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Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Friction Stir Spot Welding to Riveting Process Aluminum AA2024-T3 Plate: Effect of Tool Rotation Speed
Sehono 1, a) and Ikbal Rizki Putra 1, b)

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Abstract. The Changes in the structure of material due to the processing process, and environmental influences can affect mechanical properties of material. Machining, casting, tempering, welding, and hardening processes are widely used to improve materials. Airplanes are a product of a joining process, namely riveting. In this study, the treatment used to perforate 2024-T3 aluminum plates was with Friction Stir Spot Welding Riveting (FSSWR) with variations of rotation of 1350, 1900, and 2500 rpm. The research will be carried out on shear strength, microstructure observations, hardness distribution, and macrostructure results from shear test fractures. The results showed that at 1350 rotation the shear strength value was higher, namely 361 MPa, but the hardness value was relatively the same. The highest Vickers value is in the HAZ section at 2500 rpm rotation, this is a change in the dendrite microstructure due to fast friction causing smaller grain boundaries.

Keywords: Friction Stir Spot Welding, AA2024-T3, tool rotation, riveting, microstructure

Topic: Material Engineering

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