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61 Machine Learning and Deep Learning ABS-51

Comparison of ResNet101V2 and ResNet152V2 Architectures in Microscopy-Based Tuberculosis Bacteria Identification
Aeri Rachmad *, Mohammad Syarief, Suci Hernawati, Eka Mala Sari Rochman, Husni, Kurniawan Eka Permana

University of Trunojoyo Madura


Tuberculosis (TB) is a preventable and treatable infectious disease, but it remains a serious problem in countries at risk, such as those with poverty and limited access to healthcare services. Caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB can be fatal without proper treatment. Accurate early identification is challenging, despite prevention efforts being made. The primary method for detecting TB is by identifying bacteria in sputum samples using a microscope, but there are weaknesses such as varying interpretations and inconsistent image quality. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have shown potential in improving the accuracy of identifying TB bacteria in microscopic images. This study compares the performance of two CNN architectures, ResNet101V2 and ResNet152V2, in identifying TB bacteria in microscopic images. ResNet152V2 shows better results with an accuracy of 83.86%, precision of 100.00%, recall of 66.39%, and an F1-score of 80.00%. Despite requiring longer computational time, efficiency remains high, demonstrating strong potential for medical applications. Future research can explore variations in architecture and parameters for even more optimal results.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Convolutional Neural Networks, ResNet101V2 and ResNet152V2

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62 Machine Learning and Deep Learning ABS-53

Classification of Farmer Groups Using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Method
Muhammad Ali Syakur, Eka Mala Sari Rochman, Aeri Rachmad,Ryan Adhitama

Departement of Informatics,Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia


Abstract, Agriculture is a sector that has an important role in the economy in Indonesia. The location of the State of Indonesia itself is on the equator which makes the land fertile and suitable as agricultural land. To increase agricultural productivity, the role of farmer groups is needed. Farmer groups with a high class have the opportunity to produce high productivity as well. Farmer group classes are divided into four, namely beginner, advanced, intermediate, main. To determine the class of each farmer group, it is necessary to select from the Department of Agriculture with assessment indicators, namely planning, organizing, implementing activities, evaluating and reporting as well as leadership. With so many indicators used, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method was chosen as the weighting and checking of weight consistency. The results of this study are a system that can measure the performance of farmer groups based on existing criteria and produce a final score which will be a benchmark in determining the class of the farmer group to be beginner, advanced, intermediate and primary. Out of a total of 131 farmer groups, 5.3% were in the beginner class, 26.7% in the advanced class, 66.4% in the middle class and 1.5% in the main class. This system also produces a fairly high accuracy value of 94.65%.

Keywords: Classification, Farmer Group Performance Transfer, Fuzzy AnalyticHierarchy Process

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63 Machine Learning and Deep Learning ABS-73

Transfer Learning for Diploid Haploid Corn Seeds Image Classification using Residual Network
Wahyudi Setiawan, Haris Muhajir Al Fatih, Yoga Dwitya Pramudita

Department of Information System, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jawa Timur


The corn seed breeding program is the initial stage of getting quality plants. It also aims to increase corn growth production and productivity. Actually, corn seeds have two types: diploid and haploid. Almost all corn seeds are naturally diploid, and less than one percent are haploid. However, haploid seeds can be the forerunner of double haploid (DH) corn seeds produced by biotechnological engineering. DH seed just need two to three generations of breeding, in contrast to manual crossbreeding, which can take up to eight generations. During the corn harvest, diploid and haploid seeds mix. Carrying out the separation manually requires more effort and needs to be improved by visual limitations and human energy. In this study, we classified diploid and haploid corn seeds. Data uses public sources with 3,000 images consisting of 1,230 haploid and 1,770 diploid images. This research uses Residual Network 50 with transfer learning. Initialization of hyperparameter values consists of learning rate 0.001 & 0.0001, epoch 64, batch size 64, and Stochastic Gradient Descent optimizer. In the training process, k-fold cross-validation is used with a value of k=5 to divide the train data and validation data. This research has a test scenario: two different models (resnet-50 with and without transfer learning). Based on testing results, using the resnet-50 with transfer learning has an accuracy 95.55%, precision 97.12%, recall 95.29%, and f1-score 96.19%.

Keywords: Corn Seeds, Image, Classification, Residual Network, Transfer Learning

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64 Machine Learning and Deep Learning ABS-77

On Using Instance Hardness Measures to Select Training Data for Software Defect Prediction
Benyamin Langgu Sinaga (1, 2, *), Sabrina Ahmad (2), Zuraida Abal Abas (2)

1). Department of Informatics Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Jalan Babarsari 43 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
2). Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal Melaka, Malaysia
*) benyamin.sinaga[at]uajy.ac.id


The software defect prediction model has been a popular solution to allow the software quality assurance team to focus closely on testing the highly defect-prone modules. However, directly using cross-project datasets to learn the prediction model results in an unsatisfactory predictive model. As a result, the selection of training data is critical. Most training data selection occurs at the instance level, using kNN and the Euclidean distance to measure the similarity between source and target data. Such an approach, however, is susceptible to noise. Defect datasets are complex due to class imbalance, noisy datasets, and class overlaps. However, selection criteria are predominantly based on the distance between the source and target datasets while ignoring those data complexity-related factors. It causes several machine learning algorithms to underperform. This study proposed a filter for selecting training data instances considering the complexity factors. The filter is constructed utilizing four instance hardness measures related to defect dataset complexity factors: noisy instances and the overlapping character of instance classes on cross-project data. The proposed system was evaluated using 14 datasets and six classification algorithms. The findings indicate that using instance hardness measures for data selection can improve the prediction performance of the defect prediction model.

Keywords: Training data selection, software defect prediction, instance hardness measures

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65 Machine Learning and Deep Learning ABS-87

Machine Learning Approach for estimating Shrimp Feeding By using Decision Tree Regression
Erwin Adriono, Agung Budi Prasetijo, Arseto Satriyo Nugroho, Ilmam Fauzi Hasbil Alim

Computer Department Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University


Shrimp feeding is an issue for shrimp farmers. lack of feed can prevent shrimp from growing, on the other hand, excess feed can reduce water quality. Feeding can be modeled using a machine learning method, namely decision tree regression. Feeding is a regression problem model but is influenced by other parameters such as water quality, shrimp weight and age. Decision Tree Regression is a method that has advantages over linear regression and lasso regression methods. This method is able to produce a simple model while still having a high level of accuracy. Based on this study, it was found that the comparison of results from linear regression, lasso regression and Decision Tree Regression was that Decision Tree Regression had the best performance with MSE value: 40.92- RMSE: 6.39 MAE: 6.51 R2: 0.81.

Keywords: Machine Learning. Shrimp Feeding, Decision Tree Regression.

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66 Material Engineering ABS-1

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding Aluminum AA1100 with Pin Penetration Tool Parameters
Nur Kholis, Helmy Purwanto, Muhammad Bagus Nuruddin, Agung Nugroho

Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang, Indonesia


Aluminum is a light metal that has high strength, is resistant to rust, is a fairly good conductor of electricity and aluminum is lighter than iron or steel. AA1100 series aluminum is an aluminum alloy mixed with other materials such as: copper, iron, chrome, manganese and zinc, with an aluminum content of 99.0%. One of the processes for joining aluminum alloys can be done by friction stir welding. This research aims to determine the strength of the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum 1100 after going through friction stir welding with variations in pin depth (plunge depth) of 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm and tool rotation speed of 1000 Rpm. Optical metallography testing is used to see the microstructure and Rockwell hardness testing and universal testing machines to test the mechanics of welded joints. From research conducted, the highest tensile strength occurred at a 5 mm pin depth variation, namely 94.44 MPa, while the lowest tensile strength occurred at a 3 mm depth variation, namely 72.58 MPa. And the highest hardness is found at a pin depth variation of 5 mm, namely 100 HRB, while the lowest hardness value occurs in welded joints with a pin depth variation of 3 mm, namely 47 HRB.

Keywords: Aluminium, Friction Stir Welding, pin depth.

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67 Material Engineering ABS-6

Optimation of Single Radius System Design on Total Knee Arthroplasty for Indonesian^s Need
D. Darmanto, M. H. Naufudin, M. A. Wahid, R. Novriansyah, R. Ismail

Engineering Faculty of Wahid HAsyim University


Total Knee Arthroplasty abbreviated TKA has been widely used as a way to treat knee joint disorders. The development of a single radius system at TKA is expected to meet the needs of Asians, especially Indonesians. It^s used to support religious, social and cultural activities. This study aims to determine the effect of the femoral condyle radius on the range of flexion angles, as well as the TKA stability on the gap difference abbreviated GD. This study uses references from previous study. Variations in the femoral condyle radius that are applied are 21.5 mm, 22 mm, 22.5 mm become reference model, 23 mm, and 23.5 mm. The most optimal TKA design is 23.5 mm on femoral condyle radius. This variant capable of chieving a flexion angle of 164.5 degrees, and stability of GD based shows 1.3 mm. The results of this study indicate a better design, and are expected to provide comfort for patients.

Keywords: TKA, Femoral, Single radius, Gap difference

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68 Material Engineering ABS-8

Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Friction Stir Spot Welding to Riveting Process Aluminum AA2024-T3 Plate: Effect of Tool Rotation Speed
Sehono 1, a) and Ikbal Rizki Putra 1, b)

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Abstract. The Changes in the structure of material due to the processing process, and environmental influences can affect mechanical properties of material. Machining, casting, tempering, welding, and hardening processes are widely used to improve materials. Airplanes are a product of a joining process, namely riveting. In this study, the treatment used to perforate 2024-T3 aluminum plates was with Friction Stir Spot Welding Riveting (FSSWR) with variations of rotation of 1350, 1900, and 2500 rpm. The research will be carried out on shear strength, microstructure observations, hardness distribution, and macrostructure results from shear test fractures. The results showed that at 1350 rotation the shear strength value was higher, namely 361 MPa, but the hardness value was relatively the same. The highest Vickers value is in the HAZ section at 2500 rpm rotation, this is a change in the dendrite microstructure due to fast friction causing smaller grain boundaries.

Keywords: Friction Stir Spot Welding, AA2024-T3, tool rotation, riveting, microstructure

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69 Material Engineering ABS-9

Analysis of Sintering Temperature Using Cold Isostatic Pressing Method on Polylactid Acid/Polycaprolactone/Nano Hydroxyapatite Biocomposites
Solechan(a,b*), Agus Suprihanto(a), Susilo Adi Widyanto(a), Joko Triyono(c)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia- solechan[at]unimus.ac.id*- agusm90[at]yahoo.com - susilo70[at]yahoo.com
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Kampus Kedungmundu, Semarang, 50254, Indonesia
c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia- jokotri5528[at]gmail.com (J.T.)


Internal fixation plates are used for fracture recovery so that they do not shift and deform. Placement of plates to stabilize until the bone heals. The current development of internal fixation plates is made of biocomposite as a substitute for metal materials. PLA+PCL/nHA biocomposite using the cold isostatic pressing method can increase density, decrease porosity, increase bending and tensile strength. One of the main factors affecting the mechanical strength of the internal fixation plate is the sintering temperature. The sintering temperature variations used were 140, 150, and 160oC with the PLA+PCL/nHA biocomposite composition of 80/20 wt%. The aim is to obtain an internal fixation plate with the characteristics and mechanical properties of the femur bone. FTIR test results for a mixture of PLA+PCL, and nHA did not form chemical bonds, this is because PLA has hydrophobic properties which makes it difficult for the matrix surface to bond between materials. There are no sharp crystal peaks and broad valleys, so the crystal structure formed is amorphous, indicating that the material is easily degraded. The sintering temperature of 150oC for the PLA+PCL/nHA blends from SEM photos shows a strong interfacial bond, this can increase the density value and decrease the porosity value. These results are consistent with the results of the bending and compressive tests which experienced an increase of 63.1 N and 20.72 N/mm2, but the results of the bending and compressive strength were still below the strength of the femur bone as an implant medium for plate internal fixation.

Keywords: internal fixation- nano-hydroxyapatite- bone- temperature

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70 Material Engineering ABS-33

Study of Water Absorption of Polymer Composite Using Calcined Eggshell Particle as Green Filler
Sunardi Sunardi (a), Dody Ariawan (a*), Eko Surojo (a), Aditya Rio Prabowo (a), Hammar Ilham Akbar (b), Agung Sudrajad (c), Harjo Seputro (d)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
b) Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon, Indonesia
d) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya, Indonesia.


Eggshells are a waste that can be reused as a composite material. Eggshell particles have different characteristics when heated at different temperatures and times. Calcination is one of the processes to change the eggshell phase. This study used eggshells treated with calcination at different temperatures and times as filler composites. A particle size analyser (PSA) observed the particle size distribution of eggshells. The percentage of water absorption is one of the observed composite behaviours. The process of making composites is carried out using three stages of the process, namely cold pressing, hot pressing, and curing. The experimental results show that the composite using calcined eggshell particles has no significant effect. The percentage of water absorption is more influenced significantly by the eggshell content in the composite, both in a calcined or uncalcined condition.

Keywords: Water absorption- Eggshell- Calcination- Green filler

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71 Material Engineering ABS-38

The Effect of Composition and Pouring Temperature of Cu-Sn Alloys on Mechanical Properties with Investment Casting Method
Sugeng Slamet 1,a, Rochmad Winarso 1,b, Suyitno 2,c, Indraswari Kusumaningtyas 3,d

1 Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muria Kudus, Gondang manis, PO. Box 53, Bae, Kudus, Indonesia
2 Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Tidar, Jl. Kapten Suparman 39, Magelang, Indonesia
3 Departement of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika No.2 Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Keywords: Cu-Sn, investment casting, composition, pouring temperature, mechanical properties

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72 Material Engineering ABS-56

Increasing the surface roughness of magnesium AZ31B using sandblasting for the preparation of biodegradable implant materials
Slamet Saefudin, Dini Cahyandari, Ilham Yustar Afif, Samsudi Raharjo, Purnomo, Muh Amin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang


The development of implant biomaterials has become the focus of research in the fields of materials engineering and medicine. Magnesium-based biomaterial AZ31B has been identified as a potential candidate for making bone implants that can speed up the healing process. However, its smooth surface characteristics need to be improved to increase binding strength and interactions between tissues so as to increase biocompatibility. Increasing the surface roughness of AZ31B magnesium also plays an important role in increasing the adhesion of the protective layer. One method that has been proven effective in increasing the roughness of metal surfaces is sandblasting. This research discusses the sandblasting process to increase the roughness and changes in properties that occur on the surface of AZ31B magnesium as a preparation for implant biomaterial. Variations in pressure, distance, angle and abrasive material are the main parameters in the sandblasting process. Variations in the sandblasting process were analyzed by testing roughness, hardness, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX). The research results show that variations in sandblasting parameters have a significant effect on the roughness and morphology of the sample surface.

Keywords: Implant, Magnesium AZ31B, Sanblasting, Surface Modification

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73 Material Engineering ABS-75

Sri Mulyo Bondan Respati, Agung Nugroho, Syamsidar Ali

Universitas Wahid Hasyim


Keywords: battery, cathode, anode, copper, tin, aluminum, separator, ceramic

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74 Mechanical Design and Construction ABS-7

Rexy Igusti Redondo1*, Muhammad Dzulfikar1, Tabah Priangkoso2

Universitas Wahid Hasyim


The blade profile for Electric Ducted Fan (EDF) is varied with the aim of knowing the effect of the shape of the blade profile on the thrust that can be generated by the EDF. The profiles used are FX 74-CL5-140, Naca 64(3)-418, and Naca 747A315 obtained from Airfoil Tools. The research method is to design and simulate the EDF with a variety of blade profiles that have been determined using the SOLIDWORKS 2021 software. The highest thrust results were obtained by the EDF with the Naca 747A315 blade profile variation, which is 31.5 Newton at 60000 RPM.

Keywords: Airfoil tools, Electric ducted fan, Thrust

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75 Mechanical Design and Construction ABS-16

Identifikasi Kondisi Eksisting Jalur Pedestrian Koridor Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani Pontianak
Annisa Fitri Ramadhanti, S.P.W.K. (a*), Agustiah Wulandari, S.T., M.T. (b), Nana Novita Pratiwi, S.T., M.Eng. (b)

Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak


Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani merupakan jaringan jalan nasional berupa jalan arteri primer yang masuk dalam indikasi program 5 (lima) tahunan dengan peningkatan jalur pedestrian yang sudah ada, pembangunan dan pemeliharaan jalur pedestrian. Koridor Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani memiliki jalur pedestrian yang menjadi ruang publik untuk menciptakan Kota Pontianak ramah terhadap pejalan kaki. Jalur pedestrian yang terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) segmen ini memiliki permasalahan minimnya ketersediaan fasilitas dan elemen pendukung yang memengaruhi minat masyarakat dalam berjalan kaki, padahal jalur pedestrian ini merupakan jalur pedestrian yang kondisi eksistingnya baru dilakukan penataan dan perbaikan ulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting jalur pedestrian sehingga dapat menciptakan jalur pedestrian yang ramah pejalan kaki (walkable). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan dengan acuan Peraturan Menteri PU Nomor 02/SE/M/2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukan segmen 1 yakni Taman Catur-Jalan Perdana (koridor sebelah kiri) dan Taman Sepeda-Jalan Media (koridor sebelah kanan) memiliki kondisi yang sudah sesuai, segmen 2 yakni Ayani Megamall (koridor sebelah kiri) dan Indosat Ooredo-Rumah Dinas (koridor sebelah kanan) memiliki kondisi yang tidak sesuai, dan segmen 3 yakni Rumah Dinas Kapolda-Pendopo Gubernur Kalimantan Barat (koridor sebelah kanan) dan PT Taspen-Museum Kalimantan Barat (koridor sebelah kiri) memiliki kondisi yang sudah sesuai.

Keywords: Identifikasi, Jalur Pedestrian, Kondisi Eksisting, Pejalan Kaki

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76 Mechanical Design and Construction ABS-31

The Effect of Boundary Slip Condition on Cavitation Reduction in a Closed Pocket Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing
Imam Syafaat (a,b*), Miftah Andhika Shobirin (b), Agung Nugroho (b), Muchammad (a), Mohammad Tauviqirrahman (a), Budi Setiyana (a,c)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Sudharto No.1, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Jl. Menoreh Tengah X/22 Sampangan, Semarang, Indonesia
c) Laboratory for Surface Technology and Tribology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands


Many textured bearing geometries have recently been developed to improve the resulting pressure and load support over conventional bearings. Texturing, on the other hand, will cause cavitation on the bearing surface, reducing its performance. The goal of this research is to use computational fluid dynamics to analyze the hydrodynamic pressure generated by thrust bearings. Closed pocket textured thrust bearings have slip in the location before the pocket and in the pocket area. To determine the maximum pressure generated, several variations of the lubricant^s minimum film thickness are simulated. The study^s findings revealed that the higher the minimum film thickness, the lower the resulting maximum pressure, and vice versa. When compared to the no slip condition, providing a slip at the pocket location has a benefit of between 42.8 and 98.6%. The increase in hydrodynamic pressure is greatest at a minimum film thickness of 50 &#61549-m. Although the cavitation does not go away when the slip is inserted into the pocket, the cavitation pressure can be reduced. The formation of a slip position before the pocket has the advantage of significantly reducing cavitation.

Keywords: Slip, cavitation, surface texturing, hydrodynamic thrust bearing

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77 Mechanical Design and Construction ABS-46

Redesign of Work Facilities Based on Working Posture and Mental Workload to Reduce the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder (An Indonesian Case Study)
Nachnul Ansori, Satrio A Kasih, Rullie Annisa

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia


The work activity of the ventomatic rotary packer machine operator at PT. X is the packaging of the cement products which has both 40 kg and 50 kg weight. Technically, the operator installs the packaging by hooking the edge of the packaging to the hook of the ventomatic rotary packer machine in a short time (3 seconds) which is done during 7 working hours repetitively. The movements of the arm and finger segments on the left and right hands are not the same, however, it depends on the work activity. The length of work with repetitive movements and the static work postures makes the high risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It also will have a serious level of boredom (mental load) experienced by workers. Therefore, this condition requires efforts to improve the operator^s working posture. This research was conducted to redesign the work facility of the ventomatic rotary packer machine based on the results of the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). The design of work facilities used CATIA V5 software. The mental load was evaluated based on the weighted workload of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Task Load Index (NASA-TLX). Two operators were involved to assess posture and workload in the workplace. The results of the posture evaluation showed that there was a high risk to the wrists, neck, and back when picking up the packaging. The mental workload experienced by workers showed a high category of mental workload. The high mental workload may be due to the low variety of work postures performed (too monotonous). Therefore, efforts to minimize physical and mental loads by designing the sit and stand chair with a seat seater feature that can rotate and can be adjusted in height, redesigning the packaging area with trolley wheels so it can be moved in position according to the operator. Last, there was an improvement in the posture performance of operators before and after the redesign of work facilities.

Keywords: MSDs, RULA, WWL, redesign, CATIA V5

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78 Mechanical Design and Construction ABS-92

Design and Strength Analysis of Bracket Structure as Solar Panel Holder Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Method
Sri Utami Handayani- Ojo Kurdi - Subkhi Abdurohman- Didik Ariwibowo- Angger Suryo Prastowo- Tri Yuliani

Universitas Diponegoro


Typically, mining areas operate in remote regions, necessitating the presence of tower lamps with energy sources other than sunlight. This is because mining locations far from the electrical grid require an independent power supply with high illumination capabilities, particularly for nighttime activities. Therefore, the primary requirement for this tower lamp is ease of mobility to adapt to the locations where mining activities also occur at night. The solar panel on the Hybrid Tower Lamp is designed to fold 180 degrees for compactness. Based on this, the author has designed a solar panel bracket that functions to lock when folding (closing) and reopening. This research aims to design and analyze the structural strength of the bracket for mobile solar panels. To analyze the structural strength of the solar panel bracket, Ansys Structural software is used. Based on the analysis using Ansys Structural software for 6 design variations of brackets used to open the solar panel and 2 design variations of brackets for closing the solar panel, the best bracket designs are bracket 4 for the open position and bracket 8 for the closed position. The load received by bracket 4 in the open position is 1650 N, resulting in a maximum stress of 166.74 MPa and a safety factor of 1.49. Meanwhile, the load received by bracket 8 in the closed position is 4950 N, resulting in a maximum stress of 184.66 MPa and a safety factor of 1.35.

Keywords: bracket, finite element method, safety factor, stress, strain, displacement

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79 Mechanical Engineering ABS-5

wahid, MA

Universitas Wahid Hasyim



Keywords: koma, titik

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80 Mechanical Engineering ABS-10

Yusuf Umardani 1, Dwi Basuki Wibowo 1, Agus Suprihanto 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Prof. Soedharto Street, Tembalang Semarang, Indonesia


Flatfoot can be divided into two types, flexible and rigid flatfoot. Flexible flatfoot is characterized by the arch of the foot collapses during weight bearing. However, during a non-weight-bearing position, this arch can be seen. This study aims to evaluate flexible flatfoot (FFF), which was previously known qualitatively, using Cavanagh^s AI. The degree of FFF deformity is done by comparing the AI 2D values of the static footprint results and the AI 3D results from the 3D foot scanner. The instrument footprint scanner is made by ourselves and has been awarded patent No. IDS0000002253, which can generate the AI-2D values. At the same time, the 3D Scanner uses Mini and Scansoft for Foot Orthotic made by Vismach Technology Ltd. China. From the results of the static footprints measurement of 87 subjects obtained, 33 subjects indicated flatfoot (AI up to 0.26) consisting of 27 males and six females, where the AI 2D average value was 0.31 between 0.04, both on the left and right feet. At the same time, the AI 3D average value of 33 subjects was 0.26 between 0.03, both on the left and right feet. Compared to the average AI 2D and AI 3D values, all subjects showed a significant decrease in AI, and there were 19 subjects whose degrees of flatfoot (DOFF) decreased to normal (AI=0.26 to 0.21). The results of this study show that a person with flatfoot with AI 2D between 0.26 until 0.36 (minor to severe) can change his foot type to normal when in an unloaded position (AI 3D average becomes 0.24 between 0.01).

Keywords: flexible flatfoot, Cavanagh AI, foot scanning, degrees of flatfoot

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81 Mechanical Engineering ABS-11

Performance Diesel Dual Fuel Engine on Additional Coconut Shell Oil
Agung Nugroho, Mohfa Juni Winanto, Imam Syafa^at, Rita Dwi Ratnani

Wahid Hasyim University


Fuel alternative diesel, with efforts to develop environmentally friendly alternative fuels in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical properties and quality of diesel produced from coconut shell liquid smoke, B20, and B40. The test of the quality and physical properties of diesel in question is the Calorific Value, Viscosity, Density, and Cetane Number test. From the engine performance testing, the parameters sought are torque, power and specific fuel consumption, for testing the physical properties of diesel from the comparison of the fuel used, among others, the highest torque value was obtained at 32.415 Nm on diesel fuel for the engine shaft rotation of 1980 rpm with the mass load is 9.6 kg. Fuel consumption specific was obtained from diesel fuel with the largest rotation of 3548 rpm using 337.4 g/kWh while the lowest value was obtained from diesel B40 with a torque value of 24,702 Nm with a mass fuel consumption specific (SFC)) lowest was found in coconut shell oil mixture with the largest rotation of 1520 rpm using 40.9 g/kWh. The conclusion is that the addition of coconut shell oil in diesel can reduce energy because the calorific value is decreasing, as evidenced by the addition of coconut shell oil the engine performance is decreasing.

Keywords: Diesel, quality test, diesel, physical properties of fuel.

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82 Mechanical Engineering ABS-29

Alfian Aulya Rachman, Avita Ayu Permanasari, and Muhammad Dzulfikar

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Jl. Menoreh Tengah X/22 Sampangan, Semarang -Indonesia.

2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang 5,
Malang 65145, Indonesia


In the manufacturing industry, to support the operation of processing a product for mosquito coils, laundry soap and processed household products, a mechanical device is needed to produce steam or a steam boiler. The Steam Boiler is a Water Heater Tank type Steam Boiler, which functions to heat water by using heat from the combustion of fuel, the heat from the combustion results is then channeled into the water to produce steam (water vapor which has a high temperature). The problem that occurs is that the tube furnace is a central part because hot steam is often passed through so that it is necessary to check the thickness of the tube furnace to maintain the performance of the Steam Boiler. The purpose of the practical work is to carry out an inspection using the thickness measurement method by comparing the actual thickness with the initial thickness and the standard thickness according to ASME Section I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers Year 2010. The results obtained are initial thickness of 8.2 mm, tube furnace thickness of 4.49 mm with the results of calculating the thickness of the standard SA-192 material: 0.58 mm and SA-106 Gr.B material: 0.29 mm in accordance with the ASME Section I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers standard in 2010. Based on the results of the thickness measurement, the water heater tank steam boiler tube furnace is able to provide good performance in producing production steam needed by the manufacturing industry.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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83 Mechanical Engineering ABS-32

Please Just Agung Nugroho, Putranta Duta Hurip, Hisyam Murtado, Laeli Kurniasari

1Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Wahid Hasyim
Jl. Raya Gunungpati No.KM.15, Nongkosawit,
Gunung Pati, Semarang City, Central 50224
2Balai Besar Penangkapan Ikan
Jl. Yos Sudarso, Kalibaru Barat, Tanjung Emas, Bandarharjo, Semarang Utara, Kota, Bandarharjo, Semarang Utara, Semarang City, Central Java 50175
3Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Wahid Hasyim
Jl. Raya Gunungpati No.KM.15, Nongkosawit,
Gunung Pati, Semarang City, Central 50224


Plastic waste originating from fishing gear, composed of both polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA) materials, constitutes a pressing environmental concern. Addressing this issue, pyrolysis emerges as a transformative avenue, converting plastic waste into liquid fuel that can serve as an alternative energy resource. This research ventures into a comprehensive investigation of the physical properties intrinsic to plastic oil, encompassing pivotal attributes such as viscosity, density, cetane number, and calorific value. By delving into these properties, the study aims to shed light on the potential of plastic oil as a viable energy source and to understand its applicability within the realm of sustainable fuel alternatives. However, this study^s scope extends beyond the elucidation of physicochemical intricacies. Beyond characterizing plastic oil, the research embarks on a holistic exploration encompassing engine performance when employing plastic oil in synergy with a 10% plastic oil and 90% biodiesel blend. This synthesis of fuel types becomes a pivotal aspect of the study^s inquisition, culminating in the assessment of engine torque, power output, and Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC). The outcome of these engine tests unveils intriguing insights-peak torque emerged with a 10% PE plastic oil blend, registering at 18 NW, while the highest power output occurred with PE plastic oil, reaching 3.9 kW. Moreover, the dynamic interplay between plastic oil blends and engine efficiency is highlighted, as evidenced by the highest SFC value obtained with a 10% PA plastic oil blend, measuring 12.298 g/Kw.min. The ramifications of this study reverberate far beyond the confines of the laboratory, resonating with the dire need for sustainable energy solutions. By decoding the complex matrix of plastic oil properties and evaluating their seamless integration into combustion processes, this research contributes to the evolving narrative of sustainable energy utilization. As we grapple with the ramifications of plastic waste, this study offers a nuanced perspective that transcends mere material reclamation, propelling us towards an energy landscape that bridges ecological responsibility and pragmatic resource optimization.

Keywords: Fishing gear waste, PA, PE, Pyrolysis.

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84 Mechanical Engineering ABS-36

Nugroho Widiasmadi

Wahid Hasyim Universitas


This research was conducted on clay soils, especially for vegetable plantations, aimed to determine the ability of the soil layer to distribute nutrients and restore soil health and fertility due to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Through microbial activity that is controlled by spreading through a horizontal biohole, this study observes in real time through a micro controller the changes in soil acidity, infiltration rate, electrolyte conductivity levels and porosity levels through soil infiltration rates.
Through simulations with the variable microbial population, it can be seen the level of EC and other parameters against the time of observation in real time. From the observations of graphs and EC standards, it can be seen that the ability of the soil to
because until day 45 the soil fertility level has not reached = 1500 uS / cm with a microbial population = 10
3 / cfu. support the planting schedule both during the vegetative growth period and during the generative growth period, so that we will know when is the right time to do: soil recovery, initial planting and when the tubers / flowers / fruit begin to be conditioned. until cooked based on nutrient values observed through sensors that convert analog parameters by the micro controller into digital information transmitted by wifi inreal time.
The initial condition before simulating the soil fertility value with the Electrolyte Conductivity (EC) parameter is 744 uS / cm, the simulation results are: Simulation 1: nutrient content for generative growth was achieved on day 27 with fertility level = 1525 uS / cm with Microbial Population 10 8 / cfu. Simulation 2: nutrient content for generative growth was achieved on day 42 at the fertility level = 1500 uS / cm with microbial population = 10 5 / cfu. Simulation 3: nutrient content for generative growth cannot be observed

Keywords: biohole , microbial , alluvial, micro controler, soil acidity, infiltration , electrolyte conductivity, biosoildam

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85 Mechanical Engineering ABS-37

Use of seawater as a lubrication medium for marine engineering equipment with a reciprocal movement system
Eko Sasmito Hadi (1),(2)*, M R C Putra Hadi (1), Ojo Kurdi (2), Rifky Ismail (2), and Mohammad Tauviqirrahman (2)

(1) Department Naval Architecture, Faculty of Technology, Diponegoro University
* ekosasmito[at]ft.undip.ac.id
(2) Department Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Diponegoro University


The environmental issue has become one of the crucial points that must be seriously considered in marine engineering operations. There is a significant risk of leakage in the oil-lubricated propeller shaft bearings system or other equipment. This challenge continuous efforts are required to find more environmentally friendly alternatives by replacing oil as the primary lubricating medium. The solution proposed in this paper is an invention that utilizes water as the lubricating medium for marine engineering equipment with a reciprocal movement system at relatively low speeds. Using water as a lubricant can reduce the negative environmental impact, which often leads to damage to marine ecosystems and threats to marine life. This study investigates UHMWPE material^s friction and wear characteristics when combined with AISI 316L, conducting wear tests in seawater lubrication conditions using a plate-on-disc tribometer. The findings indicated that the utilization of seawater lubrication led to a reduction in both friction and wear rates for the UHMWPE / AISI 316 pair.

Keywords: Water-lubricated bearings, UHMWPE, reciprocal movement system

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86 Mechanical Engineering ABS-40

Product Mass Prediction with Artificial Neural Network Model Approach in Injection Plastic Molding
Moh. Hartono (a*), Anggit Murdani (a), Ramadhan Araya Ismoyo (a)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang, Jl. Soekarno Hatta, No. 9, Malang 65141, Indonesia


Nowadays, the injection molding process is proliferating, which is characterized by the rise of standard equipment produced by injection molding, such as household appliances, carpentry tools, and medical equipment. Setting process parameters significantly affects product quality, especially packaging products that consider product mass. This study aims to minimize product mass and provide optimal parameter recommendations. The method built in this research is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model, which is one of the branches of Artificial intelligence (AI) with this modeling, several experiments were analyzed to predict the mass of products from an injection molding process accurately and precisely. The results of this study show that the ANN model can predict the mass of the product accurately with a low RMSE value. In addition, experiment III shows the results with the lowest product mass compared to experiments I and II.

Keywords: ann, optimal, injection, molding, model

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87 Mechanical Engineering ABS-41

The Law Of Thermodynamics 2.1 Average Entropy In The Forward Direction Smaller Than The Backward Explaining The Direction Of Forward Time
Stephanus Ivan Goenawan

Department of Industrial Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University Of Indonesia
Cisauk BSD Highway, Tangerang Indonesia


The Law of Thermodynamics 2.1 is a further development of the Law of Thermodynamics 2.0. The Law of Thermodynamics 2.1 states that the average value of total entropy in the working process of the forward system is less than or equal to the average value of the entropy in the active process of the backward system. Proving the Law of Thermodynamics 2.1 can be done mathematically using the calculus method, a multilevel sum of discrete data, and linear regression. The implication of the Law of Thermodynamics 2.1 shows that with the same temperature trace, the working process of the forward system will require smaller average energy than the work process of the backward system and this result is correlated to the direction of forward time.

Keywords: Thermodynamics- Entropy- Average Entropy

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88 Mechanical Engineering ABS-83

Analysis of the Effect of Floater Geometry on Lift Force, and Aircraft Drag Force using the Gudmundsson and CFD Methods
M. Rinkanto (a*), Himsar Ambarita (a), Farel H. Napitupulu(a)

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
* erikrinkanto[at]gmail.com


This journal discusses the analysis of the effect of floater geometry on the lift force, and drag force of aircraft using CFD and the gudmundsson method. researchers focus on modified geometry angles, namely 18o ,23o , and 37o . This study aims to determine the value of Coefficient of Lift (CL), Coefficient of Drag (CD) on the Floater of the DHC-6 Twin Otter float plane using the gudmundsson formula and CFD, knowing the drag and buoyancy force on the floater of the DHC-6 Twin Otter float plane gudmundsson and CFD, and Knowing the take off time of the aircraft using the gudmundsson formula.The results found are the Coefficient of Lift 18o is 0.000698057, 23o is 0.00072031, and 37o is 0.000881377. the result of cd 18o is 0.000320813, cd 23o is 0.000320866, cd 37o is 0.000321282. Conclusion is 2. The greater the geometry angle, the higher the lift force, and the smaller the geometry angle, the smaller the drag force.

Keywords: Sea Plane, Gudmundsson, CFD, Floater Geometry

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89 Mechanical Engineering ABS-88

Prototyping of Remote-Controlled Robotic Hand Based on Flex Sensor, A Preliminary Research for The Development of Post-Stroke Therapy Assistive Device
Gilar Pandu Annanto, Imam Syafaat, Fandy Indra Pratama, Hendrawan Ariefudin, and Sholeh Budi Utomo

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Wahid Hasyim University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.


Based on the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019, at a global level, stroke was placed as the 2nd in disease that caused death and ranked 3rd in disease that caused disability. In Indonesia, there were 2.565.601 stroke patients recorded in 2018. The main purpose of the current research was to develop a post-stroke therapy assistive device that can be controlled remotely by the therapist. In order to achieve the final objective, several research had to be done step by step. The current paper aims to identify and built a system which able to provide a swift wireless data transmission, thus a prototype of a robotic hand was built and remotely controlled by a control glove equipped with a flex sensor. The transmission data of the robotic hand and control glove was done wirelessly using the HC-05 Bluetooth module and coded based on the EasyTransfer library. Based on the result, the prototype was able to work as expected and the data transfer between microcontrollers was done swiftly, thus it can be concluded that the current system was able to be implemented in further research

Keywords: robotic hand- flex sensor, microcontroller

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90 Process System Engineering ABS-47

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control in an Alcohol Warehouse: A Case Study
M. Mujiya Ulkhaq and Daffa Adhimas Nuryawan

Department of Industrial Engineering, Diponegoro University


The alcohol warehouse at PT Phapros Tbk, Semarang, functions as a storage area for chemical raw materials-especially alcohol-used in a production process. In this sense, obviously, the warehouse has a high potential to cause a significant hazard because it contains flammable, reactive, and toxic materials. However, the company has not ever assessed the risk and hazard of the warehouse. Therefore, this study attempts to identify the potential hazard, to assess the associated risk, as well as to control the risk. The hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control (HIRARC) is used to achieve the objective of the study. This study highlights: hazard identification (including finding potential hazards), risk assessment (defining the risks and rating which is linked to the hazard based on severity and likelihood), and risk control (controlling of hazards and associated risks with the hazard). Three main activities in the warehouse, i.e., receiving, maintenance, and transferring materials, are evaluated. Result shows that in the receiving materials activity, about 3.45% of the potential risk is classified as an extreme risk and 37.93% of the potential risk is classified as high risk- while in the maintenance and transferring materials, respectively, about 44.44% and 54.17% of the identified risk are classified as high risk (no extreme risk is identified in these two activities). Finally, recommendations are provided to control the high and extreme risks to minimize hazards and associated risks.

Keywords: alcohol warehouse, HIRARC, hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control

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