Hologram Virtual Modelling With Artificial Intelligence In Architecture
Prasasto Satwiko(a1), Khaerunnisa(b2), Jerry Christian Poli(b3)

Pascasarjana Arsitektur, Universitas Atma Jaya Jogjakarta


Abstrack: The potential for artificial intelligence or AI in the world of architecture is very high so that in modeling or in designing speed, accuracy, reality and instantiation are very much needed in the world of architecture. Almost all architects really need time in designing as well as accuracy and complex modeling. In designing an object, architects often start from 2D images and convert to 3D after becoming 3D, they make virtual animations, but these steps take a long time so timeliness is important. Artificial intelligence or Automation plays an important role in the world of architecture with technology, time is no longer a problem because it can reduce the duration of time in designing and with Hologram modeling architects are very easy to organize in objects with satisfying results. Architects instantly replace building objects with ease due to AI technology features. In this technology, architects can directly and instantaneously design and can change materials and concepts in objects. Artificial intelligence does make it easier for architects to design and make work easier.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Modeling, 3D, Hologram, Architecture Virtual

Topic: AR, VR, Mixed reality

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