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1 Clinical Pharmacy ABS-19

Evaluation of the Use of Antituberculosis Drugs in Lung Tuberculosis Patients in Batu Aji Health Center, Batam City
Delladari Mayefis(a*), Regina Indah Octaviyanti(b)

(a*b)Mitra Bunda Health Institute


Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the infectious diseases caused by Mycrobacterium tuberculosis and since 1995 this tuberculosis disease is the biggest health problem in the world. This study aims to determine patterns of use of antituberculosis drugs and evaluate the appropriateness of the use of antituberculosis drugs based on the National Guidelines for TB Control by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2014 and to determine the relationship between age, sex and length of treatment for patient treatment results in Puskesmas Batu Aji Batam City.This research is a kind of non-experimental descriptive analysis research conducted retrospectively by collecting data from medic records in January-December 2018. The results of the study showed that all patients received FDC treatment (fixed dose combination). Patients who received category 1 tuberculosis therapy were 47 patients and category 2 patients were 2 patients. Evaluation of TB treatment in patients shows that category 1 and category 2 treatment have met the compliance with the 2014 Ministry of Health National Guidelines for TB Control. Analysis of the relationship between age, sex and duration of treatment to the results of treatment concluded that age and gender did not have a significant relationship with results treatment. While the duration of treatment has a significant relationship to the patient^s treatment outcomes.

Keywords: OAT, Lung Tuberculosis, Batu Aji Public Health Center

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2 Clinical Pharmacy ABS-30

The Relationship between Knowledge and Compliance Level of Hypertension Patients on taking their medication at Ciomas Public Health Center and Padarincang Public Health Center Serang
Ratu Eka Anggraeni(a) Yardi Saibi(b) Suci Ahda Novitri(c)

Faculty of Health and Science, Syarif Hidayatullah State University, Jalan Kertamukti No.5 Pisangan, Ciputat, South Tangerang.


Hypertension is a disease in which a person experiences an increase in diastolic (&#8805-90 mmHg) and systolic (&#8805-140 mmHg) blood pressure. Treatment of hypertension is a long-term therapy, the parameters to achieve therapeutic success is patient compliance in taking medication and patient knowledge of the disease and its treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship between the level of knowledge and adherence to medication for hypertension patients at the Ciomas Public Health Center and Padarincang Public Health Center Serang. The research design used is quantitative research using a cross-sectional approach. Respondents were taken using the total sampling method for one month as many as 106 people who met the inclusion criteria. Knowledge level was measured using the Hypertension Knowledge Level Scale (HK-LS) questionnaire and the respondent level of medication adherence was measured using the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) questionnaire. Data were processed using SPSS 26.0 and analyzed through frequency distribution analysis (univariate) and Chi-square test (bivariate). Based on the results of the measurement of the level of knowledge, 72 respondents (67.96%) have a high level of knowledge and 34 respondents (32.1%) have a low level of knowledge. Measuring the level of adherence to taking medication, as many as 60 respondents (56.6%) were obedient and 46 respondents (43.4%) were not. Based on Chi Square analysis, p value <0.05 which means that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and the level of compliance.

Keywords: Hypertension- Knowledge level- Compliance level- National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) questionnaire- Hypertension Knowledge Level Scale (HK-LS).

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3 Clinical Pharmacy ABS-41

The Potential Drug Interactions in Patients with Chronic Kidney Failure Stages 3,4 and 5 at X General Hospital Jakarta
Yardi Saibi, Vidia Arlaini Anwar, Suci Ahda Novitri

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (Yardi Saibi)
Stikes Ikifa Jakarta (Vidia Arlaini Anwar)
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (Suci Ahda Novitri))


A drug interaction is said to occur when the effects of one drug are changed by the presence of another drug, herbal medicine, food, drink or by some environmental chemical agent. The incidence of drug interactions, both potential and actual, had been reported in a number of studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for drug-drug interactions received by patients with chronic kidney failure stages 3, 4 and 5 at X general hospital in Jakarta. The samples were all patient medical records with chronic kidney failure stages 3,4 and 5 for the period January - December 2020. The data were collected retrospectively. Drug interaction checks were carried out using online interaction checkers and drug interaction reference books. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Commission, Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The results showed that the patient characteristics were dominated by women as much as 52.5% with the highest age group in the range of 55-64 years at 41.3%. A total of 93.75% of patients received 5 or more types of drugs with anemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus being the most common comorbidities. Potential drug interactions were found in 73.75% of the total 80 patients. Of the number of patients who hade potential drug interactions, there were 7 potential drug interactions with major and 64 moderate categories. Chronic renal failure patients who tend to receive polypharmacy have the potential for drug interactions. Pharmaceutical care in these patients needs to be given intensively.

Keywords: drug interaction, major, moderate, chronic kidney failure

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4 Clinical Pharmacy ABS-44

Study of Drug Interactions in COVID-19 Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at The General Hospital in South Tangerang City Period 2021
Yusroh Umami*, Nurmeilis*, Nurhaida M**

*Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif, Jakarta, Indonesia
**General Hospital in South Tangerang City, Indonesia


At the beginning of 2020, the world reported the presence of a new type variant of the coronavirus called Coronavirus Disease 2019 caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2). Diabetes mellitus is one of the common comorbidities found in COVID-19 patients. The use of large amounts of medication (polypharmacy) in COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes mellitus can increase the possibility of drug interactions. This study aims to determine the potential drug-drug interactions and the relationship between drug interactions and clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus at the General Hospital in South Tangerang City. This study is a retrospective conducted in the hospital by using patients admitted from January-December 2021. Potential drug-drug interaction was analyzed by using Lex-Interact, software, Medscape, and drugs.com. The 97 patients meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result of the study found that 40 patients who experienced drug interactions with COVID-19 drug and antidiabetics (20.31%), the majority of them are in moderate severity-degree (78.5%), mayor severity-degree (21.5%), with pharmacodynamic mechanism (100%). And there is no significant relationship between drug interactions and clinical outcomes of patients (P> 0.05).

Keywords: Drug Interactions, coronavirus disease 2019, type 2 diabetes mellitus, clinical outcomes

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5 Clinical Pharmacy ABS-61

Risk Factors for Tuberculosis Treatment Failure: A Case Control Study in Kendari, Indonesia
Mita Restinia*, Nurmeilis, Amand Dwi Alley Nisa.

Department of Clinical and Community Pharmacy Faculty of Health Sciences Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


Tuberculosis treatment failure is a serious public health problem in the world. Therefore, this study was conducted using case-control method to analyze the risk factor of unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment among registered pulmonary tuberculosis outpatients for period of year 2018-2020 and minimum age of 18 years old in one public hospital in Kendari, Indonesia. A total of 240 sample sizes (120 cases and 120 controls) were enrolled in this study. According to multivariate logistic regression analysis, the patients with ages more than 60 years were almost seven times more risk to become treatment failure than under 60 years (OR= 6.9, 95% CI 3-16, P 0.000). Patients who ungraduated from university were found to have unsuccessful more than twice (OR= 2.1, 95% CI 1-4.3, P 0.044). Distance to hospital more than 10 km was analyzed to increase the treatment failure by more than 6 times (OR= 6.5, 95% CI 3.1-13.5, P 0.000). Patients who diabetes mellitus status were more than three times to develop the failure of treatment (OR= 3.6, 95% CI 1.7-7.6, P 0.001). Patients with HIV were found to become the treatment failure more than sixteen times (OR= 16.3, 95% CI 2.7-97.5, P 0.002). Adverse drug reaction was identified to rise the treatment failure by more than three times (OR= 3.3, 95% CI 1.6-6.7, P 0.001). This study highlighted that tuberculosis treatment failure is influenced by the sociodemographic and clinical status of patients. Hence, The effort of achieving successful tuberculosis treatment needs to be concerned about these issues.

Keywords: tuberculosis treatment failure, risk factor, tuberculosis

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6 Clinical Pharmacy ABS-75

Antibacterial Activity of Betel Leaf Extract (Piper betle L) as an Antiacne Preparation Against Acne- causing Bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis): Systematic Literature Review
Indah Asa Anjaliya

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous layer with accumulation of keratin triggered by Staphylococcus aureus (SA), Propionibacterium acnes (PA) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (SE) bacteria. Green betel leaf extract (Piper betle L) is known to have antibacterial activity against these three bacteria. This study aims to determine the type of extraction solvent, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), the class of compounds as antibacterial, and to determine the antibacterial activity of extracts formulated into antiacne preparations. The research was conducted using the Systematic Literature Review method on the Pubmed/MEDLINE, Science Direct and GARUDA databases. The results obtained 25 articles, it can be concluded: (1) Extracts with acetone, ethanol and ethyl acetate as solvents showed an inhibitory response to these three bacteria, aquadest could inhibit SA and methanol could inhibit SA and PA. (2) MIC (mg/ml) showing antibacterial activity- aquadest (maceration: 1.0 (SA))- acetone (maceration: 0.25 (SA), 2 (PA), 4 (SE))- ethanol (maceration: 0.05-1.0 (SA), 4 (PA), 100 (SE), reflux: 0.05 (SA), soxhletation: 0.04 (SA))- ethyl acetate (maceration: 0.5 (SA), 2 (PA), 4 (SE))- methanol (maceration: 0.167 (SA), 0.032 (PA)). (3) Phenols, flavonoids, saponins and tannins are antibacterial compounds from green betel leaf extract. (4) Preparations of green betel leaf extract in the form of cream (7.5-10% against PA) and loose powder (5-15% against SA) showed a moderate inhibitory response. The gel preparation for SA showed a weak inhibitory response (0.2%), while for PA it showed a moderate (2%) and strong (3%).

Keywords: Green betel leaf (Piper betle L), antibacterial, antiacne, Staphylococcus aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis and antiacne preparations.

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7 Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases ABS-27

Factors Associated with ARI in Children Under Five Years of Age 1 - 4 Years in East Java (Riskesdas Secondary Data Analysis 2018)
Wirda Cahya Putri, Dr. Minsarnawati, S.KM., M.Kes, Yustiyani, S.Gz, M.Si, and Dr. Yuli Amran., SKM. MKM

Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Science, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Jl. Kertamukti, Ciputat, South Tangerang


Background: ARI is an infectious disease caused by bacteria, viruses, or rickettsia that attacks the respiratory tract. The prevalence of ARI in the age group 1-4 years old in East Java is the highest in Indonesian at 16.57%. Fact shown that this is because the age of 1-4 years old is susceptible to infectious diseases, the body^s defense system is inadequate, still in a critical period of physical growth. The risk factors for ARI in children under five such as, agents, individual characteristics, and the environment. This study aims to determine the factors associated with ARI in children 1-4 years old 2018.
Methods: This study uses the 2018 Riskesdas secondary data analysis with a cross-sectional study design. The number of samples is 1,872 children aged 1-4 years old in East Java whose data was collected during Riskesdas.
Results: Factors related to the incidence of ARI in the children 1-4 years old in East Java are age of toddlers (p-value = 0,024), nutritional status (p-value = 0,002), ventilation house (0,033), and maternal age (p-value = 0,024).
Conclusion: The incidence of ARI in children under five years old is related to the age group of toddlers, nutritional status, ventilation house, and maternal age. Interventions that can be carried out by coordinating between the ministry of health, health offices, regional health centers, in planning and carrying out educational activities in the form of counseling about delaying marriage and pregnancy, parenting patterns, the importance of child health, prevention of ARI disease, healthy habits in children, and health of the physical environment of the house (opening the door in the morning).

Keywords: ARI, risk factor, children

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8 Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases ABS-89

Lulu Lutfiyah 1*, Uswatun Khasanah 2*

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Background: The world is currently facing a pandemic caused by the coronavirus. Coronavirus is a disease that can cause symptoms in humans, these symptoms range from mild to severe symptoms. Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Common signs and symptoms of COVID-19 infection include acute respiratory distress, such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Objectives: Analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards covid-19 prevention in students of SDN Sukadamai 2 Bogor City.
Methods: This research used a quantitative type of research with a descriptive-analytical method with a cross-sectional design and the Sperman Rank (Rho) test. Sampling in this study used proportionated stratified random sampling.
Results: The results of statistical analysis with the Sperman Rank (Rho) test obtained a sig.(2 tailed) of 0,129 which means that there was no significant relationship between knowledge of COVID-19 prevention behavior in students of SDN Sukadamai 2 Bogor City. The results of the analysis with the Sperman Rank (Rho) test obtained a sig.(2 tailed) of 0,087 which means that there was no significant relationship between attitudes towards COVID-19 prevention behavior in students of SDN Sukadamai 2 Bogor City.
Conclusion: There is no relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards COVID-19 prevention behavior in grade 4-6 students of SDN Sukadamai 2 Bogor City.

Keywords: COVID-19, Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors, Prevention.

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9 Health Education and Behavioral Sciences ABS-11

Factors Related to the Intention of Exclusive Breastfeeding to Prospective Mothers of Social Media Users in Tangerang City in 2021
Rizky Wahyuni

Public Health Departement, faculty of health sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Exclusive breastfeeding coverage in the world and Indonesia is still below the target. Therefore, exclusive breastfeeding education programs has to be improved, including education through social media for prospective mothers. This study aimed to know the factors related to the intention of giving exclusive breastfeeding among prospective mothers who using social media in Tangerang City, Indonesia. This cross-sectional study involved 100 mothers who were recruited using the snowball sampling technique, in December 2021, and gave their respond through online google-form. The results showed that most of the respondents had the intention of giving exclusive breastfeeding (91%). Most of them got the informations of exclusive breastfeeding from social media (52%). Most of them had positive attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding (95%), and shaped their subjective norms based on information from social media (59%), and confidence in being able to face barriers to exclusive breastfeeding (90%). Other sources of their subjective norms in offering exclusive breastfeeding were family, mass-media, community of their origin, neighbors, and health workers. Statistically, there were no difference in intention giving exclusive breastfeeding between respondents with different sources of subjective norm. Exclusive breastfeeding education programs for mothers-to-be must involve various parties, especially social media, because all parties have the same opportunity to build prospective mother intention to offer exclusive breastfeeding.

Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Prospective Mothers, Intention in giving Exclusive Breastfeeding

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10 Health Education and Behavioral Sciences ABS-42

Qualitative study on failure factors of exclusive breastfeeding
Febrianti a*

a Public Health Study Programme, Health Science Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, South Tangerang, Indonesia


Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for mother and baby health, but its rate has not reached the desirable level. This study aimed to uncover factors that cause mothers failure in exclusive breastfeeding. The study was a phenomenological-research done among 7 mothers who had information about exclusive breastfeeding but were unsuccessful in it. Data obtained from the mothers analyzed inductively with thematic analysis. From the study, it was found out that the mothers had given honey, drinking water, banana, steamed rice, baby cereal, formula milk, rice starch water, and coffee to under 6-month babies. That caused by misperception about the recommendation so that they continued to stick to traditions that are contrary to exclusive breastfeeding- adverse effects on children when exclusively breastfed- inability to overcome problems in exclusive breastfeeding, and taking drugs that harm the baby. Assistance from health cadres to lactating mothers is still needed to avoid wrong perceptions and overcome difficulties in exclusive breastfeeding.

Keywords: failure factors, exclusive breastfeeding, qualitative study

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11 Health Education and Behavioral Sciences ABS-91

Alfiyyah Izzah Mujahidah 1*, Uswatun Khasanah 2*

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Background: The problem of nutrition is currently one of the problems that must get serious attention due to the increasing prevalence of obesity rates that occur throughout the world and has increased drastically every year. A person^s lack of awareness of the condition or not accepting that he is obese is one of the barriers to being able to make changes to a healthy lifestyle, so that a person^s unawareness of his condition tends to be a negative clinical outcome.
Objectives: Analyze the was to determine the level of awareness of obesity in adults in RW 008 Parungpanjang Bogor
Methods: The research method uses descriptive quantitative. The number of samples with simple random sampling.
Results: The results showed that the awareness of respondents tended to agree related to the obesity they experienced at this time.
Conclusion: This research is expected to be used to increase public awareness related to obesity which is then continued by holding obesity management programs such as a healthy diet program and joint physical activity so that degenerative diseases do not occur in sufferers.

Keywords: Obesity, Awareness, Adult

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12 Health policy ABS-35

Organizational learning-continuous improvement in safety climate and management support for patient safety: A survey of health professionals in Indonesia
Suryo Wibowo (a), Michael Christian (b), Sunarno Sunarno (c), Rima Melati (d), Susanty Dewi Winata (e)

a) Biomedical and Bioengineering, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia

b)Management, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta, Indonesia

c) Psychological Science Doctoral Program, Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI, Jakarta, Indonesia

d) Practitioner, Occupational Safety and Health, Public and Worker Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

e) Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Safety climate and management support for patient safety are phenomena in the field that frequently coexist. On the one hand, the safety climate is frequently perceived as merely a routine that exists. In contrast, the role of organizational management in this field is shaped by more than just internal factors. The goal of this study is to see if the safety climate and management support for patient safety have an impact on organizational learning-continuous improvement in hospitals. Furthermore, the goal of this research is also to see if management support for patient safety acts as a moderator between the safety climate and organizational learning-continuous improvement. This is a quantitative study with a sample size of 48 health professionals that employs partial structural modeling (PLS-SEM) and the SmartPLS 3.0 analytic tool. According to the findings of this study, characteristics of hospital safety climate and management support for patient safety continue to undergo dynamics and modifications, with an impact on organizational learning-continuous improvement. Organizations such as hospitals must adapt to changing times and tough situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, by continuously improving organizational learning, particularly in shaping customer and worker comfort through quality improvements in the safety climate and management support. Because of the study^s limitations, such as the small sample size, it can be considered for inclusion in future research. Other factors of organizational management, such as workload and job satisfaction, could be variables in future research.

Keywords: Health policy- Organizational learning- Continuous improvement- Safety climate- Patient safety

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13 Health policy ABS-43

Assessment of The Readiness of an Indonesian Accredited Hospital to Face Disasters with Disaster Safe Hospital Standards
Denny Setiawan (a*), Febrianti (a)

a) Public Health Department, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 95, South Tangerang, Banten 15412, Indonesia


Indonesia has vulnerability in various disasters, this is evidenced by the many disasters that have occurred in Indonesia. The vulnerability comes from the geographical location and geological form of Indonesia. Hospitals as one of the health service facilities that play a key role in handling victims of natural disasters must be encouraged to be more aware of what potential disasters exist in their area. Indonesia has an accreditation standard to assess the quality of hospitals in which facing disaster preparedness points are measured in aggregate, not in detail. This study tried to find out whether an accredited hospital could fulfill disaster-safe hospital standards, which measure more detail the hospital readiness in dealing with disaster. This study was a descriptive qualitative study using indepth interview and observation to get an accredited hospital in East Jakarta facts, then compare them with the standard developed by the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center. Interactive model from Miles and Huberman was used in data analysis. The study found that mechanism for collecting data on victims, managing disaster finances, disaster logistics, and reporting activities not included in facing disaster preparedness standard in Indonesian hospital accreditation standard. The accredited hospital that assessed still had shortcomings in financial management in disaster conditions.

Keywords: Disaster, Hospital Preparedness, Accreditation Standard

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14 Health policy ABS-52

Lymphatic Filariasis elimination program in Indonesia: Status, challenges, and potential
Rita Marleta Dewi (1), Yulidar (2), Lucia Dwi Antika(1)

1. National Research and Innovation Agency
2. Ministry of Health


Lymphatic filariasis, also commonly known as elephantiasis, is a parasitic disease caused by three roundworm species of family Filariodidea with mosquitoes as the vector. Common clinical pictures include lymphedema dan hydrocele. The three species, namely Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, dan Brugia timori, can be found in Indonesia, in which Filariasis is considered one of the most economically damaging diseases. Following WHO^s global program to eliminate filariasis that started in 2000, the same began 2 years later in the country, with a complete elimination targeted in 2023. In this review, the author presents the current status of filariasis elimination program in Indonesia and discusses how mass drug administration (MDA) and other factors influence the program effectiveness. Results of studies related to transmission dynamics, host reservoir, and endemicity status in relation to program evaluation are presented. Accordingly, potential strategies for accelerating the elimination process are proposed.

Keywords: filariasis, elephantiasis, elimination program, mass drug administration (MDA), transmission dynamics, host reservoir.

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15 Nursing Education Strategy ABS-24

Nurna Ningsih1*, Sri Wulandari1, Mutia Nadra Maulida1

Bagian Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya


Introduction : Cesarean section is an alternative action to assist the delivery process which aims to save the mother and fetus. Mothers with postoperative caesarean section will experience pain caused by the incision wound so that it affects Daily Living Activity, limited mobilization, bounding attachment, disturbed Early Initiation of Breastfeeding.
Aim :The purpose of this study was to apply nursing care to mothers with postoperative caesarean section and pain management using foot massage therapy in accordance with evidence based.
Method :The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach on three patients with the same priority problem criteria and literature studies in journals published from 2011 to 2020 which can be accessed in full text. The Journal Search found 87 related articles, only 10 articles were studied further which were adjusted to the criteria desired by the authors from Google Scholar, Elsevier, NCBI, and PNRI
Result :In the three managed patients, there were six nursing problems in the post-cesarean section of the mother. The main nursing problem in the three managed cases is pain. The final evaluation of the nursing problem is that pain can be overcome with foot massage therapy as evidenced by the results of the measurement of the pain scale decreasing and the patient also feels more relaxed and comfortable after being given the intervention.

Conclusion :Foot massage therapy is able to reduce the pain scale in post-op mothers by cesarean section.

Keywords: Foot Massage, Pain, Post Partum, Sectio Caesarea

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16 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-1

Ayuda Nia Agustina1*, Siti Utami Dewi2

1,2 Fatmawati Health Science Colleges

*Email: ayudania.agustina[at]gmail.com


Indonesia has started the Covid-19 vaccination program since January 2021. DKI Jakarta is one of the centers for the spread of the Covid-19 virus and has participated in implementing the Covid-19 Vaccination program. During the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination program, there was still a lack of public knowledge about the vaccination program carried out by the government which resulted in the readiness and acceptance of the community to vary. This study aims to Identified the knowledge and acceptance of the people of DKI Jakarta on the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Method: The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional design. Research respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique by meeting the inclusion criteria .The data collection tool is in the form of a questionnaire that identifies public knowledge of the COVID-19 vaccine, and public acceptance of the vaccine. The number of respondents as many as 345 people. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed online via google form from April - July 2021. From 18 statements regarding knowledge of the covid-19 vaccine, data obtained 46.67% had good knowledge, 32.8% had sufficient knowledge, and 20.53% had less knowledge. While the picture of public acceptance is: 51.59% doubt the halalness of the vaccine, 43.19% feel the vaccine is not safe, 41.16% doubt the effectiveness of the vaccine, 33.9% feel there will be side effects of the vaccine, 30.14% are hesitant to injected with the vaccine, 35.94% doubted trusting the vaccine, and 42.03% believed there were other preventive measures against COVID-19 transmission. The results of this study indicate that education regarding the Covid-19 vaccine still needs to be improved.

Keywords: Covid-19 Vaccination- Knowledge-Community Acceptance

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17 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-2

Ulfah Nuraini Karim, Puji Astuti Wiratmo

Binawan University


Hypertension is a condition of an increase in blood pressure above normal which is indicated by the systolic number and the diastolic number. Hypertension is commonly found in the community with changes in disease patterns from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases. WHO data in 2018 about 1.13 billion people in the world are affected by hypertension. One of the promotive and preventive efforts is the Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Post (Posbindu PTM) with early detection and monitoring of PTM factors which is carried out in an integrated and periodic manner. The purpose of the study was to determine the incidence of hypertension in terms of the level of patient compliance in the implementation of the Posbindu PTM in RW 06, Cawang sub-district, Kramat Jati sub-district, East Jakarta. This study uses a descriptive method with a cross sectional approach. Respondents were 92 people in April 2020. The research instrument used a patient compliance questionnaire with 35 statement items and patient blood pressure observations. The results showed that the incidence of hypertension was 47.4% with a compliance rate of 62%. Spearman rank test results on knowledge, p-value 0.000, r 0.620. It can be concluded that the incidence of hypertension is related to community compliance in playing an active role in the Posbindu PTM. It is suggested that the puskesmas can cooperate with educational institutions to conduct counseling for Posbindu PTM or disseminate health promotional media about hypertension in RW 06, Cawang Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta

Keywords: Posbindu PTM, hypertension, compliance

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18 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-9

Oryza Intan Suria, Mirasyah Lestari

Keperawatan, STIKES IMC, Bintaro, Indonesia


Pain is a common experience for children. One source of pain children feel during hospitalization is when implementing invasive infusion. The storytelling technique is a distraction that is expected to reduce pain. The purpose of research is knowing the effect of distraction techniques telling stories on the intensity of pain in children during infusion. This research is a quantitative methods with a quasi-experimental design with a type of post-test non-only equivalent control group. The population of this study was children aged 3-6 years who were infused at the RSIA Buah Hati Pamulang. The research sample was 32 children divided into two groups, namely 16 respondents in the intervention group and 16 respondents in the control group, determined using the purposive sampling technique. Independent T-test results. A value of 0.003 is obtained (P-Value <0.05), and the test decision is rejected. Conclusion: Then, there is a significant effect on the intensity of pain in pre-school children during infusion in the intervention and control groups. With the results implemented by distraction, telling stories can be applied to reduce the pain of pre-school children during infusion

Keywords: Storytelling distraction technique, pain response, infusion

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19 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-10

The Effect of Leadership Style on Work Motivation of Health Workers in Gempol Public Health Center, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency
1Jamaludin, 2Nurfika Mustika Dewi, 3Puspita Palupi, 4Ratna Pelawati

1)Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Organizations, of course, there are many factors that influence a person to achieve the stated goals. There is a theory from Frederick Herzberg, a theory of motivation called Two Factors, including intrinsic and extrinsic factors. One of the factors that influence motivation is leadership style. Leadership style has a significant influence on employee motivation and the effectiveness of organizational services on community needs. This study aims to determine the effect of Gempol Public Health Center Head Leadership Style on Work Motivation of Health Workers in Gempol Public Health Center, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency.The results showed that the level of work motivation of health workers at the Gempol Community Health Center was low, namely equal to 18 people (56.3%). The results showed that the leadership style influenced the level of work motivation as evidenced by the P value each factor <0.05.

Keywords: Leadership, Work Motivation, Public Health Center

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20 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-17

Venna Yaasmiin Aadilah (a), Irma Nurbaeti (b)

a), b) Nursing Program, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


Introduction: One of the psychological problems that often occurs after birth period is postpartum depression, especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is believed that there are several factors that contribute to postpartum depression.
Aim: To analyze contributing factors to postpartum depression during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: Quantitative analytical methods with a cross-sectional design were carried out. Samples were recruited by accidental sampling technique. A number of 110 postpartum mothers with inclusion criteria were mothers with a postpartum period from one month to one year- married status- and the baby is alive, healthy without complications. The instrument used in this study was the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to measure postpartum depression. Data collected from April to May 2022 at North Jakarta, Indonesia through home visits. Linear Regression analysis was performed as data analysis.
Results: The study showed that the prevalence of postpartum depression was 31.8%. Significantly contributed factors were childcare stress (p-value= 0.001), life stress (p-value= 0.002), self-esteem (p-value= 0.002) and unplanned/unwanted pregnancy (p-value = 0.0001). As many as 82.7% of postpartum depression can be predicted from childcare stress, life stress, self-esteem and unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.
Conclusion: Screening for postpartum depression according to this study was mainly carried out for postpartum mothers who have risk factors particularly mothers who get child care stress, life stress, low self-esteem, and unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, preventive measures can be taken as early as possible.

Keywords: COVID-19, Childcare Stress, Life Stress, Postpartum Depression, Unplanned/unwanted Pregnancy

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21 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-36

Nansya Handayani AM, Irma Nurbaeti

Nursing Program, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


Introduction: Postpartum mothers are the vulnerable population when exposure by the COVID-19. Transmission of the COVID-19 can cause a change in the breastfeeding process and also has an impact on the mother^s psychology.
Aim: To explore the experience of breastfeeding in mothers who have a history of being infected with COVID-19.
Methods: A qualitative method with a phenomenological approach was used in this study. A total of 12 postpartum mothers who were history infected with COVID-19 was carried out in Lebak Regency, Banten Province from April to May 2022. Data collection was performed by in-depth interviews, assisted by interview guidelines, recording devices, note-taking equipment and field notes. The data were analyzed by the Colaizzi method.
Result: The feelings of breastfeeding mothers when infected with COVID-19 consisted of two themes: (1) feelings sadness, (2) feelings fear. The breastfeeding experience of mothers infected with COVID-19 existed 4 themes: (1) how to provide nutrition to babies, (2) the frequency of breastfeeding babies, (3) health protocols carried out by mothers, (4) sources of information related to breastfeeding that mother got. The support person during difficult times obtained several themes: (1) support from husbands, (2) support from parents, (3) support from in-laws (4) support from family, (5) support from friends or relatives, (6) support from neighbors, (7) support from health workers.
Conclusion: COVID-19 infection tends to impact to psychological aspect among breastfeeding mothers. Support from significant persons, relative and health workers needed to successful breastfeeding during and after infected with COVID-19.

Keywords: Breastfeeding experience, COVID-19, Postpartum Mothers, Social support

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22 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-40

Relationship between Birth Trauma, Breastfeeding, Bonding Attachment and Postpartum Depression among Mothers with Preterm Birth in West Java Indonesia
Irma Nurbaeti (a*), Wannee Deoisres (b), Yanti Riantini (c), Susilawati (d)

a) Nursing Program, The Faculty of Health Science, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
*Email: irma.nurbaeti[at]uinjkt.ac.id
b) Faculty of Nursing, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, Thailand
c) Mother and Children Hospital, Harapan Kita Jakarta, Indonesia
d) Nursing Program, STIKES Sukabumi, Indonesia


Introduction. Postpartum depression is high preference among mothers who preterm birth in west countries. Some factors may contribute to postpartum depression in preterm-birth.
Goal. The aim was to explore relationship between birth trauma, bonding, breastfeeding and postpartum depression in mothers with preterm birth.
Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out in this study. A convenience sample of 118 postpartum mothers who gave birth premature babies 21-36 weeks gestation, baby was alive, hospitalized more than one week, mothers had no history of mental illness. Data were collected in Sukabumi Hospital West Java, Indonesia, in July to October 2018. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale used to measure symptoms of postpartum depression. Regression was performed to analyze data.
Result. The prevalence of PPD was 27.97%. Breastfeeding difficulty and Complication during antenatal and postpartum period were related with postpartum depression (R2 = 0.480, -2 Log likelihood= 92.060, p-value < 0.001). Complication in antenatal and postpartum period had 8.363 (95% CI 2.171 - 32.212) times contributed to Postpartum depression and mothers with breastfeeding difficulty had 1.087 (95% CI 1.037 - 1.140) time contributed to postpartum depression compared with mothers who had no difficulties to breastfeed.
Conclusion. This result highlight that mothers with preterm birth should be supported particularly mothers with complication and guided to success breastfeed. Screening for postpartum depression is recommended for mothers with preterm birth.

Keywords: Birth Trauma, Bonding, Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression

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23 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-47

The Effectiveness of Empathy Training in Reducing Bullying Behavior among School-Age Children
Dini Tryastuti

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Introduction: Bullying is a violent behavior that is done by an individual or group against a weak individual. Bullying behavior has negative effects on both a bully and a victim. The Incident of bullying has increased every year. Therefore it needs to get serious attention. Empathy training was one of the interventions for decreasing bullying behavior. Objective: This study aimed to examine the effect of Empathy training in reducing bullying behavior in school-age children in Cimanggis Depok City. Method: The design of this study was a quasi-experiment pre-posttest with a control group. The study sample consisted of 40 elementary school students who have experienced with bullying , the intervention group had 20 respondents, and the control group had 20 respondents. The sample of the study was selected by random sampling technique. Result: The result showed that empathy training effectively reduced bullying behavior in school-age children (p 0,001). Recommendation: It was recommended to use empathy training in reducing bullying behavior among school-age children.

Keywords: Empathy training, Bullying, School-Age Children

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24 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-55

Yenita Agus, Moch. Fakhruroji and Wilda Astunah

UIN Jakarta


Background. Indonesia^s neonatal mortality rate (NMR) is 12 deaths per 1,000 live births and 35.5 % were caused by prematurity, followed by birth asphyxia and trauma (21.6 %) and congenital anomalies. Poor quality maternal and newborn care is a major factor for these deaths, and continued reductions in maternal mortality needs improvements in quality throughout the continuum of care and improved emergency servicesPoor quality maternal and newborn care is a major factor for these deaths, and continued reductions in maternal mortality needs improvements in quality throughout the continuum of care and improved emergency services. this study was to identify the effect of educational program about skin to skin contact to promote Early Essential Newborn Care for the midwife or nurse to improve their knowledge and skill.
Methods. This is a quantitative study using a quasi-experimental design without control group. Subjects will be applied a purposive sampling technique to identify the eligible criteria under the following conditions:1) Midwives and nurses who work at delivery room and perinatology room2) Midwives and nurses who have work experience more than 5 (five) years. This questionnaire used are evidence-based intervention recommended by WHO.
Result. The study found that most of nurses and midwife are good knowledge about EENC, only for two items the respondent has an answer correctly less than 60 %. The questions are the baby^s mouth and nose should be suctioned after thorough drying of the baby and this should be done when the baby is not breathing and there is no obstruction visible and when you see a wheezing baby immediately after birth, you should recommend giving Skin to Skin Care to the baby^s mother. However, in this study the educational program and watching the video was not significantly effect of the midwife and nurse knowledge.
Conclusion. Continuing training related to science is highly recommended in order to increase the knowledge of midwives or nurs

Keywords: Educational program, Skin to skin contact , improving knowledge

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25 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-59

Motivation of RW 02 South Cipete Village House Larvae Monitor in 3M Plus MNE (Mosquito Nest Eradication) Implementation
Nadya Fahira*, Dwi Setiowati*

*Nursing Sciences Program, Health Sciences Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia


House larvae monitor contributed greatly to the achievement of the larva free rate (LFR) in the South Cipete Village with good motivation. However, the motivation can fluctuate, both in quantity and quality to implement the 3M Plus MNE. This study aims to describe the 3M Plus MNE implementation motivation of RW 02 South Cipete Village house larvae monitor. This study used a descriptive quantitative technique involving 80 house larvae monitor through convenience sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire that refers to the Self-determination Theory. The results showed that the majority respondents were 36-45 years old (33.8%), female (77.5%), graduated from high school/equivalent (46.3%), and housewives (62.5%). 50% of respondents had high motivation with the dominance of extrinsic motivation type identified regulation, while the other 50% of respondents had low motivation with the same proportion of dominance of intrinsic motivation with intrinsic regulation and extrinsic motivation type external regulation. It is hoped that larvae monitor cadres and health workers increase house larvae monitor^s motivation by use health promotion media and enhance health education including providing choices, positive feedback, and meaningful rationale, as well as recognize feelings and identify obstacles in 3M Plus MNE implementation.

Keywords: Motivation, House Larva Monitor, 3M Plus MNE

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26 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-67

Related Factors to Antenatal Visits During Corona Virus -19 in Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
Isnaini Aris Tri Pratiwi (a), Irma Nurbaeti (b)*

(a,b) Nursing Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


Background: The Antenatal Care is important to monitor the health of pregnant women. Restrictions on visits to Antenatal Care checks at health care facilities happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several factors are related to the ANC^s visit during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Objective: To Know the factors related to Antenatal Care visits during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Method: A cross-section study was carried out in this study. A number of 114 pregnant women who met inclusion criteria was recruited with accidental sampling. The research instruments used were an ANC visit, The Corona Disease Anxiety scale to measure anxiety, COVID-19 Prevention and Knowledge. Data collected in May to June 2021 at BUN Hospital Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia. Spearman rank was used in statistics analysis.
Results: The results showed that ANC visits during COVID-19 pandemic was 4-16 times. Knowledge had a moderate relation and a significant factor to the ANC visits (r = 0.197, value p = 0.036)- while anxiety (r=0.037- value p=0.695) and preventive behavior (r=0.026- p= 0.781) had a low relationship and were not significant factors related to ANC visits.
Conclusion: Knowledge is one of important factor that supports pregnant mothers to visit ANC regularly.

Keywords: Antenatal Care, Anxiety, COVID-19, Knowledge, Prevention Behavior

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27 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-77

The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes of Hypertensive Patients toward Hypertension Self-Management Behavior during Covid-19 in Sagaranten District - West Java.
Mutiara Martin, S.Kp and Nia Damiati, S.Kp., MSN., Ph.D *

Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Restrictions on mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a worsening of lifestyles and increasing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCD^s) not to mention the impact on hypertensive patients in managing their blood pressure. This study aims to determine the correlation between knowledge and attitudes of hypertensive patients toward hypertension self-management behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study employed a descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach. The number of 50 hypertensive patients was recruited in this study using an accidental sampling technique. Data were analysed using SPSS 25 with the Spearman correlation test. The results showed that 27 (54%) respondents had good knowledge, 25 (50%) had a positive attitude and 26 (52%) had good behavior in hypertension self-management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents^ hypertension self-management behavior which was lacking were as follows- 28 (56%) did not exercise, 27 (54%) did not plan a diet program to control blood pressure, 16 (32%) did not measure blood pressure regularly and 23 (46 %) did not take antihypertensive drugs. Spearman correlation test analysis showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p = 0.002- r = +0.398), and attitudes (p = 0.023- r = +0.320) with hypertension self-management behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The correlation is positive, but the strength of the correlation is weak. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to educate people regarding hypertension and hypertension self-management during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially regarding the definition of hypertension, medication adherence, and lifestyle modifications to control hypertension.

Keywords: Knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, self-management, hypertensive-patient

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28 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-80

The Correlation Between Stress Level And Nutritional Status In Pregnant Women Experiencing Morning Sickness
Yenita Agus, Renita Mia Listanti, Nadhia Elsa Silviani



Introduction: Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) is a condition of unknown causes. It can induce stress and nutritional inadequacy for the mother and the fetus. Both need to be considered during early pregnancy because the fetus is still developing.
Aim: This research aims to find the correlation between stress level and nutrition status in pregnant women who experience morning sickness.
Methods: It is a cross-sectional study involving 91 pregnant women who experience morning sickness. This study used the DASS Questionnaire (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) to measure stress, and upper arm circumference was used to measure maternal nutritional status. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistical analysis, including frequency, percentage, and Chi-square.
Results: 6.6% of pregnant women showed moderate-severe stress and abnormal nutritional status. 93.4% of pregnant women experienced normal to severe stress with normal nutritional status. The statistical test results show a p-value of 0.033. a p-value of 0,03 means there is a relationship between stress level and nutritional status in pregnant women who experience morning sickness.
Conclusion: Stress management and nutritional education for pregnant women who experience morning sickness would increase nutritional status and promote a healthy pregnancy. Further research needs to involve maternal nutritional dietary intake and examine stress causes.

Keywords: Stress level- pregnant women- nutritional status- morning sickness-

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29 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-81

The Relationship between macro-nutrient intake and physical activity with central obesity in middle-aged woman in Puskesmas Ciputat Timur
1. Rahmah Zaidah 2. Nia Damiati

Nursing Study program, Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Central obesity is the accumulation of fat in the body of the abdomen with an excessive amount of caloric intake due to an imbalance of the body as well as a decrease in physical activity. Degenerative diseases are impacts of central obesity. This study aims to determine the relationship between macro-nutrient intake and physical activity with central obesity in middle-aged woman in Puskesmas Ciputat Timur. The method used in this study was cross-sectional. Samples were 48 women aged 40-60 years and were obtained by purposive sampling. The data were collected by using three instruments: 1) measuring waist circumference- 2) Food Recall 24 hours questionnaire to find out the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats- 3) International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) to determine physical activity. The data were analyzed using univariate analysis and Spearman^s test in bivariate analysis. The results showed that the average waist size of the respondents who had central obesity amounted to 89.60 cm. Based on the results of the bivariate analysis found significant correlation between central obesity with carbohydrate intake (p = 0.002), fat intake (p = 0.007), protein intake (p = 0.000) and there was no significant correlation between central obesity with physical activity (p = 0.756). The results of the study suggested to pay attention to the intake of nutrients in accordance with the standards of nutritional adequacy rate and increase physical activity at least 30 minutes per day.

Keywords: central obesity, nutrient intake and physical activity

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30 Nursing Research and Practice ABS-82

^An Overview of Patients^ Compliance to Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs During the COVID-19 Pandemic Era in Koja District, Jakarta^
1. Bunga Alifia Zahirah 2. Nia Damiati

Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


The COVID-19 pandemic has entered its third year and has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Pandemic has made less attention to treatments to other infectious diseases not to mention Tuberculosis treatments. COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on adherence to tuberculosis drugs and treatments to tuberculosis patients in Koja Subdistrict, Jakarta. This study was conducted to determine the adherence to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs in tuberculosis patients during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Koja District Health Center in February - May 2022. The design of study used was descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The population used was patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stage and advanced stage with category I treatment. The research instrument used a demographic questionnaire and a Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-8 questionnaire. The results based on the characteristics showed that the respondents consisted of male gender by 57.3%, late adult age (36-45 years) by 39.3%, high school education by 53%, traders by 40.2%, distance of service close (less than 20 minutes) by 54.7%, high family support by 71.8%, and the role of health workers is good at 79.5% while the results of research based on medication adherence showed a high level of adherence as many as 23 respondents (19.7 %), moderate level of compliance was 54 respondents (46.2%), and low level of compliance was 40 respondents (34.2%). To improve patient adherence to tuberculosis drugs, health center should provide the education through another media such as tele-health.

Keywords: adherence, tuberculosis patients, tuberculosis drugs, COVID-19 pandemic

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