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1 AR, VR, Mixed reality ABS-7

Hologram Virtual Modelling With Artificial Intelligence In Architecture
Prasasto Satwiko(a1), Khaerunnisa(b2), Jerry Christian Poli(b3)

Pascasarjana Arsitektur, Universitas Atma Jaya Jogjakarta


Abstrack: The potential for artificial intelligence or AI in the world of architecture is very high so that in modeling or in designing speed, accuracy, reality and instantiation are very much needed in the world of architecture. Almost all architects really need time in designing as well as accuracy and complex modeling. In designing an object, architects often start from 2D images and convert to 3D after becoming 3D, they make virtual animations, but these steps take a long time so timeliness is important. Artificial intelligence or Automation plays an important role in the world of architecture with technology, time is no longer a problem because it can reduce the duration of time in designing and with Hologram modeling architects are very easy to organize in objects with satisfying results. Architects instantly replace building objects with ease due to AI technology features. In this technology, architects can directly and instantaneously design and can change materials and concepts in objects. Artificial intelligence does make it easier for architects to design and make work easier.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Modeling, 3D, Hologram, Architecture Virtual

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2 AR, VR, Mixed reality ABS-14

Experiencing Heritage Through Immersive Environment using Affordable Virtual Reality Setup
Gierlang Bhakti Putra (a*), Fauzan Alfi Agirachman (b)

a) Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Jl. Scientia Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia
b) School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jalan Ganeca No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Virtual reality (VR) technology allows the reproduction of spatial experience in a digital environment and simulates both real and imaginary world experience. The experience is created for a wide variety of devices with different degrees of immersion. Several use cases of VR utilization in the architectural field have been explored, including explorations of historical buildings in a distant place. However, VR is often associated with high investment in hardware and software. This study demonstrates VR utilization to experience off-site exploration of architectural heritage using a low-cost hardware setup and open-source software. We propose the possible workflow to create VR assets using Blender. Furthermore, we investigate the authoring pipeline to optimize the model for a wide variety of devices. The result will be deployed as a VR environment under Mozilla Hubs, a WebXR-based platform that users can access simply from a web browser. With this workflow, the goal is to provide a low-cost VR experience for everyone where the environment can be easily accessed using the available existing device.

Keywords: virtual reality- architectural heritage- WebXR- low-cost VR

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3 AR, VR, Mixed reality ABS-65

Safeguarding Borobudur Temple Compounds through Digital Architecture
Mutiara Cininta(a*), Khaerunnisa (a)

a). Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Although the Borobudur temple compounds are often considered a world-class tourist attraction, in essence, it is a very fragile archeological world heritage site. The decaying of the temple building itself and gradual changes at the other attributes of may threatened its outstanding universal value that has been registered by UNESCO since 1991. Thus far, maintaining the integrity of the visual landscape of the Borobudur temple complex is only carried out through the stipulation of Presidential Decree no. 58 of 2014, which regulates spatial planning in the area. In the implementation, it is challenging to regulate and manage changes in the Borobudur temple landscape area according to the conservation corridor. The many OUV attributes that need to be preserved surely adding more complexity of the preservation technique in Borobudur temple compounds. For instance, the temple complex was designated as a super priority tourism destination in 2018, which now triggered the growth of new developments in the Borobudur temple area to support the tourism aspect. Heritage Impact assessment is a tool to measure the impact caused by projects or developments on Outstanding Universal Value in cultural heritage areas. Using measurable data that only rely on the conservation corridor will become an invalid assessment instrument to determine the impact of development, both now and in the future. Meanwhile, the latest development of the emerging digital technologies in architecture may offer possibilities for researchers in safeguarding the Borobudur temple compound through technology optimization. This paper aims to evaluate the possible roles of digital architecture technologies in preserving the outstanding universal value in the Borobudur Temple Compounds.

Keywords: digital architecture- conservation- heritage compounds

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4 Artificial intelligence ABS-23

Nurharyadi Fajar Hidayat, Prasasto Satwiko, Khaerunnisa

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Technology can save time [1]. Artificial Intelligence technology, makes the licensing process and spatial information shorter and of course able to save costs. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied in everyday life: prediction, chat bots, object detection, and others. Environmental licensing with various procedures and administration will be completed with the application of Internet/web based Artificial Intelligence (AI). Almost all fields require automation [2] which can be assisted by artificial intelligence [3], besides that in the management of environmental permits [4] so far, the human intelligence tendency is immediately replaced by the application of data and location based artificial intelligence technology. AI products are data/information on environmental permits, spatial planning, appropriate building functions and environmental levies. According to the standard of greenbuilding architecture [5] automatically. Information data can be used for further licensing needs or just information on architectural data needs. Legality is obtained through banking transactions for retribution payments and digital certificates are given [6].

Keywords: Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Licensing, Automation

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5 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-11

Samuel Yudhatama- Johan Agung Pramono Hambadjawa- Khaerunnisa- Yonathan Dri Handarkho- Agustinus Djoko Istiadji- Prasasto Satwiko

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


The lack of attention to the importance of architectural service in Indonesia worries the quality and advancement of the architecture sector in Indonesia. The established building often didn^t meet the requirements needed and architectural service in Indonesia is also limited. Addressing the lack of people^s attention to architectural service and limited human resources, a marketplace system was developed, equipped with artificial intelligence. The marketplace functions as an assistant that could develop a design solution to a certain degree. In the upcoming future, the marketplace would function as a design assistant, while simultaneously providing an architectural insight to the people of Indonesia.

Keywords: Architectural service, people, marketplace, artificial intelligence

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6 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-15

Shape Grammar for House Facade in Urban Kampung Context: Responding to Private-Public Activities on the Alley, Tambora, Jakarta
Irma Desiyana, S.Ars., M.Arch.

Department of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


The shape grammar can reveal the socio-spatial uniqueness that molds the elements of the house facade in a dense area of urban kampung, Jakarta. Daily activities and needs have gradually impacted the shape of the house facade. Tambora in Jakarta is a highly dense population and building, where the limited space has blurred between private and public activities in the urban kampung. The house facade is diverse and unique that represents milieu, economic, and social conditions. Besides, the grassroots adjust their house facade based on their needs more than aesthetic value. By eliminating decoration, the house facade depicts the activities and relationships inside and outside and manifests in geometric shapes, such as openings, edges, and depth. This research excludes the roof as part of the facade because there is no activity inside it. Hereafter, the grammar of house facade might respond to daily life and needs in the urban kampung. The first step is categorizing the elements of the facade and the socio-spatial aspects to define shape rules. Then, mapping the activities and needs in front of the house to delineate shape relation. In the end, the use of shape grammar for analyzing intends to comprehend the correlation between the geometric shape of the facade and the socio-spatial uniqueness of urban kampung.

Keywords: Shape Grammar- Urban Kampung- House Facade

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7 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-18

Predicting Energy Efficiency Performance for Building Integrated Photovoltaic
Susan, Susan- Wardhani, Dyah

Universitas Ciputra Surabaya


One-third of the world^s energy are consumed by buildings. In Indonesia, the main source of this energy is fossil fuel that act as the main contributor to global warming and climate change. Improving energy efficiency on a building is important to approach greener environment. EDGE is a tool that respond to the need for a measurable and credible solution to approach green design, including the energy-efficient building design. Here, the calculation of energy efficiency covers the comparative measurement of base case and improved case, including the comparison of geometry and building orientation, mapping of energy use, and prediction of energy harvesting from renewable energy resources. Studying this concept further is important to predict cost of going green, to ensure utility savings, as well as to reduce negative impacts to the environment. This study presents Universitas Ciputra building as the proposed case. This building is chosen since it already had some green features. Additionally, the building also has the potential for on-site renewable energy integration, particularly for solar energy with BIPV concept. Experimental methods with simulation as its tool used to find the best design proposal and solution. First treatment is proposed by applying variety of building equipment. Second treatment is proposed by using several tilt and orientation angle of PV on building façade. The result of this study is a design proposal that covers strategies to reduce energy consumption by choosing energy-saving equipment and to switch 25% of energy sources into renewable energy resources.

Keywords: EDGE, efficiency, energy, renewable energy

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8 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-24

Yusuf Ariyanto, Melania Rahadiyanti

Universitas Ciputra Surabaya


Web development based on building performance optimization was needed as a tool to help architects work accurately. At the same time, the web interface design for the web-based on building performance optimization should be designed according to the architects needs and their character as users. Certainly, the identification effort is obtained by basic analysis of user needs through a review of user-friendly web interface design precedents and conducting questionnaires to obtain data on the web interface. The purposes of exploration for web-based on the building performance optimization can be an informative medium in bridging architects needs in designing according to optimization parameters for building performance with a user-friendly web interface design, to produce web interface design recommendations that suit the needs and requirements of the building the character of the architects as users. The expected result in this exploration is an alternative web interface design based on building performance optimization that was following the parameters of building performance optimization, is user-friendly, and brings out the character of its users.

Keywords: Architect, Design, Web Interface, Exploration, User-Friendly

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9 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-27

Development of Smart Management Principles in Railway Station Facilities (Case Study at Pasar Senen Station)
Christie Aquarista1, Nurhikmah Budi Hartanti2*

Trisakti University


The increasing use of rail transportation in Indonesia encourages the improvement of services that must be provided by stations, including the Pasar Senen Station in Jakarta. Based on previous research, it was found that several important points of public service at Pasar Senen Station were not entirely fulfilled yet, so it was necessary to improve the quality. This improvement will affect the use-value of the facilities in the station, which in turn can be an opportunity to add to the visitor experience and answer existing problems. For this reason, a study of potential improvement by utilizing current technological advances is carried out as a solution to overcome existing problems, so that the improvement of station management will more efficient. The research was conducted online by obtaining secondary data from sources on the internet, which were then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The research findings are analyzed to find out the problems that need to be overcome with the help of developed technology. The use of technology is to facilitate finding the visitor^s needs at the train station and increase their visual experience to obtain information so that the station manager can answer passengers^ expectations for the provision of facilities. In addition, the development of facilities with the system can make it easier for managers to control station operations. The application of technology which includes a smart management system as a governance system can improve the quality of public services at Pasar Senen Station so that it becomes more efficient.

Keywords: Station Facilities, Smart Management, Pasar Senen Station, Service Principles

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10 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-28

Connectivity And Energy Efficiency Applications in Apartment
Ferenitha, Afrillia Ratna (a)- Winandari, Maria Immaculata Ririk (b*)- Handjajanti, Sri (c)

Architecture Department, Universitas Trisakti, Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1, Grogol 11440


Apartment with compound buildings require good connectivity and energy efficiency. Both elements are needed for function optimalization. the Apartment design in certain locations requires comprehensive field data. In the pandemic situation, the difficulty of conducting field trips can be solved through digital surveys. This paper aims to show the process of implementing connectivity & energy efficiency in the apartments design that are done digitally. The descriptive qualitative method is used for this research. The case is an apartment area in Bekasi. the variables consist of layout, lighting, and water filtration. The results showed that the application of connectivity & energy efficiency in the Apartment Area is through a centralized open space as a buildings link as well as a place for water catchment, the Treated Water Tanks placement in each building, and the secondary skin design especially for the area that exposed directly to the sun.

Keywords: Connectivity- Energy Efficiency- Apartment- Bekasi

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11 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-32

Daylight Strategies and Design for Self-Isolation of COVID-19 in Dwelling
Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia, Erna Meutia, Zulhadi Sahputra, Teuku Zakiyul Maulana, Adelia, Iffah Aqila, Siti Afifah Mawaddah

Architecture, Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala


A dwelling as a self-isolation space becomes essential in the outbreak of COVID-19 to confirmed positive or asymptomatic patients. As Wirz-Justice et al (2020) argues that by its ultraviolet radiance can be considered as a disinfectant and drug to treat the immune system, daylight is needed to cure those patients. However, dwelling users in dense areas are struggling to be exposed to daylight in the right amount. This paper aims to propose and explore the daylight strategies and design of self-isolation space of dwelling in dense areas. The dwelling model is simulated and explored using Sefaira, Andrewmarsh PD: 3D Sun-Path and VELUX Daylight Visualizer 3. Sefaira is used to analyze the required level of energy to achieve the recommended level of comfort. Then, the daylight analysis is detailed using Andrewmarsh PD:Dynamic Daylight and VELUX Daylight Visualizer 3. The data obtained are used to explore the position and size of openings which let the required amount of daylight in particular time. As a final simulation and exploration, this paper provides strategies and design recommendations for a healthy space of self-isolation.

Keywords: COVID-19, daylight, dwelling, self-isolation space, simulation

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12 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-36

Daylight Strategies In Learning Space in Covid-19 Pandemic. Case Study: Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA)
Zulhadi Sahputra (a), Erna Meutia (b*) Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia (c), Putroe Shafwa (d), Andre Frananta (e), Dian Octaviana (f), Fitri Amelia (g)

Architecture, Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Aceh, Indonesia


Adaptation of new habits or new normal has a major impact in various sectors, including education. The learning process in all educational institutions either formal or non-formal, begins with blended learning, a combination of online and offline learning methods. By implementing health protocols, some educational institutions such as Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur^an (TPA) are conducted face-to-face learning, for example TPA As Sakinah in Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh and Balee Aleh Ba in Kajhu, Aceh Besar. The purpose of this study is to examine the adequacy of natural lighting in both TPA learning spaces. This study aims to assess the feasibility of learning activities in order to adapt to the covid-19 pandemic that still happens today. The method used the Andrewmarsh: Dynamic Daylight application to simulate and measure the adequacy of incoming light intensity. Based on observation data in the field, three-dimensional modeling simulation will be conducted for design improvement as an intervention in the adaptation of space functions with activities based on covid-19 pandemic conditions.

Keywords: New normal, Learning space, Daylight, COVID-19

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13 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-38

Evaluation of natural lighting and airflow of communal isolation houses for COVID-19. Case study: Isolation houses in Lam Neuheun Village, Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar, Aceh
Erna Meutia1, Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia2*, Zulhadi Sahputra3, Safura Mabrurah4, Sri Fathinanisa Iskandar5, Dzaky Al Wijdan Munthe6, Sarah Alya7

Universitas Syiah Kuala


Lam Neuheun Village, Kuta Baro, located in Aceh Besar, Aceh, is one of the villages in Aceh Besar district, Aceh that strongly supports the government in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Currently, the transmission of COVID-19 is extremely fast and widespread in rural areas. Therefore, the village apparatus along with the citizens formed several task forces responsible for the transmission of COVID-19. Otherwise, they provide communal isolation houses for isolation COVID-19 sufferers and village people who have just returned from a long trip. Based on several recent studies, including airflow and natural lighting into the room to prevent the transmission of covid-19. The airflow that flows through the opening can replace the air pollution in the room, while natural light other than lighting can also provide health effects for humans. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the intensity of natural lighting and airflow in communal isolation houses to the community during this pandemic. Natural lighting intensity and airflow will be measured using the Velux daylight visualizer and Andrewmarsh: Dynamic Daylight. Airflow will also be assisted by using a climate consultant to determine the movement of airflow around the building. Based on the simulation results using the Velux daylight visualizer, Andrewmarsh application: Dynamic Daylight and climate consultant based on a certain time can provide strategies and design recommendations for isolation and quarantine for the people of Lam Neuhen Village, Kuta Baro.

Keywords: Communal House, Isolation, Natural Lighting, Air flow

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14 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-40

Study of Air Flow on Natural Ventilation at Tawang Station Semarang
Hana Faza Surya Rusyda (a*), Ahmad Nur Sheha Gunawan (a), Reza Hambali W. Abdulhadi (a)

(a) School of Creative Industry, Telkom University, Jalan Telekomunikasi, Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257, Indonesia


Old buildings in Indonesia usually have wide and many openings, one of which is the Tawang Station building. Tawang Station is a colonial building that still functions as it should, located in the city of Semarang. The design of the building has many openings and is quite wide on each side. This proves that air movement is an important aspect of comfort. This research will examine the entry of air flow in the room with the current climatic conditions. The data from this study were obtained by surveys, media, and related literature. After that, the data is processed by simulating the model with Autodesk Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software. The analysis was carried out quantitatively. This research resulted in a simulation of air movement in natural ventilation systems in several rooms of Tawang Station. This proves that natural ventilation in each room affects air movement which depends on the location, surrounding atmosphere, and the placement of ventilation in the room, so this also affects thermal comfort.

Keywords: Air Movement- Natural Ventilation- CFD Simulation

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15 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-42

The Effect of Building Shape and Orientation on Energy Use at Sloped Sites in Tropical Climates Using Sefaira
Priyanka Azzahra (a*), Ariani Mandala (b)

a) Department of Architecture, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
Jalan Ciumbuleuit No.94, Kota Bandung 40141, Indonesia
b) Department of Architecture, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
Jalan Ciumbuleuit No.94, Kota Bandung 40141, Indonesia


One of the biggest contributors to energy usage are built infrastructures (up to 40%). Minimizing energy usage efficiently could reduce cost and give a better impact on the environment in terms of sustainability. As a tropical country that experiences sun exposure throughout the year, designing a building in Indonesia needs to respond to the impact of solar radiation inside the room for comfort and energy-saving effort. In addition, the topography of the site is considered throughout the process of designing a building, in which the site is located on sloped terrain (with a slant of 15 degrees celsius) and may influence the orientation and shape as it affects access to sunlight and view. This paper aims to identify which building orientation and shape of a project have the least energy usage during its preliminary phase on sloped terrains in tropical climate areas. 3 different building orientations (west-east, south-north, combination) and shapes are analyzed through experimental method by utilizing Sefaira as a plugin to Sketchup software using ASHRAE 90.1 - 2019 (ZONE 2) as material standard for the analysis. This research focuses on how a sloped site, as well as climate, affects building efficiency and how the orientation and shape of the building affect the building s energy consumption. Topography affects energy usage because differences in elevation of the ground have an impact on the building envelope from exposure to solar radiation. Moreover, orientation and the shape of a roof could also influence energy usage.

Keywords: site topography, orientation and shape, energy saving, sefaira

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16 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-60

Digital Simulation in Health Facility Architectural Design
Aprodita Emma Yetti (a*), Hapsari Wahyuningsih (b), Ardiansyah Rahmat Hidayatullah (b)

a) Architecture Study Program, Universitas ^Aisyiyah Yogyakarta.
Jl. Siliwangi no. 63, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Architecture Study Program, Universitas ^Aisyiyah Yogyakarta.
Jl. Siliwangi no. 63, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This paper describes the need and implementation of digital simulation in Indonesia^s architectural design of health facilities. The background of this research is based on the detail of complex architectural needs in planning and architectural design in health facilities. Simulation requirements are needed to support the analysis and design exploration stages in architectural design in health facilities. The digital simulation is expected to support the architectural planning process to produce effective, efficient, healthy, and practical designs for building and environmental comfort and optimizing health services. Using the literature review method, the results of this study are expected to contribute to designing and developing architecture in health facilities and being a reference material that is easily understood by the community and stakeholders.

Keywords: Digital simulation, architecture, healthcare facilities, design analysis.

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17 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-66

Digital Identification of Changes in Visual Landscape at the Borobudur Temple Compounds
Khaerunnisa, Mutiara Cininta

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


The Borobudur temple Compounds has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage since 1991. The visual landscape of the Borobudur temple Compounds is an inseparable part from the temple building itself. The vast visual landscape has been listed as one of the attributes of outstanding universal value that must be preserved. It includes the entire setting of the surrounding hills which becomes a part of the temple^s greater building complex, that makes it difficult to control changes. From the point of view of the locals, of course, it is very difficult to understand the urgency of controlling growth in order to maintain the sustainability of the Borobudur visual landscape. Until now, the spatial planning of the area has been regulated through the stipulation of Presidential Decree no. 58 of 2014, maintaining the integrity of the visual landscape of the Borobudur temple Compounds. However, if we rely on following the conservation corridor, regulating and managing changes in the Borobudur temple Compounds landscape will be very challenging to implement. This study aims to make digital identification of Borobudur Heritage Compounds^ visual landscape elements and to analyze the degree of acceptance from the perspective of cultural heritage conservationists and ordinary people regarding these changes. This research is expected to produce a definitive finding that can be used as a reference for controlled growth from a conservation point of view.

Keywords: Digital identification, cultural landscape

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18 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-72

Rony Gunawan Sunaryo, Anna Pudianti, Djarot Purbadi

Department of Architecture, Atmajaya University


Kasongan is known as the pottery village in Yogyakarta - believed to have a history of more than 3 centuries - has a uniqueness where craftsmen live and produce in the same location. The pressure of Yogyakarta^s urban agglomeration and globalization after the 1970s made this village rapidly transform from a craft village to a tourist village and then a tourism industry village. Economic and social changes towards the global market are indicated by changes in the typology of buildings and landscape of Kasongan. While on the other hand, Kasongan^s identity as an area that has historical potential in the pottery industry in Yogyakarta is still needed as significant capital for the principle of sustainable village development. This article aims to find the spatial types that have remained, changed and lost in Kasongan in the last 50 years. The locus is Dukuh Kasongan as the starting point for regional development and parts of Dukuh Kajen and Dukuh Sentanan which are currently growing more rapidly. The research uses the typology and morphology of the building and landscape to find spatial patterns and types: (1) patterns and types of spaces that persist as local identities, (2) patterns and types of spaces that change due to the context of the tourism industry and (3) patterns and types of spaces that are lost due to the context of the tourism industry. The first point is believed to be a potential local identity that can be developed in the context of a sustainable tourism industry village.

Keywords: Kasongan, type and pattern, local identity, the tourism industry

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19 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-73

Achmad Hadi Prabowo, Nurhikmah Budi Hartanti

Unuiversitas Trisakti


The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in radical changes in urban life. People are encouraged to avoid crowds and public activities, which have been forming the vitality of urban life. Vitality as quality is a factor that is avoided and controlled, it will certainly affect the design of urban public spaces considering that the Covid 19 pandemic is not yet known when it will end. The vitality of public space is the result of the interaction of activities, the physical environment, and meaning. Research shows that dusring the pandemic, the intensity of activity in urban public spaces has decreased significantly, especially in commercial areas, but there has been an increase in natural public spaces. In conditions of restrictions on activities in public spaces, then in the retrieval of data through cloud computing by accessing data from the cloud built by the institution using the internet. This paper will discuss the characteristics and factors that determine the vitality of the public Space with the case of DKI Jakarta. Sports, recreation, fulfillment of daily needs, and socialization as characteristics of the vitality of public spaces. While the vitality factor comes from the internal characteristics of the public space, namely flexibility, fulfillment of needs, diversity, and design. Meanwhile, mixed land use factors and accessibility to public facilities have no significant effect. The method used is quantitative with the data source coming from the cloud which is accessed via the internet.

Keywords: Public space, urban vitality factors, cloud computing

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20 Best practices of digital application in architectural works ABS-78

The Public Office Space Encounter Pandemic Covid-19 : Health, Design, And Technology
Rizka Tri Arinta, Prasasto Satwiko, Robert Riyanto W

Unika Soegijapranata


Pandemic situation nowadays is not the first time, and even the Covid-19 pandemic finally ended, it is already predicted that there will be the next pandemic will occur. historically the pandemics occurred are dominated by the process of spreading zoonoses which can spread either through air, water, or other media. As in the case of the Covid-19 pandemic, the virus has the character of spreading through the air. In the process of dealing with this pandemic, humans continue to strive the new solutions to break the chain of disease spreads. Many policies are implemented based on WHO recommendations, such as the implementation of new normal in daily activities. The new normal policy with Physical Distancing does not match the character of the people in Indonesia with the prevailing culture and norms, which can have a negative impact on the perception of maintaining physical distance during the pandemic. Space syntax is a method used to view the configuration of public service spaces in relation to interactions between users. From this research, it was found that the service room is the space that has the most interaction and the archive room is the space that has the least interaction. The high level of interaction in the service room is not supported by the comfortable quality of the spatial space, especially in relation to the standards set by WHO. This is a serious problem that must be considered by the local government and further research.

Keywords: Pandemi, Public Office Space, Space Syntax, Interaction

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21 Digital architect ABS-3

Post-Pandemic Digital Tourism Strategy Case Study: Borobudur Temple, Indonesia
Prof. Ir. Prasasto Satwiko, MBSc., Ph.D, Khaerunisa, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D, I Nengah Doni Adhitama, Theresia Emi Rahayu

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


The economy of developing country is highly dependent on tourism sector. Indonesia is one of the developing countries in Southeast Asia that is suffering from the impact of Covid-19. This study aimed to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and social influence on the respondent^s intention to enjoy the travel experience using digital technology. This paper takes Borobudur Temple as an example. This research applied quantitative methodology to discover which factors influence the level of tourists^ interest in using the tourism digital application guide. The results show that the most effective way to change tourist behavior is to provide convenience and service quality. The results also indicate that the habit in doing online transactions have no impact on tourist eagerness to use the new tourism system. This study provides analysis of online responsiveness to Covid-19 for preparing the post-pandemic digital tourism.

Keywords: digital tourism, post-pandemic tourism, tourist behavior, tourism system

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22 Digital architect ABS-6

Prof. Ir. Prasasto Satwiko, MBSc., Ph.D, Khaerunnisa, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D, Martinus Rio Wuriandono, Eldest Prapaska

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Jln. Babarsari No.44, Janti, Caturtunggal, Kec.Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281


Penyediaan rumah sederhana bagi masyarakat Indonesia berpenghasilan rendah telah menjadi perhatian pemerintah Indonesia sebagai penyedia perumahan sederhana selama bertahun-tahun. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi dengan adanya pola prilaku masyarakat Indondesia dalam siklus hidup seseorang/keluarga. Housing careers merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pola prilaku dan permintaan seseorang akan perumahan. Salah satu faktor tersebut dapat mempengaruhi pola kebutuhan ruang untuk dilakukan proses pengembangan/merenovasi rumah atau disebut dengan rumah tumbuh. Perkembangan teknologi arsitektur pada era modern terus berkembang diimbangi dengan meningkatnya kemajuan informasi dan teknologi 4.0. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah memberikan gagasan ide akan penggunaan aplikasi android arstitektur untuk masyarakat perumahan sederhana dalam melakukan merenovasi rumah yang kecenderungan dipengaruhi oleh housing careers seseorang. Metodologi penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari beberapa literatur dan dilakukan quisoner dengan pendekatan housing careers, push pull mooring (PPM) keberalihan penggunaan jasa arsitek ke aplikasi android. Sehingga dihasilkan bahwa rumah tumbuh di perumahan sederhana dipengaruhi oleh housing careers dan beralihnya jasa arsitek keaplikasi android arsitektur.

Keywords: Housing Careers- Rumah Tumbuh- Push Pull Mooring- Aplikasi Digital Arsitektur

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23 Digital architect ABS-9

F.X Geh Jiu1), Erik Kurniawan2)

1,2) Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Magister Arsitektur, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Telepati yang merupakan salah satu wujud komunikasi masih memiliki posisi yang dipertanyakan bagi
semua orang. Seiring kemajuan zaman, telepati menjadi suatu hal yang memungkinkan untuk dapat terjadi. Ilmu
arsitektur yang merupakan studi nyata dalam dunia akademis, sampai saat ini masih berusaha dikolaborasikan
dengan berbagai macam konsep dalam bidang keilmuan lainnya untuk menjawab dan memberikan solusi bagi
sebuah kasus kearsitekturan di masa yang akan datang. Tulisan ini berusaha mengeksploitasi aplikasi arsitektur
berbasis artificial intelligence yang dapat menerjemahkan pesan visual serta penerapannya di dalam dunia
arsitektur dan IOT (Internet of Things) melalui media baru telepati digital. Hasil yang diharapkan oleh peneliti
adalah dapat diciptakannya aplikasi baru yang memberikan manfaat lebih bagi para arsitek dan klien. Metode
yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian eksploratif.

Keywords: Telepati Digital, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Aplikasi Arsitektur

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24 Digital Architecture Gameworld, Hardware and software ABS-45

Visualizing Real 3D City Model into Playable Simulation in Games Cities : Skyline

Universitas Warmadewa


Urban modeling is a way to visualize and simulate urban areas to make it easier to analyze complex urban systems. Games Cities: Skyline as a CBG (City Building Game), can be used for the non-game purpose to simulates urban-related processes in a visually appealing 3D city environment in the field of urban planning and design. CBG offers an interactive way to visualize and simulate the city in playable ways. Using Denpasar City as a field study, The process of making the real 3D city model accurately into playable simulation requires geodata information. By using automatic geodata processing methods, the model is created by translates geographic information of city elements such as DEM (Data Elevation Model), road networks, vegetation, water sources, land use, etc are forming into Geographic Information System (GIS) data format. By using a game modification system (commonly called mod), the city geodata information is imported into the Cities: Skyline. There are two steps to create a playable city model that can be running in the game: firstly, importing the entire Denpasar City Geodata which will be generated automatically into the game, and the second is the post-production by manually modifying the model to make city model can be running in the game properly. The result is the Denpasar City model is accurately created based on geographic data and offer valuable simulation such as traffic simulation, population density, pollution, etc. And also, through the playable simulation, we could interactively design the ideal city based on real city simulation.

Keywords: City, Simulation, Playable, Geodata

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25 Digital Architecture Gameworld, Hardware and software ABS-64

Flexibility Digital Technologies to Modeling of Form in Biomimicry Architecture
Riri Chairiyah (a), Aprodita Emma Yetti (b), Indah Pujiyanti (b)

a) Program Study Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Siliwangi (Ringroad Barat) No. 63, Mlangi, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55292 Indonesia
b) Architecture Study Programme, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Ringroad Barat 63, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia


In the past, humans used nature as building inspiration. The inspiration of nature is translated into buildings through a trial and error process that is practically in the field to find the ideal shape that suits the natural conditions. Currently, the use of natural inspiration as an idea for the form of biomimicry architectural buildings is increasingly facilitated by increasingly sophisticated technological developments. One of the technologies currently used by biomimicry architects in designing is using computational equipment. Architects use computing equipment in the form of digital technology to facilitate the translation of design ideas, one of which is related to the translation of natural inspiration into the form of buildings. The aim of this paper is to formulate the level of flexibility in the use of various computing tools in creating natural-inspired building forms. The method used is literature review. So the results of this study are expected to help designers consider who will use digital technology tools to assist the form modelling process in designing buildings with biomimicry architecture.

Keywords: Digital Technology, Modeling of Form, Biomimicry Architecture

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26 Digital Modeling, simulation and fabrication ABS-4

Diffuse Material as a substitute for Indoor Sound Absorber
Frengky Benediktus Ola, Nimas Sekarlangit

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technic, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


In sound-conditioning in the room, three factors affect the quantity and quality of sound received by the listener: the sound source, shape, and space-forming material through 3 types of acoustic materials, namely, reflector, absorber, and diffuser. The presence of a diffuser can affect the absorption and crispness of the sound and the breakdown of sound energy. Although the space-forming corner also affects it. A room with space-forming corners elements allows for better sound quality, such as a room with a minimum flat area. This study raises the case of a prayer room with a volume of 3,500 m3. The structural factors of the existing building and the availability of funds require the use of the same material in the ceiling area. Based on these challenges, the problem in this study is to determine the effect of using planes and diffuse materials as a substitute for absorption materials. The methods used are simulation methods and comparative studies. The simulation uses CATT Acoustic to determine the need for acoustic quality in the room and then compares diffuse elements with the absorbent material model. The results showed that to absorb sound in the room could use diffuse material.

Keywords: Sound-conditioning, Diffuse Material, CATT Acoustic

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27 Digital Modeling, simulation and fabrication ABS-12

Shape Grammar for Cane Webbing Designs
Irma Desiyana, S.Ars., M.Arch.

Department of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


Using shape grammar for cane webbing design is the way of seeing its shape and doing cane webbing. The utilization of cane webbing, which is usually for furniture design, has potential use in the implementation of architectural design. When traditional handcrafters make cane webbing on a plane of furniture, the design can be generated and developed into a more complex architectural form. Shape grammar unfolds the possibility to explore creativity, both in the design process and computational thinking. Hence, this research explores cane webbing from two-dimensional on a plane into three-dimensional form. In this paper, the three-dimensional must have at least two planes where the application of cane webbing is attached to the plane. The first step is defining shape relation and shape rules of cane webbing design on a plane. After we determine the cane webbing grammar, we can apply it into a three-dimensional form, which opens possibilities and creativity for architectural design. In the end, this paper aims to combine craft and digital ways of cane webbing design into architectural design applications using shape grammar.

Keywords: Shape Grammar- Cane Webbing- Computational Design

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28 Digital Modeling, simulation and fabrication ABS-17

Secondary Skin Parametric Simulation on BIM-based Building Models for Building Energy Optimization
Erwin Yuniar Rahadian (a*), Nur Laela Latifah (a), Fajar Ikhwan Harnomo (b), Zakly Ibrahim Indraputra (a

a) Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (Itenas)
Jl. P.H.H. Mustofa No 23 Bandung, 40124, Indonesia
b) Department of Architecture, Faletehan University
Jl. Parakan Resik No.2, Batununggal, Bandung, 40266, Indonesia


The current building design is required to meet energy-saving criteria when operated. For this reason, it is very important to limit the external thermal load from solar heat radiation that enters through the skin of the building, one solution is through the application of a secondary skin. This study aims to find an alternative optimal facade design related to openings in the building facade protected by secondary skin to achieve energy savings in building operations, including air conditioning systems and artificial lighting. Secondary skin design analysis is carried out based on the theoretical basis of thermal comfort and experimental parametric simulations on building facade models based on Building Information Modeling while still paying attention to the aesthetic aspects of the building. The independent variable includes the secondary skin design, while the fixed variable is the building skin design, which consists of openings and massive walls. This experiment used ArchiCAD^s BIM software, as well as Rhino and Grasshopper for parametric simulation of secondary skin models and analysis of building energy optimization, using secondary climate and weather data. The benefits obtained are input in the design process based on the influence between the pattern and the density of the secondary skin on the building^s operational energy consumption.

Keywords: building information modelling, operational energy, parametric, secondary skin

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29 Digital Modeling, simulation and fabrication ABS-19

Criteria Formulation for a Web-based Assessment Tool for The Net-zero Healthy Building
Dyah Kusuma Wardhani, Susan

Universitas Ciputra


Indonesia has the potential to achieve net-zero energy building because it can meet building energy needs from sources that are cheap, available locally, do not cause pollution, and renewable, namely solar energy. The current pandemic conditions force the building design to adapt so that it can be a place that reduces virus transmission, safe and comfortable for its users. Likewise with the concept of net-zero energy building needs to be adapted to the concept of a healthy building. net zero building needs to consider the identification of indoor health aspects that affect the health and comfort of building occupants.
The purpose of this research is to formulate criteria for a user-friendly website-based initial assessment tool, to provide accurate recommendations and help the stakeholders to make a decisions regarding energy conditions and criteria for healthy buildings. The methods used in this research are observation, focus group discussions with stakeholders and a guide scheme formulation for the initial assessment tool. This initial assessment tool is expected to be able to simulate the achievement of energy efficiency for net-zero energy buildings and healthy buildings and produce outputs in the form of predictions of energy use and building design health conditions that can be used as a design decision-making.

Keywords: criteria, net-zero healthy building, web based assessment tool.

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30 Digital Modeling, simulation and fabrication ABS-29

Design and Modelling the Dynamic Structure of Bundaran Hang Nadim Landmark
Rizki Tridamayanti Siregar, M.Sc, Yasser Hafizs, M.Sc.

Department of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


Abstract-This study aims to discuss the form-finding process of a dynamic architectural object design in Batam city through parametric design. The parameters include geometry, material specifications and data based on the site context. This research has two stages, geometry analysis in the design phase and geometric rationalization to become a reference material for the construction process. This paper elaborates the different challenges for the designers to simplify the construction process and outlines the stages of construction with the help of model analysis and algorithmic framework to handle them in a project workflow efficiently. Furthermore, this study can be used as a design guide for research based on the architecture design and provide the potential to build the plan following the initial setup.

Keywords: dynamic structure, workflow, design, form-finding process, construction, free-form

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