Analysis of Indonesian Senior High School Physics Textbooks for Representations of Free-Body Diagrams
Kurniawan, Bakhrul Rizky- Fawaiz, Sahal- Ramadani, Cahyani Intan-Purwaningsih, Endang-Rahmawati, Irma

Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang.
SMPN 4 Malang.
Tadris Fisika, Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin


Free-body diagrams are an important skill for students in STEM education. Several representations are used to describe the interaction of force. Various kinds of representations of forces and their interactions raise pros and cons, for example in physics textbooks in Indonesia. We used content analysis on 5 physics books approved by the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The results show that the representations used are abstract and real representations, which are more often used together. The representation does not explicitly mention interaction and the action-reaction force. There are several books that decompose force, but do not distinguish between the force and the component. Advice to physics textbook authors to pay sufficient attention to representations that facilitate a comprehensive understanding of Newton^s Laws.

Keywords: Free Body Diagram, Textbooks, Representation

Topic: Physics Education

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