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Shape Grammar for House Facade in Urban Kampung Context: Responding to Private-Public Activities on the Alley, Tambora, Jakarta
Irma Desiyana, S.Ars., M.Arch.

Department of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


The shape grammar can reveal the socio-spatial uniqueness that molds the elements of the house facade in a dense area of urban kampung, Jakarta. Daily activities and needs have gradually impacted the shape of the house facade. Tambora in Jakarta is a highly dense population and building, where the limited space has blurred between private and public activities in the urban kampung. The house facade is diverse and unique that represents milieu, economic, and social conditions. Besides, the grassroots adjust their house facade based on their needs more than aesthetic value. By eliminating decoration, the house facade depicts the activities and relationships inside and outside and manifests in geometric shapes, such as openings, edges, and depth. This research excludes the roof as part of the facade because there is no activity inside it. Hereafter, the grammar of house facade might respond to daily life and needs in the urban kampung. The first step is categorizing the elements of the facade and the socio-spatial aspects to define shape rules. Then, mapping the activities and needs in front of the house to delineate shape relation. In the end, the use of shape grammar for analyzing intends to comprehend the correlation between the geometric shape of the facade and the socio-spatial uniqueness of urban kampung.

Keywords: Shape Grammar- Urban Kampung- House Facade

Topic: Best practices of digital application in architectural works

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