Windmill Electric Energy in Tilapia Seed Biofloc for Tilapia-Rice Intercropping Cultivation in Rice Fields Ari Kuncoro*, Zarochman, Suparman Sasmita, Zainal Wassahua
Fisheries Research Center - National Research and Innovation Agency
Jalan Raya Bogor KM. 46 Cibinong, Nanggewer Mekar Kab. Bogor
Farmers own paddy fields to grow rice, but the income from rice harvests is often unsatisfactory. One way to improve it is to use paddy fields to cultivate tilapia using the tilapia-rice intercropping method, because tilapia has high potential and economic value. However, tilapia seeds are often difficult to obtain, making it difficult for farmers who are about to start intercropping. For this reason, farmers can make independent efforts to get tilapia seeds using biofloc ponds, because tilapia is easy to breed. Tilapia hatchery with biofloc system and tilapia culture with intercropping method. It would be even more efficient to use renewable energy sources with windmills to support the need for electrical energy for aeration equipment in bioflocs, automatic feeding devices for bioflocs and mina-rice systems, as well as for lighting in biofloc and mina-paddy fields because of the location of many rice fields. which is not reachable by PLN electricity. This study aims to design a tilapia hatchery biofloc system for tilapia cultivation using the intercropping method, which is supported by a windmill electrical energy system. This research uses descriptive analysis method through literature study and observation of the biofloc system and paddy fields as well as the electrical energy system from windmills. The results showed that the biofloc system had a diameter of 2.5 meters and a height of 1 meter supported by aeration equipment with a brood density of 2 tilapia/m2. The rice field used is 1000 m2 wide, which is able to enter 100 to 150 tilapia seeds/m2. From the biofloc system and the tilapia-rice intercropping system, a windmill and a device with a power of 1000 watts were designed. The results of this study are expected to add a reference for farmers in increasing their income without having to increase the area of ​-​-land they have and easy to handle their electricity needs.