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1 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-2

Pineapple Waste-Derived Carbon as a Metal-Free Catalyst in Zinc-Air Battery
Celfi Gustine Adios (a), Faiq Haidar Hamid (a), Adiska Nur Safira (a), Yuyun Irmawati (b,c), and Afriyanti Sumboja (a*)

a)Material Science and Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

b)Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

c)Research Center for Advanced Material
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia



Keywords: Biomass carbon, Zn-air battery, Oxygen electrocatalyst

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2 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-23

A Straightforward Modification of Electrochemically Exfoliated Graphene to Improve the Electrical Properties of Supercapacitor Electrode
Oktaviardi Bityasmawan Abdillah(a), Octia Floweri(b), Akfiny Hasdi Aimon(a), Ferry Iskandar(a,c*)

a) Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Research Center for Advanced Materials, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Komplek Puspiptek, Serpong, South Tangerang 15314, Banten, Indonesia
c) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia


The enhancement of electrode performance is an essential aspect of realizing energy storage devices capable for application in electrical vehicles. Among many materials, graphene is one of the exciting candidates to improve the performance of electrodes in energy storage devices due to several remarkable properties, i.e., high electrical conductivity, large surface area, and high electrochemical stability. Electrochemical exfoliation is an interesting method to fabricate graphene from graphite raw material with simple preparation, eco-friendly, and allows easy tunability of the resulted product. However, the resulting graphene is often suffered to restack during the drying process, reducing its performance. In this work, a modification of electrochemical exfoliation by means of ultrasonication post-treatment was introduced to minimize the restacking of graphene sheets. The ultrasonicated graphene produces a higher exfoliation degree, thus improving its surface area as indicated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) characterization. The prepared samples were tested as an electrode of a supercapacitor, which obtained the specific capacitance of 140.9 F/g for the ultrasonicated samples, which is higher than without ultrasonication treatment (79.0 F/g) at a current density of 0.5 A/g. Moreover, the ultrasonicated graphene also exhibits an improvement of capacitance of 140% after 10000 times charging-discharging cycles compared to the first cycle. The results indicate that ultrasonication can be applied as a facile post-treatment to enhance the performance of an electrochemically exfoliated graphene-based electrode.

Keywords: electrode, graphene, electrochemical exfoliation, ultrasonication, supercapacitor

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3 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-26

Rizqia Afifatu Latifah (a), Arif Jumari (b,d), Cornelius Satria Yudha (c,d), Shofirul Sholikhatun Nisa (d), Hendri Widiyandari (a,d,e,*)

(a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(c) Department of Chemical Engineering, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(d) Center of Excellence for Energy Storage Technology, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(e) National Centre of Sustainable, Transportation Technologi (NCSTT), Bandung, Indonesia
* hendriwidiyandari[at]


The use of lithium ion batteries has increased due to the large number of portable devices and electric vehicles that are considered environmentally friendly. The cathode is one of the electrodes that has an important role in ion delivery in lithium ion batteries. Ni-rich Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) is one of the most frequently used cathodes. The increasing demand for lithium ion batteries has also led to an increase in the use of nickel as a cathode material, so that other sources of nickel are needed. The use of nickel recovered from spent nickel catalyst can be a solution for alternative sources of nickel. Spent nickel catalyst is one of the hazardous and toxic wastes, so this recovery process can reduce the amount of catalyst waste. Nickel is extracted from spent nickel catalyst using the acid leaching method. The acid used is 2M lactic acid with various solid/liquid ratios. Spent nickel catalyst leaching was carried out at 80oC for 3 hours. While the synthesis of NMC 811 material used the co-precipitation method with oxalic acid as the precipitant. Based on the results obtained, the variation of the ratio that produces the highest leaching efficiency is 20 grams/L. The obtained NMC material has high peaks at 2 theta 15-20o and 40-46o. The morphology of the NMC 811 material is agglomerated with a homogeneous shape and inhomogeneous size. Based on the charge discharge test on the battery, the battery capacity obtained reached 117 mAh.

Keywords: battery, cathode material, co-precipitation, leaching, spent nickel catalyst

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4 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-29

Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery Packs Failures in Electric Ve-hicles Based on FMEA
Rizky Cahya Kirana(a*,f), Nicco Avinta Purwanto (c*,f), Nadana Ayzah Azis (b*), Endra Joelianto (d*,f), Sigit Puji Santosa (e*,f), Bentang Arief Budiman (e**,f)

a)Instrumentation and Control Graduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
b)Engineering Physics Graduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
c)Engineering Physics Undergraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
d)Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
e)Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
*sigit.santosa[at] **bentang[at]
f)National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


The utilization of batteries in electric vehicles is inseparable from the potential danger. The batteries, as the most important part of electric vehicles, must have a highly reliable safety system so it will be safe for the users. In order to produce such a highly reliable safety system in electric vehicles, depth analysis of the possible failures of the battery is carried out. This paper discusses the potential failure modes and potential failure effects, evaluates the causes, and calculates the risks to classify the failures based on priority number using FMEA method (Failure Modes and Effect Analysis method). From the result of the FMEA assessment, the safety action is recommended based on the RPN value of the potential failure mode.

Keywords: Failures, FMEA, HAZOP, Lithium Ion Battery, Safety

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5 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-32

Development of Digital Twin Platform for Electric Vehicle Battery System
Putu Handre Kertha Utama (a), Irsyad Nashirul Haq (b*), Edi Leksono (c), Muhammad Iqbal Juristian (d), Ghulam Azka Alim (e), Justin Pradipta (f)

(a,b,c,d,e,f) Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
(b) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Indonesia


The battery system in electric vehicles needs proper monitoring and control to ensure reliable, efficient, and safe operation. Recent advancement in cyber-physical technology has brought the emerging digital twin concept. This concept opens a new possibility of real-time state estimation, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of the battery system. Although it sounds promising, the implementation of this concept still faces many challenges.
One of the challenges is the availability of a platform to develop digital twins, which involves data pipeline and modeling tools. The data pipeline will include the acquisition, storing, and extract-transform-load (ETL) with high velocity, volume, value, variety, and veracity data, well known as big data. The modeling tools must provide applications to build the high-fidelity model, one of the required elements of the digital twin.
Based on those urgencies, this paper proposes a platform that facilitates a digital twinning of the battery system in electric vehicle. The platform builds on the open-source framework CDAP, equipped with a data pipeline and modeling tools. It has run several performance tests with different computation resource configurations and workloads. Doubling the processing power can reduce 12% of computation time while increasing memory size by four times only reduces 10% of computation time. The result shows that the performance digital twin platform is affected more by the processing power than the memory size.

Keywords: Digital Twin, Electric Vehicle, CDAP, Big Data, Battery System, State Estimation

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6 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-33

Development of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) Prediction of Lithium-ion Battery Using Genetic Algorithm-Deep Learning Neural Network (GA-DNN) Hybrid Model
Muchamad Iman Karmawijaya (a*), Irsyad Nashirul Haq (b), Edi Leksono (c), Augie Widyotriatmo (d)

(a,b,c,d) Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
(b) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Indonesia


Determination of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) battery is essential in battery management system design. This study focused on the use of evolutionary algorithms to optimize Deep Learning Neural Network (DLNN) algorithm to predict the RUL battery. For this purpose, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) was developed to select the most significant features in the raw dataset. After that, a GA-DLNN hybrid model was developed to select optimal parameters for the DLNN model, including network algorithm, activation function for hidden neurons, number of hidden layers, and the number of neurons in each hidden layer. A database of real data set of lithium-ion battery cycle life from NASA was used. The dataset was divided into three parts, namely the training set, validation, and testing set for the construction, validation and testing phases of the proposed model, respectively. Various quality assessment criteria, namely the coefficient of determination (R2), Index of Agreement (IA), mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE), were used to evaluate the performance of the machine learning (ML) algorithms. The GA-DLNN hybrid model was shown to exhibit the ability to find the most optimal set of parameters for the prediction process. By using 11-input the GA-DLNN result showed R2 value of 0.959, MAE = 7.167, RMSE = 9.96 and IA = 0.989. The results showed that the performance of the hybrid model using only the most critical features gave the highest accuracy, compared with those obtained by the hybrid model using all input variables.

Keywords: Prediction, Remaining Useful Life, Deep Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Battery Management System&#8239-

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7 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-36

Performance Optimization of Battery Balancing System using Multi-Stage Method Based on Multi-winding Transformer and Single Inductor
Yusiran (a), Trendy Prima Wijaya (b), Andini Jinggan Ayumurti (c), Widya Ayu Salsabila (d), Irsyad Nashirul Haq (e*), Edi Leksono (f), Eko Mursito Budi (g)

(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
(e) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Indonesia


In this paper, a multi-stage battery voltage balancing method based on multi-winding transformer and single inductor is proposed. A multi-winding transformer is used as a cell-level equalizer and a single inductor act as a module-level equalizer. Multi-winding transformers have advantages in speed and efficiency of the balancing system, however, the number of cells that can be balanced is limited. Hence, the proposed balancing method can overcome the limited number of cells that can be balanced from multi-winding transformers without adding any significant number of components. Other than that, the speed of balancing between modules can be achieved by the presence of a single inductor as a module-level equalizer. A prototype was built to verify that the proposed balancing method can be implemented using 4 battery cells in series connected configuration. The experimental results show that the voltage of the four battery cells reached zero-voltage gap (ZVB) up to 0.05 Volt within 700 seconds with an average balancing current between modules of 200 mA.

Keywords: battery balancing, performance optimization, multi-stage, multi winding transformer, single inductor,

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8 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-38

Pack-to-Multicell Voltage Equalization of Lithium Battery String Using Switched-Capacitor in Series-Parallel Configuration
Paul Lawrence (a), Trendy Prima Wijaya (b), Edi Leksono (c), Justin Pradipta (d*), Irsyad Nashirul Haq (e)

(a,b,c,d,e) Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
(e) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Indonesia


This paper proposes a novel pack-to-multicell topology to equalize the voltage distribution of a series Lithium battery pack. Several switched-capacitor converters are implemented in a series-parallel configuration to allow energy transfer from the entire pack to every cell simultaneously. Those switched capacitors not only act as an energy transfer path but also as an insulated electrical interface for each cell when the voltage balancing process occurs. The series-parallel term refers to two capacitor phases during every equalization period. In the series-connected phase, each capacitor is connected to each corresponding cell so the cell voltage and capacitors voltage would be equalized. Subsequently, in the parallel-connected phase, all capacitors are connected among each other such that they are set to desirable voltage values regulated by DC/DC converter. The experimental setup of the proposed system has been tested on 4 series-connected 3000 mAh Lithium cells, each of them has different initial voltages with a large spread (2.69-3.92 Volt). The experiment results show the convergence of the cell^s voltages without over-equalization and with a charge transfer efficiency of about 87%.

Keywords: voltage equalization, pack-to-multicell, switched-capacitor, series-parallel configuration, lithium battery

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9 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-47

state of healt prediction using support vector machine
Agus Mujianto (a), Hery Try Waloyo (a), Muhammad Nizam (b)

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur (UMKT)
b) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)


Battery is one of the most important components in electric cars, which today electric cars are growing very rapidly. So that the development of the battery is also very important, both in terms of material and other important parameters. One of the most important parameters for the battery is the state of health (SOH). This parameter is used to determine the health of the battery, so that the battery management system will run well. There are Many methods had been used to calculate this SOH from conventional to using artificial intelligence. In this paper, we will discuss the use of artificial intelligence to predict the SOH of a battery using a support vector machine (SVM). SVM is one type of artificial intelligence that is widely used for prediction and classification. The results of the prediction of the SOH battery will be compared with the results of the experimental data. From the results of using SVM, it can be seen that the prediction has a very small error compared to the experimental data.

Keywords: battery- state of health (soh)- svm

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10 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-59

Design of Traction Motor 100kW for LRT Rolling Stock in Jabodebek - Indonesia
Andri Setiyoso, Khaireza Hadi, Lia Nurul Mulyani, Riovan Sipahutar, Yuda Pratama Putra Kesawa PT. PINDAD - Indonesia

PT Pindad


Inter-city mobility in Jakarta, Indonesia Capital City, is growing every year. The construction of mass transportation modes is expected to reduce travel time caused by congestion. The LRT (Light Rapid Transit) which was built in Jabodebek (Jakarta - Bogor - Depok - Bekasi) is expected to reduce travel time between cities around Jakarta. PT Pindad was requested by PT INKA as rolling stock builder to provide induction type of traction motor for LRT. To fulfill the requirement the power capacity of motor is decided 100 kW per motor and that needs 16 traction motors per trainset with 6 cars integrated. The service maximum speed of vehicle designed at 80 km per hour and the maximum speed of vehicle at 90 km per hour. The design also considers the diameter of wheel in new condition or in worst condition to decide the maximum speed of motor.

Keywords: Squirrel cage induction motor (SCIM), traction motor, LRT

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11 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-60

Probabilistic Assessment Framework of Failures in Electric Vehicles Lithium-Ion Battery
Zahiraniza Mustaffa(a), Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami(a), Dimas Bayu Endrayana(a), Bentang Arief Budiman(b), Poetro Lebdo Sambegoro(b) and Syed Muzzamil Hussain Shah(c)

(a)Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
(b)Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
(c)Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan


The use of electric vehicles (EV) has received much attention at the present time due to the readiness of technology, besides becoming a potential solution towards environmental pollution. The mechanics of EV is to function by the use of high energy density, with lithium-ion batteries being one of the popular choices. The challenges, however, lie in the thermal management of lithium-ion batteries due to poor heat resistance of the lithium-ion. Efforts have been put in assessing the performance of the lithium-ion batteries, but little attention has been given to the use of probabilistic approaches. Herein, this paper provides basic probabilistic assessment framework of failures in electric vehicle^s lithium-ion battery. The approach describes a simple example on how the internal battery faults and their causes can be translated into solutions in determining the probability of failure of the incident. Although limitations in providing detailed solutions using the actual design and operational data, the proposed framework is able to provide a more accurate estimate in the performance of the lithium-ion batteries.

Keywords: probabilistic, assessment, electric vehicle, lithium-ion batteries

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12 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-63

Optimization of Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Liquid Cooling
Emerald Rahmajaya Kesuma (a & b), Bentang Arief Budiman (a), Indria Herman (a), Md Mostafiz Rahman (b)

a) Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University
Priory St, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom


For an electric vehicle, the battery pack is the energy storage, and it may be overheated due to its usage and other factors such as surroundings. Cooling for battery pack is needed to overcome this issue and one type is liquid cooling. It has numerous configurations of cooling line layouts and liquid coolants used where the most optimum configuration is preferable to optimize battery cooling which can be utilized by numerous manufacturers to provide the best performing liquid cooled batteries. In this project, the analysis of the effect of liquid coolant and cooling line layout used was done using computational fluid dynamics to determine the optimum liquid coolant and cooling line layout by observing battery temperature, coolant temperature and coolant pressure. The result of this research project is the optimum cooling line layout has the greatest contact area of liquid coolant with the least layout complexity, and the optimum liquid coolant has the greatest thermal conductivity with the least viscosity & density.

Keywords: Battery pack- Liquid cooling- Optimise

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13 Battery Technology and Management System ABS-65

Finite Element Analysis of LATP Solid Electrolyte under Compressive Loading
Fahmi Muzaki (a), Siti Zulaikah (b), Bentang Arief Budiman (a*)

(a) Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University, Jakarta, Indonesia



Solid state battery (SSB) is potentially favorably as energy storage for electric vehicles because of the higher energy density offered and the use of solid electrolytes with good thermal resistance that solve the safety problems induced by fluid electrolytes. However, cracks that appear during charge-discharge cycling on the SSB have not been cleared up by this recent development and ended up affecting the battery performance. This crack arises from high compressive loading cycles by the volume change of anode and cathode during lithiation/delithiation, in which the crack propagation can affect the conductivity of solid electrolyte ions. Therefore, this study aims to determine and analyze the effect of compressive loading on the cracking of solid electrolytes towards ionic conductivity. The research was carried out by giving a compressive load of 0.15 MPa to Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 (LATP) solid electrolyte. A Cohesive Zone Element is applied to the grain boundaries of LATP solid electrolyte to simulate the cracking process. The result was analyzed and showed that ionic conductivity increases under compressive loading but was expected to decrease when the crack appears.

Keywords: cohesive zone element, compressive stress, cracks, ionic conductivity, LATP, solid-state battery component

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14 Control System ABS-15

Design of a Simple Tools for Record and Payment of Passengers in City Bus
Prihatin Oktivasari, Annisa Apriani, Andika Dwi Putra, Ayu Rosyida Zain, Maria Agustin, Nur Fauzi Sulaiman, Muhammad Fabian Anshor, Muhammad Fatih Fahroji, Muhammad Arysil Karim

Politeknik Negeri Jakarta


The development and progress of the means of transportation is needed for people to mobilize all activities However, currently conventional public transportation such as urban transportation has become less attractive by the public because of all the factors that cause people not to choose conventional transportation than online-based public transportation. The mechanism of the cost for urban transport is still not in accordance with the passenger route using the city transportation service, for which a passenger record system is established to be able to determine the route of passenger location and the data of each passenger who wishes to ride to use the transportation services of the city, as well as the cost system travel passenger city transportation can be set and set according to the distance of travel from passengers. The system of passenger record method and system control of notification with device and application for public transportation payment consists of components such as Arduino to control and manage RFID RC522 system data to read RFID tag, Real Time Clock (RTC) DS1307 to activate the clock and dates in real-time, Passive Infrared (PIR) module sensors to detect human presence and also desktop applications for charging balances and website applications for databases.

Keywords: Record, Notification, Device, Application, Public Transportation Payment

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15 Control System ABS-27

Optimal Gantry Crane PID Controller Based-on LQR With Prescribed Degree of Stability by Means of GA, PSO and SA
Steven Bandong(a*,e), Rizky Cahya Kirana(b*,d), Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin(c*,d), Endra Joelianto(c**,d,e)

a)Engineering Physics Graduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia *bandong.steven[at]
b)Instrumentation and Control Graduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
c)Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
*yul[at], **ejoel[at]
d)National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
e)University Center of Excellence Artificial Intelligence on Vision, NLP & Big Data Analytics (U-CoE AI-VLB), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Trade between islands and countries is increasing in the current era of globalization which also increases the traffic of goods at ports. Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane (RTGC) is an important component in the distribution chain at the seaports which act as a loading and unloading machine at the container yard. However, heavy trade traffic is likely to cause fatigue and negligence if the RTGC is operated manually. Therefore, it is necessary to automate RTGC by applying optimal control. The paper introduces an alternative approach to design optimal PID controller which is built from LQR method combined with prescribed degree of stability method for achieving the required transient and steady state responses of RTGC in the port. Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA) are applied to select the suitable stability degree value and weighting matrices in the LQR cost function. Simulation results indicate that GA is able to provide the optimal PID controller in following the reference trajectory and minimizing the swing angle better than PSO and SA.

Keywords: RTGC Automation, PID, LQR, Prescribed Degree of Stability, Optimization

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16 Control System ABS-30

A regenerative braking control strategy for three wheels electric vehicle
Muhammad Rizalul Wahid (a*), Endra Joelianto (b), Bentang Arief Budiman (c)

Institut Teknologi Bandung


Electric vehicles face problems regarding energy supply. Since the main energy used in electric vehicles is electrical energy that comes from certain energy sources such as batteries and capacitors, the amount of energy that can be stored in an EV is determined by the energy density of its energy source. A common method of dealing with this problem is to increase the size of the battery or capacitor. On the other hand, by increasing the size of the battery or capacitor, the weight of the electric vehicle will also increase, this will make the EV^s mileage shorter. Therefore, the regenerative braking control strategy is the best solution. Regenerative braking of electric vehicles can save energy wasted from the braking process. Regenerative braking system can convert kinetic energy into electric energy to prolong running. This paper proposes a regenerative braking control strategy which is fulfill two aspects, energy saving efficiency and safety. Safety ensures safety in driving when braking, especially handling a braking level to prevent slip on the wheels. Energy saving efficiency determines the energy wasted to be capture during braking in the optimum value. In this paper, predictive control model to be proposed to maintain the braking process and get an optimum energy intake. In the end, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy was verified through a simulation of a three-wheel electric vehicle model based on Matlab/Simulink.

Keywords: Regenerative braking- Control- Electric vehicle

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17 Control System ABS-34

Digital Twin Model Development for Autonomous Tram Localization
Yolanda Tania Mulyadi (a*), Muhammad Rifqi Rafian Putra (a), Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin (b), Miranti Indar Mandasari (c)

a) Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung
b) Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Department of Engineering Physics, National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
c) Building Physics Research Group, Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung


The rapid advancement of information technologies led to rapid growth of various aspects, one of which is autonomous vehicles. Digital twin technology is one that is being frequently developed in autonomous vehicles research, enabling real-time remote monitoring and control of the vehicle^s physical asset. This technology not only reduces the maintenance costs and risks, but also prevents and speeds up accident management. This paper proposes a digital twin model for the autonomous tram, one of the vehicles that is being widely explored due to its safety, low emissions, and high capacity. In this research, the proposed digital twin model is utilized to virtually represent the kinematics of tram prototype in 2D model from data sent via Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol, enabling real-time remote control with low-band consumption. Virtual representation of the tram prototype is gathered via physical sensors and the virtual sensor consists of an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and controlled by Stanley controller. The results confirmed that the use of the proposed digital twin model could remotely monitoring and control the autonomous tram prototype in real-time condition.

Keywords: autonomous tram- digital twin- message queuing telemetry transport- virtual sensor- Stanley controller

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18 Control System ABS-39

Lane Classification and Object Detection for Positioning of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Stereo Vision
Karina Ardellia Arfian (a), Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin (b), Vebi Nadhira (c)

a) Department of Engineering Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
b) 1. Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Department of Engineering Physics,
2. National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology
CRCS Building, 2nd Floor, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
c) Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Department of Engineering Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia


The development of innovation in the field of transportation is currently growing rapidly, especially in autonomous vehicle. Increasingly, research is being carried out to improve the comfort and safety factors for users. One that plays an important role in these factors is the perception system. The perception system is an overall system capable of capturing environmental data to identify locations and objects around the vehicle. Without this system, the vehicle will not be able to recognize or work according to program commands. Two important features are discussed in this paper to identify the environment, there are lane markings and surrounding objects. For the sensor, an Intel Realsense D435 stereo camera is used which is capable of receiving information in the form of position and distance to the object in front of it. The Hough Transformation method is applied for lane detection and the YOLOv3 algorithm for object detection. This paper will combine the two position data of lane markings and objects to be used as a determinant of vehicle position and orientation. It also uses a neural network algorithm that will classify the types of lane markings according to the traffic rules, so that they can decide whether the vehicle can change lanes or not.

Keywords: Autonomous vehicle- Perception- Stereo camera- Hough transformation- YOLOv3

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19 Control System ABS-41

Speed Profile Algorithm using Artificial Intelligence for Vehicle Control Unit on Quest Motors Electric Vehicles
Mochamad Vicky Ghani Aziz, Niko Questera, Hilwadi Hindersah

Quest Motors, Quest Motors, Institut Teknologi Bandung


The throttle levers used by the majority of the electric vehicles in the market are directly connected to the inverter or motor controller. As a result, it is impossible for the rider to determine the desired or required speed profile. The available modes such as eco, urban, and sport speed modes carried by the motor controller firmware are not very self-explanatory.

A Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) is a programmable device meant to digitize the throttle lever and to bridge the communication between the throttle lever and the motor controller. Here we are, Quest Motors, developing both the hardware and software of the VCU.

We have developed an artificial intelligence-based algorithm that will dynamically change the riding profiles based on the road profiles, the battery conditions, and the rider^s driving style, a major upgrade from the mere static modes (eco, urban, sport). This aims not only to further improve the vehicle^s energy consumption but also to provide the optimal comfortable driving experience for the drivers.

The implementation of this method can reduce the battery pack^s power consumption by up to 10% through the adjustments of the speed profile, temperature, current, and various other parameters. Last but not least, the speed profile in the electric vehicles that are usually in the form of a linear curve, is no longer the case. The algorithm will continuously learn the data it receives to generate the best speed profile for the particular rider, such as an exponential curve or a logarithmic curve.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Vehicle Control Unit, Speed Profile, Firmware, Electric Vehicle

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20 Control System ABS-43

Open Source OPC UA Data Traffic Characteristic and Anomaly Detection using Image-Encoding based Convolutional Neural Network
Helmy Rahadian(a*), Steven Bandong (a**), Augie Widyotriatmo (b*,d), Endra Joelianto (b**,c,d)

a) Engineering Physics Graduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
*33321001[at], **bandong.steven[at]
b) Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
*augie[at], **ejoel[at]
c) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
d) University Center of Excellence Artificial Intelligence on Vision, NLP & Big Data Analytics (U-CoE AI-VLB), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


The development of OT and IT technology and industrial growth require the design of automation systems that can accommodate scalability and interoperability between devices. OPC UA is a communication protocol that bridges data exchange between devices using different communication platforms and protocols. OPC UA can also connect devices between levels in automation pyramids. As an open platform, open-source OPC UAs such as open62541, OpenOPCUA, and FreeOpcUa are currently being developed by several developer communities. Implementing open-source OPC UA is an attractive option if cost is a significant consideration. However, the primary purpose of implementing OPC UA is to communicate or exchange information effectively and reliably- information about the characteristics and performance of open-source OPC is needed before designing a particular open-source OPC-based automation system platform. This paper utilized FreeOpcUa, a Python OPC UA library, to determine communication traffic features between client and server and perform anomaly detection on the traffic. The results showed that when all clients read server data simultaneously, there was duplication (up to 9%) and loss (up to 5%) of some data packets. Otherwise, the server could read all clients^ transmitted data. Anomaly detection testing with an image-encoding CNN also showed promising results, with accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score values approaching one.

Keywords: OPC UA, client-server, network traffic, characteristic, anomaly, image-encoding, CNN

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21 Control System ABS-45

Multi-Agent Formation Control using Internal Model Principle
Djati Wibowo Djamari (a) and Muhamad Rausyan Fikri (b)

Autonomous Systems Laboratory, Cyber Physical Systems Group, Sampoerna University


This work discusses formation control of heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) under discrete time setting where its formation size is scalable by a scaling factor. The communication network is assumed to be jointly connected and a leader-follower network is used such that the formation size can be adjusted by the leader agent. The proposed algorithm is based on the discrete time version of the internal model principle. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate the proposed method.

Keywords: formation, multi-agent, internal model principle

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22 Control System ABS-48

Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) for Supporting Urban Traffic Management in DKI Jakarta
Novirene Tania (a*), Rini Rachmawati (b)

a) Undergraduate Program on Regional Development, Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


High mobility in DKI Jakarta as the center of Jabodetabek megapolitan area causes congestion problems at intersections. Handling transportation problems strategies need to be accommodated from many aspects, including through urban traffic management, one of them is traffic light role optimization. DKI Jakarta government has implemented a coordinated traffic lights system, namely Area Traffic Control System (ATCS). However, not all intersection traffic lights are integrated with ATCS. Review of ATCS is needed due to traffic congestion increasing related to densely spatial activities in DKI Jakarta. This research aims to analyze ATCS implementation as urban traffic management in DKI Jakarta. Data are obtained by conducting observation at ATCS control center, in-depth interviews, and secondary data. The results show that ATCS implementation focuses on adjusting signal cycle time based on population mobility characteristics from and to DKI Jakarta as the center of activities in Jabodetabek area.

Keywords: ATCS, Intersection Congestion, Traffic Lights, Urban Traffic Management, Signal Cycle Time

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23 Control System ABS-50

The Symmetry Principle Usage to Design the Previously Disturbed Linear Control Systems
Roman Voliansky- Nataliya Krasnoshapka- Valeriy Kuznetsov- Vitaliy Kuznetsov- Felix Andika Dwiyanto

1. National Technical University of Ukraine ^Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute^, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Railway Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
3. Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, Ukraine
4. Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia


The paper deals with developing backgrounds to design the control systems for electrical motors and actuators. We offer to design controllers by using the known approach based on the control systems symmetry principle. This principle similar to the feedback linearization approach allows us to fully compensate for the inner dynamic of a plant but contrary to feedback linearization it forms the system^s desired motion by defining desired transfer function of the open-loop control system. Since the used approach operates with the transfer functions apparatus we offer to generalize these functions by taking into account the plant^s non-zero initial state while performing the Laplace-Carson transformation. Such an approach gives us the possibility to consider the generalized transfer function as some matrix differential operator which defines free and perturbed system^s motions. We study this operator in our paper and show the patterns of its determination and implementation. Our study allows us to supplement the definition of direct and inverse dynamic problems and consider the last one as the problem with the two solutions which define the plant^s control signal and its initial conditions. We use them to define the generalized inverse transfer function and, in conjunction with the desired transfer function for an open-loop system, find the controller transfer function. This method is applied to design a control system for the angular position of a DC electric drive. Our results show that the control system with lower energy consumption can be designed if one takes into account the electric drive^s initial position.

Keywords: Symmetry Principle- Design- Previously Disturbed Linear Control Systems

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24 Control System ABS-57

Design And Implementation Auto Limit Riding Speed System for Electric Motorcycles based on Battery Level with Fuzzy PID
Afaf Fadhil Rifa^i (a*), Hendy Rudiansyah (a), Nuryanti (a), Rizky Milanto (a)

(a) Department of Manufacturing Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Bandung Manufacturing of Polytechnic, West Java, Indonesia


Electric motorcycle users are required to be able to streamline the use of electrical energy. The application of speed limiter on vehicles is known to streamline the use of energy. Speed is limited to 40 km/h when the battery is below 20% so that this system can be applied and accepted in the community based on initial survey data. Therefore, a system is made to limit the speed of an electric motorcycle based on the battery level. The controlled variable is the BLDC motor speed with a control method using Fuzzy-PID with input in the form of error and delta error between reference speed and actual speed. The hardware used is Raspberry pi 4 model B as a controller, FTDI, Logic Level Converer, MCP3008, and HC-06. The Fuzzy-PID output determines the PWM value to control the BLDC motor speed. The results show that the system can increase the efficiency of energy consumption on electric motorcycles up to 57.3%. The time required for the system to reach settling time at a speed of 40 km/h from a stopped state is 4.166 seconds.

Keywords: BLDC- Fuzzy-PID Controls- Electric Vehicle- Energy Savings- Eco Driving

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25 Cooling System for Electric Vehicle ABS-8

The Battery Thermal Management System Based on Animal Fat as Phase Change Material and Heat Pipe for Electric Vehicles Application
Wayan Nata Septiadi (a*), Cheto Rizkiantoro (a), Dandi Ramadhani (a), Muhamad Alim (a), Made Nara Pradipta Adi (a)

a) Mechanical Engineering Department, Udayana University
Badung, Indonesia


The battery utilization in electric vehicles needs to be operated at its operating temperature range of 20-45 degree Celsius to hinder several issues, including a reduction of life capacity and thermal runaway. A battery thermal management system (BTMS) based on a phase change material (PCM) and the heat pipe are harnessed to maintain the battery temperature. In this research, the BTMS by harnessing animal fat as the PCM and a heat pipe was investigated through experimental methods. Characterization material with the T-history method and thermal performance testing with three different loads of 0.5 C, 1 C, and 2 C were conducted. The Findings showed that the proposed module batteries could be applied as the BTMS in electric vehicles due to their thermal properties, which had a melting temperature of 37.18 degree Celsius and a latent heat of 72.71 degree Celsius. The proposed BTMS could reduce the temperature by 14.7 degree Celsius at the highest load of 2 C discharge rate from three discharge loads. Moreover, the temperature differences among batteries can be retained below 5 degree Celsius. In conclusion, the proposed BTMS in this research has shown the ability to harness natural resources to reduce the battery temperature in electric vehicles. Thus, this can be a promising BTMS in the future.

Keywords: Electric vehicle, Battery thermal management system, Phase Change Material, Heat pipe, Animal fat

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26 Cooling System for Electric Vehicle ABS-16

Performance Analysis In Eddy Current Brake At Different Temperatures Using The Finite Element Method
Mufti Reza Aulia Putra(a), Muhammad Nizam(b,c*), Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana(a,c), Zainal Arifin (a)

(a) Department of mechanical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) Department of electrical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
* muhammad.nizam[at]
(c) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Bandung, Indonesia


The braking system is an important component of the vehicle. Brakes are components that function to convert energy from mechanical energy into heat. In general, the brakes will generate heat as a result of the braking process, the heat generated must be released into the environment to maintain braking performance at optimal conditions. In braking using friction, changes in properties will affect the ability and service life of the brakes used, in extreme conditions braking will fail. The braking system that can be developed as a braking support system is a non-contact braking system. One form of non-contact braking system is the Eddy Current Brake (ECB). ECB is an electric braking system using the eddy current principle. The main components of the ECB consist of a magnetic field source and a conductor. Eddy current is an induced current that is formed in the conductor to produce a braking force. In the Eddy current brake, overheating will result in a change in component properties which results in decreased braking performance. This paper will discuss a lot about how far the influence of heat that occurs during the braking process is carried out, this is needed to find out whether braking with ECB can be a backup and its potential to be a substitute for friction brakes. The temperature generated on the ECB will affect performance when it is not released into the environment. Thus, maintaining the temperature on the ECB will have an effect on braking performance which is in optimal condition

Keywords: Eddy Current Brake, Thermal Management, Brake, Electric Motorcycle

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27 Cooling System for Electric Vehicle ABS-17

Experimental of heat generation on electric motorcycle NMC and LiFePo4 battery pack
Julian Fikri Arifwardana (a), Ihsan Pratama Rushadiawan (a), Muhammad Nizam (b,c*), Mufti Reza Aulia Putra (a), Inayati (d)

(a) Department of mechanical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) Department of electrical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
* muhammad.nizam[at]
(c) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Bandung, Indonesia
(d) Department of chemical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


The electric motorcycle is one type of transportation that is suitable for urban activities. Electric motorcycles use batteries as an energy storage component to store electrical energy. Lithium-ion batteries are generally used as the battery packs used in electric motorcycles. There are various types of lithium batteries that have different characteristics and performance. In general, 2-wheeled vehicles use batteries that small dimension and have a high energy density such as the NMC type, or batteries with a high number of cycles such as the LiFePO4 type battery. Different battery will produce different heat characteristics, with an optimal working temperature of 15-35 C. When the battery is used there will be an increase in temperature due to chemical reactions that occur in the battery cells. This paper will further discuss the characteristics of the battery pack when used at different temperatures in real use. The use of different type of batteries has different characteristics when facing an increase in temperature. NMC batteries have faster SOC reduction and higher heat generation compared to LFP

Keywords: li ion battery, heat flux, discharge, charge

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28 Cooling System for Electric Vehicle ABS-18

Analysis of Li-Ion Battery Pack Performance Air Cooling Battery Compartment on a Swappable Battery of Electric Motorcycle
Ihsan Pratama Rushadiawan (a), Julian Fikri Arifwardana (a), Muhammad Nizam (b,c*), Mufti Reza Aulia Putra (a), Inayati (d)

(a) Department of mechanical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) Department of electrical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
* muhammad.nizam[at]
(c) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT), Bandung, Indonesia
(d) Department of chemical engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


Battery development has evolved over time. One of the potential problems encountered is the presence of thermal runaway that occurs in the cell battery. When thermal runaway occurs, it will spread to the surrounding battery. There are various causes of thermal runaway, one of the most common is an increase in temperature that exceeds the optimal allowable limit. Additional cooling will be required in vehicles running on batteries. Battery performance needs to be maintained at a conditioned temperature- temperature settings will be useful to maintain battery pack life. The obstacle encountered in setting the battery pack temperature on electric motorcycles is the application of the swap method on the battery and the limited space for the electric motorcycle. The use of a compartment with a cooler will be a solution to keep the battery temperature at an optimal working temperature (less than 35C). The use of air conditioning in the swap-type battery compartment is able to maintain battery performance up to 12% better than without coolers.

Keywords: li ion battery, heat flux, discharge, charge

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29 Cooling System for Electric Vehicle ABS-64

Heat Transfer Model on 120kW BLDC Motor Integrated Controller
Khaireza Hadi (1,2,a), Andri Setiyoso (2), Hilwaldi Hidersah (1)

(1) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
(2) PT. Pindad (Persero) - Indonesia


Heat condition on components even on systems will impress a lifetime of components and it will affect all of systems. On BLDC motor system with power capacitance 120 kW will simulate the 3 dimension (3D) model as divide onto 2 components which is BLDC Motor 120 kW and Infineon IGBT type FF1400R12IP4. The simulation do on full power situation. BLDC Motor 120 kW model using 1 slot on stator with water cooling and 1 pole magnet on rotor. The stator winding will become heat source, with maximal power value is 1 per 9 from power rated, while IGBT model using 3 pcs of IGBT arranged in cooling plate. Each of IGBT will become heat source with maximal input power to system is 40 kW. Simulation time run is t = 3600s. The simulation base on online simulation using SimScale, generated the thermal change on each of supporting component on the system. Final condition after 3 situation simulation sequentially of BLDC Motor and IGBT will generate final temperature on face133, face193, face177 and face185 of stator winding is 442.68 K, 439.75 K, 430.6 K and 424.59 K. On face1602, face5562 and face84 of IGBT is 854.21 K, 663.74 K and 635.78 K.

Keywords: Heat transfer, BLDC motor, IGBT, online simulation

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30 Electric System, Drives, Motors, Machinery ABS-5

Impact of Electric Vehicles toward Energy Sustainaility of the Jawa-Madura-Bali Electrical Power System
Joshua Veli Tampubolon, M.Sc. and Prof. Ir. Rinaldy Dalimi, M.Sc. Ph.D

Universitas Indonesia


There is an observed limitation in the amount of electric vehicles using battery as power source (e.g. plug-in electric vehicle) in Indonesia. However, the number of said electric vehicles is increasing in response to the government commitment to shift the transportation energy source towards electric energy for a more sustainable environment.

With the increased number of electric vehicle that requires high energy capcity, an inevitable impact on the current electric network and infrastructure will surface. These impacts include the increase in electricity needs and dynamism.

Lessons learned from other countries have shown that the adaptation of electric vehicle and rooftop PV that happens in a short span of time creates an imbalance in the supply-demand energy, such as the deficit/surplus of energy or the duck curve phenomena. Not only there is an urgency to prevent the negative effect of said phenomena, there is also a need to prevent financial loss that will influence many sectors, such as power generator and electric energy distributors.

The Jawa-Madura-Bali system is an independent system that should become the focus to develop an adaptive infrastructure in Indonesia. Analysis of the readiness of this system can be a learning lesson for other independent electric power systems.

Therefore, this paper aims to prepare the Jawa-Bali energy power in anticipating the the increased need of power for electric vehicle. The study will begin with data collection, followed by a dynamic simulation of electricity need from the ^demand^ perspective. Then, the data will be compared to the change in the amount og electricity supply (e.g. renewable energy sources such as rooftop PV). Finally, a conceptualization of management plan for the energy system to mitigate the imbalance of supply and demand of electric energy supply will be developed.

Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Power Intergration, Jawa Madura Bali, Sustainability

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