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Isolation and characterization of ammonia-degrading biofilm bacteria from shrimp ponds
Fahruddin Fahruddin(a*), Asadi Abdullah (a), Mustika Tuwo (a), Ghea Farmaning Thias Putri (a)

(a)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University,
Makassar, Indonesia


Abstract. Ammonia waste is the impact of feed decomposition which has a toxic effect on shrimp pond
cultivation. One way to overcome the ammonia content in shrimp ponds is through degradation by
bacteria, namely by utilizing the biofilm bacteria present in the shrimp pond. The application of this
biofilm will reduce ammonia levels in organic waste added to shrimp. This study aims to obtain
biofilm bacteria from shrimp pond, and determine the characteristics and the number of types of
biofilm bacteria from shrimp pond. Bacterial characteristics were determined based on morphological
and physiological tests. For the isolation of ammonia-degrading bacteria, they were grown on specific
media with Nessler^s reagent added. Based on the characterization results, there were 12 types of
biofilm bacterial isolates, for the ammonia oxidation test there were 8 positive isolates and 4 negative

Keywords: ammonia-degrading, biofilm bacteria, shrimp ponds

Topic: Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology (International)

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