Clean and Health Behaviour in Early Childhood during COVID-19 Pandemic
Aisah karunia rahayu (a*), ocih setiasih (b)

a. Early childhood education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, bandung jawabarat
b. Early childhood education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, bandung jawabarat


This study is about clean and health behaviour in early childhood during COVID-19 Pandemic in Panyileukan District, Bandung City. The method used qualitative with a case study design by three children participants three children who gas aged 5-6 years. Data were collected through interviews and documentations in the form of photos of Clean and health behaviour in early childhood. The analysis was carried out based on four indicators, there are: washing hands, disposing of trash in place, physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables. Data shows that children^s Clean and health behaviour in early childhood is quite low, especially in indicators of disposing of rubbish in place and consuming fruits and vegetables. The recommendation from this research is necessary to involve parents and the environment in maintaining and supervising children to get used clean and healthy behaviour. In addition, parents also to be a role models in order to provide understanding children about the dangers caused if they do not get used clean and healthy behaviour from an early age.

Keywords: Clean and Health Behaviour, early childhood

Topic: Health

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