Determination of carrying capacity of waters for the development of intensive technology vaname shrimp ponds in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Mudian Paena, Ruskia Asaaf, Admi Athirah

Center for Brackishwater Culture Research and Fisheries Extension, Maros, Indonesia


Intensive technology vanaame shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond is an alternative technology to increase national shrimp production in addition to super intensive technology. Vannamei shrimp that are cultivated in intensive ponds have a high production when compared to other technologies, even though the area is narrow. Vannamei shrimp production in ponds with intensive technology in general can reach 50 tons per hectare which is equivalent to 60 years of shrimp production in traditional technology. The high productivity is a threat of environmental degradation due to the disposal of organic waste that has the potential to cause environmental bioecological imbalances. The application of intensive technology for vaname shrimp pond cultivation in a sustainable manner can only be realized if the intensification and extensification planning is based on the carrying capacity of the aquatic environment. The concept of carrying capacity is used in the framework of increasing vaname shrimp production without damaging the environment. Based on this, research has been carried out that aims to determine the carrying capacity of marine waters for the development of intensive vannamei shrimp ponds in Bulukumba Regency. The research was conducted by survey method. The survey was conducted in the waters of the Gantarang and Bontobahari sub-districts. Carrying capacity is calculated based on the content of oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) in sea waters. The results showed that in Gantarang District, intensive pond development could still be carried out based on the carrying capacity of 56.5 ha and 110 ha of oxygen and nitrogen, respectively. Meanwhile, in Bontobahari District, intensive pond development can still be carried out based on the oxygen and nitrogen carrying capacity of 65.5 ha and 118 ha, respectively.

Keywords: Carrying capacity, shrimp farming, intensive technology

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture (International)

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