Yield performance and agronomic characteristics of several candidate hybrid maize varieties on uncultivated land
Ahmad Muliadi, Slamet Bambang Priyanto, Roy Efendi

Research Center for Food Crops-BRIN
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong 16911, Indonesia


Corn is currently a strategic and dominant national commodity used as raw material for animal feed. Domestic market demand and export opportunities for corn commodities tend to increase from year to year. This situation is a potential market opportunity for farmers in cultivating corn. This research was conducted in Bone Regency to know the yield potential of several hybrid maize on uncultivated land, using a randomized block design, 4 replications, plot area of 3 x 5 m, and spacing of 70 x 20 cm. The material used consisted of 4 hybrids and 2 comparison varieties. The results showed that the hybrid R01603 (11.61 t ha-1) showed the highest grain yield and was not significantly different from the comparison varieties. This result was supported by the character of the number of rows of seeds per ear, the length of the ear, and the diameter of the ear. To get hybrid corn with a high grain yield, these characteristics need to be considered.

Keywords: P: hybrid corn, no-tillage, seed yield

Topic: Plant breeding and biotechnology

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