Safeguarding Borobudur Temple Compounds through Digital Architecture
Mutiara Cininta(a*), Khaerunnisa (a)

a). Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Although the Borobudur temple compounds are often considered a world-class tourist attraction, in essence, it is a very fragile archeological world heritage site. The decaying of the temple building itself and gradual changes at the other attributes of may threatened its outstanding universal value that has been registered by UNESCO since 1991. Thus far, maintaining the integrity of the visual landscape of the Borobudur temple complex is only carried out through the stipulation of Presidential Decree no. 58 of 2014, which regulates spatial planning in the area. In the implementation, it is challenging to regulate and manage changes in the Borobudur temple landscape area according to the conservation corridor. The many OUV attributes that need to be preserved surely adding more complexity of the preservation technique in Borobudur temple compounds. For instance, the temple complex was designated as a super priority tourism destination in 2018, which now triggered the growth of new developments in the Borobudur temple area to support the tourism aspect. Heritage Impact assessment is a tool to measure the impact caused by projects or developments on Outstanding Universal Value in cultural heritage areas. Using measurable data that only rely on the conservation corridor will become an invalid assessment instrument to determine the impact of development, both now and in the future. Meanwhile, the latest development of the emerging digital technologies in architecture may offer possibilities for researchers in safeguarding the Borobudur temple compound through technology optimization. This paper aims to evaluate the possible roles of digital architecture technologies in preserving the outstanding universal value in the Borobudur Temple Compounds.

Keywords: digital architecture- conservation- heritage compounds

Topic: AR, VR, Mixed reality

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