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211 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-98


Center Research for Fisheries


Increasing the target of aquaculture production will increase the need for feed which an increase will follow in the need for fish meal. The constraint in aquaculture fish feed dependence on a fish meal import is known. Many previous studies have been carried out in efforts to find local raw materials to reduce dependence on fish meals. One source of quality animal protein from marine resources as raw material for feed that needs to be studied and developed is mollusks or mussels. This review summarizes the use of mussel meal in aquaculture feed and is expected to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing studies^ potential on mussels meal used as a feed ingredient in fish feed. Mussels contain high levels of nutrients and bio-actives which were utilized in the form of mussel meals for feed ingredients. For example, the nutritional content of green mussel meals (Perna viridis) includes protein 53.94%- fat 11.16%- N free extract 26.34%- 0.07% crude fiber, and 8.49% ash. The utilization of mussel meals as a source of protein feed can increase the growth of several types of cultured fish. This result shows that mussel meals have the potential as raw material and an alternative protein source to reduce dependence on a fish meal in aquaculture fish feed.

Keywords: fish feed, mussel meals, and mollusks

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212 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-103

Feeding incidence and biological performance of Nilem carp, Osteochilus haseltii larvae to juvenile stages cultured under different aeration rate.
Eri Setiadi and Yohanna R. Widyiastuti

Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension (RIFAFE), Bogor, West Java, Indonesia


Nilem carp, Osteochilus hasselti is one of the local species which has an economic value in Indonesia, especially, the fingerling size ^baby fish^. The purpose of this research is to determine the optimal of aeration rate for feeding incidence, feeding proportion, growth, and survival. The aeration rates of this research were adjusted to A) 0 ml/minute- B) 500 ml/minute- C) 1000 ml/minute- C) 1500 ml/minute- and D) 2000ml/minute. Each treatment consisted of three replicates. 600 of newly hatched larvae (1 day old) were stocked in the aquarium with size of 60 x 40 x 40 cm. Each aquarium was completed by water heater. Larvae were cultured for 45 days. Larvae were fed Artemia and artificial diet. The parameters were observed survival, growth, feeding incidence and feeding proportion. The result showed that the aeration rate has influenced the survival, absolute length, absolute weight, feeding incidence and feeding proportion (P<0.05). The water quality parameter such as dissolved oxygen was affected by aeration rate where the higher of aeration will be led to increase the value of dissolved oxygen concentration. The aeration rate of 1000 ml/minute is recommended to be suitable for larviculture of nilem carp in order to increase the seed production.

Keywords: Feeding incidence, biological performance, aeration, Nilem carp

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213 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-104

Biological performance and water quality of Asian redtail catfish, Hemibagrus nemurus cultured using duckweed as a phytoremediation
Eri Setiadi, Imam Taufik, and Dewi Puspaningsih

Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension (RIFAFE), Bogor, West Java, Indonesia


Asian redtail catfish, Hemibagrus nemurus is one of the local species that have an economical values in Southeast Asia including Indonesia. The research aims to obtain the optimal of duckweed biomass as phytoremediation on survival, growth, stress response, and water quality dynamic of Asian redtail catfish culture. The different of duckweed, Lemna sp biomass as a treatments were as followed A) 0 gram (control)- B) 20 gram- C) 40 gram- and D) 60 gram. Three replicates were performed for each treatment. 12 fiber thanks with size of 60 x 40 x 40cm were set up where each thank was stocking 50 fishes. The result showed that the Lemna sp biomass affect the survival, growth, biomass, and blood glucose (P<0.05). The absolute biomass of Lemna sp yield were also significantly different (P<0.05). Water quality dynamic during the culture such as nitrite, nitrate, total of ammonia, phosphate concentrations at the control (0 gram) was the highest compared to the others where the dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and temperature were relative constant. The Lemna sp biomass of 40 gram can be recommended as a phytoremediation for culturing seed in order to increasing productivity and keep the water quality in the optimal range.

Keywords: Biological performance, water quality, phytoremediation, duckweed, Asian redtail catfish

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214 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-106

Clinical Symptoms Of Rabbitfish, Siganus Guttatus, Which Died While Cultivated In Ponds And Floating Net Cage
B.R. Tampangallo, *Asda Laining, *Kamaruddin, *Muharijadi Atmomarsono, dan *Muliani

Research institute for Brackish Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension


Rabbitfish is an economical fish that can be cultivated. Fish farming is inseparable from diseases. The study aimed to observe the clinical symptoms of dead rabbitfish in ponds and floating net cages. The research method is a survey by looking at the behavior of fish in the cage/aquarium, external physical abnormalities, and abnormalities of the internal organs. Isolate bacteria from the liver, kidneys, intestines, and gills using TSA, TCBA, and BHIA plate media. In this study, an analysis of the presence of the VNN virus was also carried out using the PCR method. Confirmation of the pathogenicity of the successfully isolated isolate is carried out in a controlled container. The results showed that the fish cultivated had no appetite, less active movement, and finally swam undirected and then died. Clinical symptoms of dead fish are blurry to white eyes, pale gills, pale liver to yellow and hemorrhage, empty intestines to hemorrhage, swollen lymph, and kidneys dilated to hemorrhagic. PCR results showed that the fish were negatively infected with VNN. The colonies of bacteria growing in the TCBSA plate medium are round, convex, slippery edges, and yellow in color. Blasting results showed this isolate was Vibrio alginolitycus. The bacterial colonies grown in the dominant TSA plate medium are round, convex, and yellow in color and the colonies in the BHIA medium are round, convex, and yellowish beige in color. Isolates of V. alginolitycus and colonies of BHIA media infected in Baronang Fish do not cause fish to die, but in fish injected with isolates from BHIA suspected of streptococcus, showing physical abnormalities in the form of transparent white bumps/bubbles on the front of the head. In fish injected with Streptococcus agalactia IBN2M, bacteria cause the fish to die up to 100% on the 12th day after injection.

Keywords: Rabbitfish Cultivation, feed, hemorrhagic, and bacteria

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215 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-128

The application of fermentation on local raw materials based-feed for Giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Mulyasari, Reza Samsudin, Subaryono

Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (BRPBATPP)


Giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii is a fisheries local commodity that is quite promising in terms of economy. However, its culture is constrained by expensive feed prices so it needs to be overcome through the use of feed based on local raw materials. However, the utilization of feed based on local raw materials cannot be done optimally because it often contains limiting factors such as crude fiber, tannins, and so on. Therefore the application of fermentation is expected to overcome this problem. This study aims to evaluate the use of fermentation in feed based on local raw materials and its effect on the growth performance of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rossenbergii). The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3 replication. The treatments carried out in this study were as follows: Treatment A was commercial feed, Treatment B was feed based on local raw materials and Treatment C was feed based on local raw materials that fermented using Bacillus subtilis TS2b. Parameters that measured include absolute and relative weight growth, specific growth rate, survival rate, feed efficiency, protein and fat retention. The results showed that fermented local raw material-based feed using Bacillus subtilis TS2b could potentially be used for the growth of giant freshwater prawn.

Keywords: : local raw materials, giant prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, fermentation, feed

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216 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-146

Effect of salinity on the growth and albumin content of striped snakehead (Channa striata Bloch, 1793)
Sri Herlina1, Samliok Ndobe*1, Desiana Trisnawati Tobigo1, Abdul Masyahoro1, Andi Heryanti Rukka1, Madinawati1

Fisheries and Marine Departement, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia


The striped snakehead (Channa striata Bloch, 1793) is a freshwater fish commonly found in freshwater bodies such as rivers, swamps and lakes. Long known as a desirable food fish, the striped snakehead has a high albumin protein content which can help to accelerate wound healing, facilitate the movement of body fluids and maintain osmotic pressure in the body. Several limiting factors are thought to affect the growth and survival of fish, one of which is salinity, which can directly affect the metabolism of fish such as striped snakeheads. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different salinity treatments on the growth and albumin content of juvenile striped snakeheads. The research was conducted during November-December 2021 at the Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Indonesia. The study applied 5 treatments (2 ppt, 4 ppt, 6 ppt, 8 ppt and 10 ppt) with 8 replicates. The Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test showed that the net increase in length and weight were significantly different (P less than 0.05) between treatments. The 8 ppt salinity treatment gave the highest growth (mean 1.04 cm, SD 0.19 cm), survival rate (100%) and albumin content (4.950 mg/100 mL).

Keywords: salinity, Channa striata, growth, albumin content

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217 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-149

Determination of carrying capacity of waters for the development of intensive technology vaname shrimp ponds in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Mudian Paena, Ruskia Asaaf, Admi Athirah

Center for Brackishwater Culture Research and Fisheries Extension, Maros, Indonesia


Intensive technology vanaame shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond is an alternative technology to increase national shrimp production in addition to super intensive technology. Vannamei shrimp that are cultivated in intensive ponds have a high production when compared to other technologies, even though the area is narrow. Vannamei shrimp production in ponds with intensive technology in general can reach 50 tons per hectare which is equivalent to 60 years of shrimp production in traditional technology. The high productivity is a threat of environmental degradation due to the disposal of organic waste that has the potential to cause environmental bioecological imbalances. The application of intensive technology for vaname shrimp pond cultivation in a sustainable manner can only be realized if the intensification and extensification planning is based on the carrying capacity of the aquatic environment. The concept of carrying capacity is used in the framework of increasing vaname shrimp production without damaging the environment. Based on this, research has been carried out that aims to determine the carrying capacity of marine waters for the development of intensive vannamei shrimp ponds in Bulukumba Regency. The research was conducted by survey method. The survey was conducted in the waters of the Gantarang and Bontobahari sub-districts. Carrying capacity is calculated based on the content of oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) in sea waters. The results showed that in Gantarang District, intensive pond development could still be carried out based on the carrying capacity of 56.5 ha and 110 ha of oxygen and nitrogen, respectively. Meanwhile, in Bontobahari District, intensive pond development can still be carried out based on the oxygen and nitrogen carrying capacity of 65.5 ha and 118 ha, respectively.

Keywords: Carrying capacity, shrimp farming, intensive technology

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218 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-155

Histology of the Intestine and Hepatopancreas of Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in response to the fermented herb ^Vitomolt Plus^
Yushinta Fujaya1*, Andi Aliah Hidayani1, Hasri1, Andi Fahrul Syahrullah1, Dwi Kesuma Sari2, Benny Diah Madusari3, Abinawanto4

1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia.
2Veterinary Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, Indonesia.
3Fisheries Faculty, Pekalongan University, Jl. Sriwijaya 3, Bendan, Pekalongan, Central Java Indonesia
4Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, West Java, Indonesia


This study aimed to investigate the response of vannamei shrimp cultured in ponds to the supplementation of fermented herbal extract (FHE) ^Vitomolt Plus^ by observing the histological structure of the intestine and hepatopancreas. Samples of vaname shrimp were obtained from shrimp farmers in Pangkep district, South Sulawesi. There were two cultivation methods that were compared, namely shrimp farming that used FHE in feed than those without FHE (control). Parameters observed were number of villi, length of villi, distance between villi, number of goblet cells, number of intestinal lymphoid cells and B, F, E and R cells of hepatopancreas. The results showed that FHE had an effect on intestinal and hepatopancreas activity of shrimp. Intestinal villi were longer which showed higher absorption of food activity as well as hepatopancreas cells showed higher activity in shrimp that received FHE supplementation compared to controls.

Keywords: hepatopancreas, herbs, histology, intestine, Litopenaeus vannamei, vitomolt

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219 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-157

Tilapia Aquaculture Water Quality in Response to The Addition of Vitomolt Plus Fermented Herbal Extract
Yushinta Fujaya1*, Hasni Yulianty Azis1, Andi Aliah Hidayani1, Badraeni1, Namiratul Hasanah Arifin1, Waiho Khor2, Hanafiah Fazhan2, Nurhidayat3. Esti Handayani Hardi4

1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia.
2Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, 21030, Terengganu, Malaysia.
3Research Center of Ornamental Fish, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Perikanan No.13 Pancoranmas, Kota Depok Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
4Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Mulawarman University


This study aims to find the suitable dose of Vitomolt Plus in order to reduce levels of ammonia in tilapia cultivation. This research was carried out for 1 month in August to September 2021 at Fish Hatchery Laboratory of Marine Sciences and Fisheries Faculty, Hasanuddin University. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were various doses of Vitomolt Plus added in the cultivation water, including 0 ppm, 2 ppm, 4 ppm, 6 ppm, 8 ppm, 10 ppm. The juvenile of tilapia measuring about 5 cm body length stocked with 5 fish for each aquarium. Water quality like Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia content were measured in this study. The results showed that the addition of Vitomolt Plus in tilapia culture media affected the concentration of ammonia. In this study, 6 ppm of Vitomolt Plus treatment resulted lowest ammonia concentration on the 10th and 12th days of observation.

Keywords: ammonia, herbal, tilapia, Vitomolt Plus, water quality

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220 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-158

Performance growth and survival of Hemibagrus nemurus with probioitcs application on aquaphonics
Yosmaniar, Imam Taufik, Lies Setijaningsih, Yohanna R Widyastuti, Tri Heru Prihadi

Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension


Hemibagrus nemurus is an Indonesian freshwater catfish commodity that has high economy value and favored by the community. The purpose of study was to evaluate the growth and survival of Hemibagrus nemurus in aquaponics with the application of probiotics. The research was conducted in Sukawening Dramaga Bogor. Using 6 units of tarpaulin ponds measuring 2.0 X 3.0 x 0.8 m filled with 3 M cubic of water, each pool is equipped with an aquaponics unit with an upstream system using lettuce and eggplant. The experiments, namely using RIFA probiotics and without using probiotics with 3 replication. The test fish used is of 16.5 sd 0.2 g/individu. The RIFA probiotics used at a dose of 10 mL/ M cubic. Given every 5 days. Fish were given commercial feed of 4 % at 50 days of rearing and then 3% until the end of the study with feeding times/day (morning and afternoon). The test parameters were SGR, survival, absolute weight. FCR, and water quality. The result showed that the application of probiotic RIFA can increase the growth and survival of the fish, improve water quality and increase plant productivity

Keywords: Probiotics, Hemibagrus nemurus, aquaphonics

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221 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-161

The Abundance of Pathogenic Bacteria in Response to The Administration of Fermented Herbal Extract Vitomolt Plus into The Tilapia Cultivation Water
Dwi Kesuma Sari1, Yushinta Fujaya2*, Sriwulan2, Andi Aliah Hidayani2, Andi Sengngeng Khairunnisa2, Muhammad Rusdi3, Sulistiono4

1Veterinary Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, Indonesia.
2Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia.
3Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Alauddin State Islamic University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
4Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, Bogor, 16680


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of various concentrations of vitomolt plus added to the culture water on the abundance of pathogen bacteria. This research was conducted in August - September 2021 in Makassar, Indonesia. There were 18 container with 30 L of volume used in this study. Juvenile tilapia about 5 cm of body length were stocked with a density of 5 fish for each container. The experimental design were designed in a completely randomized design with 6 concentrations of vitomolt treatment, namely: A (control), B (2 ppm), C (4 ppm), D (6 ppm), E (8 ppm), F (10 ppm). Each treatment consisted of 3 replications. The parameters observed were the total abundance of bacteria, types of bacteria, and the percentage of identified bacterial abundance. The results showed that the dose of Vitomolt plus treatment had an effect (P<0.05) on the total abundance of bacteria, where the concentration of 6 ppm vitomolt plus had the lowest average total bacterial abundance and the control was the highest. There were several bacteria identified with an average abundance starting from the highest, respectively, including Yersinia pseudotuborculosis, Aeromonas sobria, Staphylococcus sciuri, Spingomonas paucimobilis, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Micrococcus luteus, and Aeromonas hydrophila. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the administration of 6 ppm vitomolt plus into the water of tilapia aquaculture has an effect on the abundance of pathogenic bacteria. The use of fermented herbal extracts can be considered as anti-bacterial in aquaculture.

Keywords: Aquaculture, Herbal, Pathogenic Bacteria, Tilapia, Vitomolt Plus.

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222 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-177

Evaluation of seaweed, Ulva lactuca as a fresh diet for nursery stage of golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus
Haura Ainun Sulaeman (a*), Zainuddin (a) , Asda Laining (b)

a) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
b) Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka No.129, Maros 90512, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Ulva lactuca is a green seaweed with a high potency to be used as fish diet. The feeding trial aimed to evaluate the use of U.lactuca as fresh diet for the nursery of golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Five treatments were evaluated, namely 100% fresh Ulva (FU), the combination of fresh Ulva and dry pellet with the ratio of 75:25% (UP1), 50:50% (UP2), 25:75% (UP3), and 100% dry pellet (DP) with three replicates. Golden rabbitfish with a mean initial weight of 6.2 g were stocked into fifteen rearing tanks at a density of 20 fish tank-1. After 90 days, growth responses differed significantly amongst dietary groups. Fish fed DP had similar weight gain (219.86%) to UP3 (232.21%), and its specific growth rate (1.29%/day) was similar to UP2 (1.11%/day) and UP3 (1.33%/day), but significantly different (p<0.05) from FU (SGR -0.25%/day- WG -19.97%). The survival rate of fish fed UP2 (98.33%) was significantly different (p<0.05) from FU (80.00%). The fish body color fed FU had bright yellowish color and high carotenoids (14.69 mikrogram g-1) compared to DP. The combination of fresh Ulva with pellet at the same ratio of 50% and 25:75% similar to the 100% pellet diet can support the fish growth.

Keywords: Green seaweed, IGF-1, carotenoid, herbivorous, omnivorous

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223 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-181

Ahmad Yani (ab), Muh. Yusri Karim (c*), Zainuddin (c), Siti Aslamyah (c)

a) Doctoral Program in Fisheries Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
b) Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, Sorong
c) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar


Barramundi (L. calcarifer) is a valuable fish with aquaculture potential. One of the factors determining the success of barramundi aquaculture is the availability of seeds, however larviculture success is often low. This research examined the effect of supplementation with various combinations of vitamin B complex and phosphorus on the RNA/DNA ratio and growth of captive-bred barramundi larvae. Barramundi larvae aged 2 days were stocked at a density of 25 fish/L and reared for 30 days with natural feed (Chlorella and rotifers) in 40 L containers filled with 30 L water. Commercial vitamin B complex and mineral phosphorus were dissolved in water and added to the larval rearing media. The research used a completely randomized factorial design with 2 factors, 4 levels and 3 replicates giving, 16 treatments and 48 experimental units. The factors were vitamin B complex (0, 75, 150, and 225mg/L) and phosphorus (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5mg/L). Analysis of variance showed that the combination of vitamin B complex and phosphorus had a highly significant effect (p<0.01) on the RNA/DNA ratio. Barramundi larval growth was lowest with 0mg/L of both supplements (control) and highest with 150mg/L vitamin B complex and 1.0mg/L phosphorus, decreasing with higher levels of either additive.

Keywords: Vitamin B complex, phosphorus, barramundi larvae, RNA/DNA ratio, growth

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224 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-182

Epiphyte Attachment Preference on Eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophycea) Thallus and Vertical Net
B A J Haris1, M Kasim1*, Salwiyah1, A M Balubi1, W Jalil2

1.Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia. Kampus Bumi Tridarma UHO. Andounohu, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, 93231, Indonesia.
2.Faculty of Fishery, Dayanu Iksanuddin University, Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.


The attachment of epiphytes on culture equipment and seaweed thalli has proven to be one of the factors preventing Eucheuma denticulatum growth. This research aimed to clarify epiphyte preference for E. denticulatum thallus and culture equipment by using vertical nets. Vertical net is a cultivation technology that protects seaweeds from herbivorous pests (fish and turtles). This research was conducted at Tanjung Tiram Coast (40 01^ 59^ S and 1220 40^ 25^ E), one of seaweed cultivation areas in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This research used vertical nets and E. denticulatum thalli. The study took place at 3 stations, each using 3 tools and 3 replications. The results showed that there were 7 species of epiphyte attaching to the vertical net equipment and 6 species attaching to the thalli of E. denticulatum. The densities of epiphytes attaching to the vertical net equipment and E. denticulatum thalli were 110 ind/cm2 and 250 ind/cm2 in average, respectively. Statistical analysis results showed that there was no significant difference in density between the epiphytes attached to the vertical net equipment and those attached to the E. denticulatum thalli. They also showed that the epiphyte density insignificantly influenced the overall seaweed weight. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between the abundance of epiphytes attached to the vertical nets and brightness.

Keywords: growth rate, abundance, seaweed, species

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225 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-191

Use of Probiotics, Mangrove Leaf Extract and Bacterin For Alternative Disease Prevention in Tiger Shrimp Culture
Susianingsih, E1, Muliani1, Nurhidayah1, I.A.K. Kadriah1, M. Atmomarsono1

1) National Research and Innovation Agency, Maros, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Research has been carried out to determine the effect of probiotics, mangrove leaf extracts and bacterin as an alternative to disease prevention in shrimp culture. The are 4 treatments and 5 replications. WSSV- free tiger shrimp juveniles with a density of 5 ind/m2 were applied in each pond. A) used of RICA probiotic (1,2,3) 20g/pond- B), used of mangrove extracts resulting from wet leaf boiling (Sonneratia alba) (300 g in 5 L of cooked water to 2.5 L) 2 L/pond- C) vibrio vaccine formalin-inactivated 1% with dose 2,4 mL /kg feed- and D) Control. Administration of probiotics and mangrove leaf extract is carried out every week while bacterin is carried out before culture with immersion method at a dose of 2.4 mL/L for one hour and booster through feed at a dose of 2.4 mL / kg of feed given on days 13, 14, 15, 28, 29 and 30 every month during the culture period.. The results showed that the use of mangrove leaf extracts gave the best of survival rate and production of the shrimp. TBV/TPC ratio in the pond water ranged from 1.3-8.9%, while in the pond sediment ranged from 0.33-0.97%

Keywords: shrimp disease- prevention- probiotics- extract leaf mangrove- bacterin..

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226 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-192

Sulaeman (1), Gunarto (1), and Herlinah (1)

(1)Research Institute for Brackishwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension, Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka 129, Maros 90512.


The experiment was aimed to describe the growth performance of the G2 of swimmer crab juvenile, reared in different rearing conditions. The crablet stage were cultivated in three different rearing conditions: a) each crablet placed individually in 250 ml-plastic cup that arranged on the water surface in the fibre glass tank (plastic-cup), b) crablets reared in 8 m2-concrete tank with shelters (concrete) and c) crablet reared in the concrete tank with sandy bottom (sandy-bottom). The survival rate (SR) and the final body sizes were recorded during the experiment. The result showed that the SR after a month rearing period was varied between treatments. High survival rate was recorded in plastic-cup (97%) which is contrast to low SR, at 52% and 32% for concrete and sandy-bottom respectively. On the contrary, the final weight gain in sandy-bottom (16 g) is significantly higher than concrete (1.3 g) and plastic-cup (0.2 g). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the final weight and carapace width between the female and male crab from concrete and plastic-cup, but significantly difference (P<0.05) was found in sandy-bottom. At three month rearing period, about 14% of the crab population from the sandy-bottom population could have reach mature stage.

Keywords: Growth, swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, rearing conditions

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227 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-197

Nitrogen Removal Performance in Bioreactor Filters Using Intensive Shrimp Pond Solid Waste and Anammox Bacterial Inoculum
Guno Gumelar1, Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini2, Elmi Zainuddin3

1Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Center Takalar, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
2Faculty of Engineering, Andalas University
3Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Intensive shrimp culture waste contains high nitrogen which can reduce water quality and environmental carrying capacity. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a potential and economical nitrogen removal process. This research aimed to analyze the performance of nitrogen removal in two bioreactor filters (FtBR) based on different inoculum. Reactor 1 used intensive shrimp Ammonium and nitrite concentrations of 70-100 mg-N/L each were added to seawater which had been sterilized as artificial wastewater and flowed to the reactor with 24-hour HRT. After 120 days of research, the maximum nitrogen removal performance with parameters ACE, NRE, NRR for reactors 1 and 2 were 82.48%, 72.58%, 0.12 kg-N/m3.h and 83.06%, 63,59%, 0.10 kg-N/m3.h. Nitrogen stoichiometric ratios were 1:1,40:0,12 and 1:1,13:0,14, which were close to the stoichiometry of the anammox process. From the results of this research, the anammox process can take place well and can be a new method for the development of intensive shrimp culture waste treatment.

Keywords: Anammox- nitrogen removal- shrimp pond waste

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228 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-204

The production of seaweed (Eucheuma Cottoni ) based on and oceanographic factors and the distance of culture location from river mouth
Ridwan Bohari 1) and Musbir Musbir 2)

Hasanuddin University


Seaweed culture is one of the economical activities in the marine coastal of Bantaeng regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The study aims to identify the seaweed production based on and oceanographic factors and the distance of culture location from river mouth. The study was conducted from January to April 2022 in marine coastal of Bantaeng regency. The site selection was based on distance of the seaweed culture location from river mouth. Station A was 1 km from river mouth, station B was 2 km from river mouth, and station was 3 km from river mouth. Seaweed production was measured during harvest. Temperature, salinity, pH, brightness, and current velocity was measured in each site study during culture activity. Seaweed production from Station A was 8.200-11.300 kg wet/ha, Station B was 8.900-11.900 kg wet/ha, and Station C was 9.100- 12.800 kg wet/ha. The oceanographic factors including temperature ranged 29.1-31.2 oC, salinity ranged 25.3-36.5, pH ranged 7.1-8.4, brightness ranged 1.5-5.6 m, current velocity ranged The results of the study showed that oceanographic factors in this area was suitable for seaweed culture.

Keywords: seaweed production, temperature, salinity, pH, brightness, current velocity, marine coastal .

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229 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-222

Daniar Kusumawati, Sri Widyarti, Maftuch and Sri Rahayu

Universitas Brawijaya


The problem of bone abnormalities in marine-cultured fish, particularly in EFEP hybrid groupers (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus X Epinephelus polypekhadion), has not been managed till recently. Prior knowledge was required to investigate the crystal and atomic structure of bone-forming minerals between normal and deformed bones. In addition to bone cells (osteoblasts), the extracellular matrix (ECM) is the most important factor in bone production. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis demonstrates that the crystal structures of normal and deformed bones differ. The crystal structure of EFEP grouper bone is comprised of many phases, with merrillite dominating normal bone and other phases comprising malformation bone. Treatment with VD3 may contribute to the enhancement of the crystalline structure of bone components. The atomic minerals present in normal and deformed bones are significantly different. Mineral atoms Br, Ca, K, and S differentiated between normal and pathological bone.

Keywords: Bone crystal structure, bone mineral atoms, bone malformations

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230 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-240

Proximate composition, amino acid and fatty acid profile of feed and meat of tropical abalone broodstock, Haliostis squamata with different artificial feed protein contents
E. Saade1, K. U. Nur1, I. Rusdi2 dan W. Moka1

Hasanuddin University


Macro- and micro-nutrients including amino acids and fatty acids are nutrients that play a very important role in the reproduction of tropical abalone broodstock. The purpose of this study was to determine macro-nutrients (proxsimate composition) and micro-nutrients including amino acid and fatty acid profiles, both essential and non-essential in tropical abalone feed and meat fed artificial diet with different protein contents. Twenty abalone broodstocks were placed in each plastic basket in a concrete tank and given artificial feed with protein content of 30% (treatment A), 35% (treatment B), 40% (treatment C) and 45% (treatment D). The feed dose is 5% per weight of biomass with the frequency of feeding twice a day at 07:00 and 19:00. Each plastic basket is equipped with a section of PVC pipe with a length of 30 cm as a shelter with a running water system and is supported by an aeration system. Parameters measured were proximate composition, amino acid profile and essential and non-essential fatty acids of abalone feed and meat. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the composition of proximate, amino acids and fatty acids of the feed was in accordance with the nutritional needs of the abalone broodstock. Furthermore, the higher the dose of protein in the artificial feed, the higher the protein, fat and total amino acids, on the contrary, the lower the total fatty acids in the abalone broodstock. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the best artificial feed protein dose was 45%.

Keywords: Amino acids, fatty acids, protein, proximate composition and abalone broodstock.

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231 Sustainable Aquaculture (International) ABS-248

Quality of spermatozoa of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) fed with of blood cockle (Anadara granosa).
Dody DharmawanTrijuno1*, Andi Aliah Hidayani1, Muhammad Fatratullah Muhsin1, Rosmiati2

1. Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia.
2. Research Institute for Brackishwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension, Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka No. 129, Maros 90512, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.


One of the factors of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon low level natural mating in fishpond and controlled tank is suspected due to the low quality of male broodstock spermatozoa. This study aims to determine the best concentration of blood cockle Anadara granosa to increase the quality of spermatozoa of tiger shrimp broodstock from fishpond. Twenty one days of feeding experiment was carried out with three types of feed, that were pellet feed (100%), combination of blood cockle (50%) and pellet feed (50%), and feeding of blood cockle (100%). Twenty-seven male tiger shrimps were used with weight range of 53-78 g. Spermatophores were sampled at the base of the 5th swimming leg and the spermatozoa was excreted, then diluted using physiological NaCl solution, and they were observed and counted using a haemocytometer. The number of spermatozoa density and the percentage of abnormal spermatozoa were analyzed using One Way ANOVA test and continued with the LSD test, while the spermatophore weight was analyzed by non-parametric data analysis using the kruskal-wallis test, and the spermatozoa morphology was presented descriptively. In the feeding treatment of 100% pellet, the mean density of spermatozoa was 27,03x108 cells/ml with an abnormality of 36.05%. In the feeding treatment of 50% blood cockle and 50% pellet, the mean density of spermatozoa was 39,69x108 cells/ml with an abnormality of 28,70%. While in the feeding treatment of 100% blood cockle the mean density of spermatozoa was 63,75x108 cells/ml with the percentage of abnormalities was 25%. It was concluded that feeding the shrimp with 100% of blood cockle was the best feed in increasing the quality of spermatozoa- increased spermatozoa density and decreased abnormality of spermatozoa.

Keywords: blood cockle, spermatozoa, tiger shrimp, shrimp broodstock

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232 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-4

Shrimps distribution and their relationship to the environmental variables in Arafura Sea
Tirtadanu (1,2*), Khairul Amri (1,2), Asep Makmun (3), Asep Priatna (1,2), Andina Ramadhani Putri Pane (1,2), Karsono Wagiyo (1,2), Helman Nur Yusuf (1,2)

(1) Research Institute for Marine Fisheries, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta
(2) Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands, Indonesia



Arafura Sea is well-known as the important area for commercial shrimp fisheries in Indonesia. The density of shrimps was highly influenced by their fishing pressure and environmental condition. The objective of this research was to study the distribution of shrimps based on its stock density and their relationship with the environmental variables. Trawling swept area method was used in 16 sampling sites of Arafura Sea during the transition monsoon in October 2016. Some environmental variables in bottom layers as shrimp habitat were measured, including chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, depth, salinity, temperature and pH. The results showed that the largest density of shrimps was found in the southern coast of Aru where it has largest concentration of chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen. Among all the environmental variables, Chlorophyll was the main variable affected the density of shrimps. Three most dominant species were Penaeus semisulcatus, Metapenaeus endeavouri and Metapenaeus ensis. There is indication of the decreasing shrimp stock in Arafura Sea. The ecosystem-based fisheries management should be developed to rebuild the stock density and to enhance the environmental quality of Arafura Sea.

Keywords: Coast of Aru- Chlorophyll-a, Penaeus semisulcatus, Density of shrimps- Transition monsoon

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233 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-265

Analysis of Reproductive Biologyof Bungo Fish, Glossogoius giuris (Buchanan, 1882) in Lapompakka Lake, Wajo Regency, SouthSulawesi
Suwarni, Nur Azifah Busrah, Hadiratul Kudsiah*, Sri Wahyuni Rahim, Andi Aliah Hidayani

Fisheries Department, Facultyof Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Makassar, 90245


Bungo fishis a fish that has fishery potential that is not yet widely known. Bungo fishis a fish that can be consumed that is low-fat and has high protein, which can also be used as an ornamental fish. This study aims to analyze reproductive biology which Includes genital ratio, gonad maturity level (TKG), gonad maturity index (IKG), size of first maturity of bungo fish gonad, Glossogoius giuris (Buchanan, 1882) in Lapompakka Lake, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi. The research was conducted in September, October and November 2020. Fish samples obtained from the catch of 2 fishermen using bubu fishing gear. Analysis of fish samples was carried out at the laboratory of Fisheries Biology, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The total number obtained during the study was 212 fish consisting of 153 male fish and 59 female fish. The results showed that the sex ratio of male and Female Bungo fish was 2,59 : 1. The gonad maturity level (TKG) of femaleand male Bungo fish was found at all levels (I - IV). The gonad maturity index (IKG) of female fish is 6,65% and male fish is 2,17%. The size of the first maturityof male gonads was 220 mm and females 172,68 mm.

Keywords: Glossogobius giuris, sex ratio, TKG, IKG, UPMG and Lapompakka lake

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234 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-282

Composition of Fish Catches and Enviromental Friendliness Levels Based on Code of Cunduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) Traditional Setnet Fishing Gear Based on Depth in the Waters of Malela District Awangpone Bone Regency
Fijwal Patangngari, Faisal Amir, Najamuddin, Indra Jaya

Faculty Of Marine Science Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Capture Fisheries Study Program
Departement of Marine Science and Technolog, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the composition, and analysis of environmental friendliness in the waters of Awangpone District, Bone Regency, in November- December 2021. This research method uses exploratory case studies and interviews with FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) analysis (1995) with purposive sampling methods. The composition of the sero with a depth of 1.5 meters there are 47 species with a total weight of 469.98 kg. The percentage of the most catch is milkfish and bluespot mullet. The percentage of recessive fish caught were dory snaper, and rebon shrimp. While the composition of the catch sero depth of 3 meters there are 46 species with a total weight of 151 kg. The highest percentage of catches were jarbua terapon. The percentage of recessive fish caught were fringescale sardinella, Empirang common hairfin anchovy. There are 3 categories that are environmentally friendly, namely- does not endanger fishermen, does not catch protected fish, is socially acceptable and there are 6 categories that are not environmentally friendly, namely- not selective, destroying habitat, not producing quality fish, production endangering consumers, high by-catch and negative impact on biodiversity.

Keywords: Composition, traditional set net, environmental friendliness, Awangpone District

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235 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-27

Critical Condition of Rivulated Parrotfish Scarus rivulatus (Valenciennes, 1840) Population in Wallace Line, Makassar Strait, Indonesia
Suwarni1, Nurliah1, J Tresnati1,2, D Yanuarita1, I Yasir2,3, A Yanti2,4, P Y Rahmani2,5, R Aprianto2, and A Tuwo2, 3

1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
2Multitrophic Research Group, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
3Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
4Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia.
5Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.


Rivulated Parrotfish is a fishery commodity in great demand because of its white meat and delicious taste. Rivulated Parrotfish Scarus rivulatus is a Scaridae mostly caught in the Spermonde Islands waters. The increasing fishing rate can affect the population structure of the Rivulated Parrotfish. Therefore, sustainable fishing Rivulated Parrotfish needs a priority. The study aims to assess the exploitation rate of Rivulated Parrotfish in the Spermonde Islands waters. The Rivulated Parrotfish Samples were taken from the fisher catch landed at the Fish Landing Port, Makassar City. The growth rate was Lt = 40 [1-&#119890--0.26(t-0.5945)]. The total mortality rate was 2.86, the natural mortality rate was 0.69, the fishing mortality rate was 2.17, the exploitation rate was 0.76, and the Relative Yield per Recruitment (Y^/R) was 0.0851, dan Y^/R maximum was 0,0782 grams. This exploitation rate and Y^/R indicated the critical condition of Rivulated Parrotfish Scarus rivulatus- if this case continues, then Rivulated Parrotfish could become extinct in Wallacea Line, Spermonde Islands, Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Keywords: Spermonde Islands, growth rate, mortality, exploitation, yield per Recruitment

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236 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-28

Over Fishing of Red-breasted Wrasse Cheilinus fasciatus (Bloch 1791) Population in Spermonde Islands, Indonesia
Irmawati1, Suwarni1, A Nurhandayani1, J Tresnati1,2, B S Parawansa1, I Yasir2,3, A Yanti2,4, P Y Rahmani2,5, R Aprianto2 and A Tuwo2, 3

1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
2Multitrophic Research Group, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
3Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
4Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia.
5Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.


Spermonde Islands have many coral reef fish, such as the Red-breasted Wrasse Cheilinus fasciatus. The exploitation rate of the Red-breasted Wrasse in the Spermonde Archipelago has not been studied. This study aims to determine the exploitation level of Red-breasted Wrasse in the Spermonde Islands. Samples were taken from the fishers catch. The length frequency was analyzed using the Bhattacharya method. Growth was estimated using the von Bertalanffy equation. Total mortality (Z) was estimated using the Beverton and Holt equations. The natural mortality rate (M) was estimated using the Pauly empirical formula. The fishing mortality rate (F) was estimated using the equation F = Z-M. The rate of exploitation (E) was estimated using the Beverton and Holt equations, E = F/Z. Yield per Recruitment (Y/R) was estimated using the Beverton and Holt equations. The growth rate was Lt=45.5[1-&#12310-exp&#12311-^{-0.19(t+0.80)} ]. Total mortality rate was 1.22- natural mortality rate was 0.54- fishing mortality rate was 0.68- exploitation rate was 0.55- and relative yield per recruitment (Y^/R) was 0.0153. The exploitation rate greater than 0.50 indicates that the Red-breasted Wrasse in the Spermonde Islands has overfished.

Keywords: Carnivorous fish, growth rate, mortality, exploitation, yield per Recruitment

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237 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-29

Over Exploitation of Indian Parrotfish Chlorurus capistratoides (Bleeker, 1847) Population in Spermonde Islands, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
D F Inaku1, A Safitri1, M T Umari1, A Tuwo2, 3, Suwarni1, I Yasir2,3, A Yanti3,4, P Y Rahmani3,5, R Aprianto3, and J Tresnati1,3

1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
2Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
3Multitrophic Research Group, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
4Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia.
5Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.


Indian Parrotfish Chlorurus capistratoides is the reef fish of the Scaridae family. Indian Parrotfish was one of 34 species caught in the Spermonde Islands. Ecologically, the Indian parrotfish has a vital role in the coral reef ecosystem because it can graze on macroalgae covering the surface of dead coral, thus inhibiting coral recruitment. The fishing activity that increases continuously in Spermonde Islands can reduce the ecological role of Indian parrotfish- therefore, it is necessary to analyse the population parameters, i.e., growth, mortality, and exploitation rate. This study analyse the growth, mortality, and exploitation rate of Indian parrotfish in the waters of the Spermonde Islands, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Samples of Indian parrotfish were taken from the catch landed at the Rajawali Fish Landing Port, Makassar City. The growth rate was Lt = 39.50 [1-e-0.42(t + 0.36)]. The total mortality rate was 2.32 year-1, the natural mortality rate was 0.95 year-1, the fishing mortality rate was 1.37 year-1, and the exploitation rate was 0.59 year-1. The current relative Yield per Recruitment (Y^/R) (0.0227 grams) is greater than the maximum Y^/R (0.0171 grams). This Y^R indicates that parrotfish in the Spermonde Islands waters have been over-exploited

Keywords: Herbivores, growth rate, mortality, exploitation, yield per recruitment

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238 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-30

High Exploitation of Quoyi Parrotfish Scarus quoyi (Valenciennes, 1840) Population in Wallacea Line, Makassar Strait, Indonesia
M T Umar1, N Firani1, A Tuwo2, 3, Suwarni1, B S Parawansa1, I Yasir2,3, A Yanti3,4, P Y Rahmani3,5, R Aprianto3 and J Tresnati1,3

1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
2Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas 3Multitrophic Research Group, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
4Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia.
5Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.


The Spermonde Archipelago is an archipelago crossed by the Wallacea Line. This archipelago has fishery resources and a high diversity of reef fish species. Quoyi Parrotfish is a Scaridae life in abundance in tropical and subtropical waters in the Indo-Pacific region. Quoyi Parrotfish is a consumption fish marketed nationally and internationally to neighboring countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. The increasing market demand causes fishing activity for Quoyi Parrotfish to continue to increase. If this actual fishing activity continues, it can endanger the sustainability of this fish resource. There has been no study concerning the exploitation rate of Quoyi Parrotfish in Wallacea Line, Makassar Strait. The study aims to assess the exploitation rate of the Quoyi Parrotfish. Samples were taken from the fishers catch landed at the Fish Landing Port, Makassar City. The population parameters measured were growth, total mortality, natural mortality, fishing mortality, and exploitation. The growth curve was L_t=41.25[ 1-e^(-0.18(t-0.8164) )]. The total mortality rate was 1.56, natural mortality rate was 0.56, fishing mortality rate was 0.98, and exploitation rate was 0.64. This exploitation rate and Y^/R close to the maximum indicated the high exploitation of the Quoyi Parrotfish Population in Wallacea Line, Makassar Strait, Indonesia.

Keywords: Spermonde Archipelago, growth rate, mortality, exploitation, yield per Recruitment

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239 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-85

The Effect of different dose on biological performance and its correlation with growth of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
YR Widyastuti, E Setiadi, A Saputra, TH Prihadi

Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency


This study was to find out the biological effects of different feed dose and their relationship to the growth of tilapia. Fingerlings of Oreochromis niloticus, with an average initial weight range of 4.42 - 4.44 g were randomly distributed into three treatments and replicated 3 times using concrete fish container.The treatments were three feed doses namely: 5%(A) - 8% (B) - adlibitum (C) of 32% crude protein floating pellet feed, in crumble-shaped. The effect of different dose on growth and its correlation were determined. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine of initial, final and absolut weight, Average body weight (ABW) and Average daily growth (ADG). Feed conversion ratio, survival rate and biomass were also counted. Polynomial analysis was further used to prove whether the amount of feed provided is effective for fish growth. Temperature, pH, disolleved oxygen and ammnonia were test. The results noted that biological performance parameters were not signifanctly different (p &#8805- 0.05) between treatments. Polynomial results showed for its growth tilapia fish using 98-99% of the feed given. The results of water quality parameters indicated an optimal range value to growth of nile tilapia.

Keywords: dose, feed, growth, response, tilapia

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240 Sustainable Fisheries (International) ABS-91

Hermaphroditism and gonadal maturity of the Rivulated Parrotfish Scarus rivulatus (Valenciennes, 1840) in the waters of Panggang Island, Seribu Islands, Indonesia
A Yanti(a), Sulistiono(b*), A Mashar(b)

a) Study Program of Aquatic Resources Management, Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, 16680, Indonesia.
b) Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University (Bogor Agriculture University), Jl Agatis Dramaga Bogor, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.


Rivulated parrotfish Scarus rivulatus is a prevalent target fish on Panggang Island. The study aims to examine the hermaphroditism and gonadal maturity of the parrotfish. Samplings were done from January to March 2022 from fishers catches that landed on Panggang Island. Parameters measured were total length, total weight, gonad weight, sex, and gonadal maturity. The number of samples was 525 fish, consisting of 221 females and 304 males. The length of the fish ranged from 9.0 to 20.2 cm (female), 10.5 to 21.3 cm (transition from female to male), and 10.5 to 26.4 cm (male). The study indicated that the sex ratio was not balanced where there were more males than females (1.38:1). The development of the gonad maturity stages was synchronous between females and males from January to March. During the study, maturing and mature gonads were very dominant, indicating that these months were the time for the fish to spawn. The size of the first gonadal maturity reached 13.1 cm (female), 15.7 cm (transition from female to male), and 18.4 cm (male). This size at first gonadal maturity indicates that the Rivulated parrotfish Scarus rivulatus was a protagonist hermaphrodite

Keywords: Synchronous, sex ratio, first gonadal maturity, fishers catches

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