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Design And Implementation Auto Limit Riding Speed System for Electric Motorcycles based on Battery Level with Fuzzy PID
Afaf Fadhil Rifa^i (a*), Hendy Rudiansyah (a), Nuryanti (a), Rizky Milanto (a)

(a) Department of Manufacturing Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Bandung Manufacturing of Polytechnic, West Java, Indonesia


Electric motorcycle users are required to be able to streamline the use of electrical energy. The application of speed limiter on vehicles is known to streamline the use of energy. Speed is limited to 40 km/h when the battery is below 20% so that this system can be applied and accepted in the community based on initial survey data. Therefore, a system is made to limit the speed of an electric motorcycle based on the battery level. The controlled variable is the BLDC motor speed with a control method using Fuzzy-PID with input in the form of error and delta error between reference speed and actual speed. The hardware used is Raspberry pi 4 model B as a controller, FTDI, Logic Level Converer, MCP3008, and HC-06. The Fuzzy-PID output determines the PWM value to control the BLDC motor speed. The results show that the system can increase the efficiency of energy consumption on electric motorcycles up to 57.3%. The time required for the system to reach settling time at a speed of 40 km/h from a stopped state is 4.166 seconds.

Keywords: BLDC- Fuzzy-PID Controls- Electric Vehicle- Energy Savings- Eco Driving

Topic: Control System

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