The Current Forage Availability for Ruminant Production in Central Java, Indonesia
Roy Malindo (a), Osfar Sjofjan (b), Siti Chuzaemi (b*)

a) Directorate of General of Livestock and Animal Health Services, Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia.
Jl. Harsono RM No.3, Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12011, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: schuzaemi[at]


This study aimed to evaluate the current forage production for ruminant development in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The study used secondary data from Livestock and Animal Health Services of Central Java Province, Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics, and the Ministry of the Agriculture Republic of Indonesia. The data analysis was the ruminant population, forage production, and carrying capacity, which was then described descriptively. The results indicated that the number of ruminants (beef cattle, dairy cows, buffalo, goat, and sheep) was 3,977,126 animal units. The forage availability was 4,829,785 animal units, indicating a development potential of 852,659 animal units. The development of forage production is contributed by agricultural by-products (48,04%), field grass (26.23%), and cultivated grass (25,73%). Agricultural by-products consist of 45,06% rice straw, 39,99% corn straw- 2.97% cassava leaves- 0.14% sweet potato leaves- 1,03% soybean straw- 0,81% peanut leaves- 8,40% of sugarcane and 1,60% of other foliage. The Carrying Capacity Index was 1.21, which implies the forage availability in Central Java Province was in critical criteria so that a need to utilize feed resources.

Keywords: forage production, ruminant production, carrying capacity, agricultural by-product

Topic: Crop production system

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