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Design and Strength Analysis of Bracket Structure as Solar Panel Holder Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Method
Sri Utami Handayani- Ojo Kurdi - Subkhi Abdurohman- Didik Ariwibowo- Angger Suryo Prastowo- Tri Yuliani

Universitas Diponegoro


Typically, mining areas operate in remote regions, necessitating the presence of tower lamps with energy sources other than sunlight. This is because mining locations far from the electrical grid require an independent power supply with high illumination capabilities, particularly for nighttime activities. Therefore, the primary requirement for this tower lamp is ease of mobility to adapt to the locations where mining activities also occur at night. The solar panel on the Hybrid Tower Lamp is designed to fold 180 degrees for compactness. Based on this, the author has designed a solar panel bracket that functions to lock when folding (closing) and reopening. This research aims to design and analyze the structural strength of the bracket for mobile solar panels. To analyze the structural strength of the solar panel bracket, Ansys Structural software is used. Based on the analysis using Ansys Structural software for 6 design variations of brackets used to open the solar panel and 2 design variations of brackets for closing the solar panel, the best bracket designs are bracket 4 for the open position and bracket 8 for the closed position. The load received by bracket 4 in the open position is 1650 N, resulting in a maximum stress of 166.74 MPa and a safety factor of 1.49. Meanwhile, the load received by bracket 8 in the closed position is 4950 N, resulting in a maximum stress of 184.66 MPa and a safety factor of 1.35.

Keywords: bracket, finite element method, safety factor, stress, strain, displacement

Topic: Mechanical Design and Construction

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Sri Utami Handayani)

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