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Household^s Consumer Main Preferences of Animal Product Purchasing in Markets Around Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency
Danang Nur Cahyo, Mochamad Sugiarto, Novie Andri Setianto, Rahayu Widiyanti, Alief Einstein, Krismiwati Muatip, and Lis Safitri

Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53122, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to analyze the preferences of animal product consumers during post Covid-19 pandemic and analyzed factors that influence consumer preferences in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency. A number of 13 local markets were purposively selected as the location of the research. The respondents were sampled randomly from the animal product consumer in the markets. The survey was conducted based on questions from the questionnaire and 211 consumers were obtained. There were four options of main preferences which could be selected in this research. There were price, quality, easy to access, and easy to store. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively to analyze the customer preferences on purchasing the animal product and analyzed using multinomial logistic regression to analyze factors that influence consumer preferences. There was 39.81% of respondents preferred to purchase a product that is easier to access than the product quality (32.70%), price (19.91%), and product that easy to store (7.58). Consumer preferences are simultaneously affected by consumer sex, age, education level, family members, disaffection, purchasing frequencies, amount/purchasing, and purchasing location.

Keywords: Consumer preference, Animal product, Market, Multinomial logistic regression

Topic: Socio Economic of Agriculture

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