Gamification of The Doppler Effect Simulation (TDES)
Dewi Muliyati*, Tim Abyan Syah, Mahmudah, Ardi Kumara

Physics Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta
Jalan R.Mangun Muka Raya 11, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


This article aims to introduce gamification in virtual simulation learning media. The material described in this virtual simulation is the Doppler Effect. This virtual simulation is divided into two parts, namely story and simulation. To use the simulation, the user must complete the achievements first, that is completing the story. The story section is divided into four stage: the introduction, the moving source, the moving observer, and the moving source and observer. The introductory section explains the storyline of the Doppler Effect material in the other three sections. The next sections contain material according to the section title and continue with evaluation related to the material discussed in each section. At the end of the section there is a reward points that can be spent to buy items in the simulation. In the simulation part, the user can interact with the object of the sound source and the observer by setting its velocity, and adjusting the frequency of the sound source.

Keywords: Gamification- Virtual Simulation- Doppler Effect

Topic: Physics Education

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