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Qualitative study on failure factors of exclusive breastfeeding
Febrianti a*

a Public Health Study Programme, Health Science Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, South Tangerang, Indonesia


Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for mother and baby health, but its rate has not reached the desirable level. This study aimed to uncover factors that cause mothers failure in exclusive breastfeeding. The study was a phenomenological-research done among 7 mothers who had information about exclusive breastfeeding but were unsuccessful in it. Data obtained from the mothers analyzed inductively with thematic analysis. From the study, it was found out that the mothers had given honey, drinking water, banana, steamed rice, baby cereal, formula milk, rice starch water, and coffee to under 6-month babies. That caused by misperception about the recommendation so that they continued to stick to traditions that are contrary to exclusive breastfeeding- adverse effects on children when exclusively breastfed- inability to overcome problems in exclusive breastfeeding, and taking drugs that harm the baby. Assistance from health cadres to lactating mothers is still needed to avoid wrong perceptions and overcome difficulties in exclusive breastfeeding.

Keywords: failure factors, exclusive breastfeeding, qualitative study

Topic: Health Education and Behavioral Sciences

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Febrianti Febrianti)

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