Application of Various Concentrations of Mixed Extracts of Calotropis gigantea (L.) W.T. Aiton and Crescentia cujete (L.) Against Population and Attack Intensity of Leptocorisa acuta Thunberg., Nephotettix virescens Distant and Natural Enemy Populations of Rice Plants Plant Pests and Diseases Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Abstract Changes in land and pesticide are the main drivers of changes in the biodiversity of agricultural land, particularly natural enemies of insect pests. Leptocorisa acuta and Nephotettix spp. are the main pests of rice plants in Indonesia which are mostly controlled with pesticides. The use of extracts of natural ingredients Calontropis gigantea leaves and Crescentia cujete fruit is an alternative for controlling rice pests. The purpose of the study was to determine the mixed extracts of C. gigantea and C. cujete with various concentrations on the population and the attack intensity of Leptocorisa acuta and Nephotettix spp. as well as natural enemies population. This study consisted of six treatments, namely a concentration of 1%- 2.5%- 4%- 5.5%- 7% and farmer treatment. Observations were made visually and sweep net by taking samples diagonally in one plot was taken five plant sample points were and in one point consisted of four clumps of rice. The results showed that the population and intensity of attack were low in all treatments of extract concentration compared to the farmers treatment and statistical analysis did not showed any difference between concentrations but showed a significant difference in the farmers treatment. Natural enemies population were high in all extract treatments compared to farmer treatment. The use of mixed extracts of C. gigantea and C. cujete can reduce the population and attack intensity of pests attack and is not harmful to natural enemies so that it can be used for pest control of rice plants. Keywords: Agricultural, Biodiversity, Pest, Pesticide. Topic: Integrated pest and disease management |
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