Daylight Strategies In Learning Space in Covid-19 Pandemic. Case Study: Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA)
Zulhadi Sahputra (a), Erna Meutia (b*) Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia (c), Putroe Shafwa (d), Andre Frananta (e), Dian Octaviana (f), Fitri Amelia (g)

Architecture, Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Aceh, Indonesia


Adaptation of new habits or new normal has a major impact in various sectors, including education. The learning process in all educational institutions either formal or non-formal, begins with blended learning, a combination of online and offline learning methods. By implementing health protocols, some educational institutions such as Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur^an (TPA) are conducted face-to-face learning, for example TPA As Sakinah in Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh and Balee Aleh Ba in Kajhu, Aceh Besar. The purpose of this study is to examine the adequacy of natural lighting in both TPA learning spaces. This study aims to assess the feasibility of learning activities in order to adapt to the covid-19 pandemic that still happens today. The method used the Andrewmarsh: Dynamic Daylight application to simulate and measure the adequacy of incoming light intensity. Based on observation data in the field, three-dimensional modeling simulation will be conducted for design improvement as an intervention in the adaptation of space functions with activities based on covid-19 pandemic conditions.

Keywords: New normal, Learning space, Daylight, COVID-19

Topic: Best practices of digital application in architectural works

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