Analysis of the Effect of Floater Geometry on Lift Force, and Aircraft Drag Force using the Gudmundsson and CFD Methods
M. Rinkanto (a*), Himsar Ambarita (a), Farel H. Napitupulu(a)

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
* erikrinkanto[at]


This journal discusses the analysis of the effect of floater geometry on the lift force, and drag force of aircraft using CFD and the gudmundsson method. researchers focus on modified geometry angles, namely 18o ,23o , and 37o . This study aims to determine the value of Coefficient of Lift (CL), Coefficient of Drag (CD) on the Floater of the DHC-6 Twin Otter float plane using the gudmundsson formula and CFD, knowing the drag and buoyancy force on the floater of the DHC-6 Twin Otter float plane gudmundsson and CFD, and Knowing the take off time of the aircraft using the gudmundsson formula.The results found are the Coefficient of Lift 18o is 0.000698057, 23o is 0.00072031, and 37o is 0.000881377. the result of cd 18o is 0.000320813, cd 23o is 0.000320866, cd 37o is 0.000321282. Conclusion is 2. The greater the geometry angle, the higher the lift force, and the smaller the geometry angle, the smaller the drag force.

Keywords: Sea Plane, Gudmundsson, CFD, Floater Geometry

Topic: Mechanical Engineering

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