphological traits of B. glumae. Colonies that were yellow, yellowish white, creamy white, and greyish white, with a circular form, entire edge, and convex elevation. The result of physiological characterization showed that all isolates tested positive for KOH solubility and catalase test as well. All isolates showed negative reactions for anaerobic growth, production of fluorescent pigment, and colony color on YDC medium. 5 isolates were able to produce yellow pigment (toxoflavin), so it can be concluded that all of the isolates that have been characterized morpho-physiologically are presumably confirmed as B. glumae.
Keywords: Bacterial Grain Rot- Burkholderia glumae- Morphophysiological characterization
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| Corresponding Author (Andi Alfian Darmawan)
273 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-257 |
Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume Diversity Based on Morphological characteristics in South Sulawesi Muh Aswad Ashan (a*,b), Abd. Haris B. (a), Reflinur (c), Muh Dzulkifly Ashan (d), Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah (e)
a) Department of Agronomy, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
b) Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Graduate School of IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor 11680, Indonesia
c) Research Center for Genetic Engineering, Research Organization for Life Science and Environment, National Research and Innovation Agency. Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia
d) Department of Plantation, Pangkep State of Agriculture, 90761 Pangkep, Indonesia
e) Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science, International college, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is an alternative carbohydrate source plant that contains the highest glucomannan among other Amorphophallus species in Indonesia. Amorphophallus muelleri Blume is an important species of the genus Amorphophallus, which belongs to the same subspecies A. bulbifer and A. yuloensis. A. muelleri Blume has good disease resistance and heat tolerance tendency, and high KGM content. Kinship relationships can be used as a basis for assembling more potential genotypes. To find out the kinship between existing varieties we must exploration and identify. This research was carried out using qualitative methods analysed in the numerical taxonomy and multivariate analysis system version 2.02i (NTSYS) program. The genetic materials used in this study were explored from wild growing habitat in agroforestry areas in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results obtained that the MR6 and BL10 genotypes which had a similarity coefficient value of 1.00, between genotypes MR4, MR9, MR10, BT4 and BT10 had a similarity coefficient value of 1.00, between genotypes BT5 and BT7 have a similarity coefficient value of 1.00, and between genotypes BT1, BT2, BT9 have a similarity coefficient value of 1.00.
Keywords: Porang, Amorphophallus, Morphological, Diversity
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| Corresponding Author (Muh Aswad Ashan)
274 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-261 |
Heritability and correlation of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) using Line x Tester crosses ahmi Sahaka (a*), Azmi Nur Karimah Amas (a), Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah (c,d), Yunus Musa (b), Muh Farid BDR (b), Muhammad Fuad Anshori
a) Program of Agrotechnology, Graduate School, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
c) Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science, International College, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
d) Department of Agronomy, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Abstract. Testing of lines crossed with superior varieties makes it easier for plant breeders to develop hybrid maize. This study aims to determine heritability, genetic diversity and correlation in F1 maize from line x tester crosses. This research was conducted at the Bajeng Experimental Garden, Serelalia Research Institute, Pabentengan, Bajeng District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research was arranged in Line x Tester Cross Design and Randomized Block Design as environmental design. Research factors Information on genetic variance, heritability, and correlation between parameters. Stem diameter (61.00%), ear length (88.62%), ear diameter (68.79%), and production (86.74%) showed high heritability values. The high heritability value indicates the effectiveness of the breeding program. Production parameters were highly correlated with plant height, stem diameter, and ear length parameters. The conclusion of this study is that the characters that have a positive correlation can be used in the synthetic corn development program.
Keywords: line, tester, heritability, correlation, genetic variance.
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| Corresponding Author (Fahmj Sahaka)
275 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-269 |
Yield Test of Hybrid Watermelon as A Result of Reciprocal Crosses in The Lowlands Field (Lampung-Indonesia) Anung Wahyudi (a*), Miranda Ferwita Sari (a), Irsan Rajamin (b), Mustika Arsri (b)
a) Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 10, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung 35144, Lampung, Indonesia. *anung[at]polinela.ac.id
b) PT. Habibi Digital Nusantara. Gading Regency, Jl. Gading Utama Timur no.20, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
The watermelon plant (Citrullus lanatus) belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Watermelon has a sweet taste and is in great demand by the people of Indonesia. One of the efforts to increase the productivity of watermelon plants is to use superior seeds that have high yields. This study aimed to test the yield of six hybrid watermelon lines resulting from reciprocal crosses compared with two commercial hybrid varieties. This research was conducted at the Seed Teaching Farm (STEFA) Politeknik Negeri Lampung. This study used a non-factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), consisting of six hybrid lines (WM21100401, WM21100803, WM21100616, WM21100608, WM21101011, and WM21100412) with check varieties (Bonita F1 and Red Dragon) which is repeated three times. Data analysis in this study used the F.test, then continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at the 5% level. The results showed that the hybrid lines with the highest yield were found in the WM21100412 line with a fruit length 27,93 cm, fruit width 16,51 cm, fruit weight 4 kg, productivity 40,97 ton/ha, level of sweetness 9,66 brix, the character of the fruit is oval shape and has yellow flesh. This watermelon hybrid line has significant different with others genotype and has the potential for registration and release of a new superior watermelon variety with yellow flesh type and high productivity.
Keywords: Hybrid, New Lines, Variety, Watermelon
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| Corresponding Author (Anung Wahyudi)
276 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-273 |
Agro-morphological Characteristics, anthocyanin, and sweetness level of Yardlong bean genotypes (Vigna unguiculata (L.) ssp. sesquipedalis) Ihsanto, T. D, F. Kusmiyati, S. Anwar, M. G. A. Sas, and F. P. Putra
Agroecotechnology Program, Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University
Plant characterization is one of the activities in plant breeding before the variety can be register. In the previous study we have done to crossed two parents between Fagiola with Aura Hijau and Fagiola with Super Putih. In this study we aimed to evaluate characters of progenies (F7) yardlong bean from Fagiola x Aura Hijau and Fagiola x Super Putih. The research was conducted in Sumawono District, Semarang, Central Java. The experiment applied a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with genotype as the single factor. Observations were focus on plant characterization included leaf characteristics, flower characteristics, pods characteristics, sweetness level of pods, anthocyanin level on pods and also agronomic traits. The result showed there is a difference at leaf color, leaf stalk length, leaf width, corolla color, petal color, flower stroke color, pistil color, pods length, pods end color, pods color, pods texture, sweetness level and anthocyanin level. Hybridization made improvement on sweetness level of red/purple-podded than the parent purple podded.
Keywords: Agronomic traits, anthocyanin, pod color, F7 progeny
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| Corresponding Author (Florentina Kusmiyati)
277 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-286 |
The Role of Cytokinins BA in the Regeneration of Mulu Bebe Banana Planlets In Vitro Fitrianadewi Pasang (a), Muh. Riadi (b)*, Amirullah Dachlan (b)
a) Master Degree Student, Agro-technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia.
b) Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia.
*Corresponding authors email : riadimuh[at]yahoo.co.id
Banana is a type of local fruit that has the potential to become a leading commodity. Mulu Bebe bananas are local bananas in Indonesia originating from North Maluku. Banana cultivation is constrained by the lack of availability of seed sources. Tissue culture techniques are expected to produce seeds en masse relatively quickly. This study aims to determine the effect of various concentration levels of the appropriate BA growth regulator in regenerating mulu bebe banana plantlets in vitro. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Bio-Science and Plant Reproductive Biotechnology, Teaching Industry, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 3 treatment levels, namely BA (0 ppm, 3.5 ppm, and 7 ppm). Further tests were carried out with the Honest Significant Difference (HSD)/ Tuckey 0.05 test. The results showed that the treatment of BA administration at various concentrations had a significant effect on the number of shoots and number of leaves but had no significant effect on the number of roots.
Keywords: Mulu Bebe banana: BA :regeneration:plantlet: in vitro.
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| Corresponding Author (Fitrianadewi Pasang)
278 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-287 |
PHENOTYPE CHARACTER OF KATOKKON CHILI PEPPER (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) RESULTS OF POLYPLOIDIZATION WITH KOLKISIN Novitasari (a), Rinaldi Sjahril (b*), Muhammad Riadi (c), Katriani Mantja (c), Astina Tambung (c), Fifi Noviany (b), Putri Ramadani (d)
a) Master student, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
b) Laboratory of Plant Bioscience and Reproduction Biotechnology, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. *rinaldi.sjahril[at]gmail.com
c) Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
d) Bachelor student, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The formation of new varieties of katokkon chili pepper through breeding was carried out in this study to obtain superior and quality crop yields. This study aims to determine the effect of the phenotypic characters of katokkon chili pepper resulting from polyploidization with colchicine. The study was conducted at the Malino Horticulture Seed Plantation Installation, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi at an altitude of 1047 m above sea level. Katokkon chili polyploidy was induced by soaking katokkon chili sprouts in 0%, 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.2% colchicine solution for 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours of soaking time. The results showed that treatment with 0.1% colchicine concentration and 48 hours of soaking time and 0.2% colchicine concentration and 24 and 48 hours does not cause any effect on the characters of length, width and thickness while on the characters of leaf color and the shape of the crown branching it can be seen that there is a difference in the color of the older leaves and the irregular shape of the leaves.
Keywords: Colchicine induction- katokkon chili peppers- Polyploidy- Tana Toraja
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| Corresponding Author (Novitasari Novitasari)
279 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-34 |
Yield performance and agronomic characteristics of several candidate hybrid maize varieties on uncultivated land Ahmad Muliadi, Slamet Bambang Priyanto, Roy Efendi
Research Center for Food Crops-BRIN
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong 16911, Indonesia
Corn is currently a strategic and dominant national commodity used as raw material for animal feed. Domestic market demand and export opportunities for corn commodities tend to increase from year to year. This situation is a potential market opportunity for farmers in cultivating corn. This research was conducted in Bone Regency to know the yield potential of several hybrid maize on uncultivated land, using a randomized block design, 4 replications, plot area of 3 x 5 m, and spacing of 70 x 20 cm. The material used consisted of 4 hybrids and 2 comparison varieties. The results showed that the hybrid R01603 (11.61 t ha-1) showed the highest grain yield and was not significantly different from the comparison varieties. This result was supported by the character of the number of rows of seeds per ear, the length of the ear, and the diameter of the ear. To get hybrid corn with a high grain yield, these characteristics need to be considered.
Keywords: P: hybrid corn, no-tillage, seed yield
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| Corresponding Author (Ahmad Muliadi)
280 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-43 |
Seed Purity Assessment of Two Local Upland Rice Cultivars of Southeast Sulawesi Based on Agronomic Characteristics T Wijayanto1, Suryaningsih1, A Setiawan1, R Mandia1, Syafirah1, Ismail1, D Boer1, M A Arsyad1, N M Rahni1, L A Dedu2, Asniah3, W S A Hisein3, and V N Satrah3
1Department of Agrotechnology, University of Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
2Department of Agribusiness, University of Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
3Department of Plant Protection, University of Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
This research intended to purify upland rice seeds that have presumably been unintentionally mixed with various types of rice seeds, causing decreased quality or nature of the superior upland rice cultivars. Seed purification effort is needed to restore the purity of the seeds of promising local upland rice cultivars. The second long term goal of this research was to produce basic pure seeds, that are required for further breeding programs, and/or for the purpose of releasing new varieties. This study was the second generation of purification effort, aimed to further select the same or uniform agronomic characteristics of the local upland rice cultivars in each seed lot. Similar with the first generation, the experiment used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 15 seed lots as treatment and each seed lot consisted of 3 ^grids^ (replications). This research was conducted at the Field Laboratory, Experimental Garden II, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University. Data were analyzed using variance, and qualitative characters were converted to binary data and analyzed by the NTSYS program. If there is a significant effect, then proceed with the Scott Knott group test (α- = 0.05). The results showed several characters (i.e., plant height, leaf number, and tiller number etc.) of the two rice cultivars were seem more uniform as compared to the first generation of purification. This indicates that the seeds are gradually purer.
Keywords: purification, uniformity, vegetative characters
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| Corresponding Author (Teguh Wijayanto)
281 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-62 |
Genetic Variability, Heritability, and Correlation of Hybrids Maize Agronomy Characters Adaptive to Dry Land, Medium Plains Karlina Syahruddin and Suwardi
Research Center for Food Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, KM. 46, Cibinong, Bogor, West Java 16911 Indonesia
The selection of hybrid maize plants that adapt to dry land in the medium plains is very important considering the very widely available such land in Indonesia, so the existence of adaptive varieties is needed. Information on agronomic characters of adaptive hybrid maize is the basic information for character selection to make the breeding program more effective. The study aims to determine the genetic variability, heritability, and correlation of hybrid maize agronomic characters tested in dry land of medium plains. The genetic material used 22 maize hybrids, arranged in randomized block design with 3 replications. The experiment was carried out in Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi from June to September 2021. The results showed the characters that were strongly influenced by the environment were ear position height, stem diameter, male and female flowering time and shelling percentage. The characters of stem diameter, male and female flowering time, and shelling percentage can be used for selection characters in the advanced generations. The characters that had significantly positively correlated with yield characters were plant height, leaf width, ear diameter, harvested ear weight, and weight of 1000 kernels, while the character that had negatively correlated with yield was kernel moisture content.
Keywords: maize breeding, selection characters, environment effect
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| Corresponding Author (Karlina Syahruddin Syahruddin)
282 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-71 |
Windmill Electric Energy in Tilapia Seed Biofloc for Tilapia-Rice Intercropping Cultivation in Rice Fields Ari Kuncoro*, Zarochman, Suparman Sasmita, Zainal Wassahua
Fisheries Research Center - National Research and Innovation Agency
Jalan Raya Bogor KM. 46 Cibinong, Nanggewer Mekar Kab. Bogor
Farmers own paddy fields to grow rice, but the income from rice harvests is often unsatisfactory. One way to improve it is to use paddy fields to cultivate tilapia using the tilapia-rice intercropping method, because tilapia has high potential and economic value. However, tilapia seeds are often difficult to obtain, making it difficult for farmers who are about to start intercropping. For this reason, farmers can make independent efforts to get tilapia seeds using biofloc ponds, because tilapia is easy to breed. Tilapia hatchery with biofloc system and tilapia culture with intercropping method. It would be even more efficient to use renewable energy sources with windmills to support the need for electrical energy for aeration equipment in bioflocs, automatic feeding devices for bioflocs and mina-rice systems, as well as for lighting in biofloc and mina-paddy fields because of the location of many rice fields. which is not reachable by PLN electricity. This study aims to design a tilapia hatchery biofloc system for tilapia cultivation using the intercropping method, which is supported by a windmill electrical energy system. This research uses descriptive analysis method through literature study and observation of the biofloc system and paddy fields as well as the electrical energy system from windmills. The results showed that the biofloc system had a diameter of 2.5 meters and a height of 1 meter supported by aeration equipment with a brood density of 2 tilapia/m2. The rice field used is 1000 m2 wide, which is able to enter 100 to 150 tilapia seeds/m2. From the biofloc system and the tilapia-rice intercropping system, a windmill and a device with a power of 1000 watts were designed. The results of this study are expected to add a reference for farmers in increasing their income without having to increase the area of ​-​-land they have and easy to handle their electricity needs.
Keywords: Farmer- Biofloc- Windmills
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| Corresponding Author (Ari Kuncoro)
283 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-84 |
Selection of ssr markers for assembling tungro-resistant rice varieties adaptive to swampland Rini Ismayanti, Effi Alfiani Siddik, Firmansyah Firmansyah, Khaerana Khaerana, Nur Rosida, Wasis Senoaji, Elisurya Ibrahim
Food Crop Research Centre, BRIN
Tungro disease is found in several swamps in Indonesia, but adaptive tungro-resistant varieties in swamps to prevent the spread of tungro disease are not yet available. Therefore, it is necessary to assemble new varieties that are specific to swamps by utilizing SSR molecular markers as a tool to facilitate selection. The purpose of this study was to determine the SSR primer that can distinguish resistant and susceptible varieties to tungro disease which is used as the parent of the cross. The parents used in the crosses were Inpara 2 as swamp adaptive elders, Tukad Petanu, Utri Merah 16680, and Utri Merah 16682 as tungro resistant parents. Thus, three cross combinations were obtained, namely Inpara 2 with Tukad Petanu, Inpara 2 with Utri Merah 16680, and Inpara 2 with Utri Merah 16682. A total of 14 pairs of SSR primers were used in this study. The CTAB method is used to isolate the total DNA of plant that were 4 weeks old. Master mix PCR components are created using the protocol^s composition, with some MgCl2 usage modifications. DNA amplification was visualized by electrophoresis on 2% agarose gel. There are seven polymorphic SSR primers, namely RM 8213, RM335, RM20, RM336, RM16425, RM3471, and RM16428. However, only three of them could distinguish four parents, namely RM8213, RM16425, and RM16428, while the other four primers could only distinguish two or three parents.
Keywords: R optimation, polymorphism, SSR primer
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| Corresponding Author (rini ismayanti)
284 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-105 |
EVALUATION OF CORN HYBRID TOLERANT TO LOW NITROGEN FERTILIZER Muhammad Abid, Karlina Syahruddin, Bambang S Priyanto, Muslimin
Indonesia Ministry of agriculture
Indonesia Research and innovation agency
Nitrogen is an important element for corn growth which plays an important role in metabolic processes, as a constituent of enzymes, cell nuclei, proteins, and chlorophyll. Nitrogen deficiency can result in stunted growth and development of corn plants. Excessive nitrogen fertilization continuously causes soil problems such as acidic, hard texture, and fewer microorganisms activities in the soil. To maintain good soil quality and also corn can grow optimally in an environment with limited nitrogen elements, it is necessary to use corn varieties that are tolerant to low N fertilization. The aim of this research is to obtain hybrid maize that is tolerant to low N fertilization. The study was carried out at the experimental garden of IP2TP Bajeng, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province starting from June - September 2021 using 69 test hybrid corns with 3 comparison varieties arranged in a 2-factor Nested Design, namely the level of N fertilizer and maize genotype with 2 replications. . The hybrids tested gave different responses to the different levels of N given. Hybrids that showed low N tolerance were AVLN 86-2 X P2, CAL 1471 E x CAL 1427, CML 161 x B 11, AVLN 83-1 X CY, AVLN 86-2 x P6, BISI 18, and NK 7328. AVLN 83-4 X AVLN 122-2, B11 x VL144077, VL1440077 x CML465.E and VL 1016492 x B 11 hybrids were low N sensitive hybrids.
Keywords: sustainability agriculture, corn hybrid, low N tolerance
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| Corresponding Author (Karlina Syahruddin Syahruddin)
285 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-138 |
The effect of ethyl methansulfonate concentration and soaking time of anthurium plowmanii croat seeds in vitro Dita dindasari(1), Rinaldi sjahril(2), Ifayanti ridwan(3)
(1) Master Student, Agrotechnology Program Study, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
(2) Laboratory of Plant Bio-science and Reproduction Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
(3) Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology and Nutrition, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
Anthurium plowmanii Croat is one of horticultural commodities that has high economic value and varieties, hence the diversity that need to be developed. This research aimed to determine the effect of EMS concentration and soaking time on the growth of Anthurium plowmanii Croat in vitro. Research activities were carried out at the Laboratory of Biosciences and Plant Reproductive Biotechnology, Teaching Industry, Universitas Hasanuddin from July to December 2021. The study used a two-factor factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Research activity was carried out by soaking the seeds of the Anthurium plowmanii Croat at several concentrations of EMS (0%, 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.4%) for some immersion times (30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes) resulted in a total of 15 treatment combinations. The results show that the concentrations of EMS and soaking time had a significant on the parameter leaves chlorophyll content. EMS caused a decrease germination on the number of leaves, number of roots and plant height in vitro.
Keywords: Anthurium plowmanii Croat, ethyl methanesulfonate, in vitro
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| Corresponding Author (Dita dindasari)
286 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-145 |
Evaluation of Hybrid Maize Tolerance under Low Nitrogen Condition based on Stress Tolerant Index and Stress Susceptibility Index Slamet Bambang Priyanto, Karlina Syahruddin, Roy Efendi
Research Center for Food Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, KM. 46, Cibinong, Bogor, West Java 16911 Indonesia
Nitrogen (N) deficiency in maize could cause a yield decrease than normal conditions. Yield reduction is one of the main concerns of plant breeders in stress conditions selection. This study aimed to identify the low N tolerant hybrid maize. This research was conducted at the IP2TP field station of the Indonesian Cereal Research Institute in Maros, South Sulawesi from June to October 2021. The experiment was arranged in a nested design using 75 maize genotypes and two levels of N fertilizer (N1=100 kg N/ha and N2=200 kg N/ha) as treatments with two replications. Variable observed was maize yield. Two tolerance indexes, such as the Stress Tolerant Index (STI) and Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) was used to determine the maize^s tolerance to low N conditions. The results showed that the test hybrids showed tolerance level variations according to the SSI and STI indices. Seven tolerant hybrids and ten susceptible hybrids based on both indices. Six hybrids were tolerant according to SSI but susceptible according to STI. Five hybrids were tolerant based on STI but susceptible based on SSI. Hybrid CML 465 x AVLN 109-3, AVLN 109-3 x VL1016518, CAL 1471 E x B 11, AVLN 86-4 X 1026-12, CML 465 x CAL 1473, VL1016518 x P7 and CML 161X CI 32 hybrids were tolerant maize based on SSI and STI indexes. These hybrids have the opportunity to be used as breeding materials for low N tolerant maize in the next breeding program
Keywords: Maize, Low Nitrogen, Tolerance index
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| Corresponding Author (Slamet Bambang Priyanto)
287 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-175 |
Effect of Pollination Method on Shallot Seed Formation Improvement Neneng Ratna Purnamasari, Yati Haryati, Kiki Kusyaeri Hamdani dan Meksy Dianawati
National Research and Innovation Agency
Producing seeds from shallot flower bulbs requires proper pollination techniques to form pithy seeds. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the pollination method to produce shallot botanical seeds. The research was conducted in Cilame Village, Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency, West Java at an altitude of 900 m asl. The study used a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and six replications. The treatment is a pollination method, namely: control (natural pollination), using a brush, using a hand (by stroking) a combination of using a brush and hands. Pollination treatment is carried out when the flowers have bloomed for three consecutive days. The variables observed were plant height, crown number, umbel diameter, number of flowers per clump, number of capsules per umbel, and seed production per umbel. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, and if the results of the F test were significantly different, it was continued with DMRT (Duncan^s Multiple Range Test) and correlation. The results showed that hand pollination was the most effective in increasing the actual production of shallot seeds per umbel by 74.16%.
Keywords: shallot, pithy, capsule, umbel
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| Corresponding Author (Neneng Ratna Purnamasari)
288 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-197 |
Indonesia Christian University of Toraja
A small proportion of paddy fields in Indonesia are in the highlands and so far the assembling of new superior varieties has rarely been aimed at that environment, therefore the assembling of upland new plant types of rice is important. This study aims to examine the good production characteristics and path analyses as well as the character correlation of the highland F4 new plant type of lines. The research was conducted in four paddy fields, namely Bittuang, Rantebua, Sesean, and Tallunglipu sub-districts at altitudes of 650, 850, 1400 and 1600 meters above sea level (m asl) in North Toraja and Tana Toraja Regencies. This research took place from 2021 to December 2021. This study was arranged in a single factor randomized block design pattern at each location. The genotypes tested were 30 expected F4 lines and six control varieties which were repeated 3 times at each location. The results of the observations were analyzed for combined variance followed by the 0.05 least significance difference (LSD) test and heritability analysis. Correlation values between characters were tested for correlation and path analysis. The results showed that lines with an average productivity of above 4 tons ha-1 at four locations namely G13 (5.17 tons ha-1), G7 (4.91 tons ha-1), G26 (4.80 tons ha-1), G15 (4.65 tons ha-1) , G10 (4.55 tons ha-1), G14 (4.47 tons ha-1), and G25 (4.22 tons ha-1). The characters with the highest correlation to increased production were the weight of filled grain per clump (0.984), the number of productive tillers (0.772), and the weight of grain per panicle (0.601), while the characters that had the highest positive direct effect were the number of productive tillers 0.723, the weight of good grain per panicle (0.519) and the percentage of filled grain per panicle (0.472).
Keywords: Lines, Agronomic Character, Correlation, path analyses
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| Corresponding Author (Yusuf L Limbongan)
289 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-198 |
Growth and result performance of ten promising resistant lines to tungro disease in Lanrang, South Sulawesi Elisurya Ibrahim, Nur Rosida, Khaerana, Muhammad Haiqal
Research Center for Food Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
Increased rice production is constrained by various limiting factors, one of which is tungro disease, which can reduce productivity. Resistant varieties of tungro when accessible are regarded as an efficient control technique and are more environmentally beneficial. Advance yield trial is one step in the process of developing varieties that are resistant to tungro disease. The study aimed to determine the growth and result performance of tungro-resistant lines that have greater phenotypic characteristics and yield potential than other tungro-resistant varieties. The research was conducted at Tungro Disease Research Station, Lanrang Sidrap from Juli - October 2018 using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), were ten tungro-resistant lines and check varieties i.e Inpari 7 Lanrang and Ciherang and it was repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed using the F test and tested for significance with the Least Significant Difference (BNT). The variable observed were flowering age of 50% (days), number of panicles per m2, plant height (cm), density score, the weight of 1000 grains, number of filled and unfilled grains per panicle, moisture content (%) and grain yield (kg/ha). The results showed that there were four lines BP12280-3f-7-Kn-2-1*B-Lrg-1-1-10-9, BP12280-3f-7-Kn-2-1 * B-Lrg-1- 1-10-9, BP12206f-8-3-2 * B-LR-20-4 and BP12280-3f-7-Kn-2-1 * B-Lrg-1-16-14 with grain yield higher than Ciherang and Inpari 7 Lanrang which were supported by 1000 grain weight, the number of filled grains per panicle and the flowering age is 50% earlier than the comparison variety.
Keywords: Growth and Result Performance, Rice, Resistant Promising Line, Tungro
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| Corresponding Author (Elisurya Ibrahim)
290 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-201 |
The Adaptation Top Crosses of Anthocyanins Corn in Lowland Zone of Palu Indonesia I Ketut Suwitra, Andi Nirma Wahyuni, Heni SP Rahayu, Saidah, Syafruddin, Anugerah Fitri Amalia, Bambang Haryanto and Yasin HG
National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km.46, Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia, 16911
Anthocyanins corn held to increase of human health, the color of seeds was orange to black. The experiment was to studied characters of some families as top crosses anthocyanins corn under interaction genotypes (G), and season (S) in valley of Palu in Indonesia. The experiment was conducted by randomized complete block design with three replications in experimental farm of Sidondo under two season rainy and dry condition. There are ten top crosses populations as anthocyanins corn as candidate included check to evaluated on 2017. The objective of experiment was to study of characters and to find of which is genotypes was stable and high yield to promoting as candidate for F1 top crosses varieties. The first analyzed was used of one factor (G) and continuing by interaction effect of season (S). The result shown that there are significant interaction GxS and founded the genotypes would be promising as new F1 candidate was PMU(S1)Synt. F. C1-2-3xtester: PPH(S1)C2. The potential would be founded 6.0 - 7.0 t/ha, characters of candidate was scored one of plant aspect, position of ear height is middle of plant height, and there are 45 days for anthesis. The released would be develop under poor farmers for aims to increase income, health and anticipated of mall nutrition.
Keywords: Anthocyanin corn, growth and yield
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| Corresponding Author (IKetut Suwitra)
291 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-207 |
*Lecturer Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung
**Alumni Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung
*** correspondence
Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brodjonegoro, No. 1 Bandarlampung 35145
Email: nyimas.sadiyah13[at]gmail.com
The information on genetic parameters need to be known in relation to the selection process for breeding of high yielding plant genotypes. This study aims to estimate the frequency distribution, segregation pattern, and transgressive segregation for agronomic characters in M3 generation of red chili ^Laris^ variety after gamma-ray irradiation. The research was conducted at the Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung from September 2018 to May 2019. This research used single plant method. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test at the 1% level of significance for normal distribution fit and segregation pattern analysis. Transgressive segregation can be seen through the frequency distribution of M3 and M0 generation plants. Results of this study indicated that the characters of dichotomous height, flowering age, harvesting age, plant height, branching level, number of fruits per plant, and fruit weight per plant had a normal distribution and associated with quantitative characters. The number of primary branches had a non-normal distribution and termed as a qualitative character. The segregation pattern of the number of primary branches follows a 15:1 ratio which indicates that the controlling gene is regulated by two genes that work in a double dominant epistatic manner. Transgressive segregation which has a positive value was found in the characters of dichotomous height, number of fruits per plant, and fruit weight per plant.
Keywords: Chili, chi-squared, frequency distribution, segregation pattern, transgesive segregation
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| Corresponding Author (Nyimas Sadiyah)
292 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-208 |
Inheritance Pattern of vegetative Character Traits in F2 Population of the Bara x Ungara Cross Muhammad Fuad Anshori, Ifayanti Ridwan, Hari Iswoyo, Abd Haris Bahrun, Muh Farid, Nuniek Widiayani, Nirwansyah Amir, Muh Alfan Ikhlasul
Department of Agronomy, Hasanuddin University
The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic parameter from vegetative characters of the F2 population of the Bara x Ungara. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of Unhas, Tamalanrea sub-district, Makassar, South Sulawesi. This experiment was carried out with the concept of observation by planting 100 F2 lines. The vegetative character traits observed consisted of four characteristics, namely, plant height, dichotomous height, and plant habitus. All characters were analyzed by analysis of variance, normality test, skewness, and kurtosis analysis. The results showed that the population of F2 crosses showed all parameters have good genetic parameters and distribution variance. Therefore, all characters need to analysis in-depth, especially for the correlation with the pepper yield
Keywords: Capsicum frutescens, F2 generation, pepper breeding, vegetative characters
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Anshori)
293 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-210 |
Breeding of Abiotic Stress Based on Image-Based Phenotyping Muhammad Fuad Anshori, Muh Farid, Nasaruddin, Rusnadi Padjung
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
The development of digitalization-based selection has been widely developed in abiotic plant breeding. Several studies have shown that the use of image-based phenotyping can distinguish between tolerant and sensitive plant phenotypes, both under drought stress, salinity, aluminum, and other abiotic stresses. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of image-based phenotyping in screening lines against abiotic stress. The purpose of this study was to systematically examine the use of image-based phenotyping in screening lines under abiotic stress. This study uses several compatible papers related to the application of image-based phenotyping in line screening under abiotic stress. The review of this study was carried out with a journal review scheme combined with several authors^ studies. The results of the study showed that the use of image-based phenotyping can be done either on a simple scale with an ordinary camera or with the use of a hyperspectral camera. The analysis is based on the broad concepts of growth, RGB, and infrared. The use of this concept can be applied to food crops, horticulture, and plantations. Based on this study, image-based phenotyping-based screening is very effective to be used in differentiating tolerant and sensitive plants.
Keywords: Abiotic stress, Image-Based phenotyping, Review paper, Plant breeding
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Anshori)
294 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-214 |
Genetic Advantages of Highland Local Rice in South Sumatra Yustisia (1), Atekan (2), Siti Khodijah (1), Reny Tri Anggraini (1), Joni Karman (3), Fuadi Irsan (3), Yeni Eliza Maryana (3), Yayan Suryana (3), Yuana Juwita (3), Izhar Khairullah (1), R. Bambang Heryanto (1), and Damasus Riyanto (1)
(1) National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
(2) East Java Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Malang, Indonesia
(3) South Sumatra Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Palembang, Indonesia
Adaptive to environmental stress, low efficient input and high grain micronutrients (Zn, Fe) are the advantages of local rice. Efforts to conserve will increase the existence of local rice in supporting the implementation of sustainable agriculture. Identification of superior gene characters is one of the efforts to anticipate extinction of local rice genetic resources. Identified superior genes from local varieties can be used as gene donors in the creation of agroecosystem-specific new superior varieties (NSV). This paper discusses the genetic superiority of local highland rice in South Sumatra, and the opportunities for its use as gene donors in creation of highland-specific NSV. Quantitative characters identified as important genes of Selebur Rimbe, Beram, Putih and Jambat Teras are panicle length and 1000 grain weight. Panicle length (>35 cm) is an important gene in four local rices except Beram. Selebur Rimbe also has a weight of 1000 grains close to 30 g (28.95 g). The [Zinc] character of local rice bran significantly determines [Zn] polished rice (r = 0.701*). While determining character [Fe] of brown rice is empty grain (r = - 0.707*). Information on the advantages of this rice genetics can be utilized through implementation of crosses with various superior varieties of rice. The expected output from this effort is a superior rice variety that has characteristics including high yield, high [Zn] broken rice, low [Fe] husk, as well as adaptive and stable at various altitudes.
Keywords: local rice, highland, agronomic characters, grain Zn, grain Fe
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| Corresponding Author (Yustisia Yustisia)
295 |
Plant breeding and biotechnology |
ABS-223 |
Universitas Diponegoro
Rice is cultivated in more than 100 countries worldwide because half of the world^s population stand on rice as staple food. Understanding variability, heritability and correlation of segregating generation determines the success of rice improvement programs. The objective of the study was to asses genetic variability, heritability and correlation of F2 segregating generation for agronomic traits in rice. The research was done in Tembalang, Semarang - Central Java, Indonesia. The experiment was designed using completely randomized design. There were six different population, namely parental Gilirang (P1), parental Situ Patenggang (P2) and their F1 and F2 offspring genotypes. The measured character was agronomy traits. Results showed that the values of Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) were higher than Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) for each trait. All traits showed high heritability except for 1000 grain weight. Correlation analysis revealed a positif and significant at (p < 0.01) relation between production per plant with number and length of panicle, total grain weight per panicle with number of total grain per panicle and number of filled grain per panicle, weight of filled grain per panicle with number of total grain per panicle and number of filled grain per panicle
Keywords: Rice, Variability, Heritability, Correlation, F2
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| Corresponding Author (Florentina Kusmiyati)
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