Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) for Supporting Urban Traffic Management in DKI Jakarta
Novirene Tania (a*), Rini Rachmawati (b)

a) Undergraduate Program on Regional Development, Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


High mobility in DKI Jakarta as the center of Jabodetabek megapolitan area causes congestion problems at intersections. Handling transportation problems strategies need to be accommodated from many aspects, including through urban traffic management, one of them is traffic light role optimization. DKI Jakarta government has implemented a coordinated traffic lights system, namely Area Traffic Control System (ATCS). However, not all intersection traffic lights are integrated with ATCS. Review of ATCS is needed due to traffic congestion increasing related to densely spatial activities in DKI Jakarta. This research aims to analyze ATCS implementation as urban traffic management in DKI Jakarta. Data are obtained by conducting observation at ATCS control center, in-depth interviews, and secondary data. The results show that ATCS implementation focuses on adjusting signal cycle time based on population mobility characteristics from and to DKI Jakarta as the center of activities in Jabodetabek area.

Keywords: ATCS, Intersection Congestion, Traffic Lights, Urban Traffic Management, Signal Cycle Time

Topic: Control System

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