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Yusuf Umardani 1, Dwi Basuki Wibowo 1, Agus Suprihanto 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Prof. Soedharto Street, Tembalang Semarang, Indonesia


Flatfoot can be divided into two types, flexible and rigid flatfoot. Flexible flatfoot is characterized by the arch of the foot collapses during weight bearing. However, during a non-weight-bearing position, this arch can be seen. This study aims to evaluate flexible flatfoot (FFF), which was previously known qualitatively, using Cavanagh^s AI. The degree of FFF deformity is done by comparing the AI 2D values of the static footprint results and the AI 3D results from the 3D foot scanner. The instrument footprint scanner is made by ourselves and has been awarded patent No. IDS0000002253, which can generate the AI-2D values. At the same time, the 3D Scanner uses Mini and Scansoft for Foot Orthotic made by Vismach Technology Ltd. China. From the results of the static footprints measurement of 87 subjects obtained, 33 subjects indicated flatfoot (AI up to 0.26) consisting of 27 males and six females, where the AI 2D average value was 0.31 between 0.04, both on the left and right feet. At the same time, the AI 3D average value of 33 subjects was 0.26 between 0.03, both on the left and right feet. Compared to the average AI 2D and AI 3D values, all subjects showed a significant decrease in AI, and there were 19 subjects whose degrees of flatfoot (DOFF) decreased to normal (AI=0.26 to 0.21). The results of this study show that a person with flatfoot with AI 2D between 0.26 until 0.36 (minor to severe) can change his foot type to normal when in an unloaded position (AI 3D average becomes 0.24 between 0.01).

Keywords: flexible flatfoot, Cavanagh AI, foot scanning, degrees of flatfoot

Topic: Mechanical Engineering

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