Soil Quality on Shallot Cultivation Land in Different Toposequence at Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Province.
Burhanuddin Rasyid, Muh. Jayadi, and Nur Sarifa.

Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University


Maintaining soil quality in intensive cultivation shallot area especially in the mountainous area like in Anggeraja District is need to be seriously in land management. The objective of this study is to analyze the soil quality on intensive cultivation shallot area in different toposequence at Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency. The study was conducted by survey method and analyze soil quality through determining soil quality index (SQI) based on the given soil properties. Selected soil properties is become indicators in calcualtion of soil quality index which are decided in the Minimum Data Set (MDS). Soil sample was collected from three site with different topography. Determination of sample points based on the toposequence of the cultivation area. The soil quality index is determined based on the scoring method. The results was shown that the quality of the soil in intensive shallot cultivation area at Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency is generally classified as moderate. The quality value of the soil obtained range from 0.51 - 0.55 which is categorized in the medium class. Soil properties related to the chemical content such as organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and magnesium was recommended to be improve for increase soil quality in this area.

Keywords: Soil quality index, Minimum Data Set (MDS), Toposequence, Shallot cultivation

Topic: Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices

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