^An Overview of Patients^ Compliance to Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs During the COVID-19 Pandemic Era in Koja District, Jakarta^
1. Bunga Alifia Zahirah 2. Nia Damiati

Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


The COVID-19 pandemic has entered its third year and has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Pandemic has made less attention to treatments to other infectious diseases not to mention Tuberculosis treatments. COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on adherence to tuberculosis drugs and treatments to tuberculosis patients in Koja Subdistrict, Jakarta. This study was conducted to determine the adherence to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs in tuberculosis patients during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Koja District Health Center in February - May 2022. The design of study used was descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The population used was patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stage and advanced stage with category I treatment. The research instrument used a demographic questionnaire and a Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-8 questionnaire. The results based on the characteristics showed that the respondents consisted of male gender by 57.3%, late adult age (36-45 years) by 39.3%, high school education by 53%, traders by 40.2%, distance of service close (less than 20 minutes) by 54.7%, high family support by 71.8%, and the role of health workers is good at 79.5% while the results of research based on medication adherence showed a high level of adherence as many as 23 respondents (19.7 %), moderate level of compliance was 54 respondents (46.2%), and low level of compliance was 40 respondents (34.2%). To improve patient adherence to tuberculosis drugs, health center should provide the education through another media such as tele-health.

Keywords: adherence, tuberculosis patients, tuberculosis drugs, COVID-19 pandemic

Topic: Nursing Research and Practice

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