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61 Transportation Safety ABS-40

Driver Behavior Prediction Based on Environmental Observation Using Fuzzy Hidden Markov Model
Alif Rizqullah Mahdi, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Miranti Indar Mandasari

Institut Teknologi Bandung, National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology


The development of autonomous vehicle system has progressed rapidly in recent years. One challenge that persists is the capability of the autonomous system in responding to human drivers. Human behavior is an integral part of driving, changing lanes and speed adjustments are all determined by the driver behavior. However, human behavior is unpredictable and immeasurable. Some traffic accidents are caused due to the erratic behavior of the driver. Although, traffic laws such as in Indonesia, regulates the use of lanes with regards to the speed of the vehicle. The behavior of drivers on lane are more likely to be influenced by the regulation. This paper proposes a novel method of predicting the behavior of drivers by utilizing the concept of fuzzy Hidden Markov Model (fuzzy HMM). HMM has been proven to be reliable in predicting human behavior by observing measurable states to determine unmeasurable hidden states. The use of fuzzy logic is to mimic the way that humans perceive speeds of other vehicles. The fuzzy logic determines the relative observed state of other vehicles according to the measured velocity of an ego vehicle and the observed state of observed vehicles. Observation data is obtained by equipping an ego vehicle with an action camera. The observed data, in the form of a video, is then discretized for every 2 seconds. The resulting sequence of images are processed to determine several variables: speed and state of the observed vehicles (lane position and speed), and the time instance of the observation. The fuzzy HMM is generated based on the observational data. A predictor created using fuzzy HMM equipped with a training and prediction algorithm is successful in predicting the behavior of other drivers on the road.

Keywords: Driver behaviour- HMM- Fuzzy logic- Behaviour prediction

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62 Transportation Safety ABS-49





Keywords: Dummy

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63 Transportation Safety ABS-67

Study on Air-Circulation Practices in Car Cabin
Shaharin A. Sulaiman, Muhammad Khairul Adha M. Zali

Universiti Teknologi Petronas


Extended use of recirculation air mode in a vehicle cabin may result in significant accumulation of carbon dioxide due to human exhalation and no inflow of fresh air. Consequently, this will affect their health and driving ability. On the contrary, allowing entrance of outdoor air into the cabin may expose the passengers to roadway contaminants and poor odor in polluted areas. It is a constant affirmation in Malaysia that using recirculation air mode during driving would result in the best thermal comfort. Unfortunately, there has been no report on passengers^ preference of their car air-conditioning operation. This study aims to investigate the present awareness on in-cabin air quality and the practices among passengers pertaining to ventilation of their car cabins. A set of survey question was circulated to 211 respondents on various aspects related to in-cabin conditions of air including how they manage their air-circulation systems. From the survey, it was found that most of the respondents (57%) chose recirculation mode in their everyday driving, 11% for outside air mode and 20% intermittently switched the two modes. Unfortunately, the majority of respondents were not aware that carbon dioxide levels could be high under prolonged recirculation mode. In addition, most of the respondents did not know that switching on the recirculation mode for too long could be dangerous for their health.

Keywords: in-cabin, indoor, air quality, ventilation

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