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Analysis of Sintering Temperature Using Cold Isostatic Pressing Method on Polylactid Acid/Polycaprolactone/Nano Hydroxyapatite Biocomposites
Solechan(a,b*), Agus Suprihanto(a), Susilo Adi Widyanto(a), Joko Triyono(c)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia- solechan[at]unimus.ac.id*- agusm90[at]yahoo.com - susilo70[at]yahoo.com
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Kampus Kedungmundu, Semarang, 50254, Indonesia
c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia- jokotri5528[at]gmail.com (J.T.)


Internal fixation plates are used for fracture recovery so that they do not shift and deform. Placement of plates to stabilize until the bone heals. The current development of internal fixation plates is made of biocomposite as a substitute for metal materials. PLA+PCL/nHA biocomposite using the cold isostatic pressing method can increase density, decrease porosity, increase bending and tensile strength. One of the main factors affecting the mechanical strength of the internal fixation plate is the sintering temperature. The sintering temperature variations used were 140, 150, and 160oC with the PLA+PCL/nHA biocomposite composition of 80/20 wt%. The aim is to obtain an internal fixation plate with the characteristics and mechanical properties of the femur bone. FTIR test results for a mixture of PLA+PCL, and nHA did not form chemical bonds, this is because PLA has hydrophobic properties which makes it difficult for the matrix surface to bond between materials. There are no sharp crystal peaks and broad valleys, so the crystal structure formed is amorphous, indicating that the material is easily degraded. The sintering temperature of 150oC for the PLA+PCL/nHA blends from SEM photos shows a strong interfacial bond, this can increase the density value and decrease the porosity value. These results are consistent with the results of the bending and compressive tests which experienced an increase of 63.1 N and 20.72 N/mm2, but the results of the bending and compressive strength were still below the strength of the femur bone as an implant medium for plate internal fixation.

Keywords: internal fixation- nano-hydroxyapatite- bone- temperature

Topic: Material Engineering

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