The Role of Biofertilizer ^MIKROBAT^ as a Stimulator to Increase Productivity and Health of Rice plants
Nurmujahidin Nurmujahidin (a), Baharuddin Patandjengi (a*), Tutik Kuswinanti (a), Muhammad Hatta Jamil (b), Mahyuddin (b), Bugisinesia Tajibu (c)

(a) Departemen Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, UNHAS
*baharunhas[at], WA: +81515075767
(c) Departemen Agricultural Socio-Economy, Faculty of Agriculture, UNHAS
(d) Center for the Protection of Food Crops and Horticulture, South Sulawesi Province


Biofertilizer MIKROBAT (Patent Certificate: No. IDP000059255 and Brand Certificate: No. IDM000613360) is a bacterial consortium containing four superior microbes, including Azotobacter sp. isolate AP08, Pseudomonas sp. isolate PP012, Lactobacillus sp. isolate LP032, and Streptomyces sp. isolate SP022 with their respective roles as nitrogen fixers, Phosphate and Potassium solvents, providers of auxin, cytokinins, vitamins, amino acids, and antibiotics. This biotechnological product can be used to loosen and nourish the soil, increase the activity of positive microorganisms in the ground, increase seed vigor, suppress plant pests and diseases, accelerate plant growth and improve production and yield quality. The results of trials on rice plantations in the Experimental farm of BPTPH Maros showed that the treatment of Mikrobat has the best results in suppressing bacterial leaf blight and blast diseases and increasing rice plant production. The intensity of BLB disease and blast on Brang Biji (hybrid variety) of 0% and 0.5% compared to controls 8% and 2%. The highest number of tillers reached 19.02 tiller than control with 13.98, while production achieved 12.74 tonnes/ha compared to the control 9.42 tonnes/ha.

Keywords: Oryza sativa- biopesticide- Blast- BLB

Topic: Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices

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