Related Factors to Antenatal Visits During Corona Virus -19 in Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
Isnaini Aris Tri Pratiwi (a), Irma Nurbaeti (b)*

(a,b) Nursing Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


Background: The Antenatal Care is important to monitor the health of pregnant women. Restrictions on visits to Antenatal Care checks at health care facilities happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several factors are related to the ANC^s visit during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Objective: To Know the factors related to Antenatal Care visits during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Method: A cross-section study was carried out in this study. A number of 114 pregnant women who met inclusion criteria was recruited with accidental sampling. The research instruments used were an ANC visit, The Corona Disease Anxiety scale to measure anxiety, COVID-19 Prevention and Knowledge. Data collected in May to June 2021 at BUN Hospital Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia. Spearman rank was used in statistics analysis.
Results: The results showed that ANC visits during COVID-19 pandemic was 4-16 times. Knowledge had a moderate relation and a significant factor to the ANC visits (r = 0.197, value p = 0.036)- while anxiety (r=0.037- value p=0.695) and preventive behavior (r=0.026- p= 0.781) had a low relationship and were not significant factors related to ANC visits.
Conclusion: Knowledge is one of important factor that supports pregnant mothers to visit ANC regularly.

Keywords: Antenatal Care, Anxiety, COVID-19, Knowledge, Prevention Behavior

Topic: Nursing Research and Practice

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