Water Management and Iron Coated Seed Treatment to Improve Paddy Field Productivity in South Sulawesi - Indonesia
Burhanuddin Rasyid (1), Muhammad Jayadi (1), Kasmawati (1), and Ramli (2)

(1) Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi - 90245, Indonesia

(2) Dept. of Sustainable Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Development Polytechnic of Gowa, South Sulawesi - 92171, Indonesia


Introducing technology in water management and Fe coated seed as the part of direct seedling method could be support improvement of paddy field productivity. This study was conducted to introduce and develop rice cultivation method through water flooding and Fe coated seed system to enhance rice production. The experiment was carried out in the pot using factorial experimental design with two treatment factors. The first factor consisted of 4 levels of flooding height, namely P0 = no flood (control), P1 = 0.5 cm flood height, P2 = 1 cm flood height and P3 = 1.5 cm flood height. The second factor was mixing weight ratio of Fe coating material to gypsum on the coating seeds, which consisted of 4 levels, namely C0 = not coated (control), C1 = Fe 12.5 g : gypsum 0.625 g, C2 = Fe 25 g : gypsum 1.25 g and C3 = Fe 50 g : gypsum 2.5 g. The effect of all treatments was analyzed in vegetative and generative period. The treatment of 1.5 cm flood height and mixing ratio seed coating of 50 g Fe : 2.5 g gypsum (P3C3) was shown significantly effect to the all parameters measured in the vegetative period. On the generative period, the result was shown some variations in the production but almost combination treatments of flood height and Fe coated seed had better performance for the other parameters. The conclusion of this experiment that this method become applied technology in the purpose of improvement of rice productivity.

Keywords: Rice, Seed Coating Fe, Direct seed planting, Water management, Flooding height.

Topic: Crop production system

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