The Effect of Leadership Style on Work Motivation of Health Workers in Gempol Public Health Center, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency
1Jamaludin, 2Nurfika Mustika Dewi, 3Puspita Palupi, 4Ratna Pelawati

1)Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Organizations, of course, there are many factors that influence a person to achieve the stated goals. There is a theory from Frederick Herzberg, a theory of motivation called Two Factors, including intrinsic and extrinsic factors. One of the factors that influence motivation is leadership style. Leadership style has a significant influence on employee motivation and the effectiveness of organizational services on community needs. This study aims to determine the effect of Gempol Public Health Center Head Leadership Style on Work Motivation of Health Workers in Gempol Public Health Center, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency.The results showed that the level of work motivation of health workers at the Gempol Community Health Center was low, namely equal to 18 people (56.3%). The results showed that the leadership style influenced the level of work motivation as evidenced by the P value each factor <0.05.

Keywords: Leadership, Work Motivation, Public Health Center

Topic: Nursing Research and Practice

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