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Implementation of Supplementary Water Irrigation and Rice Husk for Climate Change Adaptation and Improving Soil Quality in Dry Land, Gunungkidul
Damasus Riyanto1), Tricahyono 1), Sri Wahyuni 2), Arif Anshori 2), Yustisia2),Izhar Khairullah2) and Rahayu Widowati 3)

1) Research Center for Sustainable Production System Life Cycle Assessment, Research Organization Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
The Highway of Serpong Street , Muncul, Setu District, South Tangerang Banten 15314
2) Research Center for Food Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
3) Academy of Agricultural Yogyakarta


Dry land in Gunungkidul Regency is quite potential to be developed as agricultural land because it has an area of about 66,827 hectares or 46.63 percent of the agricultural land area in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. Dry land is land that only depends on rainfall as the main water source to fulfill its water needs for crops, including corn. This research aimed to evaluate the implementation of supplementary water irrigation and rice hush charcoal on the improving soil quality in Gunungkidul. The study was conducted on the dry land of Wareng, Wonosari district-Gunungkidul on June-Sept 2018 using a Completely Randomized Block Design with 4 replications. The treatments applied were the frequency of irrigation, namely F1 (2 times a week), F2 (once a week), F3 (every 2 weeks), F4 (every 3 weeks), and the application of soil improvement material, namely: M0 (without mulch), M1 (application rice straw mulch 4 ton.ha-1), M2 (application rice husks 4 ton.ha-1), M3 (straw mulch + rice husk), therefore the total treatments were 16 and replicated 3 times. The results showed that improving the quality of land by applying straw mulch and rice husk charcoal plus supplementary water irrigation once a week was able to provide the highest corn production (7.46 tons/ha) and was not significantly different from irrigation twice a week and showed an increased yield of 52.56% compared to control treatment (watering every 2 weeks and without the mulch/rice husk application). Giving the straw mulch and rice husk can be improved physical and chemical soil properties (decreasing bulk density, increasing soil porosity up to 52.38%, water holding capacity, improving soil structure, C-organik, P and K available and Soil CEC).

Keywords: supplementary water, dryland, frequency of irrigation, water efficiency, land quality.

Topic: Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices

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