Optimization of Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Liquid Cooling
Emerald Rahmajaya Kesuma (a & b), Bentang Arief Budiman (a), Indria Herman (a), Md Mostafiz Rahman (b)

a) Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University
Priory St, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom


For an electric vehicle, the battery pack is the energy storage, and it may be overheated due to its usage and other factors such as surroundings. Cooling for battery pack is needed to overcome this issue and one type is liquid cooling. It has numerous configurations of cooling line layouts and liquid coolants used where the most optimum configuration is preferable to optimize battery cooling which can be utilized by numerous manufacturers to provide the best performing liquid cooled batteries. In this project, the analysis of the effect of liquid coolant and cooling line layout used was done using computational fluid dynamics to determine the optimum liquid coolant and cooling line layout by observing battery temperature, coolant temperature and coolant pressure. The result of this research project is the optimum cooling line layout has the greatest contact area of liquid coolant with the least layout complexity, and the optimum liquid coolant has the greatest thermal conductivity with the least viscosity & density.

Keywords: Battery pack- Liquid cooling- Optimise

Topic: Battery Technology and Management System

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