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Growth and Yield of Seed Priming Using Golden Snail Fertilizer Liquid Organic On the Katokkon Chili Variant
Nur Aida Yanti(a), Kaimuddin mole (b)*, Sylvia Sjam (b)

a) Master student, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
b)* Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. [at]Kaimudin.mole[at]gmail.com
b) Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


Katokkon chili pepper is a local variety that originated in Toraja and has a very high economic value. A problem faced in agriculture is the difficulty of getting seeds to germinate evenly. The purpose of this study was to increase the germination and growth of chili peppers by using a seed priming technique with gold snail liquid organic fertilizer. The survey was conducted from August 2021 to February 2022 in Buntudatu Village, Tana Toraja District, South Sulawesi Province, at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. The theme of the group is environmental. This experiment consisted of two factors.The first was his 3-step cultivar, and the second was the subplot, the concentration (T) of the liquid organic fertilizer solution, which consisted of 5 steps. We then chose the 3 optimal concentrations from these 5 concentrations and repeated 3 times for each treatment, so we had 27 experimental units. The results showed that treatment with the Katokkon pepper variety affected the residual fruit weight (89.97 g). The best results were obtained by treatment with the Leatung 2 (V3) variant and priming with liquid organic gold snail fertilizer at a concentration of 20 ml per liter of water.

Keywords: Katokkon Chili - Seed priming - Liquid Orgaik Fertilizer Golden snails.

Topic: Crop production system

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