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91 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-243

Feeding Difference Concoction of Plant Extracts on The Growth and Molting of Crabs (Scylla serrata) Culture in Silvofishery Pond
Esti Handayani Hardi (a*), Andre Julpano (a), Wanda (a), Ismail F. Almadi (b), Harris Retno (c), Rita Diana (d), Nurul P. Palupi (e), Gina Saptiani (a), Andi N. Asikin (f), A. Syafei Sidik (b)

a) Microbiology and Biotechnology aquaculture Laboratory, Aquaculture Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Mulawarman University.
b) Basic Chemical Laboratory, Aquaculture Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Mulawarman University.
c) Faculty of Law, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
d) Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
e) Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
f) THP Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Mulawarman University.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of some extracts mixed as functional feed additives on crab growth and molting activity (Scylla serrata). There were 50 crabs used in the study, with 10 crabs for each treatment dose. The crabs are kept individually in a crab box floating on a plastic parallon. The treatments tested were divided into five groups: one without extract and four groups with 400mg/L Solanum ferox (SFE), 200 mg/L Zingiber zerumbet (ZZE), and 600 mg/L Boesenbergia pandurate (BPE). 1) Crabs without extracts, 2) 20 mg/kg BPE and SFE feed in a 1:1 ratio, 3) 30 mg/kg BPE and SFE feed in a 1:1 ratio, 4) 20 mg/kg feed of ZZE and SFE with 1:1 ratio, and 5) 30 mg/kg feed of ZZE and SFE with 1:1 ratio. Crabs feeding was fresh fish (Sardinella sp.) with the protein content of 26-30%, was given at a dose of 5% body weight every day. The findings revealed that the dosage of herbal extracts affects crab feed utilization and growth performance. The dose of herbal extract concoction in group 5 resulted in higher feed utilization and growth performance, but crabs molting were more visible in group 3. Feed utilization and growth performance of mud crabs after molting and non-molting were found to differ significantly. SGR of 2.73 percent was obtained in group 3. In Group 3, 86 percent of crabs were molting, and 86,7 percent of crabs survived. There were also significant differences between treatments for specific growth rates, feed consumption, feed efficiency, and condition factors. These findings indicate that concoction ZZE and SFE herbal extracts could be used as feed additives to improve feed utilization and growth performance, and BPE and SFE can also stimulate molting in crab farming.

Keywords: Crab, Growth, Plant extracts, Molting, Feed Utilization

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92 Ekologi dan Konservasi Perairan (National) ABS-24

Studi Kelimpahan dan Sebaran Jenis Teripang (Holothuria sp.) di Pulau Kelapa Dua, Pulau Panjang Besar dan Panjang Kecil Kepulauan Seribu
Tegas Gentur Sosiawan (1)(2), Mustalafin(1)

1) Balai Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu
Jl. Salemba Raya No.9 Lantai III, Jakarta Pusat
2)Prodi Pasca Sarjana Biologi, Universitas Nasional
Jl. Harsono RM, Ragunan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan


Teripang merupakan salah satu komoditi ekspor perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi karena mengandung berbagai komponen bioaktif yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia, namun teripang telah menunjukkan fenomena chronic-over- fishing, yang secara alami tidak akan mampu lagi untuk pulih. Demikian halnya dengan keberadaan teripang di Kawasan Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu yang keberadaannya jauh menurun dibandingkan pada tahun 90an. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi aktual terkait jenis dan sebaran teripang di Kepulauan Seribu. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data adalah purposive sampling dimana sensus dilakukan di lokasi yang merupakan habitat teripang berupa ekosistem lamun dan karang yang dianggap dapat mewakili wilayah penelitian serta untuk mengurangi terjadinya bias data yang diperoleh. Luas area yang diamati selama penelitian seluas 20,53Ha, dimana dijumpai18 jenis teripang dari total individu yang ditemukan sebanyak 645 individu. Parameter yang diamati antara lain adalah kelimpahan jenis, dominansi jenis, komposisi jenis dan distribusi. Dari 18 jenis teripang yang dijumpai, Holothuria atra (teripang pasir hitam) adalah jenis yang paling banyak di temukan dari seluruh pulau dengan kelimpahan sebanyak 24 ind/Ha dan teripang Synapta reticulata sebanyak 15 ind/Ha. Untuk dominansi jenis diperoleh data bahwa Holothuria atra mendominansi di semua lokasi, dimana Holothuria atra memiliki dominansi jenis di Pulau Kelapa Dua sebesar 48, 31%, Pulau Panjang Besar 70 % dan Pulau Panjang Kecil sebesar 82,86 %. Jenis teripang pasir hitam (Holothuria atra) memiliki persentase komposisi jenis tertinggi dengan nilai sebesar 57,83%. Sedangkan untuk Pola penyebaran jenis teripang yang ditemukan pada setiap stasiun penelitian menunjukkan pola distribusi mengelompok dan seragam.

Keywords: Kepulauan Seribu, Teripang, Holothuria sp., kelimpahan, komposisi, dominansi

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93 Ekologi dan Konservasi Perairan (National) ABS-283

Hubungan Antara Nutrien Nitrat Dan Fosfat Pada Substrat Dengan Kerapatan Lamun di Pulau Pajenekang Pangkep.
Andi Afdalul Rijal, Yayu Anugrah La Nafie*, Mahatma Lanuru, Rahmadi Tambaru & Khairul Amri.

Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10, Makassar 90245. Indonesia


Pulau Pajenekang memiliki keanekaragaman jenis lamun dengan kondisi tutupan dan kerapatan yang berbeda-beda, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh pengaruh alam dan pengaruh antropogenik. Kondisi perairan yang sangat mempengaruhi kerapatan jenis lamun adalah fraksi substrat dan kandungan nutrien substrat dasar tempat lamun tumbuh. Hal tersebut penting dikarenakan lamun memanfaatkan nutrien terlarut di perairan dan nutrien yang berada di substrat untuk proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara nutrien nitrat dan fosfat pada substrat dengan kerapatan lamun di Pulau Pajenekang, Kecamatan Liukang Tuppabiring, Kabupaten Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan. Pengambilan data lamun dilakukan di sebelah barat dan utara dengan menggunakan metode line transek yang meliputi data frekuensi kemunculan, tutupan dan kerapatan lamun. Sedangkan, pengambilan data nutrien nitrat dan fosfat pada substrat menggunakan metode random sampling dan analisis dengan metode penetapan hara makro ekstrak Morgan-Wolf. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kerapatan lamun di Pulau Pajenekang memiliki nilai yang beragam, dengan rata-rata kerapatan lamun pada stasiun barat 275 tegakan per m2 sedangkan pada stasiun utara 356 tegakan per m2. Untuk Kandungan nutrien pada substrat di Pulau Pajenekang termasuk rendah jika dibandingkan hasil penelitian ditempat lain. Kandungan nitrat (0,36 ppm) dan fosfat (0,49 ppm) di stasiun barat lebih rendah secara signifikan (P<0,05) dibandingkan kandungan nitrat (0,49 ppm) dan fosfat (0,64 ppm) di stasiun utara. Hasil analisis korelasi pearson antara kandungan nitrat dan kerapatan lamun di Pulau Pajenekang menunjukkan hubungan yang bersifat negatif dengan angka korelasi sedang (-0,496). Sedangkan, analisis korelasi pearson kandungan fosfat menunjukkan hubungan yang bersifat negatif dan menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan (-0,166). Hal ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa ada faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap kerapatan lamun di lokasi penelitian.

Keywords: Kerapatan lamun, nitrat, fosfat, substrat, pulau pajenekang.

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94 Ekologi dan Konservasi Perairan (National) ABS-179

Keberadaan Sungai dan Kegiatan Perikanan: Kasus di Wilayah Aliran Sungai Serayu
Andin H Taryoto, Dwi W. Yulianty, Martoyo Prihastono, Hariyanto

1. Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan (2007-2019) Jl. Cikaret No. 2 Bogor
2. Dinas Perikanan dan Peternakan kab. Banyumas Jl. Achmad Yani, No. 30 A, Purwokerto
3. Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan kab. Purbalingga Jl. AW. Soemarmo No. 44-46 Purbalingga
4. Dinas Pangan, Pertanian dan Perikanan kab. Wonosobo Jl. Letjen S. Parman km 02 Wonosobo


Sungai Serayu merupakan salah satu sungai utama di pulau Jawa. Alirannya melalui lima kabupaten di Jawa Tengah: Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, dan Cilacap. Satu-satunya waduk yang terdapat pada sungai Serayu adalah waduk Mrica yang berada di kabupaten Banjarnegara. Melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, kajian diarahkan pada tujuan mengidentifikasi potensi air aliran sungai Serayu, mendeskripsikan kegiatan perikanan di sekitar sungai Serayu, serta memberikan rekomendasi pengembangan kegiatan perikanan dan kegiatan terkait lainnya di wilayah aliran sungai Serayu. Potensi sungai Serayu telah dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan oleh pihak pemerintah maupun masyarakat setempat. Aktivitas pembangkit tenaga listrik, budidaya dan penangkapan ikan, serta wisata berbasis sungai adalah sejumlah kegiatan utama untuk memanfaatkan potensi sungai Serayu. Kajian pada kabupaten Wonosobo, Purbalingga, dan Banyumas menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing kabupaten menunjukkan ciri-ciri tersendiri, disamping sejumlah hal yang berlaku secara umum. Upaya konservasi serta penyadaran kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya konservasi keberadaan sungai menjadi tantangan kedepan bagi seluruh pihak-pihak terkait.

Keywords: Serayu, perikanan, konservasi, wisata, masyarakat

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95 Ekologi dan Konservasi Perairan (National) ABS-229

Kasnita1, S. Yusuf1, A. H. Muhiddin1

Departemen Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin
Jln. Printis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, Sulawesi Selatan


Identifikasi dan klasifikasi foraminifera dilakukan dengan melihat ciri-ciri cangkang seperti struktur dan komposisi, bentuk dan susunan kamar, apertur dan ornamentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis dan indeks ekologi fosil foraminifera pada sedimen penyusun daratan Pulau Barranglompo serta hubungan komposisi jenis foraminifera terhadap kedalaman galian dan jenis sedimen daratan Pulau Barranglompo. Metode yang dilakukan yakni penggalian sedimen pada tiap stasiun dengan 3 variasi kedalaman yaitu 0,5 m, 1 m dan 1,5 m. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan ditemukan sebanyak 22 jenis foraminifera di Pulau Barranglompo yang memiliki keanekaragaman yang tinggi, keseragaman yang sedang atau hampir merata dan dominansi yang rendah. Secara umum, Fosil foraminifera yang paling banyak ditemukan yakni Calcarina gaimardi pada jenis sedimen pasir kasar (Coarse sand) kemudian C. spengleri dan Crithionina pisum.

Keywords: komposisi jenis, foraminifera, sedimen, pulau Barranglompo

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96 Ekowisata Laut (National) ABS-129

Development of local community-based turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach, Pindrang Regency
Abdul Wahid, Andi Amri, A Adri Arief, Mardiana E Fachry, Aswin

Hasanuddin University


The tourism sector with the concept of ecotourism can be a solution to overcome socio-economic and ecological gaps in coastal areas. Lowita Beach, Pindrang Regency is one of the ecotourism potentials with turtle resources as the main object supported by an attractive coastal landscape. This study aims to examine the potential of turtles on Lowita beach, determine stakeholder participation in the development of turtle ecotourism, and formulate a strategy for developing local community-based turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach, Pindrang Regency. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results of this study identified types of turtles in Lowika Beach, namely the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate), and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). Stakeholder participation in the development of turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach with an integrated policy to support turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach. The strategy for developing turtle ecotourism includes improvements, the addition of supporting facilities for tourism activities, and the direction of more organized turtle tourism activities. Then increase supervision on activities that damage turtle habitat, and conduct socialization with tourists and local communities about the importance of protecting turtles.

Keywords: Turtle, tourist, ecotourism, Lowita Beach

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97 Ekowisata Laut (National) ABS-132

Ahmad Bahar, Chair Rani, Amran Saru, Marzuki Ukkas, Lusiana Kadir

Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


Bulu Cindea merupakan salah satu wilayah di Kabupaten Pangkep yang terkenal dengan kekayaan alamnya, berupa hutan mangrove. Hutan mangrove ini kemudian dikembangkan menjadi kawasan ekowisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dan daya tarik ekowisata mangrove di Desa Bulu Cindea, Kabupaten Pangkep untuk pengembangan kawasan ekowisata ke depannya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survey lapangan dan wawancara dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Sedangkan penilaian keindahan alam dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode SBE (Scenic beauty Estimation). Analisis data digunakan analisis ragam (one-way Anova) dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi ekowisata di ekosistem mangrove Bulu Cindea yang bisa dijadikan objek daya tarik berupa kehadiran burung Kuntul Kecil, Walet, Burung Gereja, Burung Kokoan Laut, Ikan Gelodok, dan Kepiting mangrove. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan SBE (Scenic Beauty Estimation) wisatawan lebih menyukai pemandangan perpaduan antara keindahan buatan manusia dan keindahan alam secara alami. Strategi pengembangan ekowisata mangrove pada kawasan mangrove Desa Bulu Cindea adalah ketersediaan air tawar yang cukup dan kontinyu, sistem pengawasan dan evaluasi yang melibatkan masyarakat setempat serta para pemangku kepentingan dalam pengelolaan dan perlindungan ekosistem mangrove, pencegahan pencemaran bahan limbah organik dan anorganik.

Keywords: Ekowisata, Mangrove, Scenic beauty Estimation, SWOT, Biringkassi

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98 Ekowisata Laut (National) ABS-250

Analisis Faktor Dalam Pengaruh Kunjungan Wisata Pantai Indah Bosowa
M Mahmud Hijazy N, Aris Baso, Dalvi Mustafa, Amiluddin, Arie Syachruni Cangara

Universitas Hasanuddin


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal dalam mempengaruhi kunjungan wisata di Pantai Indah Bosowa. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama satu bulan pada bulan Maret 2022 dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel dengan cara sampel tidak acak atau nonrandom sampling/nonprobability sampling. Pengambilan nonprobability sampling dilakukan secara convenience sampling I accidental sampling dengan menggunakan kuisioner/angket yang disebarkan ke pengunjung wisata Pantai Indah Bosowa dan dihitung menggunakan analisis regresi liniear berganda menggunakan spss vers.22. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kunjungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai Adjusted R Square sebesar 0,928 mendekati 1 maka menunjukkan pengaruh dalam peningkatan intensitas kunjungan sebesar 92,8% yang dipengaruhi dari total faktor-faktor yang diajukan penulis berdasarkan data responden yaitu Willingness to Pay, Atraction, Ancilliary, Accessibility, Amenity dan sisa 6,2% adalah faktor lain yang tidak tercantum dalam model regresi namun juga dapat mempengaruhi frekuensi kunjungan dalam penelitian ini. Faktor yang memiliki pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kunjungan berdasarkan uji parsial t adalah variabel Aksesbilitas artinya bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara variabel Aksebilitas secara parsial terhadap frekuensi kunjungan, Variabel Fasilitas artinya bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara variabel Fasilitas secara parsial terhadap frekuensi kunjungan, Variabel Pelayanan Tambahan artinya bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara variabel Pelayanan Tambahan secara parsial terhadap frekuensi kunjungan.

Keywords: Faktor, Pengaruh, Pantai Indah Bosowa

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99 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-256

Quality and Safety of Squid (Loligo forbesii) sold at Daya Traditional Market in Makassar
Kasmiati Kasmiati a,*), Setiawan Karsidi a), Mufti Hatur Rahmi a), Sitti Hardiyanti Rahman a), Besse NurFadhillah a), Fahrul Fahrul a), Syahrul Syahrul a),

(a)Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Tamalanrea KM 10, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia


This study aimed to determine the quality and food safety of squid (Loligo forbesii) sold at the Daya Traditional Market, Makassar, Indonesia. The study was conducted in January - March 2022. Sampling was collected in the morning around 09.00 - 10.00 AM with a frequency of three times a week for three weeks at different squid sellers. Organoleptic testing, TVB and formalin were observed at the Laboratory of the Fishery Product Quality Application Center of South Sulawesi, while determination of pH and temperature of squid were done on site just after sampling. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and presented in the form of tables. The results showed that the squid sold at the Traditional Market were still in good quality with the average value of organoleptic 7.2- pH 6.77- and a temperature of 20.32C. The Indonesian National Standard (01-2729.1-2013) regarding the safety of fresh fishery products marketed at the Traditional Market in Makassar is categorized as fresh with a TVB value of 16.30 mg-N/100g. However, 33.3% of the samples contained formalin which indicated that the squid was in fresh condition but did not meet the safety standards of fishery products.

Keywords: Squid, formalin, organoleptic, pH, TVB, traditional market

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100 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-269

Bioenrichment Artemia saline with Melastoma Leaf Extract (Melastoma malabathricum) as Immunostimulant on Black Tiger Prawn Fry (Penaeus monodon), which Infection with Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Nuril Farizah, Burhanuddin Ihsan, Dicky Wahyudi

1.Researcher on The National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

2.Lecturer on Departement of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sains, Borneo University, Tarakan, North Borneo.

3.Study on Aquaculture Departement, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sains, Borneo University, Tarakan, North Borneo



Melastoma herbal (Melastoma malabathricum) has antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties. Using melastoma plants to increase fishery productivity has been widely studied. Herbs Melastoma can act as Immunostimulant, boosts the body^s immunity. The disease was a factor causing the decline in black tiger shrimp production in Tarakan, and the water carrying capacity factor has decreased. Diseases that often attack black tiger shrimp farmers are Vibrio spp. The study aims to know the potential of the melastoma leaf extract as an immunostimulant for black tiger shrimp fry against Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria attack. Tests on black tiger prawns in the post-larval stage (PL - 15) treated the food with Artemia saline enriched with melastoma leaf extract with different concentrations. The research consists of four treatments and three replications, such as- treatment 1 (administration of A. saline without enrichment), treatment 2 (enrichment of A. saline with 100 ppm extract), treatment 3 (enrichment of A. saline with extract of 120 ppm) and treatment 4 (enrichment of A. saline with extract of 150 ppm). The result shows the highest survival rate of post larvae in the treatment of A. saline enrichment with an extract concentration of 120 ppm, 64%. Meanwhile, the control treatment showed the lowest survival rate for fry, which was 34%. In addition, after 24 hours of V. parahaemolyticus infection in fry, the control treatment showed symptoms of an earlier attack than the extract treatment. Melastoma leaves can improve the fry^s immunity to dependent on Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria attack.

Keywords: Keywords: Black Tiger Prawn, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Melastoma, Extract, Herbs, Survival Rate

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101 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-71

Effect of Piper Betle Leaves Extract Treatment on Physicochemical and Appearance of Litopenaeus Vannamei
Mohd.Al-Hafiz Zaini (a*), Nurul Ulfah Karim (b)

a) Higher Institution Centre of Excellent, Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Litopenaeus vannamei is one of the important aquaculture products. The processed shrimp are heavily exported to country like Japan, Europe, and China due to consumer high rate. However, the commercialization of products involves various level of cold chain and time to reach the consumers and thus leads to rapid deterioration of the products. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the changes of texture and color quality of L. vannamei after treated with betel leaves extract using texture analyzer and color meter. Sensory analysis using experienced panelists were also performed. L. vannamei coated with 2.0% betel leaves extract showed a hardness (17013.86g), cohesiveness (0.53%), resilience (0.30%), and springiness (0.64%) but not significantly different (p>0.05) to other treatments (0, 0.5 and 1.0%, SMS). While the color of the shrimp indicates towards the lightness value (L) (32.01), redness (a) (0.37) and blueness (b) (5.12) with significantly different (p<0.05) to other treatments (0, 0.5 and 1.0%, SMS). Organoleptic test showed L. vannamei coated with 2% betel leaves extract are highly accepted by the consumer. Thus, coating L. vannamei at a 2.0% of betel leaves extract promising a significant in keeping the quality of shrimp for longer time.

Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei, Piper Betle Leaves Extract, Texture Profile Analysis, Color Meter, Organoleptic

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102 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-123

Sargassum aquifolium juice prevents raised cholesterol levels and liver histopathological damage in rats fed an atherogenic diet
Saffira Anindita Mulyono (1*), Muhamad Firdaus (2)

1 Student of Fisheries and Marine Science of Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
2 Lecturer of Fisheries and Marine Science of Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia


Hypercholesterolemia is a metabolic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels in the blood. This disorder can lead to liver cirrhosis. This study aimed to prevent cholesterol rise and cirrhosis in the liver of rats. S. aquifolium was taken from Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara. Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) aged 2-3 months, weighing approximately 150 g were used as test animals and fed an atherogenic diet for 6 months. The phytochemical analysis was performed by the Harborne method. This study consisted of 5 treatments, each group containing 3 rats. The parameters observed were cholesterol levels and liver profiles. The statistical analysis used was an analysis of variance and a confidence interval of 5%. The results showed that S. aquifolium juice contained tannins, saponins and steroids. Rats fed with an atherogenic diet show elevated levels of cholesterol and cirrhosis of the liver. However, administering S. aquifolium juice twice a day could prevent increased cholesterol levels and damage to the liver profile, but giving S. aquifolium juice three times a day has a toxic impact. In conclusion, S. aquifolium juice contains bioactive compounds that could inhibit an increase in cholesterol levels and damage the liver profile in rats fed an atherogenic diet.

Keywords: S. aquifolium, functional food, phytochemical, hypercholesterolemia, liver histopathological profile

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103 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-136

Sargassum aquifolium Juice Prevents Elevated Cholesterol Levels and Aortic Profile Damage in Rats Fed An Atherogenic Diet
Aulia Savira and Muhamad Firdaus

Study Program of Fishery Products Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University


Hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which blood cholesterol levels exceed normal conditions. This disorder can trigger atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta. Sargassum aquifolium is a brown seaweed that contains bioactive substances that can be used as a functional food to prevent hypercholesterolemia. The levels of these bioactive compounds can be obtained by slow juicing. This study aimed to prevent hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerotic lesions in rat aorta. S. aquifolium was obtained from Ekabuana Waters, Ekas Bay, East Lombok Islands, West Nusa Tenggara. Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) were used as test animals for 2 to 3 months, weighing more or less 150g. Hypercholesterolemia is modelled by an atherogenic diet for six months. The phytochemical method is based on the Harborne method. The parameters observed were cholesterol levels and aortic profile. The statistical analysis used was diversity analysis and the Duncan follow-up test with a confidence interval of the same with 0.05. The results showed that S. aquifolium juice contained tannins, saponins and steroids. Experimental animals fed an atherogenic diet had elevated cholesterol and atherosclerotic lesions. The conclusion is administration of S. aquifolium juice twice a day could prevent increased cholesterol and atherosclerotic in rats treated with an atherogenic diet.

Keywords: Sargassum aquifolium, functional food, phytochemical, hypercholesterolemia, aortic profile

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104 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-137

Sargassum aquifolium Juice Prevents Increased Cholesterol Levels and Histopathological Damages of The Digestive Tract in Rats fed an Atherogenic Diet
Hendri Diego, Muhammad Firdaus

UB = Universitas Brawijaya


Sargassum aquifolium is a seaweed that potential as an antihypercholesterolemic functional food. Hypercholesterolemia is a metabolic disorder characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood which can trigger intestinal inflammation. This study aimed to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and damage to the digestive tract of rats fed an atherogenic diet. S. aquifolium was obtained from Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara. Rattus novergicus 2 until 3 months old, weighing approximately 150 g as experimental animals. Rats fed an atherogenic diet for 6 months. The phytochemical method was carried out based on the Harborne method. Parameters observed were cholesterol levels and gastrointestinal tract damage. The data were stated as mean and standard deviation. The results showed that S. aquifolium juice contained tannins, saponins, and steroids. Experimental animals fed an atherogenic diet showed an increase in cholesterol levels and damage to the digestive tract. Giving S. aquifolium juice 2 times a day was able to prevent an increase in cholesterol and damage to the digestive tract profile. The conclusion is that S. aquifolium juice contains tannins, saponins and steroids and that giving the juice twice a day can prevent the increase in cholesterol and damage to the digestive tract.

Keywords: Sargassum aquifolium juice, phytochemistry, functional food, hypercholesterolemia, digestive tract profile

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105 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-139

Sargassum aquifolium juice prevents raised cholesterol levels and muscle histopathological damage in rats fed an atherogenic diet
Darmawan Jalu Prakoso and Muhamad Firdaus

Fishery Products Technology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Brawijaya.


Hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which cholesterol levels in the body exceed normal limits. Hypercholeterolemia has many factors such as lifestyle and consuming foods that are high in fat. The number of natural ingredients to prevent the increase of cholesterol levels in the body. Sargassum aquifolium is one of the natural ingredients that is able to prevent the increase in cholesterol levels which contains its bioactive compounds. S. aquifolium can be extracted by slow juicy method to remove bioactive compounds. This study aims to determine the benefits of giving S. aquifolium juice to prevent the increase in cholesterol levels in the body and damage to the muscle profile of rats. The study used S. aquifolium seaweed taken from the coastal bay of Ekas Buana, West Lombok, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) aged 2 to 3 months, weighing approximately 150 g as experimental animals. Modeling of hypercholesterolemia was carried out through atherogenic feeding for 6 months. The phytochemical method was carried out based on the Harborne method. This study consisted of 5 treatments, namely, negative control treatment, positive treatment, treatment of atherogenic diet feeding by giving S. aquifolium juice 1x, 2x and 3x a day. Parameters observed were cholesterol levels and muscle profiles. Statistical analysis used is one way ANOVA and Kruskall Wallis test. The results showed that the administration of an atherogenic diet was able to increase cholesterol levels and damage muscle profiles. Bioactive compounds from the phytochemical test of S. aquifolium juice in the form of saponins, tannins and steroids that are capable of being antihypercholesterolemic by giving 2 times a day. The conclusion is that S. aquifolium juice has bioactive compounds that can prevent the increase of cholesterol levels and prevent damage to the muscle profile of rats when given 2 times a day, but are toxic when given 3 times a day. The conclusion is that S. aquifolium

Keywords: Sargassum aquifolium juice, phytochemistry, functional food, hypercholesterolemia, muscle profile

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106 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-140

Sargassum aquifolium juice prevents the increase in cholesterol levels and damage to the kidney profile in rat fed an atherogenic diet
Muhammad Harist Rifat Abdillah, Muhammad Firdaus

Brawijaya University


Hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which cholesterol exceeds normal limits in the body. This condition can lead to necrosis of the kidneys. There are active ingredients that can prevent the rise in cholesterol levels. Sargassum aquifolium is a brown alga with bioactive content that can be used as a functional food to prevent elevated cholesterol levels. The content of active ingredients can be obtained by using the slow juicing method. This study aims to prevent cholesterol rise and kidney necrosis in rats. Rattus novergicus aged 2-3 months weigh about 150 g. Hypercholesterolemia was modelled by feeding a high-fat diet for six months. The phytochemical method was determined based on the Harborne method. Data were expressed ad mean and standard deviation. Experimental animals fed an atherogenic diet showed increases in cholesterol and MDA levels and renal necrosis. S. aquifolium juice given 2 times a day was able to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and damage to the kidneys profile but was toxic when given 3 times a day. The conclusion was that S. aquifolium juice contains bioactive compounds that can prevent the increase in cholesterol levels and prevent damage to the kidney profile in rat fed an atherogenic diet

Keywords: S.aquifolium juice,functional food,phytochemical,hypercholesterolemia, kidney profile

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107 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-141

Sargassum aquifolium juice prevents the increase of Cholesterol Levels and damage to the arterial profile in Hypercholesterolemic Rats
Firyal Hanifah and Muhamad Firdaus

Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang-65145, Indonesia.


Hypercholesterolemia is a condition where cholesterol in the blood increases beyond normal limits. Hypercholesterolemia can cause damage to the arteries, namely atherosclerosis. Sargassum aquifolium has bioactive compounds that can be used as a functional food to prevent an increase in blood cholesterol levels. The slow juicing method can obtain the bioactive compounds in S. aquifolium. This study aimed to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and changes in the arterial profile of hypercholesterolemic rats. The material in this study was S. aquifolium taken from the waters of Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara. Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 2 to 3 months with average weight of 150g. Hypercholesterolemic rats were modelled by feeding high fat for six months. Phytochemical method was based on the Harborne method. This study consisted of 5 treatment groups, each group containing six rats, namely negative control, positive control, and giving S.aquifolium juice 1x, 2x and 3x a day. Parameters observed were cholesterol levels, MDA levels and arterial profiles. Statistical evaluation with analysis of variance and Duncan further test with a confidence interval of=0.05. The results showed that S. aquifolium juice contained steroids, saponins and tannins. Experimental animals fed an atherogenic diet showed an increase in cholesterol and MDA levels and atherosclerosis. Administration S. aquifolium juice 3x a day prevented increased cholesterol and MDA levels and prevented damage to the arterial profile. This study concludes that S. aquifolium juice contains bioactive compounds that can prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and prevent damage to the arterial profile.

Keywords: Sargassum aquifolium juice, phytochemical, hypercholesterolemia, functional food, arterial profile

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108 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-142

Sargassum aquifolium juice prevents elevated cholesterol levels and histopathological damage to the pancreas in rats fed an atherogenic diet
Raut Bregas Prasoso and Muhamad Firdaus

Fishery Products Technology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University


Hypercholesterolemia is a metabolic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels in the blood. These diseases can cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Sargassum aquifolium is a brown alga that contains bioactive compounds that may act as an antihypercholesterolemic. This study aimed to prevent cholesterol rise and pancreatic profile damage in rats fed an atherogenic diet containing S. aquifolium juice. S. aquifolium was obtained from Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara. Rattus novergicus aged 2 to 3 months weigh about 150 g. Hypercholesterolemia modelling was performed by atherogenic feeding for six months. The phytochemical method was based on the Harborne method. Data were expressed ad mean and standard deviation. The results showed that S. aquifolium juice contains tannins, saponins and steroids. Experimental animals fed an atherogenic diet showed elevated cholesterol levels and an impaired pancreatic profile. S. aquifolium juice given 2 times a day was able to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and damage to the pancreatic profile but was toxic when given three times a day. The conclusion was that S. aquifolium juice could prevent an increase in cholesterol and damage to the pancreatic profile in rats fed an atherogenic diet.

Keywords: S. aquifolium juice, phytochemicals, functional food, hypercholesterolemia, histopathological profile of pancreas.

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109 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-174

Impact of processing treatments on color and the level of heavy metal reduction of the green alga Ulva sp.: A Preliminary Study
CD Poeloengasih1, A Windarsih1, Y Khasanah1, R Suryani1, B Kumayanjati1, DJ Prasetyo1, Hernawan1, P Yulianto1

1Research Center for Food Technology and Processing, National Research and Innovation Agency (PRTPP BRIN)


Abstract. Ulva sp. is an abundant green alga in Gunungkidul water, Indonesia, considered a source of nourishing food, sought after by food industries. This green alga could be served as a dish, a seasoning, or an ingredient- hence, assessment of its safety is important. The present study was conducted to reduce heavy metal residues in Ulva sp. collected from Sepanjang beach, Gunungkidul, Indonesia by using three different processing treatments, i.e., washing with salt solution, washing with citric acid, and blanching in various times and seaweed-to-solution ratios. The amount of heavy metal residues (As, Cd, Pb and Hg) was determined by Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and visual green color loss was measured by a color spectrophotometer. The result showed that the concentration of As and Cd in the unprocessed sample was higher compared to SNI 2690:2015 for raw seaweed and National Food and Drug Agency of the Government of Indonesia (BPOM Indonesia) permissible limits in food. Washing Ulva sp. with citric acid 0.5% for 10 min in a seaweed-to-solution ratio of 1:20 could reduce the level of As up to 42.53%, whereas washing Ulva sp. with citric acid 0.5% for 15 min in a seaweed-to-solution of 1:10 could reduce the level of Cd up to 96.12%. All processing treatments affect the appearance of Ulva sp. which is indicated by the increase in color differences (&#916-E) > 2.

Keywords: Ulva sp., washing, citric acid, blanching, heavy metal reduction, discoloration

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110 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-184

Thawing effect on the growth and histamine formation of Klebsiella aerogenes in broth and artificially contaminated mackerel
Novalia Rachmawati (a,b*), Radestya Triwibowo (a,b), Shane Powell (b), Mark Tamplin (b), and Tom Ross (b)

a) Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
*) novalia.rachmawati[at]


Histamine is a major hazard found in pindang, a traditionally prepared fish from Indonesia, and has caused several cases of histamine fish poisoning. Growth and histamine formation of Klebsiella aerogenes under conditions mimicking the processing of pindang were studied in broth and artificially contaminated Blue mackerel, Scomber australasicus. K. aerogenes was grown to two different cell densities. In broth, the culture was frozen at minus 20 degree C for 72 h and thawed at 4, 18 and 25 degree C for 4 h. Fish was contaminated with K. aerogenes before freezing, and thawing was done at 25 degree C for 4 h. K. aerogenes was reduced after freezing, and no bacterial growth was observed during subsequent thawing. Cooking the fish was sufficient to kill the isolate, as no colonies were found in cooked pindang. Histamine in broth increased during thawing and decreased after cooking, while in fish the histamine decreased during thawing and remained stable after cooking. Histamine production during thawing was more pronounced in treatment with high initial count than treatment with low initial counts. High pre-contamination levels of histamine in fish could not be eliminated with the current cooking practice of pindang, therefore raw fish used should met requirements as set by the Indonesian standard to avoid histamine accumulation.

Keywords: histamine, thawing, pindang, processing

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111 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-188

Effect of variations of carrageenan concentration on the characteristics of sea grapes jelly drink (Caulerpa sp.)
Adelya Khanza Nabillah(1*), Aris Munandar(1) and Dini Surilayani(1)

1) Department of Fisheries Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: adelya.khz4[at]


Jelly drinks are semi-solid beverage products that generally made from fruit or vegetable extract with the addition of carrageenan. Sea grapes (Caulerpa sp.) has the potential to be processed into jelly drinks because of their nutritional composition. Processing of jelly drinks with sea grapes has not been done, so that the used of carrageenan needs to be known for its concentration to be accepted by consumers. This research aims to determine the effect of variety in carrageenan concentration and to find the best carrageenan concentration on the characteristics of sea grape jelly drink. The method was used Completely Randomized Design with one factor that variety of carrageenan concentration 0%, 0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.7% with two replications. The result showed that the composition of carrageenan 0.5% was the best treatment of sea grapes jelly drink. This jelly drink had moisture content 83.5%, ash content 0.67%, crude fiber 0.16%, viscosity 1483 cP, and TPC 1.45x10^3 colonies/gram. This preparation meets the requirements for jelly drink SNI No.01-3552-1994 with a maximum limit of microbial contamination of 1x10^4 colonies/gram. With a hedonic test value of color 8.13 (very like), taste 6.43 (rather like), texture 7.27 (like), and aroma 6.20 (rather like).

Keywords: Carrageenan, Caulerpa sp., jelly drink

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112 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-206

Effect concentration of kappa-carrageenan toward characteristics and quality of blood cockle sauce
Adinda Risqia Fadhila, Putut Har Riyadi, dan Eko Nurcahya Dewi

Fish Processing Technology Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia


Carrageenan is one type of linear polysaccharide made from seaweed. In the food industry, carrageenan is commonly used in the food as a emulsion stabilizers. Blood cockle sauce has been long known as a flavoring by many communities in the world, especially in Indonesia. Blood cockle sauces function is to enhance the food taste and the peoples appetite to eat. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of adding kappa-carrageenan to the characteristics and quality of blood cockle sauce. The research method was used completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. The treatment was the addition of tapioca concentration by 3% (as control), adding concentration of carrageenan 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%. The results showed that the different concentrations of carrageenan gave no significant effect on the total sugar parameters, while the appearance and texture hedonic parameters gave significantly different effects. Blood cockle sauce with a concentration of 1% had the highest score on the hedonic test, in the midst of 7.31 up to 7.55 which was included as favored by the panelists. The addition of carrageenan concentration of 1% resulted in the total value of dissolved solids of 50.73%, total sugar 25.08%, protein content 3.55%, water content 45.85%, L* 21.73%, a* 1.27%, b* 2.94%, glutamic acid 1.43%, and a viscosity of 2700cP.

Keywords: Blood Cockle Sauce, Carrageenan, Hedonic

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113 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-227

Nutritional values of Sargassum sp., Ulva sp., and Padina Sp. From South East Molluca Island Waters
Jasmadi (1), Agus Kusnadi (2)*, Bayu Kumayanjati (1), Teddy Triandiza (2) Rosmi Nuslah Pesilette (3), Ahmad Ainarwowan (3), Abdul Kadir Yamko (3), Bikri Rahman Pary (4),Dedy Kurnianto (1)

1Research Center For Food Technology and Processing (PRTPP), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jln. Yogya - Wonosari km 31,5 Gading, Playen, Gunungkidul, DIY

2 Research center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia
Jl. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur, Jakarta 11048

3. Research center for Deep Sea, National Research and Innovation Agency,
Jl. Y.Syaranamual, Poka, Kec. Tlk. Ambon, Kota Ambon, Maluku

4. Ambon Marine Cultivation Fisheries Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.
Jln. Laksda Leo Wattimena Desa Waiheru Kecamatan Baguala Kota Ambon, Maluku 97232


Seaweed is a type of food that comes from the sea. Seaweed has many nutrients that are important to humans. Indonesia has a large number of seaweed species, but only a few are used industrially. Most of these items come from red seaweeds of the genera Gracilaria, Gelidium, and Eucheuma. This study aimed to study the potential of brown and green seaweed as food ingredients. Three kinds of seaweed samples were taken from different locations in Southeast Maluku waters. The samples tested were Sargasum and Padina, which are types of brown algae, and Ulva, which is a type of green algae. The parameters tested were the amino acid content and proximat content of each sample. The seaweed samples tested had a range of crude fiber content, from 46.62 to 64.23%. It was the highest value of the raw fiber content of the Ulva 64 species.2%. The protein content in the Sargassum sample ranged from 3.48% to 13.08%. Carbohydrate content has a value range of 24.42 - 39.63%. Padina is a type of seaweed that has the highest carbohydrate content. Sargasum has a more complete amino acid content than the other two types of macroalgae. The amino acid content in Sargassum is Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Threonine methionine, cysteine, Tryptophan, Lysine, Histidine. The conclusion from this research is that the three types of seaweed have the potential to be developed as food ingredients based on proximate analysis and amino acid content. Sargassum is the most potential seaweed for further development into food.

Keywords: Amino Acid, Proximate, Sargassum, Seaweed

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114 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-228

Kualitas Ikan Lele Mutiara (Clarias gariepinus) Segar Berdasarkan Parameter Kimiawi Selama Penyimpanan
Fahrul, Syahrul, Sri Devi

Universitas Hasanuddin


Ikan lele merupakan salah satu komuditas unggulan yang memiliki kandungan gizi yang tinggi dan banyak dibudidayakan di Sulawesi Selatan, berdasarkan jumlah produksi perikanan budidaya di Sulawesi Selatan, ikan lele salah satu ikan budidaya air tawar dengan produksi tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan mutu ikan lele mutiara (Clarias gariepinus) segar hasil budidaya berdasarkan parameter kimiawi selama penyimpanan dingin. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu Accidental sampling, dimana pengambilan sampel langsung dari tempat budidaya. sampel memiliki ukuran yang seragam dan kondisi fisik yang masih terlihat segar. Pada penelitian ini, sampel didinginkan menggunkan es dengan perbandingan 1:1 dengan lama penyimpanan 0 jam, 4 jam, 8 jam dan 12 jam. Hubungan antara lama penyimpanan dengan parameter yang diukur dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pH, TVB, angka peroksida,organoleptik dan suhu memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan lama penyimpanan. Perubahan mutu ikan selama penyimpanan 0 jam, 4 jam, 8 jam dan 12 jam menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pH 6,5-6,0, TVB 5,48-18,53, angka peroksida 3,39-34,63, organoleptik 9,00-7,67 dan suhu ikan 16,50-21,53. Setiap parameter menunjukkan bahwa ikan lele pada penyimpanan 0 jam hingga 12 jam masih memiliki mutu yang baik dan layak untuk dikonsumsi.

Keywords: Kualitas, Ikan Lele, parameter kimiawi, segar

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115 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-231

Influence of the ratio of water and ice and storage time on the microbiological quality of Shortfin Scad fish
Fahrul, Kasmiati, Syahrul

Universitas Hasanuddin


The Research on the effect of comparison of water and ice and storage time on the microbiological quality of Shortfin Scad fish. The purpose of this study was to see changes in the microbiological quality of flying fish (Decapterus macrosoma) which were given different comparison of water and ice treatment and storage time using an experimental method consisting of 2 main factors, the first factor was comparison treatmentwater and ice 1: 1, 1: 1,5 and 1: 2 while the second factor is the storage time of 0 hours, 8 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours. Shortfin Scad samples were obtained from the Paotere fish landing base (PPI) in Makassar City. Microbiological test parameters include coliform and Total Plate Numbers (ALT) as well as measuring supporting data, namely organoleptic, temperature and pH. The research data obtained are presented in graphical form and described descriptively. The results were obtained for coliform bacteria in a ratio of 1: 1 with a value of 2.0 APM / g and increased to 393 APM / g at 24 hours of storage. a ratio of 1: 1.5 obtained 3.0 APM / g at 0 hours and increased to 250 APM / g at 24 hours, whereas for a 1: 2 ratio it was 2.0 at 0 hours and increased to 180 APM / g at 24 hours. hour. For the value of Total Plate Numbers in the ratio of 1: 1, the ALT value was 6.85 x102 at 0 hours and increased to 2.0x105 colonies / g at 24 hours of storage. In a ratio of 1: 1.5, the value of 1.4x103 colonies / g at 0 hours and increased to 1.5x105 colonies / g at 24 hours increases to 2.3x105 colonies / g. From the research results, it can be concluded that there is an effect on microbiological quality which continues to increase with increasing storage time. Coliform bacteria test results, found only safe at 0 hours, while the ALT value of Shortfin Scad fish for all storage methods continues to increase with increasing storage time, but has not passed the maximum ALT value according to SNI 2729-2013.

Keywords: Shortfin Scad, coliform bacteria, ALT, storage, water and ice ratio

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116 Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International) ABS-255

Proximate composition of the green seaweeds Caulerpa lentilifera and Caulerpa racemosa from westcost of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Kasmiati Kasmiati(a,b*), Syahrul Syahrul(a,b), Badraeni Badraeni(a,b), Mufti Hatur Rahmi(a)

(a)1Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Tamalanrea KM 10, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia

(b)Center of Excellence for Development and Utilization of Seaweed (CEDUS), Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Tamalanrea KM 10, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
*Correspondence: kasmiatifikp[at]


This study aims to evaluate the nutritional and mineral composition of the seaweeds Caulerpa lentilifera and Caulerpa racemosa originating from the waters of Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results showed that the proximate composition between the two Caulerpa species, Caulerpa lentilifera had the highest ash content (63.83%) while C. racemosa had the highest carbohydrate content of 38.18%. The results of the mineral analysis showed that C. lentillifera and C. racemosa contained macro and micro minerals. The highest macromineral content is Sodium (10.040% & 16.280%) and followed by Potassium (3.958% & 2.195%), Magnesium (59.201 ppm & 519.201 ppm), Calcium (0.521% & 0.466%) and Phosphorus (0.270% & 0.335%). The highest micro minerals in the two types of seaweed from the largest are Fe (756,1805 ppm & 386,1202), Manganese (59,201 ppm & 519,062 ppm), zinc (10,079 ppm & 3,366 ppm), and Cuprum (5,496 ppm only in C. racemosa). This study revealed that C. lentilifera and C. racemosa contain constituents with proximate and mineral composition as potential sources of plant foods and good sources of mineral supplements.

Keywords: Proximate, Mineral, Caulerpa lentilifera, Caulerpa racemosa

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117 Keanekaragaman Sumberdaya Hayati Perairan (National) ABS-119

Identifikasi Ganggang Hijau (Chlorophyta) Genus Halimeda di Perairan Tanjung Buli dan Pulau Gee, Kabupaten Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara
Wilya Ananda (a), Khairul Amri (b), Supriadi (b), Inayah Yasir(*b)

a) Mahasiswa Program Studi
ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin
b) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, UniversiHasanuddin


Sebagai pusat pertambangan di Maluku Utara, perairan Halmahera Timur tidak terlepas dari pecemaran akibat dari kegiatan pertambangan yang telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2006 silam. Kegiatan pertambangan dapat menjadi penyebab meningkatnya emisi CO2 yang memungkinkan terjadinya ocean acidification yang dapat berdampak pada organisme berkapur seperti makroalga dari genus Halimeda. Halimeda sendiri memiliki peran sebagai penghasil sedimen karbonat di ekosistem pesisir dan berfungsi sebagai buffer untuk mempertahankan pH perairan. Halimeda memiliki banyak jenis yang tersebar di perairan dangkal. Jenis Halimeda dapat dibedakan dengan melihat struktur morfologi dan anatomi. Struktur morfologi meliputi bentuk holdfast dan bentuk serta ukuran segmen, sedangkan struktur anatomi Halimeda meliputi struktur korteks, bentuk utricle serta bentuk dan diamater peripheral utricle. Identifikasi Halimeda secara morfologi dan anatomi didasarkan pada kunci determinasi spesies Halimeda di Indo-Pasifik oleh Hillis & Collinvaux (1980). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi makroalga dari genus Halimeda yang tersebar di Perairan Tanjung Buli dan Pulau Gee berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi dan anatomi.

Keywords: Halimeda- Identifikasi- Morfologi- Anatomi

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118 Keanekaragaman Sumberdaya Hayati Perairan (National) ABS-122

Komposisi dan Kelimpahan Jenis Makroalga Genus Halimeda di Perairan Kabupaten Majene
Ardyansyah Kahar (a*) Farid Samawi (b) Andi Niartiningsih (b) Inayah Yasir (b)

Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan
Universitas Hasanuddin
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. KM. 10, Tamalanrea Indah, Kec.Tamalanrea, Kota Makassar


Makroalga termasuk salah satu sumber daya hayati laut yang banyak terdapat di perairan Indonesia. Makroalga memiliki potensi besar untuk dikembangkan, karena memiliki peranan penting baik dari segi ekologis maupun ekonomis. Salah satu makroalga yang umum ditemua adalah Halimeda, dimana makroalga ini memiliki perbedaan dengan makroalga pada umumnya. Halimeda memiliki proses pengapuran pada siklus hidupnya. Penelitian mengenai Komposisi dan Kelimpahan Makroalga Genus Halimeda di Perairan Kabupaten Majene. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis Halimeda, mengetahui komposisi dan kelimpahan jenis antar stasiun, dan mengetahui parameter oseanografi terkait komposis dan kelimpahan halimeda di perairan Kab. Majene. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode line transect. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tiga titik stasiun dengan menggunakan transek berukuran 1x1 m. Pada setiap transek dihitung jumlah spesies Halimeda yang ditemukan serta jumlah individu/koloni. Identifikasi jenis dilakukan di laboratorium dengan menggunakan refrensi hilis-colinvaux, l. (1980). ecology and taxonomy of halimeda&#8239-: primary producer of coral reefs. Data dianalisis lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui pengaruh parameter oseanografi, dilakukan pengukuran Parameter lingkungan yang diukur meliputi suhu, salinitas, pH, DO, CO2 bebas, kecepatan arus dan kekeruhan arus.

Keywords: Makroalga, Identifikasi, Komposisi, Kelimpahan, Perairan Kab.Majene

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119 Keanekaragaman Sumberdaya Hayati Perairan (National) ABS-201

Penyediaan Data Populasi Sidat di Kalimantan Timur
R. Andry I. Sukmoputro&#61482-, Andrian Saputra1, Ratih Tribuwana D.1 , Hetty Priyanti E.1, M.A. Riandyka1, Kaisar P. Hasudungan1, Despriyanto Supriadi1

1Balai Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut Pontianak, Direktorat Pengelolaan Ruang Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan


BPSPL Pontianak melaksanakan pendataan populasi sidat di Kalimantan Timur untuk memperkaya data dan informasi ikan sidat di Perairan Indonesia, khususnya sidat endemik Pulau Kalimantan, Anguilla borneensis mengacu pada diberlakukannya Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia No. 80/KEPMEN-KP/2020 Tentang Perlindungan Terbatas Ikan Sidat (Anguilla spp). Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan antara bulan Januari - September 2021 di Sungai Mahakam, Kutai Kartanegara yang merupakan daerah ruaya ikan sidat. Pendataan menggunakan metode sensus dengan menempatkan tenaga pencatat. Identifikasi sidat dewasa menggunakan karakter morfologi panjang ano-dorsal, lebar maxilari, corak kulit, dan mengacu pengukuran morfometrik AD% yang diperkuat melalui uji Dna. Sedangkan identifikasi glass eel menggunakan uji Dna. Yellow eel sampai silver eel ditemukan sepanjang tahun dari Muara Handil Terusan sampai Kota Bangun-Muara Kaman, jenis Anguilla marmorata, Anguilla borneensis dan Anguilla bicolor, tidak didetailkan dalam sub spesiesnya dan diperkuat dari hasil Uji DNA > 97% pada masing-masing jenis. Sedangkan kemunculan glass eel di perairan Loa Janan, Harapan Baru, Loa Kulu Seberang, Banua Puhun-Muara Kaman pada tanggal 16-22 Dzulhijah 1443 Hijriah dengan panjang 50-70 mm dan berat 0,15-0,18 gram, hasil uji DNA glass eel merupakan Anguilla borneensis dengan indeks kemiripan 98,31%. Hasil pendataan tangkapan glass eel di bulan Juli 2021 adalah 88,7 kg dengan jumlah rata-rata tangkapan per hari yaitu 17.74 kg nilai CPUE penangkapan glass eel menggunakan alat tangkap hand scoop atau tanggok yaitu 0.100 kg per usaha penangkapan dengan rata-rata 0.020 kg per usaha penangkapan. Berdasarkan hasil tangkapan kumulatif dan hasil tangkapan per upaya dapat diperoleh dugaan populasi Anguilla borneensis sebesar 452.5 kg.

Keywords: sidat, endemik, Kalimantan Timur, populasi, A.borneensis.

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120 Marine and Fisheries Biotechnology (International) ABS-14

The Mortality Rate of Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon Injected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Suspension Challenged with Mangrove S. alba Extract at different concentrations
Muliani1, Ince Ayu Khairana kadriah1, Bunga Rante Tampangallo1, and Muharijadi Atmomarsono1

Research Institute for Brackishwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension


ABSTRACT. This study aimed to examine the effect of different concentrations of mangrove leaf S. alba extract on the mortality rate of tiger shrimp P. monodon. The plastic container filled with 30 L sterile seawater salinity 30 ppt stocked with 10 pcs of tiger shrimp 15 g in size. Six treatments were tested- A). 0.01%- B). 0.1%- C). 1%- D). 10%- E). 100%, F). control (shrimp injected with WSSV suspension without mangrove extract). Each treatment with three replication. The WSSV suspension was mixed with mangrove extract (from boiling 1 kg in 5 L of water cooked to 2.5 L of fresh leaves of S. alba) according to the treatment with a ratio of 1:2 and incubated at a temperature of 29 oC for 3 hours. Then the mixture is injected into tiger shrimp by intramuscular as much as 100 &#956-L/shrimp. Tiger shrimp mortality was observed daily, while total hemocytes, ProPO, and differential hemocytes were observed at the end of the study. The results showed that on the first day, the mortality of tiger shrimp was highest in treatment D and the lowest in treatments A and F(control), however, from the second day until the seventh day (the end of the study), mortality of tiger shrimp was highest at the treatment A and lowest on treatment E. The results of this study showed that the concentration of boiling extract of S. alba below 10% is not effective in inactivating WSSV, therefore the mortality of tiger shrimp is still high.

Keywords: Keywords: Tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, mangrove, Sonneratia alba, WSSV

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