Development of local community-based turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach, Pindrang Regency
Abdul Wahid, Andi Amri, A Adri Arief, Mardiana E Fachry, Aswin

Hasanuddin University


The tourism sector with the concept of ecotourism can be a solution to overcome socio-economic and ecological gaps in coastal areas. Lowita Beach, Pindrang Regency is one of the ecotourism potentials with turtle resources as the main object supported by an attractive coastal landscape. This study aims to examine the potential of turtles on Lowita beach, determine stakeholder participation in the development of turtle ecotourism, and formulate a strategy for developing local community-based turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach, Pindrang Regency. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results of this study identified types of turtles in Lowika Beach, namely the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate), and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). Stakeholder participation in the development of turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach with an integrated policy to support turtle ecotourism in Lowita Beach. The strategy for developing turtle ecotourism includes improvements, the addition of supporting facilities for tourism activities, and the direction of more organized turtle tourism activities. Then increase supervision on activities that damage turtle habitat, and conduct socialization with tourists and local communities about the importance of protecting turtles.

Keywords: Turtle, tourist, ecotourism, Lowita Beach

Topic: Ekowisata Laut (National)

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