Application of Various Concentration of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Vegetative Growth of Cocoa Rahmiana (a), Basri Baba (a*), Siti Nurhalisyah (b), Elis Tambaru (c), Eka Wisdawati (a), Junyah Leli Isnaini (d), Nober Padidi1
a) Department of Production Tecnology of Plantation Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
b) Department of Production Tecnology of Horticulture Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
c) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245 Indonesia
d) Department of Production Tecnology of Edible Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
Availability of sufficient nutrients will support uniform seedling growth. One way to improve seedling growth can be done by adding plant nutrients or nutrients through fertilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the vegetative growth of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings after application of various concentrations of Amal Bajang liquid organic fertilizer. This experiment was conducted from March to April 2022, in Tiu Hamlet, Pallantikang Village, Rumbia District, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The experimental method used a Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of 5 treatments (r), namely, (r0): control, r1: POC 25 mL/1L of water, r2: POC 50 mL /1L of water., r3: POC 75 mL/1L of water., and r4: 100 mL POC/1L of water. The results showed that the application of POC Amal Bajang with different concentrations did not significantly affect the increase in height and diameter of the cacao stem, but had a significant effect on the increase in the number of cacao leaves.