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ABS-297 |
Growth and Yield of Seed Priming Using Golden Snail Fertilizer Liquid Organic On the Katokkon Chili Variant Nur Aida Yanti(a), Kaimuddin mole (b)*, Sylvia Sjam (b)
a) Master student, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
b)* Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. [at]Kaimudin.mole[at]gmail.com
b) Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Katokkon chili pepper is a local variety that originated in Toraja and has a very high economic value. A problem faced in agriculture is the difficulty of getting seeds to germinate evenly. The purpose of this study was to increase the germination and growth of chili peppers by using a seed priming technique with gold snail liquid organic fertilizer. The survey was conducted from August 2021 to February 2022 in Buntudatu Village, Tana Toraja District, South Sulawesi Province, at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. The theme of the group is environmental. This experiment consisted of two factors.The first was his 3-step cultivar, and the second was the subplot, the concentration (T) of the liquid organic fertilizer solution, which consisted of 5 steps. We then chose the 3 optimal concentrations from these 5 concentrations and repeated 3 times for each treatment, so we had 27 experimental units. The results showed that treatment with the Katokkon pepper variety affected the residual fruit weight (89.97 g). The best results were obtained by treatment with the Leatung 2 (V3) variant and priming with liquid organic gold snail fertilizer at a concentration of 20 ml per liter of water.
Keywords: Katokkon Chili - Seed priming - Liquid Orgaik Fertilizer Golden snails.
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Aida Yanti)
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Crop production system |
ABS-298 |
Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) Which Was Applied by Trichoderma harzianum Fungus and Tithonia diversifolia Compost Reski Amalia Nasir1, Elkawakib Syamun2, Katriani Mantja2
1 Master Student, Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Red onion is a horticultural commodity that has a high enough demand that must be cultivated by farmers intensively. This study aimed to examine the effect of Trichoderma harzianum and Tithonia diversifolia compost application on the growth and production of shallots. This research was conducted from October 2021 to January 2022 in Sekkang, Mattiro Sompe, Pinrang, South Sulawesi. The study was conducted by experiment using split plot design in a randomized complete block design which consisted of 2 plot factors such as the Trichoderma harzianum fungus as a main plot with 4 levels of doses, and the sub-plots using Tithonia diversifolia compost with 4 levels of doses. The research was done in three main steps: preparing the media and the material, maintenance and examining the result. The results showed that there was an interaction between the treatment of Trichoderma harzianum 15 g with Tithonia diversifolia compost 3 kg per plot, which gave the best results for plant height (41,78 cm). Then, the application of Trichoderma harzianum 10 g with Tithonia diversifolia compost 3 kg per plot gave the best results on the of tuber fresh weight (89.89 g), tuber dry weight (74.61 g) and production per hectare (18,65 ton).
Keywords: Shallot, Trichoderma harzianum Fungus and Tithonia diversifolia compost
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| Corresponding Author (Reski Amalia Nasir)
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Crop production system |
ABS-45 |
The Potential and The Quality of Several Open Pollinated Chili Varieties Seed Production Chotimatul Azmi (a*), Fatiani Manik (b), Astiti Rahayu (b), Imas Rita Saadah (a), Rina C. Br. Hutabarat (a), Susilawati Barus (a), Bina Beru Karo (a), Rasiska Tarigan (a), Rinda Kirana (a), Redy Gaswanto (b), Harmanto (c)
a) Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor, Indonesia
b) Agricultural Instrument Standardization Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
c) Indonesian Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia, Serpong Indonesia
Seed availability is very important in supporting the sustainability of agriculture in a country and to maintain the existence of a variety. Therefore, seeds of OP chili varieties are produced by Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute through the seed certification process. Seed production of seven varieties was carried out in a screenhouse in two locations (Lembang-West Java and Brastagi-North Sumatera). Field inspection was conducted three times according to seed certification procedures. The number of fruits, weight of fruits, and seeds produced differed between chili varieties. Tanjung-2 chili is the earliest variety to start harvesting (12 weeks after planting) compared to other varieties. Ciko has the shortest harvest period (9 weeks). Lembang 1 has the highest seed potential compared to others (4.86-6.65%).
Keywords: Tanjung-2- Ciko- Lembang 1- Harvest period
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| Corresponding Author (Chotimatul Azmi)
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Crop production system |
ABS-301 |
The Effect of Varieties of True Shallot Seed and Paclobutrazol Concentrations on Growth and Production of Shallot Plant Diyah Aulia Sidik (a), Elkawakib Syamun (b*), Fachirah Ulfa (b)
a) Master Student, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia.
b) Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia.
The increasing demand for shallots is inversely proportional to the quality of the current production. Efforts to improve and increase quality of production are selection of good varieties and add plant regulatory substances has also become the focus of many researchers in their effect on plant growth. Therefore, research was carried out on the effect of the varieties and also plant regulatory substances namely paclobutrazol on the growth and production of shallot plants. This research was carried out at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University from August to November 2021. This research was carried out as a factorial experiment in a split plot design, as the main plot, namely the botanical seed varieties of shallot (v) consists of 3 varieties, namely the Lokananta varieties (v1), Maserati varieties (v2), and Sanren varieties (v3), as a sub-plot, namely the concentration of paclobutrazol consists of 4 levels, namely 0 ppm (k0), 100 ppm (k1), 200 ppm (k2) and 300 ppm (k3). The research results showed that the interaction of the Sanren varieties with paclobutrazol concentration of 100 ppm gave the best results on the weight of fresh stover per plant (26.04 g), weight of dry stover per plant (19.23 g) and production per hectare (9.20 ton/ha). The Sanren varieties gave the best results on chlorophyll a (387.23 μ-mol.m-2), chlorophyll b (187.12 μ-mol.m-2), total chlorophyll (564.14 μ-mol.m-2) and number of tubers (1.81). Paclobutrazol concentration of 100 ppm gave the best results on plant height (43.07 cm) and number of leaves (6.24 strands), while paclobutrazol concentration of 200 ppm gave the best results on tuber diameter (23.13 mm) and paclobutrazol concentration of 300 ppm gave the best results on the number of tubers (1.54).
Keywords: Shallot- Varieties- Paclobutrazol concentration
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| Corresponding Author (Azmi Nur Karimah Amas)
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Crop production system |
ABS-46 |
Effect of Spacing and Granular Organic Fertilizer (GOF) on Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata L.) in South Sulawesi, IndonesiaPlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract Idaryani, Abdul Fattah, Nurjanani, Andi Yulyani Fadwiwati
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
The demand for sweet corn from year to year has increased dramatically, especially in big cities. One of the limiting factors for sweet corn plant growth is the population size of a plant and soil nutrient status. Based on this, it is necessary to increase sweet corn yields, including by adjusting the appropriate spacing and giving granulated organic fertilizer with the right dose as a source of nutrients. The study was conducted in Mandai District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province, from April to August 2019. This study is a factorial experiment using a Randomized Block Design consisting of two factors. The first factor is the spacing of the plants consisting of J1 = 70 x 20 cm spacing- J2 = spacing of 70 x 30 cm- and J3 = 70 x 40 cm spacing. While the second factor is the dose of granules of organic fertilizer which consists of three levels, namely: G1 = granular organic fertilizer 1 t ha-1- G2 = granules organic fertilizer 2 t ha-1, and G3 = granules organic fertilizer 3 t ha-1. The results showed that the interaction between the spacing treatment and the application of granulated organic fertilizer had no significant effect on plant height and number of leaves, but had a significant effect on the parameters of leaf area, length of ear, the weight of cob without cob, diameter of the ear, weight of 100 grains, number of rows per cobs, number of seeds per row, and yield of sweet corn. In general, sweet corn^s best growth and yield were obtained at a spacing of 70 x 20 cm with the application of organic fertilizer granule 2 t ha-1, which is 11.3 t ha-1.
Keywords: granular organic fertilizer, spacing, sweet corn
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| Corresponding Author (Idaryani dj)
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ABS-308 |
Characterization of bokashi organic fertilizer from etawa goat feces Imran Saputra, Syatrianti Andi Syaiful, Yunus Musa
Master of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
Livestock waste such as feces, urine, and leftover feed left without further treatment can harm the environment in the form of air, water, and soil pollution. Therefore, efforts are needed to process livestock waste into useful products in the form of organic fertilizers. Livestock waste that has the potential to be a source of organic fertilizer is etawa goat waste. Etawa goat feces processing technology in the form of bokashi fertilizer made from fermented livestock and agricultural wastes using EM-4. Bokashi fertilizer contains a variety of essential macro and micronutrients needed by plants and can improve soil fertility and quality. This research aims to determine whether bokashi fertilizer with the main ingredients of etawa goat feces has various formulations, specifically P1 (bokashi pure etawa goat feces), P2 (bokashi etawa goat feces with roasted husks), P3 (bokashi etawa goat feces with tea dregs), and P4 (bokashi feces etawa goat with sawdust) has physical and chemical characteristics according to SNI organic fertilizer (Indonesian National Standard-2011). This research method uses a descriptive research design. The research data were obtained through laboratory analysis of various formulations of etawa goat feces bokashi fertilizer samples and compared the results with the solid organic fertilizer standard SNI (Indonesian National Standard)-2011. Based on the results of the research showed that etawa goat feces bokashi fertilizer with various formulations, specifically P1 (bokashi pure etawa goat feces), P2 (bokashi etawa goat feces with roasted husks), P3 (bokashi etawa goat feces with tea dregs), and P4 (bokashi feces etawa goat with sawdust) has physical and chemical characteristics that are following the solid organic fertilizer standard SNI-2011, except for the C/N ratio and the number of macronutrients (N, P, and K).
Keywords: Bokashi, etawa, feces, fertilizer, SNI-2011
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| Corresponding Author (Imran Saputra)
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Crop production system |
ABS-310 |
Departmen of Agronomy, Facultyof Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
This study aims to determine and study the effect of liquid organic fertilizer, Actinomycetes and mycorrhizae on the growth of cocoa seedlings. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Bioscience and Plant Reproduction Biotechnology, Department of Cultivation, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University and Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University from January to June 2022. The study was conducted using a Split Plot Design (RPT). The main plot was liquid organic fertilizer consisting of four levels, namely control, 5 mL/L, 10 mL/L and 15 mL/L. Subplots were Actinomycetes and mycorrhizae consisting of four levels, namely control, 105 CFU/mL Actinomycetes + 10 g mycorrhizae, 106 CFU/mL Actinomycetes + 15 g mycorrhizae and 107 CFU/mL Actinomycetes + 20 g mycorrhizae. The results showed that there was no interaction between the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer, Actinomycetes and mycorrhizae on each parameter of observation. Treating 10 mL/L of liquid organic fertilizer resulted in the longest root length (36.14 cm) and the largest root volume (11.26 ml). Treatment of 107 CFU/mL Actinomycetes + 20 g mycorrhizae resulted in the longest root length (34.33 cm) and the largest root volume (10.83 mL).
Keywords: Actinomycetes, Cocoa, Liquid Fertilizer, Mycorrhizae
Keywords: Actinomycetes, Cocoa, Liquid Fertilizer, Mycorrhizae
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| Corresponding Author (Asmiaty Sahur)
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Crop production system |
ABS-313 |
Application of Coconut Shell Biochar and Rhizobacteria Consortium to Increase Cocoa Production Reynaldi Laurenze (1), Ambo Ala (2), Ifayanti Ridwan Saleh (2*)
(1) Masters student, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Independence Pioneers, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
(2) Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Independence Pioneers, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
This research is aimed to study and investigate how coconut shell biochar interacts with rhizobacteria in increasing cocoa plants growth and production. This research was conducted at Kodeoha, North Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi with alluvial soil type and an average rainfall is 192.17 mm from October 2022 until Januari 2023. The experiment was set using a split plot design with biochar dosage as the Main Plot consisted of four levels, namely 0 ton ha-1 (control), 2.5 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, and 7.5 ton ha-1 and rhizobacteria concentration as Sub Plots consisted of four levels, namely 0 mL L-1, 50 mL L-1, 100 mL L-1, and 150 mL L-1. The results of the recent research show a significant interaction between biochar and rhizobacteria that resulted in lower percentage of cherelle wilt and increased number of surviving pods. In addition, biochar and rhizobacteria treatments independently also showed best results for each parameter.
Keywords: Biochar, Cocoa, Rhizobacteria
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| Corresponding Author (Reynaldi Laurenze)
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Crop production system |
ABS-326 |
The Proportion of Moringa Leaves and Empty Oil Palm Fruit Bunches for Making Good Bokashi and Its Application Dosage for Okra Nurseha1, Okky Cinantya Dyaksa1, Prihanani1, Danner Sagala1*, Sri Mulatsih1, Nurlianti1, Rahmansyah Dermawan2
1 Agrotechnology Study Program, Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin SH, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, No. 185, Kota Bengkulu, 38000, Indonesia
2 Agrotechnology Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Abstract. Moringa leaf bokashi contains many nutrients but a low C/N ratio. Therefore, moringa leaf bokashi must be combined with another ingredient containing a high C/N ratio. This study aimed to obtain the appropriate proportion of moringa leaves and empty oil palm fruit bunches for making good bokashi according to standard organic fertilizers and their application dosage to okra plants. The experiment of the combination of moringa leaf and empty palm oil fruit bunches (1:1, 1:2, and 1:3) and the application dosage to okra plants (10, 15, 20, and 25 tons ha-1) were arranged according to a completely randomized design with three replication. The results showed that single moringa leaf bokashi with a C/N ratio of 2.8 became 6-7.5 in bokashi made from a combination of moringa leaves and empty oil palm fruit bunches. Bokashi, made from moringa leaves mixed with empty palm oil fruit bunches in a ratio of 1:1, has a crumb texture and is black. Bokashi, with a ratio of 1:2 and 1:3, has a slight crumb texture and blackish-brown color. Only the number of leaves was affected by the ratio of moringa leaves and empty palm oil bunches and the application dose. The composition of moringa leaves and empty oil palm fruit bunches and the application dosage did not significantly affect the growth and yield of okra plants. However, the growth and yield of okra plants tended to be better at a 1:2 ratios of 10 tons-1 application dose.
Keywords: Moringa leaves, bokashi, okra
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| Corresponding Author (Rahmansyah Dermawan)
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Crop production system |
ABS-327 |
Effect of Snail Extract for Seedpriming on the Growth and Production of Katokkon Chili (Capsicum chinense Jacq) Hari Iswoyo ,1) Elkawakib Syam^un1) , Rahmansyah Dermawan1) , Kaimuddin1) , Amir Yassi1) , Aldi S. Situmorang1) , Tandu Ramba2)
1 Agrotechnology Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Unhas Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2 Community Development Motivators (MPM), Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
* Corresponding author^s e-mail: hariiswoyo[at]unhas.ac.id
This study aims to determine the best response for growth and production of 3 variants of katokkon chili to seedpriming treatment using snail extract, and to determine the best concentration of golden snail extract in katokkon chili seed immersion treatment. This research was conducted in Buntu Datu Village, Mengkendek District, altitude 900 m asl, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province from August 2021 to January 2022. The research was conducted in the form of a Split Plot Design experiment which consisted of 2 factors, the first factor as the main factor was the katokkon seed variant (V) which consisted of: V1 = Limbong Sampolo, V2 = Leatung 1, and V3 = Leatung 2. While the second factor as subplots, namely the concentration of the snail extract solution for seed priming (k) which consists of three levels, namely: k0 = control, k1 = 5 ml/L and k2 = 15 ml/L. The results showed that the interaction between the treatment of chili varieties and the concentration of immersion did not give better results on the growth and yield of Katokkon chili plants. The treatment of the Leatung 2 (V3) chili variant gave the best effect on the parameters of plant height (24.62 cm), productive branches (5.53 branches), number of fruit (3.72 fruit), fruit weight harvested (8.05), and fruit length (20.22 mm). Treatment of snail extract immersion concentration of 15 ml/L gave the best effect on fruit diameter parameters (17.8 mm). On the germination parameters, the concentration of 20 ml/L showed the best percentage of germination, namely 67%.
Keywords: Katokkon chili, seedpriming, snail extract
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| Corresponding Author (Rahmansyah Dermawan)
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Crop production system |
ABS-330 |
Influence of Seed Priming with Moringa Extract on the Seedling Establishment of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Muhammad Faried (1), Elkawakib Syamun (2*), Katriani Mantja (2)
1) Agrotechnology Master Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 )Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. *elkawakibsyam[at]gmail.com
Seed priming with moringa leaf extract is one method for increasing the growth and quality of seedlings. This study aims to evaluate moringa leaf extract as a priming agent and its effect on the seedling growth and quality of shallot from true seed. This study used a randomized block design with five replications. Priming treatment consisted of unprimed, hydropriming, and three levels of Moringa leaf extract concentration, including 12.5%, 25%, and 37.5%. A one-way analysis of variance was used to perform statistical analysis, with a p-value of 0.05 considered significant. In addition, the mean comparison was performed by Tukey multiple comparison test. According to the research, seed priming with moringa leaf extract at 37.5% resulted in the best effects on the parameter seedling emergence index (1.20), seedling height (31.12 cm), number of leaves (4.80), pseudostem diameter (3.22 mm), total root length (329.70 mm), number of root tips (94.60), root volume (4.64 mm3), fresh weight seedling (2.77 g), dry weight seedling (0.19 g) and seedling quality index (0.0126), while compared to other treatments. As a result, the use of moringa leaf extract as a priming agent in shallot seeds is recommended for promoting growth and producing high-quality seedlings.
Keywords: Moringa leaf- Priming- Seed- Seedling, Shallot
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Faried)
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ABS-77 |
Sugarcane Growth Variation Based on Rainfall and Soil Permeability in Takalar, Indonesia Wina Safitri (a*), Ambo Ala (b), Sikstus Gusli (c), Iqbal (d)
a) Agricultural Science, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia.
b) Agronomy Department, Agriculture Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
c) Soil Science Department, Agriculture Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
d) Department of Agricultural Technology, Agriculture Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
The germination phase of sugar cane is a critical period that determines productivity. This phase lasts until the sugar cane is three months old, and in this phase, sugarcane requires an adequate supply of water to support the formation of shoots. Poor soil conditions and high rainfall can cause the failure of bud formation. This study aims to determine the relationship between rainfall and soil permeability on the successful construction of sugarcane shoots. We divided the 1 ha research area into nine points (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) to observe plant growth and soil permeability. The growth factors measured included the number of stems, diameter, and plant height, measured zigzag. Intact soil samples at a depth of 0-15 cm were then analyzed in the laboratory using Darcy^s law to determine the value of soil permeability. The results showed variations in sugarcane growth in the nine research plots. The average number of sugarcane stalks is eight stalks/meter with a height of 159 cm and a diameter of 3 cm. This result is caused by the low soil permeability value of 0.13-0.5 cm/hour, which cannot compensate for the average rainfall in the budding phase, thereby suppressing plant growth by up to 50% of the average productivity that should be.
Keywords: Precipitation- Water supply- Tillers- Soil permeability
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| Corresponding Author (Wina Safitri)
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Crop production system |
ABS-333 |
Evaluation of the Application of Rice Husk Biochar and Various Types of Microbes on Physiological and Characteristics of Shallot Plant Bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) P Wijaya1, E Syamun2* and S A Syaiful2
1 Agrotechnology Master Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
*Corresponding email: elkawakibsyam[at]gmail.com
Shallot is a popular and widely developed horticultural crop in Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate the application of rice husk biochar and various types of microbes (Trichoderma asperellum, Beauveria bassiana, and Metarhizium anisopliae) on the physiology and bulb characteristics of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.). The research was conducted at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. This research was conducted from July to November 2022. The research design used a split plot design. The main plot was rice husk biochar with 3 levels, namely without biochar/control (b0) = 0 t ha-1, b1 = 2 t ha-1, and b2 = 4 t ha-1. As subplots, there were three types of microbes with 4 levels, namely without microbes/control = m0, m1 = Trichoderma asperellum, m2 = Beauveria bassiana, and m3 = Metarhizium anisopliae. The results showed that there was an interaction between the 4 t ha-1 rice husk biochar treatment and various types of microbes, namely the Trichoderma asperellum treatment with the highest chlorophyll index (19.70). The treatment of various types of microbes, namely the Trichoderma asperellum treatment, gave the best results on bulb height (2.75 cm) and the number of bulbs per plant (1.61).
Keywords: Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, rice husk biochar, shallots, Trichoderma asperellum
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| Corresponding Author (Padil Wijaya)
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Crop production system |
ABS-334 |
Effect of Three Fungi Species and Application Concentration on Production and Pest Attack on Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Cennawati1, E Syam^un2* and F Haring2
1 Agrotechnology Master Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
*Corresponding email: elkawakibsyam[at]gmail.com
This study aims to determine the influence of three types of beneficial fungi with various concentration of application on shallot production and pest attacks. This research was carried out at the Plant Disease Laboratory and Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, from September to November 2022. This research was arranged in a split plot design. The main plots are three types of fungi, namely Trichoderma asperellum, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, while the plot consists of concentration consisting of 0, 7, and 14 g/L. Results showed that there was no interaction that had an influence on production, bulb moisture content, production per hectare and the percentage of Spodoptera exigua attacks. The highest production per hectare was recorded in the Beauveria bassiana treatment of 15.97 tons. The application of the fungus at a concentration of 14 g/L producing the lowest weight loss of bulb 3.17%, production per hectare of 17.27 t and the lowest percentage of Spodoptera exigua attacks was 6.19%.
Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
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| Corresponding Author (Arfina Sukmawati Arifin)
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ABS-85 |
Growth and Production of Japanese Taro (Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum) by Using Biofertilizer and Plastic Mulch Masyhur Syafiuddin(a*), Asmita Ahmad(a), and Dewi Sartika (a)
a) Department.of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Japanese taro production in Indonesia is around 20 tons/hectare, but it is still relatively low due to the low level of farmer management including fertilizing and watering especially in dry season. The aim is to determine the effect of biofertilizer and mulch on the growth and production of japanese taro plants. This research used a split plot design. The main plot was plastic mulch consisting of two levels, namely control and plastic mulch, while the subplots were biofertilizers, which consisted of two levels: control and biofertilizer- and with four replications. Each plot planted with 22 plants. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, fresh plant weight, plant dry weight, plant tuber yield, and number of tubers. The results are plastic mulch treatment had an effect on plant height with the largest average found in the M1 treatment of 55.98 cm, the largest average leaf width in the M1 treatment was 25.09 cm, the average fresh weight of the M1 plant was 197, 03 g, and the average dry weight of M1 plants was 22.50 g. The biofertilizer treatment affected plant height, with the largest average found in treatment B1 of 55.00 cm. The most significant average number of leaves in treatment B1 was 6.53 strands. The largest average leaf width in treatment B1 was 25.16 cm. Mulch affects the production of taro plants with the highest number of tubers found in the M1 mulch treatment of 32 bulbs with a weight of 881.50g/24.2m2. In contrast, the biofertilizer treatment was not significant in the production of taro plants. We conclude that mulching can increase the number of tubers and tuber weight and more effective than the biofertilizer treatment and it combination in the dry season.
Keywords: biofertilizer, mulch, japanese taro
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| Corresponding Author (Masyhur Syaifuddin)
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ABS-91 |
Produktivity of Red Chili (Capsicum annum L.) Aplication of Biochar and Biofertilizer Rahmi H1, Elkawakib Syam^un2, Satryanty A. Syaiful2
1Agricultural System Study Program, Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
2Agrotechnology Study Programs, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Red chili is one of the horticultural commodities that have high economic value. Increased productivity of red chili can be done by utilizing biochar based on corn cobs and the use of biofertilizers in the cultivation of red chili plants. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of biochar and biofertilizers on the growth and yield of red chili plants. The research was carried out in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Makassar from April to September 2021. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of six treatments, namely: control (p0), biochar + NPK fertilizer (p1), biofertilizer + fertilizer (p2), biochar + biofertilizer (p3), biochar + biofertilizer + NPK fertilizer (75%) (p4), biochar + biofertilizer + NPK fertilizer (50%) (p5) which was repeated 4 times to obtain 24 experimental unit. The results showed that the use of corncob biochar and biotogrow biofertilizers had a very significant effect on plant height, stem diameter, number of fruit planted, weight per fruit, and fruit weight per plant. The p4 treatment showed the best growth and yield.
Keywords: Red chili pepper, corncob biochar, biofertilizer
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| Corresponding Author (Rahmi Hanuddin)
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ABS-119 |
Farmers Response to Introduction Of Paddy Technology In Konawe District Sri Bananiek Sugiman1), Andi Yulyani Fadwiwati1), Bungati1), Didik Raharjo
1) Research center for Behavioral and Circular Ecomomic Research Organization for Governance, Economy, and Community Welfare, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jl. Gatot Subroto, No. 10. Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
2) Staf at the Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia
One of the efforts to spur national rice production is through the application of location-specific technological innovations, which is believed to support the program to increase national rice production when applied by farmers as recommended. The study aims to determine the response of farmers to the components of Integrated Crop Management (PTT) technology for lowland rice. The study was carried out in April - August 2021, located in Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. Respondents were 25 farmers who were involved in the VUB paddy rice demonstration plot. The response of farmers to the observed lowland rice farming technology refers to the component of rice Integrated Crop Management (PTT) technology, which consists of: perfect tillage, quality seeds, lowland rice VUB), planting methods, use of organic matter, fertilization, pest management and disease and timely harvest. Data were analyzed with a qualitative descriptive approach.The results of the study of farmers^ responses to the PTT technology components obtained, the response rate of farmers was 88%, included in the high category. This means that 88% of the introduced PTT technology components are accepted by farmers. Partially, the level of response of farmers to the components of PTT technology are: perfect tillage (100%), quality/labeled seeds (100%), organic matter (100%), timely harvest (100%), fertilization (90%), pest and disease management (80%), lowland rice VUB (75%), tapin and atabela Jarwo (60%).
Keywords: Farmer^s Response, Technology, Paddy
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| Corresponding Author (Sri Bananiek Sugiman Sugiman)
108 |
Crop production system |
ABS-123 |
Increased Yield of Three Shallot Varieties from Seed with Addition of Liquid Organic Fertilizer in the Highlands Agustina E Marpaung*), Bina Br Karo, Susilawati Barus, Rina C. Hutabarat, Rasiska Tarigan, Delima Napitupulu and Perdinanta Sembiring
Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crop, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Indonesia
*) Corresponding Author: agus196[at]brin.go.id
Shallot is a vegetable commodity that is widely consumed as a spice in cooking, so the need of the consumer is high. To supply this high consumption is needed increased productivity. Productivity can be increased by using varieties suitable for the growing environment, quality seeds, and proper fertilization. One of the uses of quality seeds is from seeds, but to obtain high production from seeds, appropriate fertilization is necessary. The research aimed to determine the use of liquid organic fertilizers and shallot varieties from true shallot seed (TSS) can increase yield in the highlands. This research was conducted in IP2TP Berastagi, Karo Regency, with a height of 1340 meters above sea level and andisol soil type. This research was conducted from May to September 2018. The design used was a factorial Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor is liquid organic fertilizer (LOF): Without LOF, Rabbit manure LOF, Fish fertilizer LOF, and Fish teillation LOF. The second factor is shallot varieties from seed: Bima, Trisula, and Tuktuk. The results showed that the application of LOF did not affect the growth of shallots from seeds. The Trisula shallot variety from seed can be adapted to grow and produce well in the highlands, while the Tuk-tuk variety is only adapted for growth and the Bima variety is less adaptive for growth and yield. The Trisula shallot variety from seeds given rabbit manure LOF increased the yield by 13.70 - 65.10%. The implication of this research is that the growth and production of shallots will increase in the highlands if there is an interaction between the type of fertilizer and the variety.
Keywords: Allium cepa L, LOF, variety, TSS
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| Corresponding Author (Agustina E Marpaung)
109 |
Crop production system |
ABS-140 |
The Current Forage Availability for Ruminant Production in Central Java, Indonesia Roy Malindo (a), Osfar Sjofjan (b), Siti Chuzaemi (b*)
a) Directorate of General of Livestock and Animal Health Services, Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia.
Jl. Harsono RM No.3, Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12011, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: schuzaemi[at]ub.ac.id
This study aimed to evaluate the current forage production for ruminant development in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The study used secondary data from Livestock and Animal Health Services of Central Java Province, Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics, and the Ministry of the Agriculture Republic of Indonesia. The data analysis was the ruminant population, forage production, and carrying capacity, which was then described descriptively. The results indicated that the number of ruminants (beef cattle, dairy cows, buffalo, goat, and sheep) was 3,977,126 animal units. The forage availability was 4,829,785 animal units, indicating a development potential of 852,659 animal units. The development of forage production is contributed by agricultural by-products (48,04%), field grass (26.23%), and cultivated grass (25,73%). Agricultural by-products consist of 45,06% rice straw, 39,99% corn straw- 2.97% cassava leaves- 0.14% sweet potato leaves- 1,03% soybean straw- 0,81% peanut leaves- 8,40% of sugarcane and 1,60% of other foliage. The Carrying Capacity Index was 1.21, which implies the forage availability in Central Java Province was in critical criteria so that a need to utilize feed resources.
Keywords: forage production, ruminant production, carrying capacity, agricultural by-product
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| Corresponding Author (Roy Malindo)
110 |
Crop production system |
ABS-149 |
Optimizing the use of submergence and drought tolerant rice varieties to reduce the impact of climate change on swampland Izhar Khairullah, M Saleh, Yustisia, and D Riyanto
Research Center for Food Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Indonesia
The swamplands is one of the prospective suboptimal land for agriculture. The land consists of tidal swamplands and freshwater land which are widely available in Indonesia. The hydrotopography of tidal swampland is strongly influenced by tide and neap of water, while in freshwater land it is largely determined by rainfall. Drought, flooding or deep inundation, and shifts in rainfall patterns as a result of extreme climate change have an impact on agriculture in decreasing food crop production, particularly for rice in swamplands. One strategy in anticipating the impact of climate change in agriculture, especially food crops (rice) is to use submergence and drought tolerant varieties as well as early maturing rice varieties. Rice varieties tolerant of submergence in swamplands such as Inpara 3, Inpara 4, Inpara 5, Inpari 29, and Inpari 30 Ciherang sub1. While drought tolerant varieties such as Inpari 18, Inpari 19, Inpari 20, Inpago 4, Inpago 5, Inpago 6, Inpago-8, and Inpago Lipigo-4. In addition to avoiding drought, early-maturing aged rice varieties such as Hipa 6 Jete, Inpari Si Denuk can be used, Inpari-34 Salin Agritan, Cakra Buana Agritan, Inpari 12 and Inpari 13. The purpose of this paper is to describe how to reduce the impact of climate change on swampland agriculture by planting submergence and drought tolerant rice varieties. By using submergence and drought tolerant varieties and early maturing varieties, it is expected to reduce and anticipate the impact of climate change, particularly for agriculture on swamplands.
Keywords: Swamplands, agriculture, rice varieties tolerant, submergence, drought, climate change
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| Corresponding Author (Izhar Khairullah)
111 |
Crop production system |
ABS-152 |
Application of Various Concentration of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Vegetative Growth of Cocoa Rahmiana (a), Basri Baba (a*), Siti Nurhalisyah (b), Elis Tambaru (c), Eka Wisdawati (a), Junyah Leli Isnaini (d), Nober Padidi1
a) Department of Production Tecnology of Plantation Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
b) Department of Production Tecnology of Horticulture Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
c) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245 Indonesia
d) Department of Production Tecnology of Edible Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
Availability of sufficient nutrients will support uniform seedling growth. One way to improve seedling growth can be done by adding plant nutrients or nutrients through fertilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the vegetative growth of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings after application of various concentrations of Amal Bajang liquid organic fertilizer. This experiment was conducted from March to April 2022, in Tiu Hamlet, Pallantikang Village, Rumbia District, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The experimental method used a Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of 5 treatments (r), namely, (r0): control, r1: POC 25 mL/1L of water, r2: POC 50 mL /1L of water., r3: POC 75 mL/1L of water., and r4: 100 mL POC/1L of water. The results showed that the application of POC Amal Bajang with different concentrations did not significantly affect the increase in height and diameter of the cacao stem, but had a significant effect on the increase in the number of cacao leaves.
Keywords: Nutrient- Organic fertilizer- Cacao
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| Corresponding Author (Eka Wisdawati)
112 |
Crop production system |
ABS-153 |
Seedling production management of shallots from seeds based on local wisdom technology Retno Pangestuti a), Paulina E.R Prahardini a*), Rini Rosliani a), Muji Rahayu a), Olvie Tandry a), Saidah a)and Joko Pramono a)
a)Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia
True seed shallot (TSS) has become an alternative material for shallot seeds to fulfil the lack of good-quality seed bulbs. Transplanting was the most popular TSS planting method for farmers. This technic uses seedlings as planting material. The seedling production was the most crucial stage in transferring technology from vegetative propagation (seed bulb) to generative propagation (TSS). Seedling production can be developed as a new unit system (seedling grower) to produce excellent quality propagation material. Nevertheless, production and strategy in seedling management are not widely known. Several techniques can be used to produce shallot seedlings, including technical seedling, use of seedling media, seed treatment and seedling harvest arrangements. The selection of seedling techniques and maintenance management is influenced by several factors, including environmental factors of cultivation, capital availability, labor and other site-specific conditions. This paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each technique and the strategy for selecting techniques and maintaining seedlings that are suitable to the specific conditions at the seedling site. The implications of this paper are expected to be used by seedling growers to improve the best practice of seedling production with local wisdom technology
Keywords: true seed of shallot- seedling- local wisdom- nursery
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| Corresponding Author (Retno Pangestuti)
113 |
Crop production system |
ABS-159 |
The Growth of Pak Choy (Brassica rapa L.) on the microalgae (Spirulina platensis) biomass-based nutrient solution Eko Binnaryo Mei Adi (a*), Dody Priadi (a), Puspita Deswina (a), and Ni Wayan Sri Agustini (b)
a) Research Center for Horticulture and Plantation *oke20adi[at]yahoo.com
b) Research Center for Applied Microbiology
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Jalan Raya Bogor Km.46 Cibinong 16911. West Java. Indonesia
Microalgae (Spirulina platensis), as an organic nutrition source, may play an important role in stimulating the nutritional needs of Pak Choy (Brassica rapa) in a hydroponic system. This study aimed to use S. platensis dry biomass as a nutrient source of Pak Choy grown hydroponically compared to commercial hydroponic nutrients (AB Mix) as a control in screenhouse conditions. The experiment was arranged in a factorial design, the first factor was maceration time (0, 1, and 2 weeks), and the second was the concentration of S. platensis solution (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 g/l, and AB Mix). The experimental design was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. The observed variables were plant height, total leaf, fresh weight of root, shoots, total weight, and chlorophyll content. The results showed that there was no interaction in all observed variables. The maceration treatments did not affect the plant growth, except for plant weight (23.6 g) and leaf width (0.8 cm). However, S. platensis concentration treatments affected all observed variables significantly (p<0.01). On the other hand, all treatments showed tip burns three to four weeks after planting. It concluded that organic substances from S. platensis dry biomass have a potential use as hydroponics nutrient solutions. However, further study needs to be conducted to obtain the optimum treatments (concentration and maceration time) to produce healthier vegetables.
Keywords: S. platensis- hydroponic- Nutrition
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| Corresponding Author (Eko Binnaryo Mei Adi Adi)
114 |
Crop production system |
ABS-168 |
Comparation of Two Pruning Methods Toward Arabica Coffe Seedling Growth Hasrina (a), Eka Wisdawati (a*), Henny Poerwanty (b), Elis Tambaru (c), Basri Baba (a), Muhammad Yusuf (a), Amri Pasareang (a)
a) Department of Production Tecnology of Plantation Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
b) Department of Management of Coffee Plantation, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
c) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245 Indonesia
Coffee production success in Indonesia was strongly affected by culture technique, for instance, proper pruning. Pruning Arabica coffee seedling is one of techniques to boost productivity by cutting the plant shoots and stems.This study aims to determine the effectiveness of shoot pruning and 50% pruning on the growth of Arabica coffee seedlings. Data processing was carried out by statistical methods to compare or test the average data of two paired populations using the T test at a level of 0.05. The comparison value (Tcount) is calculated using Equation (1) substituted from equation (2). Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter and number of branches. The results of the arabica coffee seedling experiment with two treatments of pruning arabica coffee seedlings on the shoots pruning showed that the average plant height, number of leaves, and number of branches, was higher than pruning at the 50% pruning. Meanwhile, pruning 50% of stem diameter showed a higher average than pruning of shoots. It can be concluded that pruning of Arabica coffee seedlings, especially shoot pruning, has a better effect on Arabica coffee seedlings.
Keywords: Arabica coffee- shoot pruning- seedlings
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| Corresponding Author (Eka Wisdawati)
115 |
Crop production system |
ABS-171 |
Growth response of Meranti Liberoid coffee seedling to liquid organic fertilizer and dolomite application NK Firdaus*, I Sobari, D Pranowo, KD Sasmita, E wardiana, Saefudin
Research Center for Horticulture and Estate Corps, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong Science Center
Liberica coffee is a type of coffee that can grow in soils with low pH and low nutrients. One of the efforts to increase the strength of the coffee seedling is by improving the planting media, through organic fertilizers and ameliorants application. This study aimed to analyze the effect of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and dolomite on the growth of Meranti Liberoid 2 (LIM 2) coffee seedlings. This research was conducted at the Pakuwon Experimental Station, Sukabumi, from April 2021 to January 2022. The research design used was a factorial 2 factor with 3 replications. The first factor was the LOF concentration (0, 5, and 10%), and the second was the dolomite dose (0- 2.5- 5.0- 7.5- and 10 g seedling-1). The results showed that the highest seedling height, leaf, and root dry weight of LIM 2 coffee seedlings was achieved by dolomite treatment of 7.5 g seedling-1 without LOF. The use of LOF can be an alternative to the need for dolomite to increase the growth of LIM 2 coffee seedlings.
Keywords: Acid soil- Liberoid coffee- liquid organic fertilizer- dolomite
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Kholis Firdaus)
116 |
Crop production system |
ABS-178 |
Growth and Production of Superior Rice Varieties in Freshwater Swampland at the Alabio Polder, Hulu Sungai Utara Puspita Harum Maharani1, Aidi Noor1, Muhammad Yasin1, Rina Dirgahayu Ningsih1, and Nurmili Yuliani2,
1Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Cibinong, Bogor Regency, 16911
2Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Cibinong, Bogor Regency, 16911
The freshwater swampland is one alternative as a source of food production in Indonesia because it is quite fertile and vast about 25.20 million ha. Several limitations of this area includes unpredictable water regime, floods in the rainy season, and drought in the dry season. The objective of this study is to evaluate new high yielding varieties and planting methods in the freshwater swampland. The experiments were carried out in the freshwater swampland of the Alabio polder area, Teluk Cati Village, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency covering an area of 5 ha, in the dry season in 2013 and 2014. In 2013 there were two kinds of treatment: first planting method (2:1 and 4:1) and varieties (Ciherang, Inpari-1, Inpari-17, and Inpari-19). In 2014, the treatment were varities (Ciherang, Inpari-1, Inpari-17 and Inpari-30) and planted by jajar legowo planting 4:1. The treatments were implemented by randomized block design with 10 replication. This study indicates that high-yielding varieties can increase rice productivity and farmer income. Rice productivity in the two growing seasons ranges from 4.46 to 7.12 t ha-1 dry grain. In the dry season of 2013, the Inpari-17 variety showed higher yields than the Inpari-1, Inpari-9, and Ciherang varieties. In the dry season of 2014, the results of Inpari-30, Inpari-17, and Inpari-1 were higher than that of Ciherang. Rice farming on freshwater swampland is immensely profitable (RC-1 3.09 and 2.78) and worth cultivating (BC-1 2.09 and 1.78).
Keywords: rice, inpari, frehwater swampland
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| Corresponding Author (Rina D. Ningsih)
117 |
Crop production system |
ABS-180 |
The Growth Character of Sago Palm Based on Differences in Age of Trunk Formation Dwi Ratna Sari (a*), Rinaldi Sjahril (b), Katsuya Osozawa (c)
a) Department of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Majene, Indonesia
b) Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, Japan
This study aims to (1) characterize sago palm that has formed trunks at 3 years, 3.5 years and 4 years after transplanting- (2) knowing the growth character which has a direct influence on the diameter character of sago trunk. The research was conducted at Sago Plantation Site located in Pengkajoang Village, Malangke Barat Subdistrict, North Luwu Regency using collection of the semi-cultured sago palm in that site. The characters observed were trunk diameter, petiole length, rachis length, leaf length, tree height, number of suckers, number of leaves, length of longest leaflets, width of widest leaflets, number of right leaflet and number of left leaflet. Comparing average of three variables between sago forming trunks at 3 years, 3.5 years and 4 years after transplanting, a paired T-Test was used. Correlation analysis was also conducted to study the relationship between observed variables. In final section, a path analysis was carried out to study the magnitude of direct and indirect effects on each growth character for trunk formation. The results showed that the sago palm that formed trunk at 3 years old had the highest number of leaves (20 strands), 3.5 years (17 strands), and 4 years (16 strands). Conversely, the sago palm that forms trunk at 4 years old has the widest leaflet (7.44 cm)- 3.5 years (6.04 cm) and 3 years (6.52 cm). Correlation analysis and path analysis showed that there were three growth characters of sago palm which has significant influence in the formation of trunk diameter, namely the number of leaves, rachis length, and height of trees with a cross coefficient value of 0.670- 0.549 and 0.520.
Keywords: sago, trunk formation, age, growth character, path analysis
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| Corresponding Author (Dwi Ratna Sari)
118 |
Crop production system |
ABS-181 |
1) Research Center for Food Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.
2) Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.
Abstract. The increase in the rice planting index aims to optimize time and space, so that the cropping index can be maximized. To achieve this, the early rice ripe variety (90 - 112 days) needed as the main instrument supported by efficiency in planting and harvesting time. This activity was carried out in Rawa Medang Village, Batang Asam District, West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province. The methodology of the activity is to replace the existing rice variety with early maturing rice varieties with cropping patterns in the growing season : Planting Season (PS) I (November - March) Inpari 30 variety, (PS II: March - July) Inpari 13 variety, and (PS III: July -November) Inpari 33 variety, on an area of 2.5 ha. The activity was carried out in planting season 2019/2020 with an Integrated Crop Management approach on irrigated land. The production of Inpari 30 rice was obtained in the first planting season (6.1 tons/ha), with a harvest age of 111 days. In the second planting season, Inpari 13 variety (5.9 tons/ha) was harvested at 99 days. In the third planting season, the Inpari 33 variety produced yields (5,7 tons/ha) with a harvest age of 107 days. Total production per hectare per year using Inpari 30, Inpari 13 and Inpari 33 varieties is 17.7 tons. By using high yielding varieties, early maturing has the opportunity to increase the Crop Index and productivity to close to 20 tons/ha/year.
Keywords: Planting Intensity, Variety, Rice, Production, Farmer Income
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| Corresponding Author (Julistia Bobihoe)
119 |
Crop production system |
ABS-200 |
Adaptation and Farmers Preferences on Rice and Steamed Rice Quality of Several Varieties in Tidal Swampland (Case Study in Sei Jangkit Village Central Kalimantan) Susi L.(a), Rina DN. (a), Aidi Noor (a), Retna Q. (b), Khairatun N.(a), Muhammad Amin (c)
a. Research Organization For Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
b. Research Organization for Governance, Economy, and Community Welfare, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
c. Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of South Kalimantan, Indonesia
The tidal swampland in Central Kalimantan has the potential as a source of production and as a rice barn. Some obstacles in tidal swampland are high acidity and toxic elements that result in low rice yields. IAARD has several new superior rice varieties that can be used in swampland. However, not all of these varieties can provide high productivity in the same environment. Adaptive and tolerant varieties are needed as well as site-specific cultivation technology. This study aims to obtain adaptive and tolerant rice varieties in the tidal swampland. The adaptation test of several rice varieties was carried out in tidal swampland, Sei Jangkit village, Bataguh sub-district, Kapuas district, and Central Kalimantan. The activity was carried out from September 2021 to April 2022. The varieties planted, namely, Inpara-2, Inpari-32, Inpari Nutrizinc, and Baroma. They covered an area of 4 ha and involved eight cooperative farmers. The technology applied in the farming activity is tidal management which includes water management, ameliorant applicant, balanced fertilization, and control of pests and disease. ANOVA was used to determine the effect of varietal treatment on agronomic observation, followed by an average difference test with LSD at a 95% confidence level. Farmers^ preference data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and continued with the Mann-Whitney test at the 5% level if there was a significant difference. The results showed that Inpara-2 gave the highest grain yield (5.12 t/ha), Inpari-32 gave 4.48 t/ha, Inpari Nutrizinc 4.58 t/ha, and Baroma 4.98 t/ha. Farming analysis using the B/C ratio of the varieties planted ranges from 1.28 - 1.57, with Inpara-2 giving the highest B/C ratio (1.57), followed by Baroma (1.51). The Baroma and Inpari-32 varieties are preferred over other types because of the taste of cooked rice, aroma, and color of the rice. These two varieties are close to the rice quality of the local Siam Mayang variety based on farmers^ preferences.
Keywords: tidal swampland, farmer, adaptation, preference
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| Corresponding Author (Susi Lesmayati)
120 |
Crop production system |
ABS-204 |
Inpari IR Nutri Zinc Rice Phenotype Through the Application of Environmentally Friendly Rice Cultivation Kiki Kusyaeri Hamdani, Yati Haryati
National Research and Innovation Agency
In order to increase productivity and rice production by taking into account aspects of environmental sustainability and sustainable cultivation in the future as well as restoration of land fertility, it is necessary to apply environmentally friendly rice cultivation. Several components of environmentally friendly rice cultivation technology include the selection of plant varieties, cropping patterns, and appropriate ecosystem management approaches. This study aims to determine the performance of Inpari IR Nutri Zinc variety rice through the application of environmentally friendly rice cultivation. This study aims to determine the performance of Inpari IR Nutri Zinc variety rice through the application of environmentally friendly rice cultivation. The research was conducted in rainfed rice fields in Cibiuk Kaler Village, Cibiuk District, Garut Regency from April to August 2021. The treatment being tested was to compare environmentally friendly rice cultivation technology packages with farmer-style cultivation. The rice variety used was Inpari IR Nutri Zinc. The results showed that the environmentally friendly cultivation technology package treatment resulted in a plant height of 90 DAP, number of tillers, panicle length, number of panicles per clump, number of grain per panicle, number of filled grain per panicle, and higher Inpari productivity. Rice IR Nutri Zinc compared with conventional means farmer.
Keywords: number of tillers, number of filled grain, sustainability
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| Corresponding Author (Agus Nurawan)
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