ISMF 2022
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:: Submission Guide ::

Submission Guide for Authors

To guarantee smooth administration, the whole submission process is done fully online and NOT by email.

  • Author must create an account first (top menu "Register" then follow the instructions).
  • Only after your registration has been approved by admin, that you can login to your account (top menu "Login").
  • Login to submit your abstract through this system (not by email).
  • Only after the status of your abstract is "Accepted", that you can upload full paper, payment proof, revised paper, etc, through this system (not by email).
  • Review process is done fully online through this system (not by email).

Please regularly login to your account to check the status of your submission.

To improve visibility of the event on the internet, conference data will be indexed in Indonesia Conference Directory

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Conference Info
Name in Full 9th National and 5th International Marine and Fisheries Symposium
City and Date Makassar, 4-5 June 2022
Venue Universitas Hasanuddin (Hybrid ZOOM)
Email simnaskp-ismf[at]
Topics Aquatic Biodiversity (International), Aquatic Ecology and Conservation (International), Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International), Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (National), Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National), Ekologi dan Konservasi Perairan (National), Ekowisata Laut (National), Fisheries Product Technology and Food Safety (International), Keanekaragaman Sumberdaya Hayati Perairan (National), Marine and Fisheries Biotechnology (International), Marine and Fisheries Geographic Information System (International), Marine and Fisheries Socio - Economics and Culture (International), Marine Ecotourism (International), Marine Technology (International), Maritime and Food Security Related Community Service (International), Mitigasi dan Adaptasi Bencana Alam (National), Natural Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation (International), Oceanography (International), Oseanografi (National), Penangkapan Ikan Berkelanjutan (National), Pencemaran dan Ekotoksikologi Laut (National), Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Terkait Kemaritiman dan Ketahanan Pangan (National), Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Kelautan dan Perikanan (National), Sosial Ekonomi dan Budaya Kelautan dan Perikanan (National), Sustainable Aquaculture (International), Sustainable Fisheries (International), Teknologi dan Keamanan Pangan Hasil Perikanan (National), Teknologi Kelautan (National),

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