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Rosdiana1,a), Muh. Riadi1,b), Muh. Jayadi1,c), Ammini A. Saragih2,d), Erwin Najamuddin3,e)

1)Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar, South Sulawesi

2)Agency for Implementing standardization of Agricultural Instrument (BPSIP) Gorontalo, Moh. Van Gobel No. 270, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo

3)Food Crop Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bogor Highway Street Km. 46, Cibinong, West Java


Rice is the main food crop for the people of Indonesia whose availability is always sought, one of which is by increasing the cropping index using improved variety of very early maturing rice. An increase in the cropping index causes the land to be cultivated more intensively and can have an impact on decreasing Silica content. Therefore, to support the growth of rice plants, especially on land that is intensively cultivated, it is necessary to add Silica elements. This research aims to study the effect of biosilica on the growth of the vegetative phase of several very early maturing rice varieties. The research was conducted from September to December 2022 in Gorontalo using a Split Plot Design (SPD).The variety (V) as the main plot consisted of three treatment levels, namely the Cakrabuana variety (v1), the Inpari 13 variety (v2), and the Inpari 19 variety (v3). Then, as a subplot, consist of the dose of liquid biosilica (D) which consisted of four treatment levels, namely without biosilica as a control (d1), biosilica 1.5 l/ha (d2), biosilica 3 l/ha (d3) and biosilica 4, 5 l/ha (d4) so that there are 12 treatment combinations with 3 repetitions for each treatment. The results indicated that the use of liquid biosilica in several improved varieties of very early-maturing rice showed a significant interaction of plant growth in the vegetative phase.We can see this in the highest plant height in the v3d3 treatment, the highest number of tillers is v1d2, the smallest flag leaf angle is in the v1d1 treatment but not significantly different from the v3d3, the best number of stomata and stomata density can be found in the v3d4 treatment. In addition, the variety and dose of biosilica 3.0 l/ha have the best effect on the development of blast disease intensity.

Keywords: Rice, variety, very early maturing, biosilica.

Topic: Crop production system

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