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61 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation (International) ABS-244

Suppressed recovery of functionally important branching Acropora drives coral community composition changes following mass bleaching in Indonesia
Rowan Watt-Pringle1*, David J Smith2, 3, Rohani Ambo-Rappe1, Timothy AC Lamont4 and Jamaluddin Jompa1,5

1) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
* rwp.unhas[at]
2) Coral Reef Research Unit, School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
3) Mars Incorporated, 4 Kingdom Street, Paddington, London, W2 6BD, UK
4) Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ
5) Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia


Mass coral bleaching events may have disproportionate effects on branching corals, leading to coral community restructuring, reduced biodiversity, and decreased structural complexity. This affects overall reef health and resilience. Functionally important, fast-growing branching Acropora corals were a historically dominant and vital component of Indonesian reefs throughout the 20th Century, yet the genus is also one of the most vulnerable to external stressors. This study used long-term annual reef monitoring data from Indonesia^s Wakatobi Marine National Park (WMNP) to investigate the effects of a mass bleaching event in 2010 on Acropora and other branching corals, evaluate their post-disturbance recovery trajectories, and analyse shifts in coral community composition. Post-bleaching scleractinian coral cover decreased across study sites, with losses in branching corals especially evident. Long-term branching Acropora cover decreased significantly and failed to demonstrate the significant post-disturbance recovery of other branching corals (especially Porites). In areas characterised by relatively high branching Acropora cover (>15% mean cover) prior to bleaching, long-term coral community composition changes have trended predominately towards branching and massive Porites and branching Montipora. The novelty and key contribution of this study is that results suggest suppressed recovery of Acropora in the WMNP. Contributing factors may include the Allee effect (inhibition of reproduction at low population densities), other forms of inhibited larval recruitment, direct and indirect spatial competition, and changes in the physical reef habitat. These findings have critical implications for this functionally important taxon, future reef conservation efforts, and overall reef health and resilience in the park.

Keywords: Branching coral- Acropora- Indonesia- bleaching- coral community composition- suppressed recovery

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62 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation (International) ABS-245

Rusydi Rozaimi, Hanafiah Fazhan, Mhd Ikhwanuddin, Khor Waiho

Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.


Three-spot swimming crab, Portunus sanguinolentus is one of the edible species that can be found in Malaysian waters. Although, this species categorized as non-targeted species but still can be found in most fish market. Chela handedness is very widespread among decapods which is the order for this species but there is no publication regarding handedness in the three-spot swimming crab, P. sanguinolentus. The purpose of this study is to determine chela handedness in P. sanguinolentus and to determine if chela handedness is affected by sex and maturation status. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, sampling of this species was assisted by local fishermen. Chela morphometric measurements (propodus length, propodus width, propodus diameter, carpus length and dactylus length) were compared using paired t-test to determine right and left-handedness based on sex and maturation status. Mature specimens showed obvious chela handedness (P < 0.05) whereas, no obvious difference was observed in most chela measurements of immature specimens (P > 0.05). The results also indicate that chela handedness was more dominant on the right chela of matured male crab compared to matured female crab. This study filled in the knowledge gap regarding chela handedness on P. sanguinolentus and agree with the right-handed dominance observed in most brachyurans.

Keywords: Portunus sanguinolentus- Three-spot swimming crab- Heterochely- Fisheries- Crab

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63 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-259

Analysis of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) Concentration in Tawes Fish Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker, 1850) in Lakes of Tempe, Sidenreng and Lapompakka, South Sulawesi
Sri Wahyuni Rahim1, Nurul Sriramadani1, Hadiratul Kudsiah1, Suwarni1, Nadiarti1, Dewi Yanuarita1

Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries,Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Jln. PerintisKemerdekaan Km 10, Makassar, 90245


Tempe, Sidenreng and Lapompakka lakes are having potential fisheries. One species mostly consumed is Tawes, Barbonymus gonionotus. Household waste, industrial and agricultural activities around the lake are suspected to be the source of metal pollution to these lakes and their organism, particulary of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). This study aim at analyzing the lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) concentration in Tawes, Barbonymus gonionotus and to determine whether this Tawes species is still safe to be consumed. Total samples collected were 54 fish. The Pb and Cd concentration were determine from the fish flesh and analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method and presented descriptively. The results showed that the concentrations of Pb and Cd in this species of all three lakes were not detected. Based on the quality standards for metal contamination of Pb and Cd in the fish and its processed products according to SNI (2011), the concentrations of Pb and Cd in the three lakes have not exceeded the standard, meaning that Tawes fish is still suitable for consumption.

Keywords: Food safety standard, Barbonymus gonionotus, Lead and Cadmium, Lake Tempe, Lake Sidenreng, Lake Lapompakka

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64 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-260

Water Quality Analysis in Lake Tempe, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi
Sri Wahyuni Rahim1, Qina Amalia Takhir1, Hadiratul Kudsiah1, Nita Rukminasari1, Suwarni1, Dewi Yanuarita1

Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries,Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Jln. PerintisKemerdekaan Km 10, Makassar, 90245


Tempe Lake is one of the largest lakes in South Sulawesi, with a 47.800 ha area and heavily utilized, leading to water quality degradation. This research aims to analyze water quality parameters using the NSF Water Quality Index. The research was conducted from June until August 2021. The sampling was done in three stations. Station I located in the middle of Tempe Lake- Station II, located close to the rice field area- and Station III, located close to the area of residence. The water quality analysis was done in the Laboratory of Water Quality, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. There were 8 water quality parameters measured : temperature, turbidity, pH, TSS, DO, BOD, phosphate and nitrate. The results showed that all parameters, except phosphate, still met the Standard of PP No. 22/2021 of Water Quality Management and Pollution Control. Based on the NSF Water Quality Index, the Lake Tempe is categories as medium.

Keywords: Lake Tempe, water quality index, NSF

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65 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-7

Edward, Helfinalis and Y Witasari

Research Centre for Oceanography, National Research and Inovation Agency (BRIN) Jl. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur, Jakarta.


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are polycyclic aromatic organic compounds that are toxic to humans and aquatic organisms. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of PAHs in seawater in Mayalibit Bay which was carried out in November 2008. Sampling of seawater and sediment was carried out using a water sampler at 10 stations. The levels and types of PAH compounds were determined using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer, and the source of PAHs was determined by individual ratio diagnosis. The results showed that the PAH content in Mayalibit Bay seawater was relatively small and was still within the criteria for the life status of marine organisms by Quality standard guidelines by Ministry of Environment. This type of PAH is dominated by high molecular weight PAHs. The results of the diagnostic analysis of individual PAH ratios show that PAHs in seawater come from various sources such as petroleum, and combusted organic matter.

Keywords: Mayalibit Bay, seawater, PAHs

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66 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-15

Isolation and characterization of ammonia-degrading biofilm bacteria from shrimp ponds
Fahruddin Fahruddin(a*), Asadi Abdullah (a), Mustika Tuwo (a), Ghea Farmaning Thias Putri (a)

(a)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University,
Makassar, Indonesia


Abstract. Ammonia waste is the impact of feed decomposition which has a toxic effect on shrimp pond
cultivation. One way to overcome the ammonia content in shrimp ponds is through degradation by
bacteria, namely by utilizing the biofilm bacteria present in the shrimp pond. The application of this
biofilm will reduce ammonia levels in organic waste added to shrimp. This study aims to obtain
biofilm bacteria from shrimp pond, and determine the characteristics and the number of types of
biofilm bacteria from shrimp pond. Bacterial characteristics were determined based on morphological
and physiological tests. For the isolation of ammonia-degrading bacteria, they were grown on specific
media with Nessler^s reagent added. Based on the characterization results, there were 12 types of
biofilm bacterial isolates, for the ammonia oxidation test there were 8 positive isolates and 4 negative

Keywords: ammonia-degrading, biofilm bacteria, shrimp ponds

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67 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-37

Isolation and characterization of bioflocculant-producing bacteria from water and bottom sediment of mud crab, Scylla sp. grow-out pond
Shahadat Hossain1, Zuhayra Nasrin1, Rohisyamuddin Othman1, Helena Khatoon4, Zahidul Islam2, Tashrif Mahmud Minhaz3, Amyra Suryatie Kamaruzzan1, Nor Azman Kasan*1

1Higher Institution Centre of Excellent (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.
2Marine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Cox^s Bazar Sadar-4700, Cox^s Bazar, Bangladesh.
3Freshwater Sub Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Saidpur-5310, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.
2Marine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Cox^s Bazar Sadar-4700, Cox^s Bazar, Bangladesh.
4Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram 4225, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author: Nor Azman Kasan
Email: norazman[at]


Biofloc technology (BFT), which is widely used and one of the most cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and profitable farming technologies, but not well-known or attempted for mud crab farming due to cannibalism, high labor expenses, and complex processes. As cannibalism does not occur in mud crab zoea larval stages, this technology has the potential to deliver greater survivability and growth performance by removing hazardous compounds from the culture water. This study aimed to isolate and characterize bioflocculant-producing bacteria (BPB) from water and sediment of a mud crab, Scylla sp. grow-out pond to apply them as inoculum at mud crab hatchery operation, especially for zoea larval stages. The sampling was conducted following standard protocol from randomly selected three different ponds. BPB were isolated from the water and sediment using the serial dilution, spread plate, and streaking plate methods on Zobell marine agar. Yeast peptone agar (YPG), and enrichment media were used to screen the bacteria showing biofloc forming ability. Morphological, biochemical, and 16s rRNA molecular approaches were performed to screen the bacteria, where the flocculating activity of the species was determined using the kaolin suspension method. A total of 88 isolates were found from both water (82 isolates) and sediment (6 isolates) samples and 18 bacteria isolates showed floc forming characteristics like slimy and milky appearance on YPG agar and enrichment media. These 18 isolates were identified as Bacillus cereus, Bacillus tropicus , Bacillus infantis , Vibrio alginolyticus , Priestia flexa, and Micrococcus luteus, following 16s rRNA sequencing. The species B. tropicus showed a maximum of 94.99% flocculation activity on the kaolin clay suspension, whereas M. luteus showed a minimum of 74.81% flocculation activity. This study indicated that all the identified BPB species potentially play an important role in the application of different flocculation processes.

Keywords: Biofloc technology, BPB, 16s rRNA sequencing, flocculation activity, mud crab larvae

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68 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-39

The collector of Oryzias sp embryo for ecotoxicological studies
Khusnul Yaqin

Aquatic resources management study program, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin.


The genus Oryzias is well known as a model animal for biological, pharmaceutical, toxicology and ecotoxicology research. On Sulawesi Island, there are 17 species of the genus Oryzias. Not many studies in the field of ecotoxicology have used Oryzias animal models from Sulawesi. In addition to adult individuals, Oryzias embryos are also very good for use as animal models for ecotoxicological studies. One of the crucial issues in the use of Oryzias embryos in ecotoxicological research is how to obtain the required number of Oryzias embryos in the test. This paper will describe the results of research using a collector model (kakaban) as a substrate for the attachment of Oryzias eggs after fertilization. The results showed that vertical collectors were used more as a place to attach Oryzias eggs compared to kakaban which were placed at the bottom or those placed at the bottom of the aquarium without a collector. To provide embryos for ecotoxicological studies, it is preferable to keep Oryzias broodstock in an aquarium using an egg or embryo collector in a vertical position.

Keywords: Embryo, Oryzias sp, ecotoxicology, vertical collector, kakaban, animal model,

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69 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-41

Budhi Gunadharma Gautama and Penny Dyah Kusumaningrum

Marine Research Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Indonesia


Indonesia is one of the biggest archipelago country with the enormous biodiversity. This marine ecosystem has a major threat coming from oil spill. There are two sources of oil spill, it may result from intentional or unintentional releases. The example of intentional releases is oil spill coming from operative discharges by shipping activities, including fishing vessels. On the unintentional side, oil spill accident such as the accident of oil platform is one of the most serious example of unintentional spill.
The negative extensive impact of oil spill may affect not only the environment but also the human life from social and economic aspects. The Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (MMAF) is the Indonesia government organization which is responsible institution of the management of marine and fisheries resources policies based on the sustainable development. MMAF is the authority management in the Fishing Ports to prevent and treatment of oil spill.
This research is working on the observation of the oil spill in Indonesia and management of the oil spill on the 7 fishing ports in Indonesia. We identified and quantified the potential source and the recommendation of mitigation planning to reduce, prevent and treatment.

Keywords: oil spill, fishing port, mitigation

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70 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-46

Microplastic occurrence on digestive tract of marble goby fish (Oxyeleotris marmorata) from Jeneberang River, Makassar, Indonesia
Ega Adhi Wicaksono1, Shinta Werorilangi2, Muh Afdal3, Robby Nimzet4, and Akbar Tahir2

1Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Flora, Bulaksumur, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

2Department of Marine Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, KM 10 Tamalanrea 90245, Makassar, Indonesia.

3Departement of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Lambung Mangkurat University, Jl. A. Yani, Banjarbaru 70714, Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

4Environmental Management Study Program, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, KM 10 Tamalanrea 90245, Makassar, Indonesia.


Microplastic pollution has been widely reported in various aquatic environments. Microplastics can also accumulate in fish through direct and indirect ingestion mechanisms. Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata) is a freshwater fish that act as an ambush predator. This feeding habit suggests O. marmorata tend to accumulate microplastics from the aquatic environment through indirect ingestion. This fish is also one of the consumption commodities utilized in the Jeneberang River, where Microplastic pollution has been reported. The purpose of this study was to measure the abundance of microplastics from the digestive tract of O. marmorata from the Jeneberang River. The O. marmorata individuals were captured using gill nets and fish traps from the Jeneberang river during the wet and dry seasons. Microplastics from the digestive tract of O. marmorata were isolated using the alkaline digestive method. The results showed that microplastic was found in O. marmorata digestive tract with an average abundance 1.11 MP/Individual. Based on the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test, there was no difference in MP abundance on O. marmorata between the wet (0.94 MP/individual) and dry seasons (1.58 MP/Individual). Blue and line microplastics were the most abundant color and shape found in the samples. These results indicate that microplastics have been uptake even in high trophic level organisms on the Jeneberang River. Further research on the microplastic abundance in lower trophic level species in the Jeneberang River is also necessary to comprehensively understand the fate of MP in the Jeneberang River.

Keywords: Plastic, Debris, Pollution, Ingestion, Freshwater

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71 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-89

Heavy metal (lead and mercury) content in greenback mullets (Planiliza subviridis) of Banten Bay, Indonesia
D Nirari (1), Sulistiono (1*), R Afandi (1), E Riani (1), B Subhan (2), E Supriyono (3), Lukman (4), Sulastri (4), G Wahyudewantoro (5)

1) Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
2)Departement of Marine Sciene and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
3) Departement of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
4) Research Center for Limnology, Jl Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor, 16911, Indonesia.
5) Center for Biological Research, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor, 16911, Indonesia


Abstract. Anthropogenic activities in Cengkok coastal waters have a potential to pollute the environment with contaminants such as heavy metals. The aim of this study is to determine both the content and accumulation of heavy metals (Pb and Hg) in greenback mullets (Planiliza subviridis) in Cengkok coastal waters, Banten Bay. Fish samples were taken for six months from March to August 2019. Wet sample destruction was done using the Nitric Acid-Perchloric Acid Digestion method, while heavy metal analysis used the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) instrument. The results of the measurements of Pb and Hg contained in greenback mullets during the study were still below the quality standard, according to the Indonesian FDA (2018). Meanwhile, according to FAO/WHO (2004), Pb content in June, July, and August and Hg content in August had exceeded the quality standard of 0.03 mg/kg (for Pb) and 0.05 mg/kg (for Hg). The safety levels for greenback mullet consumption for children is 0.44 kg of meat/week and 1.45 kg of meat/week for adults.

Keywords: Greenback mullets, lead, mercury

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72 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-99

Heavy Metal Content (Pb, Hg) in Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus sp.) from Banten Bay, Indonesia
MS Ubay (1), Sulistiono(1*), DTF Lumbanbatu (1), R Affandi (1), E Riani (1), B Subhan (2), E Supriyono (3), Lukman (4), Sulastri (4), G Wahyudewantoro (5)

1) Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
2) Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
3) Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
4) Research Center for Limnology, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor, 16911, Indonesia.
5) Research Center for Biosystematics and Evolution, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor, 16911, Indonesia.
*Email: onosulistiono[at]


Banten Bay represents waters bordering the areas of marine tourism, industries, settlements, and agriculture. The wastes resulting from those activities can harm the aquatic environment. This study aims to analyze the bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Pb and Hg) in threadfin bream (Nemipterus sp.) in Panjang Island, Banten Bay, Banten Province. Sampling and observation were carried out from March to August 2019 on the island. Measurements of heavy metal contents in fish flesh and gills were conducted using the AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Based on the results of analyses, Pb and Hg in fish flesh and gill were 0-0.149 mg/kg and 0-0.064 mg/kg, respectively, indicating that the number of heavy metals in the tissue was under the predetermined threshold- However, the number of heavy metals in the gill organs exceeded the predetermined threshold. The maximum weight limit of the fish flesh that can be consumed by both adults and children was 6.15 g/week and 1.85 g/week, respectively.

Keywords: Heavy metals, Pb and Hg, Banten Bay, threadfin bream (Nemipterus sp.)

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73 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-107

Water quality status analysis of Kemayungan-Linduk coastal water for fisheries development in Banten Bay, Indonesia
Aulia Hanifa, Sigid Hariyadi, Sulistiono*

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Jl. Agatis Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: onosulistiono[at]


Kemayungan-Linduk coastal area is located in Banten Bay (Banten Province), with various activities, including aquaculture and capture fisheries. This research was aimed to determine coastal water quality in the area through the Nemerow s Pollution Index (PI) calculation in the context of fisheries development. The water quality was observed by direct mesurements in the field and sample water collections from February to April 2021 at six stations. The water quality parameters observed was temperature, transparency, turbidity, TSS, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and dissolved phosphate. The Pollution Index (PI) was used to determine the water quality or aquatic pollution state for fisheries. The results indicate that water quality of Kemayungan-Linduk coast was considered fairly good with temperature ranged from 29-33 degree C- transparency 20-110 cm, turbidity 2.8-99.0 NTU, pH values 6.7- 8.0, salinity 0-33 o/oo, DO 2.3-7.3 mg/L, nitrite 0.006-0.17 mg/L, nitrate 0.001-1.63 mg/L, and phosphate 0.001-0.40 mg/L. The PI values of all observation stations ranged from 1.30 to 4.88 indicating that the status of the water quality is lightly polluted. Based on this study, therefore, the Kemayungan-Linduk coastal water is categorized as suitable for fisheries development.

Keywords: Pollution Index, water quality

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74 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-166

Identification Trace Elements of Water and Aquatic Plant in Lake Ledulu by Neutron Activation Analysis
Media Fitri Isma Nugraha1*, Saeful Yusuf2, Luki Subehi2, Atriyon Julzarika2, Kayat2, Th Rina Mulyaningsih2, Yustiawati2, Imroatushshoolikhah2, Hanhan A Sofiyuddin3

1. Indonesian Research Center for Ornamental Fish - Ministry Marine and Fisheries. Jl Perikanan No 13 pancoran Mas Depok West Java Indonesia
2. National Innovation Research Agency. Gedung B.J. Habibie Jalan M.H. Thamrin Nomor 8, Jakarta Pusat 10340
3. Experimental Station for Irrigation, Research Center for Water Resources, Ministry of Public Work, Bekasi West-Java


Ledulu Lake is one of the lakes in the Rote Ndao Region. Lake Ledulu was formed in the Quaternary period with Cenozoic constituents and Neogene deposits based on geological formations. The formations formed in the Ledulu Lake area are Sediment, Chemical, Limestone. The purpose of this study was to measure the metal content in lake water and absorbed by aquatic vegetation in the Ledulu lake ecosystem, using Neutron Activation Analysis Technology (AAN). AAN is one of the modern methods that is able to measure the level of heavy metal uptake in aquatic biota (water animals and aquatic plants). Result of metal content in ledulu lake water (mg/L) I.e: Bromine 405.06, Calcium 7,195.66, Cerium 9.10, Cobalt 2.43, Chromium 45.90, Lanthanum 12.07, Magnesium 1189.93, Sodium 24,382.31. Aquatic plants that absorb heavy metals in lake ledulu i.e panicum sp, Ludwigia Adscendens (L.) H.Hara, Ottelia alismoides (L) pers, Najas sp, Ipomea aquatica Forssk, Pontederia korsakowii (Regel & Maack) M.Pell. & C.N.Horn, callitriche sp, Pontederia cf.korsakowii (Regel & Maack), Bacopa monnierii, Nymphaea alba L. Sodium is not absorbed by Panicum sp, Ludwigia adsendence (L) nutrient, and Nymphaea Alba. Lanthanum only absorbed by Panicum sp and Callitriche sp. All other elements can be absorbed by aquatic plants in the Ledulu lake ecosystem with different absorption concentrations.

Keywords: AAN, lake Ledulu, water, aquatic plant, trace element

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75 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-180

Analysis of Polonium-210 and Dose Assessment in Marine Fishery Muscle from Southern Coast of Sukabumi
Salsabila Oktaviani Hutomo Putri (a), Deddy Irawan Permana Putra (b*), Fajar Inggit Pambudi (a), Murdahayu Makmur (b), Wahyu Retno Prihatiningsih (b), Saeful Yusuf (b), Th. Rina Mulyaningsih (b)

(a) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(b) National Research and Innovation Agency


The measured of 210Po concentration in the commercially fish muscle has been conducted in fish species collected in southern coast of Sukabumi in 2021. 210Po is a natural occurring radionuclide from the 238U series in the environment and become a concern due to radiotoxic effect for the health of consumers. This study aims to determine the concentration activity of 210Po and to evaluate the annual effective dose of 210Po on fishery products in southern coast Sukabumi. There were 10 different species of marine fish were analyzed using an alpha spectrometer. The results showed that the highest concentration of 210Po activity was in a common dolphinfish at 13.57 Bq/Kg dry weight. This activity value was exceeded tolerable limits as reported by the global recommended concentration of 210Po for fish was about 2.4 Bq/Kg. The lowest concentration of 210Po was found in Pink ear emperor fish at 0.18 Bq/Kg of dry weight, which below minimum threshold of limit concentration activity. The results of the investigation that the average effective dose from one year fish consumption in Sukabumi for adult consumers ranged from 1,05 to 112 (uSv/a), children (10 years) ranged from 2,27 to 243 (uSv/a), and infant consumers (1 year) ranged from 7,67 to 821(uSv/a). The annual dose from 210Po intake in the recent study are lower from reference level of 1 mSv, therefore 210Po was not become a concern.

Keywords: 210Po, annual effective dose, mussels, marine fish

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76 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-207

Microplastic ingested by Anchoviella commersoni in Three Regencies of South Sulawesi Indonesia
Rina Masadah, Imam Hermansyah, Farid Abdurrahman, Junaidy Tahir, Akbar Yowantono

Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia


Plastic pollution has been identified to increase over the past decades globally, and it has been found the mismanagement of plastic waste from landfills to rivers and oceans. Plastic degradation in water by microorganisms results in microparticles (microplastics) of < 5mm that are similar size to underwater biotas and could be ingested by fish and many other ocean creatures. It has been known that microplastic contains several dangerous materials include toxins, carcinogens, pathogens, that obviously accumulates in sea creatures body. Anchoviella commersoni is a type of fish that is widely found in shallow water, in almost all coastal areas in Indonesia. It is people^s food because they are cheap with high nutritional content. This fish is very popular in South Sulawesi province of Indonesia, which mostly cities and regencies located at coastal areas. This study identified microplastics in Anchoviella commersoni, in three regencies of Sulawesi, that are Maros, Pangkep, Barru, that located next to each other along South Sulawesi coast. We analysed 16 of Anchoviella commersoni for each regency by KOH identification method. We found a total 155 microplastic particles distributed in bowels, body, and head of those fishes, in which the most particles were found in bowels (66 particles), and we observed that Pangkep^s (that located between Maros and Barru) Anchoviella commersoni has the most microplastics found among the three regencies. This finding showed that microplastics have been identified in South Sulawesi fishes and these results should be an important data for people and governments to improve the management of plastic waste in order to prevent human diseases that could occur from microplastics.

Keywords: Microplastic, Anchoviella commersoni, Indonesia

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77 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-214

Microplastic contamination in mussels: comparison of two different locations at Makassar Strait
Shinta Werorilangi(1-7*), Akbar Tahir(1-7), Ega Adi Wicaksono(4), Muh. Afdal(2), Kuasa Sari(7), Robby Nimzet(7), Wasir Samad(1), Firdaus Firdaus(5), Ramdha Mawadda(6), Sulaiman Gosalam(1), Liestiaty Fachruddin(3), Arniati Massinai(1), and Ahmad Faizal(1-7)

(1) Department of Marine Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
(2) Department of Marine Science, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin
(3) Department of Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
(4) Department of Fisheries, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(5) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
(6) Study Program of Environmental Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
(7) Marine Plastic Research Group, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
*Corresponding Author: shintawk[at]


Marine plastic debris, including microplastics (MPs), nowadays is recognized as a serious threat to the global marine environment. As an emerging contaminant in the marine environment, the occurrence of MPs in human consumed seafood is of great importance for examination. For this reason, studies on the occurrence of MPs in mussels were collected from two locations at Makassar Strait with different oceanographic conditions were conducted. Three species of commonly consumed mussels Perna viridis, Meretrix meretrix and Mactra chinensis with total of 170 individuals were observed for MPs contamination. Results showed that MPs ingestion in P. viridis and M. chinensis from Sanrobengi Islands were significantly higher than P. viridis and M. meretrix collected from Mandalle coastal area. Microfibers with blue colors were predominant MPs forms detected. With level of MPs contamination between 58-100%, mussels themselves were threatened for their wellbeing and posing potential health risks to seafood consumers. Lastly, polystyrene as dominant polymer examined with FTIR analysis.

Keywords: mussel, microplastics, Sanrobengi, Mandalle, South Sulawesi.

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78 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-223

Studies on Microplastic Abundance in the Coastal Surface of Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muh. Afdal (1), Shinta Werorilangi (2,3*), Ahmad Faizal (2,3), Wasir Samad (2)

1) Departement of Marine Science, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
2) Departement of Marine Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
3) Marine Plastic Research Group, Unviersitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: shintawk[at]


Plastic pollution is a common environmental problem in many nations. Often, plastic waste ends up in the oceans, and accumulates in smaller forms called microplastics. Makassar City as one of the biggest cities in Indonesia, may contribute to plastic waste pollution in the coastal areas which is distributed through two major rivers, namely the Jeneberang River and the Tallo River as well as city canals and drainage which empties into Makassar coastal areas. This study aims to identify, quantify, and characterize microplastics (MP) present on the surface waters of Makassar City, to determine the distribution of microplastics abundance, and to analyze the types of microplastic polymers. This research uses purposive sampling method in determining the sampling point. Identification and analysis of microplastic characteristics were carried out visually using a Stereo Microscope (Euromex Stereo Blue 1902). Statistical analysis used descriptive analysis and the distribution of microplastics used spatial methods. The results showed that the average abundance of microplastics in the coastal waters of Makassar City was 5,69 MP.m-3 (SE: 2,067) which was spread over three observation stations. Microplastic hotspots in the coastal waters of Makassar City are at the mouth of the Tallo River and the port of Paotere. The predominant forms of microplastic found were line, fragment, film, foam, and pellet. The polymer identified by the FTIR analysis on several MPs found were Polystyrene (PS) and Polypropylene (PP).

Keywords: Abundance, Microplastic, Polymer, Makassar City Coastal Waters

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79 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International) ABS-254

Analysis of pollution level of the coastal water of Small Island in Indonesia: A case study on the Ternate Island
Najamuddin, H Umasangaji, I Tahir, R E Paembonan

Universitas Khairun


The water quality of coastal waters of Ternate Island has decreased, marked by an increase in the pollution index on several physical and chemical parameters in the last decade. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the pollution level of the coastal waters of Ternate Island based on several physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Research field data collection was carried out at 6 stations, namely Rua, Jambula, Sasa, Bastiong, Gamalama and Takome Villages which represented the characteristics of the waters with different human activities. The results of this research showed that the pollution level of the coastal waters of Ternate Island was in the moderately polluted category. There were eight physical, chemical, and biological parameters that were analyzed and two parameters had exceeded the water quality standard for marine life, namely the concentration of nitrate and phosphate, while the other parameters were still below the water quality standard.

Keywords: pollution index- physical, chemical, and biological parameters- small island, Ternate Island

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80 Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (National) ABS-126

Ekstraksi dan Amplifikasi DNA Ganggang Hijau (Chlorophyta) Genus Caulerpa dan Codium di Kabupaten Takalar Menggunakan Marka rbcL
Riska Wildajaya (1), Irmawati (2), Inayah Yasir (2*)

(1) Mahasiswa Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin
(2) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin
Corresponding Authors:
* Inayah Yasir
email: inakhae[at]


Makroalga merupakan salah satu biota penyusun ekosistem laut yang memiliki manfaat secara ekologi dan bioteknologi. Karakteristik morfologi alga khususnya pada jenis Caulerpa dan Codium dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan seperti pergerakan air, cahaya, suhu, salinitas dan keasaman (pH). Faktor genetik juga dapat mempengaruhi perbedaan kualitas produksi dan karakteristik morfologi alga. Hal ini dapat dianalisis secara molekuler untuk membedakan sifat morfologi. Kualitas hasil ekstraksi DNA dan amplifikasi gen dari alga dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain sifat dan kompenen penyusunan dinding sel alga itu sendiri. Dengan demikian, prosedur ekstraksi yang berhasil untuk satu jenis ganggang mungkin gagal untuk yang lain. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji teknik ekstraksi DNA dan kondisi amplifikasi untuk markarbcL yang sesuai dalam genus Caulerpa dan Codium. Dalam penelitian ini, metode konvensional (CTAB) yang dimodifikasi oleh Doyle & Doyle (1987), Alvarez (2006), dan Kazi (2013) digunakan untuk ekstraksi DNA alga hijau. Amplifikasi DNA genom alga hijau menggunakan marka rbcL pada PCR. Keberhasilan isolasi DNA genom dan amplifikasi penanda rbcL dari alga hijau (Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa lentillifera dan Codium sp.) dideteksi menggunakan transilluminator UV setelah elektroforesis gel. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari cara terbaik dalam mengekstraksi DNA ganggang hijau (Chlorophyta) genus Caulerpa dan Codium menggunakan metode CTAB dan mengamplifikasi DNA menggunakan marka rbcL

Keywords: ekstraksi- DNA- CTAB- Marka rbcL- alga hijau.

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81 Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (National) ABS-230

Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Penghasil Cold Adapted Lipase (CLPs) Dari Daging dan Jeroan Ikan Lemuru Yang Disimpan Pada Suhu Dingin
Hefti Salis Yufidasari(1), Aji Sutrisno(2), Agustin Krisna Wardani(2), Teti Estiasih(2)

(1) Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
(2) Dosen Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia


Lipase (EC Triasilgliserol asil hidrolase) merupakan kelompok enzim terpenting ketiga setelah karbohidrat dan protease, dan digunakan secara luas di berbagai industri. Studi tentang enzim ini untuk proses industri selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Dalam reaksi enzimatis, suhu tinggi akan meningkatkan laju reaksi, tetapi juga mempercepat deaktivasi enzim. Pencarian kandidat enzim lipase yang memiliki aktivitas tinggi pada suhu rendah dapat menjadi solusi yang ideal. Enzim lipase dengan sifat di atas umum disebut sebagai Cold Adapted Lipase (CLPs). Fitur yang tak lazim ini menjadi kelebihan utama CLPs dalam industri karena membutuhkan sumber energi rendah yang berkorelasi dengan penurunan biaya produksi. Selain itu, reaksi pada suhu dingin menjaga komponen pangan sehingga menghasilkan produk dengan biofungsional tinggi.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan isolasi bakteri penghasil enzim lipase dengan aktivitas tinggi pada suhu rendah yang diidentifikasi secara molekuler. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh sejumlah isolat bakteri yang menghasilkan lipase pada media skrining yang digunakan. Isolat bakteri B5 menunjukkan aktivitas ekstrak kasar tertinggi yaitu sebesar 3.21 U/mL, diikuti isolat B4 (3.09 U/mL), H5 (2.56 U/mL dan B9 (1.02 U/mL). Pengujian suhu optimum enzim pada isolat B5 menunjukkan lipase B5 memiliki suhu optimum dalam kisaran 20-30oC sehingga dapat dikategorikan sebagai Cold Active Lipase (CLPs). Identifikasi isolat B5 berdasarkan analisis 16s rRNA menunjukkan 99.62% kemiripan dengan Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain H (accession number CP041693.1).

Keywords: Bakteri, Cold Adapted Lipase, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

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82 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-8

Reproductive Performance of Female Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Given Probiotic EM4 (Microorganism-4) with the Addition of Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia) in Feed
Tuti Feberiani Telaumbanua1, Ricky Djauhari2, and Noor Syarifuddin Yusuf2

1 Study Program of Aquaculture, Palangka Raya University
2 Lecturer at Aquaculture Study Program, Palangka Raya University
Email: tutitelau[at]


This study aims to determine the effect of giving probiotic EM4 (Effective Microorganism-4) with the addition of noni fruit to the feed on the reproductive performance of female snakehead fish. This research was carried out for 2 months from December 2021 - January 2022 at the Mandiangin Freshwater Aquaculture Center (BPBAT). The number of fecundity ranged from 2,580 - 3,562, the IKG value ranged from 1.44 - 2.46%, the fertilization rate value ranged from 85.67 - 87.33%, the hatching rate value ranged from 85.00 - 91.67%, egg yolk absorption ranged from 75 - 78 hours, and the SR value ranged from 90.00 - 98.67%.
The results of the ANOVA test showed that the administration of probiotics with the addition of noni fruit had a significant effect on the gonadal maturity index and fecundity of snakehead fish, hatching rate, survival rate and egg yolk absorption time of snakehead fish, but had no significant effect on fertilization rate of snakehead fish.

Keywords: Reproductive performance- probiotics- EM4- noni fruit- snakehead fish

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83 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-64

Reproductive performance of non-ablated domesticated banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus)
A Nur, D A Widyany, L Ruliaty, Z Arifin and M. Soleh

Main Centre for Brackishwater Aquaculture, Jepara-Centra Java, Indonesia


Abstract. Second generation of Fenneropenaeus indicus have been produced in pond at Main Centre for Brackishwater Aquaculture (MCBA) Jepara, Indonesia and subjected to use for evaluation on their reproductive performance without ablation. Pre-maturation with and without biofloc technology (BFT) system were assessed during the trials. First trial (non-BFT), amount of 10 months old broodstock (37.35 +/- 4.90g females and 25.15 +/-2.66g males) were acclimatized, while the second trial a total of 190 pcs of females (38.05+/-4,19g) and 195 pcs of males (27.85+/-2.16g) at 11 months olds were culture separately during four weeks and reared into biofloc system prior maturation performed. Molasse was used as carbon sources in order to maintain C/N ratio around 15. Maturation processed conducted using rectangular cement tanks (30 m3 active volume) into indoor system at 10h light and 14h dark condition. Animal test mainly fed on squid (morning) and oyster (daytime), while live Nereis sp. being feed at noon at a ratio 1:1:1 of 30% biomass/day. Daily water exchange rate of 100% in the morning and afternoon, respectively. It was found that the latency period of BFT (6d) and non-BFT (7-8d) treated broodstock within the range of common intervals for F. indicus. However, the percentage of weekly spawners (%), nauplii production (pcs/spawner), and postlarvae survival shows any significant differences (P<0,05) were 80% vs 55%, 33.850 vs 51.246, and 30.7% vs 23.26%, respectively. Results finding shown that domesticated F. indicus can successfully produced healthy post larvae without prior broodstocks ablation. Study on BFT during pre-maturation of these species firstly report and there is the need for further research in terms of duration, nutritional status of the broodstock, and post larvae growth performances in pond.

Keywords: F. indicus, reproductive performance, non-ablated, biofloc

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84 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-69

Increasing The Reproductive Performance Of Milkfish Mature (Chanos Chanos) Through Spirulina Flour Enrichment Feed
Lisa Ruliaty*, A. Nur, I.R. Amalia, A.L Nurhayati

Main Centre for Brackishwater Aquaculture, Jepara- Central Java, Indonesia


Enrichment of milkfish broodstock feed with spirulina flour has been carried out at BBPBAP Jepara in 2020. The purpose of this test is to improve the reproductive performance of milkfish. Feed pellets for 10 kg milkfish are enriched with a mixture of 10 duck eggs, 100 ml of honey, 6 g of vitamin C, 3 g of vitamin E and Spirulina flour at a dose of 0.6 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg, in a blender until they become emulsion The enrichment material is applied by spraying onto the surface of the pellet evenly and then air-dried. Feeding is done as much as 2-3% / day. The results of the enrichment test on feeding enriched with spirulina flour to milkfish broodstock obtained the following results: (a) The number of eggs increased from 6.9 million eggs to 20 million eggs- (b) The frequency of laying eggs from 10 times/month to 18 times/month- (c) The rate of fertilization from 48.5% to 70.4%- (d) Hatching rate from 66.2% to 79.2%- (e) Increasing the dose of 0.6 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg did not give different result.

Keywords: Spirulina Flour, Reproduction, Mature Milkfish, Enrichment.

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85 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-110

Pengaruh kandungan carboxymethylcellulose dalam pakan terhadap daya cerna nutrisi udang windu (Penaeus monodon Fab)
Haryati, Siti Aslamiah, Dody D. Trijuno, Kamaruddin, Uswah Mufida

Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin
Balai Riset Budidaya Air Payau dan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Maros
Program Sarjana Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin


Dalam budidaya udang windu secara intensif komponen biaya produksi yang paling tinggi yaitu pakan. Di antara komponen nutrisi, kandungan protein pakan juga paling tinggi. Namun penggunaan protein yang terlalu tinggi apabila tidak disertai dengan pengelolaan kualitas air yang baik dapat menurunkan kualitas air media budidaya. Pakan yang mengandung carboxymethylcellulose akan memperlama makanan dalam saluran pencernaan sehingga interaksi antara enzim dan substrat juga semakin lama yang dapat berdampak positif terhadap daya cerna pakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi penggunaan carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) dalam pakan dengan kandungan protein dan karbohidrat berbeda yang menghasilkan daya cerna pakan yang terbaik. Pola faktorial dengan rancangan dasar acak lengkap digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Faktor pertama adalah kandungan protein- karbohidrat berbeda dalam pakan yaitu kandungan protein 30% - karbohidrat 40% (P 30% - C 40%) dan protein 40% - karbohidrat 30% (P 40% - C 30%). Faktor kedua adalah perbedaan kandungan CMC dalam pakan, yaitu 0%, 5% dan 10%. Parameter yang diamati yaitu daya cerna protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan enersi. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara kandungan protein-karbohidrat dalam pakan dan kandungan CMC berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya cerna protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan enersi. Daya cerna protein,lemak, karbohidrat dan enersi paling rendah pada perlakuan P30%-C40%-CMC 0% dan berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan lainnya. Berdasarkan daya cerna pakan, dalam pemeliharaan udang windu dapat diberi pakan dengan kandungan protein 30%, karbohidrat 40% dan CMC 5%.

Keywords: carboxymethyl cellulose, daya cerna, karbohidrat, pakan, protein, udang windu

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86 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-145

Effect of probiotics on rearing striped snakehead (Channa striata Bloch, 1793) seed
Arwin Beto1, Desiana Trisnawati Tobigo1, Samliok Ndobe*1, Novalina Serdiati1, Eka Rosyida1, Aswad Eka Putra1

1Fisheries and Marine Departement, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia


The striped snakehead (Channa striata Bloch, 1793) is a valuable freshwater fisheries commodity. Development of striped snakehead aquaculture has been driven by increasing demand due to the health benefits of consuming this fish, mainly due to its high albumin content. Probiotics are increasingly used to improve the health of cultured fish, promoting growth and increasing survival. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using probiotics at different rates on the growth and survival of juvenile striped snakeheads. The research was conducted over 5 weeks during November-December 2021 at the Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Indonesia. The study applied four probiotic (EM4) treatments (0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 ml/L) with 10 replicates. The highest probiotic concentration (3.0 ml/L) gave the highest growth with the best water quality. However, analysis of variance showed that the addition of EM4 probiotic at the rates used did not result in a significant difference in growth (increase in length or weight gain) or in survival rate (100% under all treatments) although it may have a limited beneficial effect.

Keywords: probiotics, Channa striata, growth, water quality

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87 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-178

Growth and survival performance of tropical spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) reared at commercial sea cages: does size matter?
Ilham, Bayu Priyambodo, Dea Ananda Prayogi

Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic of Jembrana, Pengambengan, Negara, Jembrana, Bali, 82218 Indonesia

Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Centre, Lombok, Indonesia

Department of Aquaculture Technology, Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries, Jl. AUP Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, 12520, Indonesia


Spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) are important commercial seafood commodities across the globe mainly due to their meat quality and premium seafood status. The majority of spiny lobster production is from capture fisheries, where static supply or significant decline in catch has been reported worldwide in recent years. In Indonesia, cultivation of lobsters in floating net cages has been developed as an alternative to meet the increasing demand for lobster exports that cannot be met by catches from nature. In this study, we examined the production performance of tropical spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) based on differences in seed sizes with similar quantity of stocked individuals. The trial was carried out at spiny lobster farming facilities owned by a commercial aquaculture company in Situbondo, East Java. To evaluate the effects of group size on growth performance and survival, 200 lobster seeds were stocked in each cage in three different group sizes, namely: small-size lobster or T1 (30-50 g), medium-size lobster or T2 (50-70 g) and big-size lobster or T3 (70-90 g) in triplicate. From the data obtained, it appeared that better specific growth rate and survival rate were found in T1. However, feed conversion ratio was not significantly different among those treatments. Overall, this study suggested that the capture and subsequent growout of wild post-pueruli and juveniles and the ongrowing and value-adding of adults in landbased or sea cage systems can be applied as a sustainable option of tropical spiny lobster aquaculture.

Keywords: Panulirus homarus, lobster aquaculture, survival, SGR, FCR

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88 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-183

Hamzah1,&#61607-, Srinawati1, Lideman1

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Balai Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau Takalar


Tambak udang intensif terkadang mengalami kasus kematian udang akibat infeksi berbagai patogen, dan salah satu penyakit tersebut adalah EHP atau disebut white peces disease (WFD) dan WSSV (white spot syndrome virus) atau disebut bintik putih. Umumnya pembudidaya akan segera panen jika kedua penyakit ini menyerang udang di tambak. Namun pada kegiatan ini, dilakukan upaya mempertahankan pemeliharaan udang hingga mencapai masa panen yang layak. Oleh karena itu, sangat diperlukan adanya pengetahuan mengenai pola serangan penyakit udang dan kondisi kualitas air tambak agar penyakit tersebut dapat dikurangi dampaknya. Sampai saat ini masih kurang informasi mengenai gambaran kondisi pertumbuhan udang dan kualitas lingkungan saat terjadi kasus penyakit infeksi EHP dan WSSV pada udang tambak intensif. Informasi tersebut akan sangat bermanfaat bagi pembudidaya dalam menentukan langkah yang harus dilakukan agar tidak mengalami kerugian yang besar. Hasil yang diperoleh, menunjukkan bahwa kasus infeksi penyakit EHP dan WSSV pada udang vanname di tambak intensif terjadinya bersamaan di pekan ke-3 atau DOC 19. Munculnya penyakit EHP dan WSSV tersebut disertai dengan meningkatknya kasus nekrosis pada kaki renang, meningkatnya infeksi bakteri filamen (Leucotrix sp), meningkatnya suhu air tambak, penurunan nilai pH air satu pekan sebelumnya, meningkatnya nilai alkalinitas air, dan meningkatnya total bakteri dalam air tambak. Meskipun pada masa pemeliharaan ini telah terbukti telah terinfeksi penyakit EHP dan WSSV, namun pemeliharaan dapat dilanjutkan hingga pekan ke-13 atau DOC 75 dan akhir panen sebanyak 937 kg, SR 73,5%, dan FCR 1,69.

Keywords: EHP, WSSV, panen

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89 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-221

Growth Performance of Tropical Abalone (Haliotis squamata) Fed with Two Different Macroalgae in Captivity
Idham S. Pratama, Yanuariska Putra, Dien A. Anggorowati, Evi A. Siahaan, La Ali

Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry - National Research and Innovation Agency


Macroalgae Gracilaria sp. and Ulva sp. are commonly found, cultivated, and utilized to feed abalone in captivity. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of two different macroalgae diet (Gracilaria sp. and Ulva sp.) on tropical abalone (Haliotis squamata). Two treatments of macroalgae diet (Gracilaria Gr and Ulva Ul) with six replications were performed at Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry, North Lombok. In this study, 25 tropical abalone (49.40, 0.21 mm) were kept indoor in each 60 liter rearing tank for 90 days between September to December. Macroalgae Gracilaria sp. outperformed Ulva sp. on specific growth rate (SGR) (0.18, 0.06), food conversion ratio (FCR) (7.14, 2.56) and survival rate (SR) (75.20, 6.86 %) of tropical abalone.

Keywords: Abalone, Haliotis squamata, macroalgae, Gracilaria, Ulva, growth performance

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90 Budidaya Perairan Berkelanjutan (National) ABS-241

Performan pertumbuhan dan indeks asam amino esensial pada penggemukan kepiting bakau, Scylla sp.yang diberi beberapa kombinasi pakan GELnat dengan pakan segar
Edison Saade1, Haryati1 dan Desi Nirmala Sari1

Hasanuddin University


Abstrak : Kombinasi pakan GELnat dengan pakan segar pada penggemukan kepiting bakau merupakan suatu inovasi di bidang nutrisi dan pakan akuakultur yang berkualitas dan ramah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kombinasi antara pakan GELnat dengan pakan segar terhadap performa pertumbuhan dan indeks asam amino esensial pada penggemukan kepiting bakau yang dipelihara di crab box di perairan tambak. Kepiting bakau ukuran rata-rata 150 g dipelihara di dalam crab box dengan satu ekor setiapnya. Kepiting uji diberi pakan pakan segar 100% ( perlakuan A), pakan segar 75% dan pakan GELnat 25% (perlakuan B), pakan segar 50% dan pakan GELnat 50% (perlakuan C), pakan segar 25% dan pakan GELnat 75% (perlakuan D), dan pakanGELnat 100% (perlakuan E). Parameter yang diukur adalah pertumbuhan, sintasan dan indeks asam amino esensial. Data diolah dengan ANOVA dan uji Tukey, kecuali parameter indeks asam amino esensial yang dianalisis decara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukaan bahwa kombinasi antar pakan GELnat dengan pakan segar tidak berpengaruh nyata, sedangkan indeks asam amino pakan dan daging kepiting bakau masing-masing antara 13,32 - 33,24 dan 34,54 - 66,75. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pakan GELnat mampu mengganti pakan segar pada penggemukan kepiting bakau.

Keywords: Indeks asam amino esensial, kepiting bakau, pakan GELnat, pakan segar,

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