Esmar Budi

Physics and Physics Education Departments-Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


A study on liquid smoke of coconut (cocos nucifera) shell is presented. There were three qualified grade of liquid smokes based on the purification step process in order to eliminate or minimized the tar content. First grade, the liquid smoke that was produced by pyrolyzed coconut shell in converting into coconut charcoal. The second grade, the previous liquid smoke was destilated and followed by third grade that it was filtered. All the liquid smoke were characterized by using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS). The result showed that the tar content of liquid smoke decreased as the third purification grade was carried out that presented by clearly vision liquid smoke. The composition of liquid smoke was dominantly phenol and acetic acid while the rest composition was carbonyl. It showed that in general the phenol and acetic acid composition tend to decrease at the third purification step process.

Keywords: liquid smoke, coconut shell, charcoal, phenol, anti-bacterial..

Topic: Physics

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