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1 arts ABS-11

Farida Mayar

Universitas Negeri Padang


Creativity for early childhood is currently constrained by various kinds of influences on what children see and imitate, for that children^s creativity is seen from the way children are in the process of activities they do, Art is a process in distributing themselves through expression and creativity. Art for early childhood is a medium for knowing and understanding the world around them. Through art children have full opportunities to be actively involved by exploring and expressing their understanding in a fun way, Children^s freedom of expression and bringing their understanding in a fun way. Children^s freedom in expression is the main key that supports the growth of creativity so it must be ensured that teachers and parents do not give too many instructions, let them produce works freely according to their ideas and creativity. a which is part of art activities, where craft art is an activity that produces works of art using hands through various art media. In this craft art media children can identify building and connect knowledge, interests and experience. a very broad opportunity for children to explore, experiment and find out using all their senses, craft art can have a positive influence on all aspects of development including self-concept development, collaboration skills, collaboration, cultural identity and appreciation, the work made by children is a reflection ideas, imagination, critical thinking skills, problem solving, knowledge and experience

Keywords: Developing Early Childhood Creativity Craft Arts

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2 Character ABS-6

Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Karakter Islam Moderat pada Anak Usia Dini
Gusnarib Wahab (a*), Hikmatur Rahmah (b), M. Iksan Kahar (b)

a) Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu
Jalan Diponegoro No. 23 Palu, Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu
Jalan Diponegoro No. 23 Palu, Indonesia


The inculcation of character values and wisdom in early childhood is a very urgent matter because, it is our shared responsibility that in children^s daily lives will be reflected in the attitudes and behavior of children and how to deal with personal problems. Education as a process of intelligence through learning so that teachers and parents must be responsible for making a person not only know the values of goodness alone, but can make the children realize the values of virtue in daily life for the realization of tough characters and noble personality. Learning moderate Islamic character values can be carried out properly and maximally when all parties. Cooperating and doing the same through a policy or regulation of school leaders, as a policy maker and the interests of an educational institution based on values. Basically learning activities, in addition to making students master competencies (material) that are targeted, are also designed to make students know, realize or care, and can internalize values and make them behave in their lives.

Keywords: Character, Moderate Islam, Early Childhood

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3 Character ABS-30

Analisis Pengunaan Media Berbasis Teknologi dalam Mengenalkan Budaya Minangkabau Sumbang Duo Baleh Anak Usia Dini
Sri Hartati (a*), Desmawati Roza (b)

Padang State University Faculty of Education


Technology-based media can be used to introduce the local culture of Donor Duo Baleh which reflects the attitudes and behaviors that should be applied by children in Minangkabau culture. This introduction is intended so that children understand the concept fundamentally so that they are able to place themselves completely as cultured people in society and become role models for future generations. This study aims to analyze the use of technology-based media in introducing Minangkabau culture of discord duo baleh to early childhood. This study uses a qualitative description method with data collection techniques through interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that the use of technology-based media can assist teachers in achieving learning objectives. The learning was carried out effectively and enthusiastically by the children and even the duo baleh taught the children to conform to the moral values of the Minangkabau culture. This must be applied by the Minangkabau community wherever they are as an identity or characteristic of the Minangkabau community.

Keywords: Technology-based media- Minangkabau culture- Donate Duo Baleh

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4 Character ABS-50

Integration of Anti-Corruption Education in Islamic Religious Education with a Neuroscience Approach (Multi-Case Study at Asy Syifa 2 Kindergarten Bandung)
laely indriyani, rudiyanto

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abstract :
This study aims to integrate Anti-Corruption Education and Islamic Religious Education with a neuroscience approach at the level of Early Childhood Education. A qualitative approach is used in research at Asy Syifa Kindergarten 2 Bandung. Observation, interview and documentation techniques were used in collecting research data. By analyzing the data descriptively, interpretively and comparatively, the results of the study show that the application of Anti-Corruption Education in Asy Syifa 2 Kindergarten 2 is carried out by following the National Movement for Learning I^m an Honest Child while Islamic Religious Education is carried out scientifically but the two have not been integrated. Integration is carried out between Anti-Corruption Education and Islamic Religious Education by using the expansion of various forms of corruption into the learning theme of Islamic Religious Education based on neuroscience learning theory.

Keywords: Islamic education, anti-corruption, neuroscience, and early childhood

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5 Character ABS-53

Reduce hyperactive behavior in early childhood with bibliotherapy
Netrawati1, Firman2, Yarmis Syukur3, Yeni Karneli4, Gusti Rahayu5

Universitas Negeri Padang


The background of this research is the case of a child who disturbs the teacher and his friends at school with hyperactive behavior such as running in class, sitting at the table when the teacher explains the lesson which makes the learning atmosphere disturbed. For this reason, a bibliotherapy method is needed that is given by the counselor to minimize bad behavior to become good. The research method used in this research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The purpose of this study is to get an idea of how the behavior of hyperactive children is, how the solution is and whether bibliotherapy techniques can help change the behavior of hyperactive children. Based on the results of research that has been done, it is known that one of the causes of the formation of hyperactive behavior in children is the lack of introduction to discipline from parents.

Keywords: early childhood, bibliotherapy, and hyperactivity

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6 cognitive ABS-22

The Impact of Gedget Use on Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Aisyah Oktavia Siregar, Yaswinda

Universitas Negeri Padang


The current era is a time where technology is growing so that technology users can more easily search for many things, both nationally and internationally, with ease and in a short time. This results in a change in the mindset and behavior of humans. One of the technological tools that influence human behavior is a gadget. Gadget is a technological tool that can be used to find information and communicate. Gadgets not only change the behavior of adults but children as well. Early childhood tends to like new things and interesting games that he can find in gadgets. At this time children spend more time with gadgets which will certainly affect children^s development, especially in children^s cognitive development. Parents must supervise the use of gadgets by children so that the negative impacts caused by gadgets can be avoided. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of gadgets on early childhood cognitive using the literature study method. The literature study uses reference sources, namely articles, journals, and documents that are relevant to the problem to be studied by the researcher. The results of this study are that the gadget facilities provided by parents for early childhood really need close supervision so that the impact of gadgets does not have a negative impact that can hinder children^s cognitive development. So, parents can make gadgets as a fun learning medium for children that can improve their cognitive abilities.

Keywords: the impact of gadgets, cognitive development, early childhood

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7 cognitive ABS-23

The Effect of Using Loose Parts Media on Critical Thinking Skills in Children aged 5-6 Years in Kindergarten Learning
Meiza Anggi Trinanda (a*), Yaswinda (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


Learning in early childhood education today should adapt to technological advances or the competency framework of the 21st century. The application of current learning that prioritizes High Order Thinking Skills as the main capital to compete in the 21st Century. Critical thinking in children is a very important ability and is needed so that Children are able to solve problems with a careful and thorough attitude and have different points of view. The current phenomenon in recent years is that asurvey has been conducted Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the results show that Indonesia occupies 64th position consisting of 72 countries that have been reviewed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Therefore, learning must be able to hone children^s critical thinking skills in learning. one way is with the support of learning media, namelymedia loose parts. Media loose parts is a medium which is suitable and readily available in the environment around the child without the cost of expensive. media loose parts come from natural materials or materials that can be recycled. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of pre-experimental research. The research design used one group pretest-posttest.

Keywords: Critical thingking, Loose parts media

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8 cognitive ABS-57

Dadan Suryana, Rahma Tika, Eka Kusuma Wardani

Universitas Negeri Padang


A learning environment that is intentionally designed to stimulate children to behave creatively will usually stimulate children to think creatively. In achieving a higher quality education, education management is needed in order to be able to mobilize the potential that exists in education. Among them in planning, management and implementation. The method in this study is library research, which is a type of research related to theoretical studies and scientific reference literature that is associated with values, norms, and cultures that develop according to the situation under study. In order to develop creativity, it is necessary to arrange a creative ECE environment that can support increasing the creativity of the golden age. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention to the arrangement of the environment, the provision of media that can support children^s creativity, besides that teachers also need to pay attention to the characteristics of media that are adapted to the stage of development or needs of children so that in the implementation of learning children will feel happy, comfortable, explorative and can continue to develop their creativity.

Keywords: Keywords- Management- Environment -Creativity

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9 cognitive ABS-59

Urgensi Komunikasi Efektif Orangtua dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Anak Usia Dini

Universitas Negeri Padang


Effective communication between parents and children is very important in determining the development of children. This happens because the communication that occurs is two-way, namely where the meaning that is stimulated is the same or similar to that intended by the communicator (parents) or the sender of the message (children). This study aims to analyze the use of technology-based media in introducing Minangkabau culture of discord duo baleh to early childhood. This study uses a qualitative description method with data collection techniques through interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that the task of parents in nurturing and educating children will be carried out well when using effective communication. The learning and knowledge conveyed by parents will determine the development of children^s intelligence so that everything that is conveyed by parents will be well received by the child

Keywords: Effective Communication- Parent- Intelligence- Early childhood

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10 curriculum ABS-21

Formative Test of Cognitive Development Method Modules for ECE Students
Mukti Amini

Universitas Terbuka


The Cognitive Development Methods is a course that is quite difficult for students of the ECE study program at Universitas Terbuka who are required to be able to learn independently. Therefore, improvements are needed to teaching materials to make it easier for students to achieve the expected competencies. The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials cognitive development methods that are following the conditions and developments of the latest science. This development was carried out on a multi year basis using the Borg & Gall model, and this study is the 9th step of the model, namely the formative test, which is using of one to one evaluation with experts and users. The results of one to one evaluation generally state that the teaching materials Cognitive Development Method is good in terms of the map of competence, the accuracy of technical concepts and terms of the field of science, the conformity of the material with the characteristics of Universitas Terbuka^s students, clarity of summary, description of small tasks, and the accuracy of key test answers. However, this teaching material still requires improvements in terms of accuracy of competency formulation, conformity of concepts and theories with standards for the course (ECE program standards in Indonesia), clarity of problem training, and lack of illustrations and images. So it can be concluded that this cognitive development method still requires further refinement before use.

Keywords: teaching materials- cognitive development

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11 Development ABS-9

The Role of Fathers in Early Childhood Language Development during a Pandemic
Andrea Reza (a)- Farida Mayar (b)

a. faculty of Science Education, Padang State University, Indonesia
b. faculty of Science Education, Padang State University, Indonesia


The father is the head of the family who has a very important role. Apart from being a breadwinner, fathers also play an important role in all matters including early childhood language development. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced all sectors to adapt, including family life. Even father figures have to adapt their household to the rapidly changing conditions that result in a more intensive relationship between fathers and their children. The purpose of this study was to obtain a descriptive description of the role of fathers in children^s language development, especially during a pandemic. The writing of this article uses descriptive methods and source analysis as the basis for research. The subjects of the study were 50 fathers who on average had children aged 5-6 years. By using qualitative data analysis and data collection used is observation and filling out questionnaires sent via a google form. The results of the study were that during the pandemic, fathers spent a lot of time playing with their children, such as guessing, telling stories, and watching cell phones together. In addition, some of them continue to work to meet the needs of their families without neglecting activities with their children even though the children are closer to their mothers.

Keywords: The role of father, language development- the COVID-19 pandemic

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12 Development ABS-10

Dampak Pandemi terhadap Lembaga PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini)
Vivi Marlina

Universitas Negeri Padang


Education is a deliberate and well-thought-out effort to create a learning environment and learning process in which students actively develop their potential for religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills required by themselves, their community, nation, and state. Learning is defined as the process of a learner interacting with learning material. The learning process has transformed as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic. According to a circular letter from the Ministry of Education and Culture, a School from Home policy (SFH) has been implemented, which has resulted in a number of issues, one of which is a decline in the number of students enrolled in various PAUD institutions.

Keywords: Early childhood education institutions, pandemic, number of students

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13 Development ABS-29

Family Resilience in Families with Early-Age Children during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Aghnia Farrassyania Azhar. & Dr. Euis Kurniati, M.Pd

Indonesia University of Education (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


During the Covid-19 pandemic, studies on Family Resilience are significant because every family has its own challenges in dealing with the pandemic and is required to be able to adapt, overcome, and rise from the various difficulties and challenges. Especially in families with early- age children, it is needed to prevent children from growing up in traumatic situations that can cause hardships in their developmental process. The purpose of this literature- based study is to investigate the literatures on Family Resilience in families with early- age children. The data collection and analysis were carried out qualitatively by reading, reviewing, and quoting relevant ideas from related journals. The results of the study showed that giving meaning to the difficulties that occur, positive thinking, and spiritualization are the three essential areas in building family resilience and can be involved in the family^s response to the Covid-19 pandemic by considering the development of children.

Keywords: Family Resilience, the Covid-19 Pandemic, Early-Age Children

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14 Development ABS-33

Multicultural Education, Early Childhood Education
Maiyida Safita(a*), Dadan Suryana(b*)

Universitas Negeri Padang


The purpose of this study is to discuss further related to the importance of multicultural education in early childhood educators. Multicultural Education aims to make children have mutual respect and tolerance in society from various cultures in Indonesia. One of the most appropriate alternatives in implementing multicultural-based education is in early childhood education institutions, because early childhood is the most appropriate period in developing all aspects of child development and the formation of the best character for children. Therefore, this study examines further the importance of multicultural education in early childhood education. This research uses literature study research, using several research sources in the form of articles and journals that were previously researched. This study focuses on the importance of Multicultural Education in early childhood education. This is an important part for children because it can form good character and personality in the future. This is evidenced by the results of previous researchers that are relevant to the importance of Multicultural Education in early childhood education.
Keywords: Multicultural Education, Early Childhood Educator

Keywords: Multicultural Education, Early Childhood Education

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15 Development ABS-55

Yaswinda and Yufiarti

Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aims to describe the effect of science learning based on multisensory-ecology-that can improve the social-emotional abilities of Kindergarten children. This research uses a mix method research method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively using Miles and Huberman. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically using t-test. The results of interview data with teachers and open observations can be seen that children become more orderly in queues, complete work/tasks to completion, and dare to appear in front of the class or in front of friends.The conclusion of the study is that science learning based on multisensory-ecology can improve the socio-emotional skills of group A children at Aisyiyah Kindergarten Busthanul Athfal 86 Cipayung, Jakarta.

Keywords: instructional model, science, multisensory-ecology, kindergarten

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16 emotional ABS-14

Vivi Anggraini1, Adi Priyanto2, Yulsyofriend3

1)PG PAUD, FIP, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang
3)PG PAUD, FIP, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang


Parents are examples and role models for children. They will follow what their parents do. The role of a father is very important in raising children, if without a balance between the roles of mother and father, it is feared that the child will grow up not according to our expectations. The role of the father is indeed so crucial for the growth of a child considering that there are many fathers who do not want to be involved and think that the affairs of the child are the business of a mother. The relationship between father and children is established if there is regular interaction. Father^s attention and time also greatly affect the bonding between children and fathers. Father will be a figure so that children are able to learn discipline, firm, independent and responsible. And when children involve fathers when they are doing something they can better tolerate stress and frustration, are better at problem solving, and have better control over their emotions and impulses. early childhood education programs.

Keywords: fatherhood,. Emotional development of children, kindergarten

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17 emotional ABS-58

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence Stimulation in Early Childhood When Back to School After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nur Hazizah, Sri Murni, Rismareni Pransiska

Universitas Negeri Padang
STKIP Bandar Lampung


The purpose of this study was to see the importance of stimulation given to early childhood to prepare for returning to school. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the teaching and learning process has started to return to normal along with the sloping of incoming cases. Many children are not emotionally ready to go to school because they are comfortable with the atmosphere of learning at home. Based on the analysis, the researchers found that the emotional readiness of children to start school is very important in supporting academic achievement, the better the children emotionally such as being brave, confident, independent, responsible, and disciplined, the easier it is to provide stimulation to the initial concepts that must be mastered by children. . For this reason, the need for appropriate stimulation for early childhood emotional intelligence as readiness to enter school after the COVID-19 pandemic

Keywords: Emotional stimulation, back to school after covid-19

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18 Health ABS-36

Clean and Health Behaviour in Early Childhood during COVID-19 Pandemic
Aisah karunia rahayu (a*), ocih setiasih (b)

a. Early childhood education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, bandung jawabarat
b. Early childhood education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, bandung jawabarat


This study is about clean and health behaviour in early childhood during COVID-19 Pandemic in Panyileukan District, Bandung City. The method used qualitative with a case study design by three children participants three children who gas aged 5-6 years. Data were collected through interviews and documentations in the form of photos of Clean and health behaviour in early childhood. The analysis was carried out based on four indicators, there are: washing hands, disposing of trash in place, physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables. Data shows that children^s Clean and health behaviour in early childhood is quite low, especially in indicators of disposing of rubbish in place and consuming fruits and vegetables. The recommendation from this research is necessary to involve parents and the environment in maintaining and supervising children to get used clean and healthy behaviour. In addition, parents also to be a role models in order to provide understanding children about the dangers caused if they do not get used clean and healthy behaviour from an early age.

Keywords: Clean and Health Behaviour, early childhood

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19 Health ABS-54

Stunting Prevention Strategy Through Processed Cork Fish for Parents in Kenagarian Kinali, Kinali District, West Pasaman
Serli Marlina

Universitas Negeri Padang


This training is based on the fact that the West Pasaman area is the area with the highest stunting cases in West Sumatra. Prevention and handling of stunting cases are dominantly centered in the district so that areas far from the district center are often unreachable. Especially during this pandemic, training activities are limited. Prevention of the increase in stunting cases is also hampered. Poverty arising from this pandemic has triggered an increase in stunting cases in Kenagarian Kinali. The solution offered is to provide knowledge and skills in preventing stunting through processed snakehead fish which can later be applied by posyandu cadres during their routine activities and parents in daily life and can be sold to increase family income. Processed snakehead fish was chosen because this fish is very easy and cheap to find by the community. This fish lives in swamps in the kinali area and so far it has only been used as a complement to staple food so that it is less attractive to children. By processing this fish into interesting and delicious food and high nutritional value so that this fish can be consumed by children and the surrounding community. And the biggest benefit of this fish is its high nutritional content so it is very effective for stunting prevention.
The implementation method given as the realization of the solution is using the lecture method, problem solving method, direct practice and demonstration. The description of the training activities is to provide counseling, education about stunting and the importance of preventing stunting from an early age. Direct practice activities by demonstrating how to process snakehead fish to prevent stunting. The targeted output plans are one scientific article published in a national journal, one article on mass/electronic media and an activity video with a maximum duration of 5 minutes. Additional outputs are increasing the application of science and technology in the community and processed snakehea

Keywords: Stunting Prevention- Processed Cork Fish- Strategy

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20 language ABS-20

The Development of Scientific-Based Pop-Up Book Media on the Speaking Ability of Children aged 5-6 Years
Vebionita Megi Putri (1) & Yaswinda (2)

a) Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


The development of learning media in the world of education is increasingly varied, so that it can help children grow and develop. However, learning media that are devoted to the development of speaking skills of children aged 5-6 years using a scientific approach are very difficult to find, innovations in renewal of learning media are a concentration that must be considered in the world of education, especially Early Childhood Education. The purpose of this study is to produce a scientific-based Pop-Up Book learning media to develop the speaking skills of children aged 5-6 years. This paper uses research and development (R&D) with a product development orientation, data collection techniques include validation, observation, and questionnaires using data analysis techniques to determine the level of effectiveness, density and attractiveness of the product. The results obtained from this study are to produce Pop-up Book media that can help improve the speaking skills of children aged 5-6 years using a scientific approach.

Keywords: Pop-up Book, Kemampuan Berbicara, Pendekatan Saintifik

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21 learning ABS-2

Children^s Voice About the Discourse of Learning from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Desvi Wahyuni (a*), Rahmah Novianti (b)

(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(b) Universitas PGRI Palembang


Since the Covid-19 pandemic has spread throughout the world, there have been changes in people^s lifestyles. Not only people^s lifestyles, the covid pandemic has also changed the education system at all levels, both secondary education and Early Childhood Education (ECE). This system change was realized through an appeal from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) about learning from home with the aim of preventing the spread of the virus through interactions at school. After more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading in Indonesia, schools will reopen from July 2021. However, the daily number of Covid-19 patients continues to increase to date. So the possibility of the implementation of face-to-face schools will be delayed again. The purpose of this article is to find out the opinion of children regarding the policy of learning from home that they have done in the past year. By using the method of policy analysis and interviews, this article is expected to provide an overview of the current education system and the fulfillment of children^s rights to education.

Keywords: Learning from home Policy, Children^s Voice, Covid-19 Pandemic

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22 learning ABS-17

The Impact of Government Policies on the Implementation of Early Childhood Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period on Street Children in the City of Bandung
Lia Aprilianti, Vina Adriany, Euis Kurniati

Department of Early Childhood Educatihool of Postgraduate Studies. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This paper discusses the impact of government policies on ECE regarding street children in the city of Bandung in which education is being held entirely online due to the covid-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic that has devastated the world, including Indonesia, has had a significant impact on various aspects of life, one of which is education. Education services during the pandemic are enforced where parents have become the companions of children during the learning process. This policy requires children and parents to be more aware in using educational support devices such as smartphones and laptops, as well as ensure the availability of internet networks. Through a focused ethnographic approach with a post-structuralist perspective, this study finds that the Indonesian government^s policy has actually sharpened the differences between students from the lower middle class and the upper middle class. Moreover, instead of continuing to fairly provide education for all students, online education actually puts street children of early ages in an even worse condition, unable to even access proper education.

Keywords: street children, education policy, covid-19 pandemic

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23 learning ABS-18

Discovering the Properties of Light through the Ray of Light Learning in the Reggio Emilia Approach in Early Childhood Education
Sherin Maudri Asy^ari (a)*, Yeni Rachmawati (b)

Indonesia University of Education
Postgraduate school
Early Childhood Education Study Program
Dr. Setiabudhi street number 229 Bandung 40154


This research is driven by teachers^ understanding that optics learning is a difficult subject to be introduced to early childhood students. The reasons why it has not been delivered in early childhood education are the limited sources of teaching materials, the lack of understanding in the importance of learning the subject, and the lack of knowledge about how to orient learning activities according to children^s ages. Other factors causing the learning of the subject has not been well-implemented are the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructures, limited innovation, motivation, and creativity of teachers in implementing learning that utilizes light and the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study is to find out learning activities that can be carried out to investigate the properties of light through the ray of light atelier in the Reggio Emilia approach in early childhood education. This study employed qualitative research model that produces information in the form of descriptive data records by providing clear and systematic descriptions. The data collection techniques used were literature studies and structured interviews. The results indicated that learning the properties of light is not a difficult material for children if carried out appropriate to the children^s developmental stage by providing new, interesting and fun learning experiences for children.

Keywords: The Properties of Light, the Ray of Light Learning, the Reggio Emilia approach

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24 learning ABS-37

Does Learning Loss in Early Childhood Really Happen in Early Childhood during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Roby Naufal Arzaqi, Nur Faizah Romadona

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Learning during the COVID19 pandemic through online and learning from home has several challenges and risks of learning loss that have a longterm impact.To evaluate this, we conducted a thorough analysis of the loss of recorded learning evidence documented between March 2020 and August 2021.This systematic review aimed to gather available data and documents that are currently reported in the literature study.Given its urgency, 6 studies were identified: Five of them found evidence of student loss among at least some of the participants.The remaining studies found significant reductions in aspects of early childhood cognitive and academic achievement. In addition, four of the studies observed increasing gaps in which certain student demographics experienced more significant learning loss than others.There is a decrease in the level of participation of children and parents in following online and the number of learning hours decreases.It was decided that further research was needed to increase the number of studies produced, their geographic focus, and the number of students they observed.

Keywords: learning loss, early childhood

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25 learning ABS-38

Giat Bergerak Mobile Application An Effective Solution from Students UPI for Young Learners to Develop Motoric Skills in Pandemic Era
Rika Ar Nurazka (a*) Firda Rahmadini (a) Ismika Nuri Hisyam (a) Sirli Fitriani (b) Ilda Zamil (b) Rr. Deni Widjayatri (a)

a) Teacher Education Early Childhood Education , Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154.
b) Primary School Teacher Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154.


Giat Bergerak is an android-based application with a cargo of video animation of the steering and educational games a variety of gross and fine motor movement, as well as health and safety information children aged 4-6 years, with reference to the Level of Achievement of the Development of the Child contained in Permendikbud No. 137 2014. This application is developed by five students of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia especially at (Kampus Serang) in the Student Creativity Program for Research in the Humanities (PKM-RSH) in 2021 based on empirical studies in the field of early childhood education (ECD) that are affected by the pandemic Covid-19. Giat Bergerak comes as a form of contribution in helping to develop motor skills of children aged 4-6 years, namely as a medium of digital, interactive, innovative and practical. The results of the assessment Conclusion, an Giat Bergerak can help develop motor skills of children aged 4-6 years. Using the method of R&D (Research and Development) with the development model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). As for after the Giat Bergerak tested on children, parents and kindergarten teachers at TK Labschool UPI Serang, Banten it can be concluded that this application is feasible to be used for the preschooler as the stimulation of the development of the motor, maintaining the health of self and the environment and preventive measures for disaster management. Therefore Giat Bergerak an application using a mobile phone then we recommend when using the accompanied by an adult and remain mindful of screentime.

Keywords: Giat Bergerak, Motor Development, R&D Method

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26 literacy ABS-12

Yulsyofriend, Vivi Anggraini, Mafardi

PG PAUD, FIP, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang. FKIP Univesitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat


Covid 19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory tract and causes people to limit activities such as school. In PAUD, it certainly has an impact on children^s literacy abilities, this is because children are less able to understand learning through distance learning. Based on field observations that occurred in Kindergarten in Bukittinggi, there is a low literacy ability of children, it can be seen that children have not been able to recognize numbers 1-10, children have not been able to recognize vowels. The research design was carried out 1 year in a row in Kindergarten group A aged 4-5 years. This research is in the form of research and development using the ADDIE model with the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Based on research data from the use of thematic-based song animation media- The results show that children^s mathematical logic intelligence is developing. Literacy development can be developed through animation media in children^s songs which are designed according to the theme of AUD learning. The use of animation media in songs can attract children^s interest to use their imagination so that they are able to express ideas. Thematic-based animation media is a fun activity for small children.

Keywords: Development,. Literacy,. Thematic-based song animation media

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27 literacy ABS-44

Early Literacy Practice in Kindegartens in rural areas, West Sumatra Indonesia
Elise Muryanti

Universitas Negeri Padang


This study examines the practice of introducing literacy in Kindergarten in rural areas in West Sumatra province, Indonesia. From the literature study, it shows that there is still limited research on literacy development practices in rural areas in West Sumatra. The research question that will be investigated is: ^how do teachers involve and introduce and engage literacy to children^. This study uses a qualitative approach and data collected by observation, document analysis and teacher interviews. The setting of kindergartens were in the small town in South Solok were located in West Sumatra province. Data from the study revealed that in the rural area of South Solok Regency found that teachers developed literacy in Kindergarten with various methods and media. The study shows that literacy activities carried out dominantly through playing and storytelling activities. The media used in literacy development are printed media such as books and pictures. However, using technology in developing literacy is still limited. Teachers prefer to use printed media such as books, picture cards in introducing literacy to children rather than using computer technology. Lack of availability of ICT technology are shown as the obstacle to use ICT for literacy activities in the kindegartens. The Movement of Ministry of Education with literacy program (Gerakan literasi Sekolah) are less supported by computers and ICT facilities lead to limited taught technology literacy in Solok region. Therefore it is recommended that the stake holders prioritize rural areas to be considered in the provision of assistance to support ministry of Education literacy programs since early childhood by providing aid and facilities for ICT technology in rural kindergartens.

Keywords: Literacy, Early literacy program, Kindegartens

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28 literacy ABS-45

Home Literacy Program during Covid Pandemic in West Sumatra Indonesia
Indra Jaya, Elise Muryanti, Prita Ridha Insani

Universitas Negeri Padang


Introducing literacy is important starting in early childhood. To support child literacy development requires parental involvement which can be engaged at home . Home literacy is the literacy activities where parents introduce children literacy such as starting to stimulate child interest in reading. The pandemic situation place parents play a dominant role to develop their children by engaging play and learning with their children. This research is investigated how home literacy conducted in the struggle of pandemic. This research used mixing method that used questionnaires and interviews to investigate how are the trends of home literacy practice of the children in West Sumatra who were raised with matrilineal system. In West Sumatra cultures were taken mother played a dominant role in child literacy development. The data were analyzed by using mixing and qualitative analysis. The study indicates the percentage of the trends and analyze the reasons show in the trends. The research shows that mother support to child literacy more often than father during covid outbreak which is the percentage of parental support towards early reading 51,61, and supporting to vocabularies development to early reading program is 64, 52, and encourage child reading interest 54,84 percent. Results from interview shows that mother engage literacy with children outweigh father due to the availability of time with children. There is also a commitment role of mother in matrilineal where mothers^ responsible to children education. The sharing duties of fathers and mothers share the duties of home literacy to the mother^s hand.

Keywords: Literacy, home literacy, motivation, literacy development.

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29 math ABS-13

Development of Money Book to Stimulate Intelligence Mathematical Logic Early Childhood
Aip Saripudin, Mawaddah Warohmah, Eti Nurhayati, Jazariyah, Maulidya Ulfah

IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


Abstract-The background of this development research is that the researcher sees that the Child Worksheet (LKA)implemented in Lebah Kecil early school Cirebon is printed in small size and is not colored so that the child does not understand the purpose of the picture presented. The impact of the use of LKA media makes the level of intelligence of children^s mathematical logic low. This research aims to develop learning media in the form of an activity book called Money Book to stimulate mathematical logic intelligence of children aged 5-6 years. This study uses the Research and Development methods through 6 stages, namely: 1) gathering initial information, 2) product development design, 3) product validation, 4) product improvement, 5) product trials, and 6) product results. The study was conducted in Lebah Kecil early school in Cirebon. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews and questionnaires. The analysis of this study uses descriptive qualitative with percentage calculations. The results of this study are the level of mathematical logical intelligence of students in B group of Lebah Kecil early school in Cirebon City increased after the trial of the Money Book to 75.20% with the category developing as expected, Money Book media development consist of an introduction of numbers, variety of activities, and markets day, this Money Book media is declared suitable for use in learning to stimulate mathematical intelligence for children aged 5-6 years based on the results of 100% material expert validation, 78.84%, and teacher ratings by 90%.

Keywords: Keywords- Money book, stimulation, mathematical logic intelligence Introduction

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30 Nutrition ABS-25

Chairany Fadilah (a*), Nur Faizah Romadona (b)

a) Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA, Bandung, Indonesia


Malnutrition has always been a concern in the world, including Indonesia. Malnutrition is an individual nutritional problem that can be observed both externally and internally based on the nutritional intake consumed. Balanced nutrition is the key to optimal growth and development. Excess or lack of nutrition has a negative impact on survival, especially for children. In the first days children must get good and balanced nutrition in order to have a strong immune system so that it is difficult to be exposed to disease and grow and develop optimally. The writing of this article uses a literature review research method, which aims to identify and describe the causes of malnutrition based on research results that have been proven to be true. Global nutrition problems have an impact on the layers of society who are in small groups, including households. Parents find it difficult to access education, employment and food availability, thus affecting family conditions, including children^s health. Children do not get a balanced nutritional intake so that it inhibits growth and development and lowers the body^s immunity. Finally, children are easily and quickly infected with diseases and invite various nutritional problems.

Keywords: Children, malnutrition, nutrition, nutritional problems.

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