Dynamics of Contestation Between Actors in the Shallot Agribusiness in Enrekang Regency,South Sulawesi Province
Muh. Aries Yasin, Saleh Ali, Agussalim,Rabina Yunus

1) Doctoral Program of Development Studies, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
3) Department of Development studies, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


This research aimed to describe the role of actors in the shallot farming agribusiness in Enrekang district. This research was conducted in Baraka and Anggeraja Districts, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Province from May to June 2022. This research used a qualitative method, which is descriptive in nature, the informants in this study were determined by selecting key informants and continued by looking for other informants using the snowball technique. The data collection techniques used were observation and in-depth interviews. To test the validity of the data used is the triangulation technique followed by reducing the data and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the relationship between government, middlemen and farmers in the context of agribusiness can vary depending on policies and market dynamics. The government does not strictly monitor the practices of middlemen (big buyers), middlemen can take advantage of their bargaining position to gain greater profits from farmers. However, if governments have good control over these activities, they can protect farmers from abuse by middlemen. Relationships between actors include (1) The government can provide policies and support to farmers to increase productivity, market access, or protect their rights. (2) Farmers can sell their crops directly to entrepreneurs or through middlemen as intermediaries. (3) Entrepreneurs can collaborate with the government in partnership programs that provide benefits for both parties. The main goal of the relationship between these three actors is usually to achieve a balance between economic, social and environmental interests.

Keywords: Shallots, dynamics, Actors, Agriculture

Topic: Socio Economic of Agriculture

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