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Analysis of Polonium-210 and Dose Assessment in Marine Fishery Muscle from Southern Coast of Sukabumi
Salsabila Oktaviani Hutomo Putri (a), Deddy Irawan Permana Putra (b*), Fajar Inggit Pambudi (a), Murdahayu Makmur (b), Wahyu Retno Prihatiningsih (b), Saeful Yusuf (b), Th. Rina Mulyaningsih (b)

(a) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(b) National Research and Innovation Agency


The measured of 210Po concentration in the commercially fish muscle has been conducted in fish species collected in southern coast of Sukabumi in 2021. 210Po is a natural occurring radionuclide from the 238U series in the environment and become a concern due to radiotoxic effect for the health of consumers. This study aims to determine the concentration activity of 210Po and to evaluate the annual effective dose of 210Po on fishery products in southern coast Sukabumi. There were 10 different species of marine fish were analyzed using an alpha spectrometer. The results showed that the highest concentration of 210Po activity was in a common dolphinfish at 13.57 Bq/Kg dry weight. This activity value was exceeded tolerable limits as reported by the global recommended concentration of 210Po for fish was about 2.4 Bq/Kg. The lowest concentration of 210Po was found in Pink ear emperor fish at 0.18 Bq/Kg of dry weight, which below minimum threshold of limit concentration activity. The results of the investigation that the average effective dose from one year fish consumption in Sukabumi for adult consumers ranged from 1,05 to 112 (uSv/a), children (10 years) ranged from 2,27 to 243 (uSv/a), and infant consumers (1 year) ranged from 7,67 to 821(uSv/a). The annual dose from 210Po intake in the recent study are lower from reference level of 1 mSv, therefore 210Po was not become a concern.

Keywords: 210Po, annual effective dose, mussels, marine fish

Topic: Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International)

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