Sustainable Specialty Coffee Production: An Agronomy Perspective Dewi Nur Rokhmah (a*), Dani (a), Handi Supriadi (a), Rusli (a), Nana Heryana (a)
a) Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency. Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor 16915, West Java, Indonesia.
Indonesia has several specialty coffees that have been marketed domestically and exported to foreign countries. Specialty coffee is coffee of a high quality standard with good taste, aroma and texture. The current focus of specialty coffee development is increasing production and quality of domestic coffee by paying attention to aspects of local wisdom. It is hoped that this effort will enrich the variety of high-value specialty coffees from various regions. To obtain specialty coffee products with good quality, coffee cultivation techniques that are in accordance with good agricultural practices (GAP), environmentally friendly, as well as adaptive to climate change, need to be supported. Therefore, it is necessary to apply sustainable coffee cultivation by 1) planting and rejuvenating coffee with superior planting materials, 2) planting shade trees, 3) pruning, 4) using organic fertilizer and biofertilizer, 5) rainwater harvesting and irrigation systems, 6) integrated pest, disease, and weed management, and 7) selective cherry harvest.
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture- Good agricultural practices- Coffee- Specialty
Topic: Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices